A frail boy sat on a street corner in New York. His frame was small and malnourished, and his stringy black hair clung to his forehead in little clumps. His eyes were a beautiful blue and almost seemed to be constantly moving, but the beauty was sucked out of them by a deep sorrow that was unable to be hidden

Sleeping behind him was a little dog. It was no bigger than a basketball, but it seemed a normal weight for a dog its size. Indicating that the owner gave most of his food to the dog. It had the same eyes as the kid, and unlike the boy; his were wide open and alert, hoping to at least warn his master if anyone snuck up on them. His fur was a light gray that looked like a cloud right before rain comes.

Behind the dog was a backpack with all the boy's possessions in it, which only consisted of a toothbrush and some toothpaste, an extra shirt, three pairs of socks, and a waterproof jacket for when it rained.

The little boy's tiny frame was only made more noticeable by the shirt that was too tight even for him. Those, along with his cargo pants, were both black, although the pants were a black camo instead of solid black.

Matching that he had a pair of combat boots that came up to his mid-shin. He tucked his pants in them to cover up the fact that they to, were a couple sizes small.

The small dog began to give a small growl loud enough only for the boy to hear, and then began whimpering. The little kid slowly stirred and tightened his grip on the steel pipe in his hands.

He was shifting to sit up when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching, two by the sounds of them, and opted for laying still until they got close enough rather than alerting them to the fact he was awake and somewhat armed.

"I'm telling you Hestia, its probably just some minor gods chi-" whoever was talking was cut off mid-sentence by a piece of rebar to the face. "Holy mother of Rhea, maybe he's just a minor god period, or at least has the strength of one."

The boy stood in front of two people, both fully grown adults. One was a male with black hair and a matching beard. His eyes were a sea green that complemented the Hawaiian shirt and cargo short she wore, almost giving him the appearance of a beach bum.

The girl stood a few inches shorter than the guy, and stood laughing at his pained face. She had long brown hair and fiery red eyes that made the boy know she wasn't normal. She wore a simple outfit of jeans and a white shirt, something common in New York.

"Hello, demigod. We are here to-" The lady was cut off by the boy, who turned quickly and picked up his back, grabbed his dog in his hands, and lept up onto a building. Yes, he flew on top of the building, stunning both the guy and the girl.

"Son of Zeus?" The lady turned to the guy and nodded. "That sounds about right Poseidon." Poseidon nodded his head and gave a pained look in the direction the boy ran. "I don't know Hestia, something seemed off about him."

Hestia looked over where Poseidon was looking and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. The boy certainly wasn't like any other son of Zeus she had met. The boy had dropped his backpack and his weapon once they reached the roof just to help save his dog.

Every other son of Zeus she had met wouldn't even consider doing that to save a fellow demigod from death. "We need to find him." Although it was more of a question than a statement, they both had come to the silent agreement of finding the boy at any and all costs.

Poseidon tried reaching out with his godly senses to find the boy, but it came back blank, as if the boy wasn't in the area. Hestia noticed his scowl and put a hand on his arm. "What's wrong Poseidon?" He looked down at her and briefly told her what he sensed.

"It's as if he's not here. I can't sense him for at least a mile." Hestia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and tried sensing him in a ten-mile radius; only for find a measly Satyr, daughter of Athena, and a son of Hermes.

"Poseidon… he's gone." Poseidon looked at her in shock and slowly looked around in a complete circle. Suddenly he smiled and looked over at Hestia.

"Our niece is going to have a fun time trying to catch this demigod." Hestia's face slowly morphed into a smile as they both flashed to Olympus to tell Artemis, and only Artemis of what they had found.


The little boy was running trough the forest, except the title of boy was long gone. He was no longer a scared little kid barely able to lift a twig. Oh no, that frail child was long gone.

In its place was probably the most handsome mortal to ever grace his presence on earth. He appeared to only be around thirteen and was already quite muscular. Enough so that you could easily see them without him flexing, but not enough that it looked ugly.

His black hair was still as unruly as always, and his eyes were the same gray, except they seemed much darker, and full of mirth. "Come on, surely the hunters of Artemis are harder to escape than this."

A silver arrow shot through the air and right at the mans leg, but veered course and stuck into the ground at the last second. "I thought we already established that arrows aren't going to work."

A bright silver light flashed and suddenly a woman with silver hair was in front of him. "Two can play at that game Artemis." Her eyes widened in shock and she tried to jump towards him, but he merely ducked under her and kept running.

"Who knew the legendary Lady Artemis was so gullible. I probably won't have my powers back for a few hours at the least." Now you're probably wondering why the arrows weren't hitting him if he didn't have his powers.

The best answer is that no projectiles can hit him unless he wills them to. It's like breathing, unless we choose not to, we'll always do it until we die. Now yes, just like if someone were to cover your mouth that power can be cut off, but he hadn't met someone who could stop it yet.

"Perseus!" Percy made the mistake of turning around to smirk at the goddess and quickly ran into the branch of a tree, making him go air born at least ten feet into the air.

As if on cue, a streak of lightning appeared under him. Upon stopping it was identified as the dog from the alley, now a fully-grown wolf the size of a large grizzly bear. "I'm truly sorry milady, but it seems fate has decided it's not my time to go to that camp. Although I will say it will probably be soon, since you got so close this time."

As if fate itself was mocking him, which it probably was, a root sprung up and wrapped around both Percy's and his wolf's ankle.

In a flash Artemis had both of them in celestial bronze handcuffs. "Or perhaps fate is on our side this time." Percy looked up and gave her a dazzling smile.

" If you wanted me shirtless Arty, all you had to do was ask." Artemis blushed a deep red when she noticed his shirt had been ripped off somewhere along their chase.

Before either had time to move, a steel-toed boot connected to Percy's jaw, sending an audible crack through the air.

Percy's wolf growled while Percy spit our some teeth and gave the hunter that kicked him a bloody and toothless smile. "Come on Zoë, it took me nearly a half a month for my powers to grow them back last time. Had to eat just applesauce for a while." Zoë gave him a cold glare and swung her foot at him again, although this time he briskly avoided it.

"It's not nice to kick the son of Poseidon and Hestia, is it?" Again, you're probably confused, and just like last time, the explanation is simple.

Poseidon and Hestia had adopted Percy, and let him go to camp. Zeus soon sensed his presence he demanded the powerful demigod be sent to camp. Bad idea.

As soon as word got to Percy that he was being forced to go to camp, he turned around and started heading in the opposite direction. Turns out telling him to do something is basically like daring him to do the opposite, and he never turns down a dare.

"Your parents themselves are trying to bring you to camp, and they said use any means necessary." Zoë smiled smugly at him and Percy quickly kicked her feet out from under her. Causing her to fall to the ground with an umph.

"I really don't see how kicking out half my teeth was necessary." Zoë quickly jumped to her feet and went towards Percy threateningly.

"Why you little" Artemis stepped in between them and cut Zoë off. "Ok, I think that's enough. I don't see why you should insult the son of Poseidon and Hestia any longer."

Artemis made sure to emphasize his adopted parents names, causing Zoë to glare harder at him. "The stupid male needs to be taught a lesson." Artemis was blocking Zoë's view of Percy, and Artemis back was turned to him, so he decided to just get up and leave.

"I don't give a Hades who his parents are. I just want to kick him in the… where'd he go?" Artemis turned around and her eyes widened in shock, wondering how a demigod had escaped a pair of celestial bronze handcuffs.

"He didn't niece. He simply got up and walked away with his pet." Artemis face turned red in annoyance and she turned to a sheepish looking Zoë. "Go back to the hunt Zoë, I want to talk with you after Hestia and I finish our conversation."

Zoë nodded numbly and turned to head back to camp, but stopped as she heard the words that came from Hestia. "Stay here huntress, I do believe that Poseidon and I need to agree on an appropriate punishment. We have given you three warnings to not harm our son unless necessary, and as I watched I noticed he had a few teeth kicked out simply for bantering with your mistress."

Artemis looked at her huntress sadly, but knew there was nothing she could do. Hestia and Poseidon had warned her more than three times to not harm Perseus, but she choose to do so anyways.

"Now niece, soon Poseidon can join us for the punishment for your huntress but for now we need to talk." At seeing her face become so serious, Zoë immediately closed her mouth, which was open to protest the need for her to be punished.

"Kronos is rising." Artemis dropped her bow in shock and Zoë stumbled backwards in shock. "You lie! Kronos cannot be coming back. His remains are scattered along the bottom of Tarturas." Hestia's eyes lightened up in flames as she turned towards the now scared huntress, before giving a cruel smile.

"I do believe my brother will enjoy the punishment I have picked out for you." Hestia turned back towards Artemis and took a deep, calming breath, and almost immediately the flames in her eyes died down.

"As I was saying, Kronos is rising again, and we need the hunters in top condition. That means that all missions will immediately stop unless they are of top priority. Zeus suggested you head to camp, but even Ares knew that was a bad idea." Artemis nodded her head in agreement, when suddenly a bright green light flashed beside Hestia.

In its place stood Poseidon, with the same fishing type outfit he always wore. "Hestia, Artemis." Artemis bowed down in front of him, but Poseidon could see she was merely trying to get mercy for her hunter.

"Your not going to gain her mercy by doing that, you know I hate it when you bow." Artemis glumly nodded and stood up. "What is the punishment Poseidon, and I beg you not to make it to harsh."

Hestia's eyes softened and so did Poseidon's. "You're lucky Artemis is here huntress, as we planned on making you the slave of Hades for a while, and you know how that would have ended." Zoë sat there and felt like crying, she knew they were going to do something horrendous.

"She leaves the hunt, never returns, and is cursed to lose her maiden hood before she dies." Zoë suddenly busted into tears, and Poseidon and Hestia's face became a hardened mask, although you could see slight guilt behind them.

"Mom, Dad, you don't need to do that." Zoë sniffed and looked up towards the edge of the clearing they were in, and there stood Perseus.

"Honey, she deserves to be punished, she has harmed you more times than we can count." Percy nodded and walked over to her.

She looked hesitantly at him as he stared intensely into her volcanic black eyes. "Fine, she gets punished." Zoë felt tears slowly leak down her face as she stared blankly ahead, wondering how her life was going to change.

"Leaves the hunt until after the war with Kronos, but doesn't lose her maidenhood, that's a little to harsh for just breaking a couple bones, puncturing a lung, knocking out all of my teeth, and shooting me with an arrow." Percy tapped his finger to his chin and shrugged.

"Actually…" He looked down at Zoë's face and saw a look of gratitude on it. "She stays a member of the hunt, keeps the blessing and everything, but has to stay at camp half-blood."

Percy laughed when he face soured, and he bent to help her up, whispering quietly to her as he did. "Any boy want to touch you, and I'll make sure they lose something that every male values deeply." Zoë looked at him in shock; never had a male said something like that to her.

"If you're sure Percy. I still think she should lose her maidenhood, but maybe that's just me." Hestia elbowed Poseidon in the ribs after finishing his statement. "I assume you're going to camp now?"

Percy merely shrugged his shoulders. "I don't see why not. Zeus doesn't even care anymore, the only one who's trying to make me go to camp is Artemis, and that's only because she's mad she hasn't caught me yet."

Artemis glared at Percy before her eyes widened as she saw his shackeless wrists. "Those? Gray tore through those like they were butter." Percy's wolf was at his side in the blink of an eye, almost as if he had summoned him simply by saying his name.

"Well, if that's all, then I'm going to teleport my son and your huntress to the borders of camp." Artemis looked enviously at Percy's wolf and nodded her head. "Yes, that's all Hestia."

With a snap of her fingers both Zoë and Percy were teleported to right outside camp. Right into an army of angry monsters.

A/N: Yes! I'm finally back. I couldn't log into this one, so I made another called Percyjackson11402 go read the stories there while I start this one.