A/N: Not sure where this came from, but I think I love it.

This was his favorite way to experience her; her skin kissed by the sun, hair tangling around her shoulders, eyes bright as she laughed at something he'd just said. These golden moments where all the struggles she'd had melted away and she became a creature of pure joy, filling his soul to bursting and making him believe they might never be unhappy again.

They were on a beach full of people, but she was the only thing he could see. She radiated light and hope like the damn sun and he drank it in. He could cry at the beauty of it all.

She leaned forward to kiss him and he tasted saltwater and chocolate. He threaded his fingers into her hair, pulling her closer, attempting to hold onto this moment forever. Because it was perfect, they were perfect, here and now, lying in the sand as waves crashed onto the shore beside them.

She rested her head on his chest and he felt her breath against his skin, her heartbeat becoming one with his own. He couldn't have found the words to express what he was feeling even if he'd tried, so he simply let it be, not wanting to mar the exquisite beauty of this moment with something bumbling or inadequate.

If he told her how she'd saved him, she'd brush it off and say they'd saved each other, which he knew full well was not the case. She'd pulled him from the pit of hell, taught him how to believe again. Without him she would have been fine. Without her he would have become a monster.

Instead they had hours of idyllic bliss that made him ache with happiness. He could lay here with her in his arms for days and it wouldn't be enough. It was so simple, nothing special to anyone else, but to him these little moments were everything.

The sun was disappearing, the beach emptying out as daylight slipped down the horizon, bringing with it the coolness of evening. He took her hand, pulling her to her feet, draping his arm around her as they left the sand and headed for home. There were days in the past that he would have stayed on the beach alone until blackness engulfed it, unwilling to lose a drop of sunshine. But things were different now. His whole world had changed. And she was the only sunshine he needed.