[No Signal Detected...]

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[Unidentified signal received]



Ruby Rose, leader of team RWBY, and youngest student to be in Beacon Academy, was not exactly happy at the moment.

"Man... why did I forget to turn in the library book." Ruby groaned, "Now because I held onto it so long I gotta stay behind and help Miss Paige organize the books."

Ruby was a 15 year old girl with black hair that turned red at the tips with eyes a shining silver. She was known across the school for her red hood, which covered a black corset and she also wore a red combat skirt and black boots.

"I told you that you should have made a reminder." Weiss Schnee, Ruby's Partner, scolded.

Weiss was 17 years old, with snow white hair, tied in an off center ponytail and had blue eyes, most of the time she is seen wearing a light blue bolero jacket and a white combat skirt with white, high heeled boots.

"Hey don't blame Ruby Weiss." Yang Xiao Long, Ruby older half sister, defended, "After all Blake was the one who put it among her books."

Yang was 17 as well, with long, slightly wild, golden yellow hair and lilac eyes that turned red when she was angered. Her brown jacket seemed to accentuate her sizable breasts, and she also wear black shorts and brown boots.

"Look, I'm sorry okay?" Blake Belladonna, the teams resident, and hidden, Faunus said, "I've already promised I'd give Ruby whatever she wants when she finishes with the job."

Blake was known for her long black hair that had a ribbon tied up in it that hid her Faunus ears, and had amber eyes, her white top was slightly covered by a black twin tailed coat, and she too wore a short skirt, as well as black heels.

"Listen team, there isn't use blaming anyone anymore." Ruby said as she got off her bunk, "We've got a whole month off to do whatever we want after what happened yesterday. So while everyone's going around making sure no Grimm are hiding around after the Breach we've got a whole month off, and I say-"

Ruby was interrupted when there was a knock on the door, silencing everyone in the room, followed by a letter sliding under the door.

Ruby picked up the letter and opened the door to see whoever knocked on it, only to find the hallways unnaturally quiet.

"Weird." Ruby said closing the door and opening the letter.

"What's it say sis?" Yang asked.

Ruby cleared her throat to read the letter aloud, "Dear Ruby Rose, as thanks for your assistance in the Breach of Vale we have decided to award you with the deed to a mansion on the small island of Patch, enclosed is a map to the location of the mansion, as well as the actual deed, keys to the mansion will waiting for you at the mansion."

"Why would someone give Ruby a whole mansion just for assisting at the breach?" Blake asked sitting up from her bed.

"Who cares?" Yang asked taking the letter and pulling out the map, and the legitimate deed to a mansion, "It all looks pretty legal to me anyway so why turn it down?"

Weiss took the deed herself and examined it, to her, everything checked out as well, even Blake couldn't find anything wrong with the deed, "Well, at least we'll have a nice place to stay in for our month long break." Blake said.

"It looks a bit roomy though..." Weiss said.

"Well, we can invite Dad to move in once he's done with his mission, same with Uncle Qrow." Yang said as she picked up her and Ruby's Pet Corgi, Zwei, "Heck, while Ruby's here we can go check the place out ourselves, get a feel for the place, and maybe find a map to it."

"Yang, we can't just leave Ruby behind!" Weiss shouted.

"No, no, it's fine." Ruby said holding up her hands, "You guys go on ahead, you can show me around when I finish up here and head there myself."

Weiss looked at Ruby uneasily, "Are you sure Ruby?" Weiss asked.

"Yep, go on ahead." Ruby said waving her hands, "I can find it myself."

Blake took the map from Ruby and took a picture of it on her Scroll before giving the map back to Ruby, "If we find anything suspicious about the place we'll call you, and if that happens don't come near the place, we'll sort it out." Blake said.

"Okay, just get going." Ruby said waving her teammates along.

Zwei was carried by Yang out of the room as Weiss walked next to Yang and Blake behind them, Ruby following close after with a small book in her hands, turning the lights in the room off as she shut the door.

What Ruby didn't know, was that her punishment had saved not only her from a ghastly fate, but that of her teammates as well.

Nor could anyone hear the high pitched laughter that emanated from the room as the door was shut, cutting out all light into the room.

That night would be a night that Ruby would never be able to forget.


Hey guys Phoenix Champion here, and yes, it's another Crossover.

This time between RWBY, and my favorite game on the Gamecube, Luigi's Mansion.

Now, show of hands, who here has played Luigi's Mansion? Bah, I don't care, if you haven't played it, go find a copy on E-Bay or something it's really good.

in my opinion the first game was better the the 3DS sequel: Dark Moon, because the first one feels so much more open while Dark Moon was just too stinking linear for my tastes, it was good, but the first was better.

Now, I just want to say that some of the Portrait Ghost might be slightly different that you probably remember... or they may not, I actually haven't decided if I'm going to turn some of them into Faunus as this is RWBY... for those of you who zipped over here because you're following me as an Author, you'll understand soon enough.