Hallo soulgals and gentleghost I'm Masoyan. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance~ Time for fanfic number 2! I really really really really reeeeeeeally wanted to write one for the best series (in my opinion) One Piece! And this fanfic took me a couple months to get a solid idea. Mostly because making an reasonable OC was a bit of a task.
One Piece doesn't belong to me! Enjoy!

"What are we going to do?"
"There is no possible way that the Master and the Mistress will accept this. We did everything we could, but it may not have been good enough."
"Poor thing. It's a shame that something like this had to happen."
"We'll leave tonight and find someone that can take care of this child."
"Isn't there...there that island in the Grand Line?"
"Yes there is. That's where we'll go then."
"What do we tell the Master and Mistress of the house?"
"Nothing. We tell them nothing."

New Adventure on the Mist Covered Island

Present. Grand Line. Currently five days since leaving Long Island.

Nearly still waters. The Merry Go sat quietly out on the ocean where crystal blue can be seen for miles and miles all around, rocking very softly from the slow gentle current. And to make matters worse, it was boiling hot and it was just the early evening with the sky turning to a brilliant orange. The Straw Hat pirates barely had any energy to move from the blistering heat. Their food and water supply was almost gone as well. Chopper was having the worst time; melting away even as he was allowed to hide in the shade of the orange trees. Both Usopp and Luffy were hanging over the railing and acting like it was the end for them.

"Too...hoooooot. Need...foooood."

"We heard you the first time so shut up! But we're in serious trouble if we don't get any wind. We'll have to wait until night when it's cooler to use the oars."

"Nami-swan~~~ I've made you a nice cool orange drink!"

"Sanji make me one too!"

"You're the reason why our food is almost gone again you damn idiot!"

Sanji heeled Luffy in the head when he tried to steal the drink from Nami. The heat and lack of food was making him more delusional. More so than usual. Kind of like how he got back on Alabasta. Being the stoic types, Robin and Zoro sat calmly and watched the seas. Though Zoro was thinking it'd be good to have some chilled sake. It's only been a couple of hot and almost windless days yet it felt like forever. But forever was about to finally end.

"There's an island in view," Robin said from the crow's nest.

Luffy was the first to react, finding enough energy to rush to the railing again. "Really really really?! Whooooo-ho-hoa! It really is an island!"

Barely bigger than a pea, there was an misty covered island in the distance. The rest of the crew gathered around to see. It looked to be a couple hours out at least if there was any decent wind. Nami checked her log pose, seeing the little needle pointing in the island's direction and perked up a little when she felt a slight change in the air and goosebumps dotted her arms.

"No way...everyone get in to position!"

Luffy looked behind him at her. "What's going on Nami?"

"We're getting wind soon. Come on hurry up!"

The crew scattered, splitting into groups. One to steady to rudder and the other to tighten the sails. Nami didn't find it all that odd not having wind for a couple days. It's happened before. Yet there was an uneasy feeling in her stomach. As hot as it was, there was a chill crawling down her spine. It's probably just her imagination that the ominous misty island before her has anything bad waiting for them. It's not like anything like that has happened before.

"Islaaaaand! We finally can get some food! Full speed aheaaaaaad!"

"Wait a minute Luffy! Maybe we should just find a place to dock and wait until morning to go on the island."

"No! I need meat!

"Is it too much to ask you to think of something other than your bottomless pit of a stomach?"

"Nami-san is right you dumbass. It's going to be pretty damn dark soon. Although I wouldn't mind going onto the dark island protecting Nami-swan and Robin-chwan!"

"You're sickening."

"I heard that damn marimo bastard!"

Nami groaned angrily, pinching the bridge of her nose. "These idiots drive me insane."

After a few good smacks to some heads, the Merry Go inched her way towards the island as the sun lowered more in the sky and the temps dropped a little. Zoro rubbed his head where Nami smacked him, cursing the navigator as he joined the others on the upper front deck. An island hopefully with some good alcohol. He really could use some.

A mist covered island. What could possibly go wrong?

"Th-thi-this island looks l-l-like bad news," Usopp muttered, backing away. "It must b-be haunted..."


"That's right Chopper. This island is filled with ghost and dead things! The mist is the evil breath of death waiting to ensnare us!"

"What?! No way!"

"The mist is actually a low cloud covering the canopy of the forest," Robin explained. "It's called silvagenitus and it's more common in humid forests. It can also be called cloud forest."

"That's about right," Nami chimed in. "Still a really creepy island."

"Island island food island food island food food island foland ifoo ifoland foolands poofooland pooland..."

"What is he even saying?"

Luffy was making a mess with his drool, rambling nonsense and rocking back and forth on the ram's head. The sails shivered from the uneven patterns of the wind as the pirate's ship approached closer through the slight mist and several docks became more visible. A couple of them had small fishing boats, but other than that they were empty and no people around. There was a large dirt path leading into a dark forest several meters from the shoreline. Nami had to grab Luffy by his shirt collar to make sure he didn't try to jump in the ocean and dragged him down to the main deck.

"It's getting late and thanks to our stupid captain being insane, we're going ashore and immediately finding a town."

"We're all going now?!" Usopp and Chopper exclaimed with fear in their voice.

"We don't have much of a choice. Who knows what this rubber brained moron might try to do this time if we leave him to himself. Let's get ourselves ready to disembark."

The green haired swordsman let out a loud yawn and plopped himself down against the railing and dozed off in a matter of seconds while the rest of the crew got to work, raising the sails to let the ship slowly drift closer to one of the docks and make packs with things they might need for their stay. His little nap barely lasted a couple of minutes when Sanji was just about to kick him and the swordsman reacted with his inhuman speed, parrying the cook's foot with one of his blades.

"You're suppose to be helping you lazy ass swordsman."

"You don't get to order me around ero-cook bastard."

"Can you two wait until we're on the island to fight so you don't destroy the ship?" Nami angrily muttered more to herself.

The swordsman and the cook glared at each other for a few moments longer then both scoffed as the looked away and went back to ready themselves for a new island. The air was rather still and quiet. It would be quite nice to finally have an island where they could all relax. Too much has been happening in such a short time. Now they're being closely watched by the Marines thanks to that run in with Aokiji, one to the three admirals. It's just one thing after another. And this quiet was making Zoro antsy.

"We'll all go together ashore, find a town quickly and restock in the morning," Nami stated. "And let's make sure we don't lose this moron of a captain along the way."

Luffy was still droning on about food, barely coherent of the world around him. At least Nami had a pretty good grasp on him for now. Sanji was the first to leave the ship, followed by Robin with Nami and Luffy behind. Zoro hopped down from the railing, landing on the study dock with ease. He looked around and noticed relatively fresh foot prints in the sand. There were also some shacks on the beach along the forest line.

"I suppose we'll follow those," Nami said quietly, pointing at the trail of prints. "And they lead into a dark creepy forest."

"If we want food then we follow. There's a town somewhere on this damn island."

"Wait a minute Zoro don't wander off on your own! It'll take ages to find you here! Besides that's the wrong direction."

Zoro stopped midstep with a grumble and went back to the others. It took some coaxing by Robin to get Usopp and Chopper to finally leave the ship. With Luffy still being held onto by Nami as they all gathered in front of a single path leading into the looming forest.

The trees were massive in both girth and height. They looked similar to the ones of Skypiea, but smaller and had a more evergreen appearance. Streaks of the setting sunlight broke through the thick canopy yet it was still too dark to see what's hidden ahead. Bushes and ferns covered the tree trunks and ground. There were several brightly colored birds fluttering about between the branches. Loud animal cries echoed through the forest and the humid air brought an earthy smelled mixed in with the briny scent of the ocean.

"It's rather odd to see evergreen trees in a tropical environment," Robin said as she knelt down before some ferns and traced her fingers through the leaves. "This is a summer island I believe, but it doesn't seem to be an island that has many people living here."

"Meaning what?"

"From what I can see in those shacks and the docks, civilization seems newer."

"So people just started living here?"

"In a sense yes. But it's not recent. I'd say no more than a few decades. I'll be able to know more once we find a town."

"Yeah right. Okay then let's go into the creepy dark forest."

The navigator kept her grip tight on Luffy's collar as she drag him behind her and carefully lead the others down the path. It felt like the forest swallowed them and the ocean noise vanished; being replaced by the sounds of the forest. It was rather calm which to Zoro means either something bad will happen or it's really just a calm forest. Small woodland creatures darted from bush to bush as they watched the newcomers wander down the path. Both Chopper and Usopp jumped at every little noise and even Nami flinched a few times, but still had a grip on Luffy.

"Y-you sure there a-a-aren't any g-ghosts here?"

Robin giggled quietly. "There aren't any here. It's just the low hanging clouds."

"It's too hot here...too hot..." Chopper whined, half walking half dragging his little reindeer body. "Just as hot as Alabasta."

Nami agreed with a nod and pulled at her shirt. "But it's humid here which makes it worse. Not to mention these bugs are getting annoying. We should hurry to find a town before night."

The pirates fell silent, but the sound of the forest jabbered away. The streaks of light through the canopy were getting dimmer as the sun dipped lower in the sky. Even though the humidity stayed the same, the temperature was slowly dropping. A tranquil dusk on a new island...

There was loud rustling in the bushes and before any of the pirates could react, everyone but Robin, Luffy and Zoro were tackled to the ground by dark clothed men and several more appeared from the shadows. Only Robin and Zoro got prepared to fight since Luffy was still out of commission thanks to his hunger. Zoro guessed there were at least 20 men circling them not including the ones pinning the other pirates down. He unsheathed Kitetsu and Yubashiri, facing the ones before him with a steady gaze.

"Monkey D. Luffy. Roronoa Zoro. And Nico Robin. A bounty total of 239,000,000 berries."

A raspy male voice made the two tense as a young purple haired, black eyed man stalked down the path towards them with a hand resting on the hilt of a rapier. His stood tall 189cm, broad shoulders and a threatening animalistic presence. He wore a sleeveless dark blue trench coat and an open shirt with grey cargo pants tucked in combat boots. When he stopped before the pirates, Zoro placed himself in front of his crew with he two blades raised.

"For a buncha shitty brats you guys sure have made a name for yourselves."

"Who the fuck are you grape?"

"Oh right. I guess you would want the name of your executioner. The name's Rhett and I'll be taking all your heads."

Zoro didn't hesitate to attack, bringing both katana down on the man Rhett. He was surprised that a twig of a sword blocked his strike. Rhett grinned broadly and pushed the pirate swordsman back. Robin had took down some of the standing men, but suddenly stopped when the ones pinning the others down held knives to their throats. Zoro held his stance too seeing his friends at risk and also when he felt cold steel to his neck. He didn't even see Rhett move before him.

"Which one of you should I kill first? Maybe I'll just take the heads from your three with bounties and take the others to the Marines. How does that sound?"

"It's sounds like you're outta your fucking mind."

"Don't forget it's no different from what you use to do Roronoa. Killing pirates. Well this is a little different."

Rhett stepped back a bit with his blade at hand and before Zoro could make his move, he felt a sting along the side of his neck followed by warmth flowing down. His blade moved so quickly there was no possible time to react. Zoro carefully watched him this time when Rhett pulled the rapier back, bringing up his blades to parry this time. Yet again he felt the cold sting on his right shoulder and another on his arm. He was toying with him and it was really pissing the pirate off. Each time he stood ready to parry or attack, there was another cut on his body. When Zoro finally managed to parry an attack, he felt like he was sliced to ribbons. None of the wounds were deep though. Rhett let out a cackle.

"You're a fucking asshole."

"As much fun as I'm having I'm afraid I should end this now. Take care in hell pirates."

He was too fast for Zoro again. He expected to feel the rapier pierce through his heart, but it didn't happen. Instead he felt a slight breeze before him and the rapier stopped millimeters before his chest. He noticed a hand was grasping Rhett's sword arm. He followed the arm to another person that seemed to appear from thin air. Rhett tried to move his arm away, but the person didn't budge and gripped tighter. Then came a female's voice.

"What do you think you're doing Rhett?"

Tada! First chapter completed! How was that? This wasn't the original beginning for this story. Thought it would be more of a good start to tell if from the POV of pirates for a bit. Sorry if it seems a bit meh now. Check out my other fanfic if you'd like.
I do hope you enjoyed it! Ciao amici!