This fanfiction is rated M for the following mature content(sexual themes, gore, profanity ).

Summary: on July 31st, 1980 Harry Potter banished the dark lord but his brother John Potter is the one who gets the credit and as such is disposed of by his 'family' at dumbledore's suggestion and is sent to Lily Potter's sister Petunia Dursley, the only problem is it isn't Petunia that takes him but something else entirely.

Disclaimer: I do not own bloodborne or harry potter they both belong to their respective creators

"Thoughts / telepathy"

"Normal talking"



(item descriptions and messages)

((explained at bottom of the page))


{12 grimmauld place}

July 31st 1980

Albus wulfric percival brian dumbledore could be called many things if anyone knew about how he manipulated people and used them like pawns in his games. After all it was all for the 'greater good' as he liked to put it. "Tonight's the night that the prophecy comes to pass after trawley gave me the key to defeat the dark lord and snape has delivered this news to voldemort he will not be able to help himself, so now all I have to do is wait " thought Dumbledore as he could almost see his plans coming to fruition. He had called a meeting on this night just so he could make sure his most loyal followers the Potters didn't die. The Potters were always loyal to him and to the light as he had hoped they slowly became almost fanatical to him and as he thought about his plan he saw that if the Potter household was attacked then one of the two children might die before the chosen one is revealed "oh well at least if that were to happen then it would not be in vain" he thought.

{Godric's Hallow}

In the Potters safe haven otherwise known as godric's hallow the two potter children quietly slumbered not knowing that tonight a momentous event was going to occur. Then one of the little children harry awoke with a start as if feeling the chill in the air, a feeling of death coming from outside and yet the child felt at ease with this feeling surrounding him almost caressing him like a lover. Then the second child awoke and started wailing out into the empty home, that was when the front door to the house was blown apart and a dark looking figure swept through the house until it reached the children's room then it blew the door apart and entered hearing the wail of one child. Out of curiosity it looked around the room immediately finding young John Potter in his crib wailing loud enough to rupture eardrums, but he was not looking for the one that was wailing he was looking for the one that didn't fear him and after looking around he found the other crib with the name 'Harry Potter' carved upon it he saw what he was searching for.

'Harry Potter' could be seen staring at this dark figure with a cold intensity in his eyes…. Or at least as intense of a stare a baby could do, this figure brought some inkling of the feeling he had felt earlier but nowhere close as to what the child was wishing… hungering for. This was when the figure took his hood off to show a red eyed snake faced man who was trying to look intimidating in some manner but to even the young Harry Potter he looked like an insect, nothing but vermin, and a disgrace to his people, the next thing the child heard before he fell into an unnatural slumber was "AVADA KEDAVRA".

Voldemort was ecstatic that he had done it because in the instant he fired the feared killing curse he smiled like a madman …. Or at least he did until he saw it shoot back off the child's right brow and hitting him thus resulting in the destruction of the room and his body, but voldemort would always remember the name of the chosen one 'Harry Potter'. After voldemort was vaporized by his own spell leaving nothing but a pile of ashes to blow away into the wind leaving two children, one with a scar cutting from just above his right brow down to his cheek right through his eye and curiously his ounce green eyes now had one turning bright red. The other child John Potter was nicked by the magic explosion which left a flame like scar right over his heart. Young Harry Potter could be seen passed out next to his sibling who was wailing in pain caused by his new burn mark while he was lulled to sleep listening to a voice calling him, lulling him to follow it.

{12 grimmauld place}

The order of the phoenix was in the middle of discussing events going on in the wizarding world when they all felt a burst of power and jumped up from their seats in fear, already knowing what was the and James Potter stared towards dumbledore asking if the fidelius charm was broken and he confirmed it, after word dumbledore stood and ordered all his followers " hurry we must go to godric's hallow and rescue the Potter children " and with that they apparated to godric's hallow.

{Godric's Hallow}

Lily and James Potter were the first people on the scene only to see a blown apart front door and upon this sight bolted up the stairs to their children. After they got up to their two sons lily picked up harry while james picked up john and a minute of waiting was when dumbledore arrived next to them and upon examining young john found the scar over his heart to have some dark magic lingering upon it ((1)), afterwords he scanned young harry and found no dark energy lingering in his scar thus coming to a conclusion and he announced it to all the elder Potters

"John potter is the Boy-Who-Lived the one who vanquished the dark lord". Little did anyone know that this announcement would change the fate of the wizarding world forever by casting a shadow on their true savior.

{two months later}

The young potter brothers were currently hanging out in their family's living relaxing when john wanted to get a stuffed animal from a shelf from really high up, and when he couldn't reach he started to cry but soon smiled when it floated down to him then he was giggling and clapping and he just knew his brother was the one who brought it down for him as evident by him using his hand to move it with his magic. But when James saw it he assumed that it was john's doing and so praised him. Then he heard something fall and snivel a little and then he heard a cry and saw the fireplace ignite and shoot all the way up the chimney, he froze and slowly turned to find his other son harry laying face down on the floor and slowly getting up. So james told lily and asked dumbledore what should be done "you should send him somewhere else as to protect john from any future outbursts and to stop young harry from resenting john for his fame". The potters agreed but where could they send him? Then lily thought up a place "we could send him to my sister petunia" James thought on it and soon agreed then said "we could always pick him up on his first year of hogwarts as well" and so it was decided.

{4 Privet Drive}

Dumbledore arrived at the dursley household just a bit past midnight to which he laid the child he carried with a letter explaining the circumstances of young harry's care thus he knocked and then quickly apparated away not noticing the cold stillness in the air nor the quietness of the street. Time seemed to slow to a halt as the moon gained a red tint to it's beautiful hue of light the young boy gained an ethereal glow his skin before he just disappeared. When vernon dursley arrived to open the door he found nothing so he went back to bed muttering "stupid little kids" under his breath.

{castle cainhurst}

The great queen annalise sat upon her throne hoping that the great ones grant her with a child of blood to end her loneliness in this forsaken castle for what queen was she if not of a ruined kingdom thanks to the healing church. But just in that moment she heard something strange….a baby crying, so annalise rose from her throne and walked towards the crying and strangely enough found a normal looking baby with midnight black hair. As queen annalise picked up the child she looked into his eyes and noticed his bright green eye on the left and the bright red on the right that was when she noticed the letter on the ground and so she picked it up and read it on the way back to the throne room and she could say that since the child's parents didn't want him she would raise him as a vileblood. After she thought that she said to the child "you little one will from this day forward be known as Hadrian prince of the vilebloods" as soon as she finished speaking she saw his hair become snow white like the purest thing she had ever seen then she also could note that this child had moon scented blood coursing in his veins. Annalise knew she would have to wait before making young hadrian into a true immortal vileblood but that did not mean he could not go out to gain the power of the hunters of old. And so when he reached the age of awakening as a hunter of the dream then may he take up the covenant till then he will be trained as a true noble and future hunter of queen annalise's royal guard.