A/N: It has literally been forever since I've written a story! I recently binge-watched GMW and got inspired! This story continues on directly after Girl Meets Goodbye and will follow them through high school and college.

Disclaimer: I don't own a darn thing!

Chapter 1 – Life Loves Us

As Riley and Maya sit in their favorite chairs at Topanga's, Riley puts her hand over Maya's hands in her lap and says, "Promise me this,"

"Okay," Maya responds. "Time and distance have no power over us. You and I are together for as long as we live."

Maya raises her hand with a knowing smirk and says, "Thunder."

Riley smiles and locks hands with Maya while replying, "Lightning."

"Done," Maya says definitively.

The girls stand and Lucas, Farkle, Smackle and Zay all run up and surround them in a big group hug which ends in all of them falling to the ground while laughing hysterically. The girls' parents smile at the sight of their kids happiness.

"I'm so glad y'all aren't leaving," Shawn says with a sigh of relief to his long time best friend.

"Me too," Cory replied.

"I couldn't do this new fatherhood thing without you," Shawn responds nodding towards Maya.

"Yea...uh duh," Cory retorts while smacking Shawn on the arm.

"How would you feel about being neighbors," Shawn asks with a huge smile forming.

Cory shoots straight up out of his chair, takes in a huge breath and shakes out a long, exaggerated, "Yyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

At this point, everyone in the cafe turns to look at Cory's outburst. "We're moving into the apartment next door to you guys," Shawn announces.

Riley and Maya turn to each other and scream, "Yyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

They start jumping up and down as the rest of their friends come back together for a group hug. Everyone was just so happy that they were all staying together.

"I'm so excited for this wonderful news," Topanga exclaims as she leans in and hugs Katy.

"So am I," Katy replies, "Now that we're a two-income family we can afford to move out of our crumbling old apartment and Shawn will be selling that cabin of his. We've been talking about getting a new place for our family for a few weeks now, especially when Shawn decided to adopt Maya and when we saw an opening in your building we took it as a sign that life knew exactly what we needed."

"Wait," Topanga interrupted, "Why didn't y'all say anything about this when I called to talk about London?"

"We didn't want to influence your decision," Katy replied. "We trusted that y'all would make the right decision. We had hope that life would work out for the best either way."

"Life really does love us. I'm glad we're friends," Topanga says while giving Katy another hug.

"And now neighbors," Katy replies.

"LET'S MOVE YA IN NOW, SHAWNY," Cory yells hopping out of his chair and darting out the cafe door.

Shawn turns to Topanga and says, "Yea I'm not going to be the one to explain to him how adulthood works. All yours, Topanga!"

"Ugh do I have to," Topanga exclaims dramatically.

"Don't worry, Mom. I got this," Auggie says matter-of-factually. "Besides, I need to go tell my wife the good news."

He starts to head towards the door and Uncle Josh gets up to follow him, "I'll go with him." He nods towards Topanga who nods back. He catches Maya's eye on his way out and smiles at her before walking out the cafe door.

"Alright time to close up," Topanga announces.

Farkle, Zay, Smackle and Lucas all hug both girls individually and wave goodbye as they leave.

"Let's go, daughter of mine," Shawn beckons towards Maya while holding his arm out. Maya smiles and turns towards Riley, "See you tomorrow, Riles." She grabs her Dad's hand and her mom follows close behind them out the door.

Topanga turns the last of the lights out and Riley leans in to hug her before they lock up. "Thanks for valuing our bay window, Mom."

"Thanks for helping me find mine," Topanga replies. They lock up and head home for the night.