Hi everyone, I've written this story because I really liked the movie, I don't understand why it did so bad. Oh well. Oh, and this is a kind of crossover with a Zootopia fic I'm writing, I hope you all enjoy it.
It has been 3 week since the debut of Bodi and his band. Because Bodi can't live at snow mountain and come back to the city, he had to stay, lucky Scattergood had ample amount of room and offered to let him stay, as long as he doesn't destroy his home again, and keeps 10% of what he gets from the gigs they play for rent, and Because he had a big heart, he offered the band the same deal. Darma hesitated at first, she said she needed to do something before she accepts. Germur was stocked at first, but then forgot what was happening, and after telling him again, he said he's good with his place. So, let's just start.
Bodi and Angus where just recording some new tunes, just to see how they sound, until. "What did I tell you about blowing up my home."
"sorry, Mr. Angus, I'm still new to this. I don't really have much control over it." He said looking at his paw, "my dad doesn't just fire, he has to do." He flailed his arms and the shuts his small ball of fire but it blown away before hitting a wall. "I just need to train a little so I don't do this, but at least it was just a window this time." He said.
"you need training, then go train outside, were done for now." He said going to sound board and hitting buttons.
"yeah, sorry again." He hears Angus muttering something.
Outside with the maze done and chares and glass vases.
"ok you got this." Bodi tolled himself. He started to play his guitar, it was building up energy then the stuff started to float.
"hey Bodi!" he hears a voice making him lose his concentration and dropping everything-which brock the vases. "oops, sorry." Darma said.
"naw that's ok, they were from that cheap shop down the corner. Mice clean up!" He said walking up to the gate and hitting a few numbers opening the gate. "you need something?"
"actually, yes. You see, I have to go see my family over on the other side of the mountain, just a little farther then it is to this city, and you said you lived over at that mountain your entire life, so I thought 'why not invite Bodi to somewhere he hasn't been before', what do you say."
"sure, that sound great, I'll tell my dad, just in case he needs to find me. So, when do we leave?" Bodi said getting the chase back up. With the help of Darma.
"well, I guess when you come back from the mountain." She said, grabbing her bass guitar, "come on, lets practice."
"lets." They played.
After coming back.
"so why are you packing?" asked Angus asked.
"I'm going to the other side of the mountain, just father then here with Darma to meet her family." He said, "hey Ozzie are my other clothe dry yet!" he yelled and Ozzie flew in with clean cloth. "thanks." He said.
"bloody hell, you two are dating." Angus said.
"wait, oh no. she's just inviting me so I can see other places then just this city." He said finishing packing. "oh, Ozzie bring me the phone, I need to call Darma." Ozzie zipped out.
"are you sure you two aren't dating?" he asked.
"positive, were just friends, we only meet each other only a few weeks ago, also, I think she called me crazy once behind my back." He said.
"I've had plenty of girlfriends that I thought I was crazy."
"was that before or after talked to them?"
Angus hesitated, "that's, not the point, there have been a few bands that fall apart when they date with in themselves."
"well Darma just want to show me other place that I haven't been before, this is just an opportunity." He said and Ozzie came with the phone. Bodi hit a few numbers, "hey Darma it's me I'm back, you never did say how long we'd be staying…three days, ok thanks, I'm almost ready…ok, see you in 20." He said and hanging up. "she'll be here in 20, just need to finish packing, and take a quick shower, and I'll be ready." Bodi then walked out of the room.
"poor kid, he doesn't know what he's getting himself into." Angus said and looked at Ozzie, "hay now what's that look for, you honestly think I have any experience in what he's going to go though." Ozzie just kept staring at him. "well I don't, ok, there has never been a time where I dated one of me own mates. And I'd kindly like it if you stop trying to read into my life with what I say." He left in a storm to the music room, leaving Ozzie behind with the low batter warning on, again.
Later that day.
Bodi was quietly sitting on the bus with Darma, closed eye, doing what his father told him when he went over to tell him where he was going, and if there was a way to use the deadly mastiff paw better. That was several hours ago, and they were close to the city. It was a quiet ride until.
"Ok so I have to tell you the real reason I asked you to come." Darma said.
"What? The real reason?"
"you see, I have two sisters, one that's the youngest, and my twin. My twin is getting married soon, and my younger one has been darting this one fox for a few years, and my patients always complain that I need to settle down soon, 'I'm not getting any younger'. so, when called last week and said they saw me, they were very proud. They also said I should have a boyfriend by now, and what to set me up. I lied and said I already found one, and when they told me who, I panicked and said you, the band leader. At first, they thought I was just saying nonsense."
"weren't you?"
"That's not the point, when I told them it was true, they want to see you, so can you pretend to be my boyfriend for the three days?" She asks.
Bodi just scratched the back of his head, "well, I'm always willing to help a friend, but I don't know, the closet I've ever had to a girlfriend was this one sheep I once hung around. So, I don't know how helpful I'll be." He said.
"Wait, you've never had a girlfriend?" She asked.
"Well the only other dog was my father, a got, and sheep-some of which I did find attracted, but lost interest after a few days-so no, not really." He said.
Darma looked down at her feet, "so that means, you've…you've never gotten a kiss before."
"no." He said.
Darma then put on a series face, "ok look, if I know my family, they'll want more than just a us saying we dating, they'll want proof, and I can only think of one way of doing that." This was where she started to blush.
"Really, how?" He asked.
Before Darma had a chance to back down, she grabbed Bodi and pressed her lips on to his. Bodi was completely taken back by this, he was confused, and wanted to say something, but he didn't want it to stop. When Darma pulled away, she looks at Bodi's face, he had on a stunned and a bewildering look, "yeah sorry, I've read some story where this situation happens, and when they kiss in front of others, they look like that and blow the how thing, so I thought getting the shock over with now, so when we do it again maybe, you don't have that look." She said looking away.
Bodi finally snapped out of it, "sorry, that was just a new experience is all, but if it's to help a friend, then I'm up for it, but I don't know how convincing I'll be, but I'll try."
"Thanks, this means a lot." She said resting her head on his shoulder.
Well there's chapter one, not a bad start. What do you all say. This is just a birthday gift to me, to post this for everyone to read. Hope you liked it. I don't know when this story gets updated, maybe when the movie comes out on Blu-Ray, I did miss some things.
Word of the day
Retrospective (ret-ro-seec-tive)
Effective from a particular date in the past
That's it for me, until next time. Red Omega out, Pease!