Ash Ketchum: What it takes to win it all
This is a story about where Ash went when he Left Unova... How he felt... What he decided... and how he would get there.. He could feel why he failed, he knew what it was he had to do next.. It was this that started a path that not even Ash knew he would walk...
Legalese: I don't own Pokemon or any characters stories or anything..I just love to write fan-fiction...Thanks.
Normal Talk: Hello
Pokemon speaking: Hello
Telepathy or Thoughts: Hello
Chapter 1: One Last Stop
Pallet Town:
A boy stood quietly on the hill in his all black Pokemon League gear.. His dark cloak flapping in the breeze as he looked over the green valley and town... He looked up to the yellow mouse that had continued with him through his whole Journey.. Remarkable really when he thought about it that the little battling veteran had hung with him through it all. Here was the same scene he was playing out every-time that he had returned from his defeats in the Pokemon League.. This one though stung.. This one left a sour taste in his mouth.. This one made the sight before him not bring the comfort he had been used to after such defeats against the likes of Tobias and now Cameron. No this time Ash felt differently when he came back to Pallet Town.
It didn't feel the same, Ash didn't feel the calm he usually felt.. The joy of a job well done. He wasn't looking forward to facing all the ones he knew here in Pallet Town before his next trip out... No this next trip it was going to be different and it was time he let his best friend know... He looked to his shoulder at the Yellow mouse veteran, if anyone deserved to know what he was about to do it was him..
"Hey Pika, You mind hopping down a second we need to talk." Pikachu cocked his head for the first time in the past few hours Ash had spoken to him and he could feel that something was different.. Pikachu hopped off his shoulder and turned around to face his best friend...Pi Pika?" Ash wasn't sure when he started to outright understand Pokemon but after the events on new island something in his head had felt different.. While both Brock and Misty had forgotten what happened he had not. No matter how hard Mewtwo had tried to erase his memories they never left him but they were more like dreams... vividly distorted but they were always there haunting him.
It was while he was in Unova that his mind had sparked and all the memories and events with Mew and Mewtwo came rushing rushing back to him overwhelming him and causing a power unknown to him to spike... Cilan had told him he started to glow blue and his eyes disappeared completely and once he had woken up and after scaring both Iris and Cilan to death he could clearly hear Pikachu and all Pokemon for that matter. He did his best to play it off with his two Unova traveling companions but neither really seemed convinced. He told them both he was alright and to let it go.. If anything happened he would deal with it in his own way. While they both were worried for him they understood and decided to accept his wishes even if so reluctantly..
Even now he hadn't told anyone he could understand them but he was glad he could it was the main reason that Ash felt this time his next trip would be different. This time he was not going to stop training until he felt he could walk into the next league and face a Cameron or a Tobias and relentlessly crush them. This time he felt he had a better understanding of what it would take to win it all and he planned to set out to do just that..
Hey Ash whats the deal? I mean for a while you didn't say anything this morning I was starting to get worried... that maybe we were going to quit this goal or something? Ash raised and eyebrow.. "No way Pika I would never do that. I will say that I thought we would get further than top 8 this time, but I think I have been going about this all wrong." Pikachu was surprised to hear this because he had always thought that because they were learning, getting stronger and evolving new friends that it was only a matter of time before they could win a league.. but now he was not so sure.. Time and Time again trainers had blocked their path and it had been so many leagues and so many tries Pika could understand where Ash was coming from. What exactly do you mean Ash I thought we did really well with the team this time... they worked hard and while I know we didn't win we still went far...
Ash did agree with Pika about how they had done and he was sure that when they went home there would be a crowd of folks to greet him and congratulations all around. This time though he knew in his heart it would feel hollow that he didn't prepare his team enough that he had failed them far more then they had failed him... "Yeah Pika about that.. I feel I failed all of you and as soon as the party and congratulations are over I plan to go to Professor Oaks ranch and apologize to everyone. I wanted you to know it first, that after today we are going to do things differently I promise." Ash said with a steely gaze and solemn look.. Pikachu was more than a little confused but he trusted Ash and knew that whatever he had planned was going to bring all of the team to greater heights for sure, so he just nodded and jumped back onto his shoulder. Apology accepted although none is needed you haven't failed any of us Ash.. I'm sure everyone else feels the same way you'll see..
Ash reached up and scratched Pikachu earning a CHA for his troubles.. "Well all the same lets head on home for now and get this over with" Ash for the first time in a long time was not looking forward to the welcome home party they often threw the Pallet town Native when he returned home from a league. "We have alot of work to do, and we need to get started as soon as possible." as he pulled his dark hood up over his head, shouldered his traveling bag and started down the path toward his home where his mother and many neighbors were likely waiting for him to arrive... He made his way through town and it was pretty quiet both he and Pikachu had expected to see some of his neighbors and street vendors on the way to his house but there were none around this afternoon so Ash quietly made his way home. He went in through the gate and opened the front door and upon entering Pikachu jumped off his should and stood as Ash hung his cloak up and dropped his bag next to the couch.
"Hey mom I'm home! Were you at? I wanted to tell you how it all went.." Pika raised an ear and heard shuffling from the kitchen. He was about to head out there when Mr Mime came walking into the room. Ash smiled he was always glad that Mr Mime had taken to his mom and was around to help her. "Hey Mimey how are you man its been a while." Mr Mime smiled, Wow welcome home Ash, Pikachu its hard to believe you are finally here! I watched you guys with your mom on TV and man you guys were really something!
Ash laughed and Pikachu scratched the back of his head.. Oh Mimey we did ok but we didn't win! We sure tried though but we just couldn't get it done... but next time Mimey mark my Pika rear we going to win it.. as he made a fist pump and sparks radiated off his cheeks.. Mr Mime backed up a bit at Pikachu's outburst.. Mr Mime wasn't afraid of Pikachu but like all of Ash's other Pokemon he had a healthy respect for what Ash's starter Pokemon was capable of and wanted to stay on his good side.. He decided to change the subject. It was weird Ash you had a delivery today.. like they knew you were coming home there is a box on the coffee table for you.. Ash looked over to the table and sure enough a small box rested on it. He walked over and saw a large Poke-ball emblem on the top and figured it was from the League. "Huh I wonder whats in the box from the League, I didn't order anything." Pika and Mimey both shrugged their shoulders and waited for Ash to open it. As he opened the box he for two things a letter on top of a dark grey and black Pokemon League official hat. This both surprised and delighted him. His original had and begun to wear out heavily so this would be a nice replacement. After inspecting the hat he opened the letter addressed to him.
Dear Ash,
Enclosed is the official league item per your request for your five leagues tournament completion. Please wear it with pride and continue on your journey. You are a respected trainer in the eyes of the Pokemon League and we expect great things from you in the future.
Charles Goodshow
President of the Pokemon League
p.s. if I were you Ash id check out the Kalos region next.. it would be a challenge up to your par.. Good Luck and God speed!
Ash looked from the letter to the hat and back and thought a minute.. "When did I order a new hat? Then it hit him before the Unova Tournament a league official came around with a sign up sheet asking what we would want if we could have an official piece of league gear.. and I wrote down a hat! Huh who would have guessed they'd give it to me!" Mimey and pika laughed.. Ash turned to Mr. Mime and said, "Ok mime quit stalling where is mom at?" with a quite serious face, Pikachu was also wondering where Ash's mom was as well. Oh that's easy shes is out in the back yard watering her garden, she told me to come get you when you got home so you could join her out there and welcome you home! Mr. Mime said with a smile and waving his hands...
Ash wasn't surprised at all so he worked his way out back with Pikachu and Mr Mime in tow. SURPRISE! burst into his face as he took a few steps into the back yard and was assaulted by his mother Delia, Professor Oak, Gary, Misty, Brock, Cilan, Iris and about every other person in Pallet town. "Welcome home Ash I'm so proud of you!" his mother said as she ran forward to give him a hug. "Thanks mom and thank you everyone for coming over, I am really surprised and shocked!" "Well Ash my boy you did us all proud in the Unova Pokemon League and while you might not have won, you brought back many great and interesting Pokemon! Gary and I really appreciate it." Professor Oak said as he came forward to give Ash a hearty hand shake.. "Thanks Professor yeah I was glad to get to see such a far off land and catch all kinds of new Pokemon... By the way Professor how have all my Pokemon been since I was away?"
"Oh nothing to worry about there Ashy boy, while Grandpa has been working on a few involved projects for the Pokemon League I took very good care of your team while you were away." Gary Oak said with a Grin.. Ash was shocked to see how much Gary had changed gone were his training clothes and in their place was a scientist outfit. He had taken up the mantel of Pokemon Scientist and had begun his own version of researching Pokemon. "Wow Gary you look way different man and thanks for taking care of my team I really appreciate it.." He smiled.
"Shoot Ash have you looked in a mirror because your almost as tall as me now.." said Brock as he came up and gave a hug. "Ha thanks Brock you look great too. I'm glad to see your doing well." Then Ash was assaulted by the rest of his friends and fellow Towns folk. He talked about where he had been and what had happened on his most recent Journey to Unova. Cilan and Iris inputting their knowledge whenever they could. all in all it been a nice afternoon and evening. Brock, Cilan, Iris and Misty all told him they were going back to their Gyms to work for a while that they needed a break from traveling. When they asked Ash what his next plan was he told them he was going to rest a few days and think about it. He wished them all safe travels and good battling. As Ash said goodbye to the last of the well wishing townsfolk he stopped Gary and Professor Oak at his front door and waited for the others to leave.
"Hey Ash is there something you want to talk to me and Grandpa about?" Gary said with a questioning face. "Yeah I was hoping to stop by in a little while to see my team and talk with both of you about my next plan of action... if you both had a bit of time.." Gary was shocked, "You have an actual plan? " Ash raised and eyebrow and smirked at Gary.. "Well yeah I think so..." Gary laughed. "Oh stop giving him a hard time Gary, sure Ash we'll be up at the ranch in an hour stop by then OK?" Professor oak said as he walked down the path and started up the hill toward his home. "Hey Ash I was just fooling with ya, Its good to see you home and sure stop by in a bit I'd like to know what it is your going to do next." Ash smiled and shook Gary's hand, "Thanks Gary and Ill see you in a bit and thanks for coming to the party it meant a lot." Gary then ran to catch up to his grandfather and they both started walking and talking leisurely.
"Hey Honey did you have a good time with everyone today?" Delia asked as Ash came back inside. "Yeah sure did mom, Hey I'm going to go up and see my Pokemon for a while I'm so full that I don't need dinner and I'll be a while because I am also going to talk with Gary and Professor Oak. Delia smiled, "Oh I can understand that I went to see your Pokemon and some of them took it pretty hard that you guys didn't win and they started training on their own if you can believe that!" Ash could believe that all of his Pokemon were like him and when they didn't win they would kind of lose their minds for a bit and train like crazy... "Hey Ash I saw your new Hat and I love the colors I think Ill start on some new clothes tonight for a bit, your old traveling set are looking pretty worn out. "That would be so great thanks Mom. I think I'll head out to Professor Oaks now come on Pikachu lets head out."
Well it finally time to see the team I hope they have been well. I cant wait to talk with Infernape I haven't talked trash to him in forever HA! "Oh my I had no idea that you and Infernape did that... You better watch yourself hes a fighting type besides fire.." Ash said as they headed up to Professor Oaks lab. It hadn't changed much looking beautiful in the early part of sunset. It still had all the fences and the windmill, it did look like the professor had added an extension on one side of the building but other than that it was just like it always was and that comforted Ash. It was good to know that the professor was working hard and taking good care of the Pallet Town trainers Pokémon. Ash knocked on the door and after about a minute Gary answered the door. "Well that was fast. You get everything taken care of at home?" Ash smirked, "Well yeah it doesn't take to long for a person in as good a shape as I am.. what about you?" Gary felt insulted. "Are you kidding me I run miles with my Pokemon everyday.. I'm not gonna end up flabby like Grandpa.." they both laughed at that.
"Well Gary I'm going to go out back and find my team if that's alright.." He nodded. "Sure thing but grandpa and I want to ask a favor when you get done can you give us your eye witness accounts of legendary Pokemon and we need to draw off the data from your pokedex. I still cant believe all the legendary Pokemon that your pokedex states you came in contact with.." "Yeah I'll give you guys whatever answers I can I'll talk to you in a bit." with that said Ash went outside into the huge poke preserve to find his Pokemon.. but he didn't have to go far obviously Gary or the professor told a few of them and word had gotten around..
Oh no Ash I think I hear the rumble... there all coming I got to get out of the way of this its gonna be bad.. as Pikachu jumped from Ash shoulder and scurried back toward the corral fence. It was just as Pika had thought leading the charge was all of ashes flying types along with Sceptile and believe it or not Donphan was rolling out his way toward Ash. "Whoa whoooooa whooaaaaaa! Guys!" as everyone piled onto Ash that was of a fast type shortly after his slower Pokemon arrived Boldar Torterra and Heracross just name a few. Hey Ash, Hi Ash Welcome home Boss! We all missed you Boss! Welcome Home, Glad to see you! Where you been? Where are we going? Can I go with you first this time? The questions and affection came fast and furiously from all corners.. It was until everyone heard... MOOOOOOOOOOVE IIITTTTT OOOOUTTTT PEOPLE GIVE HIM SPAAACE NOW! and a huge thud with a cloud of Dust that everyone jumped back off Ash allowing him to get up.. "Thanks Charizard I missed you and thanks for keeping everyone in line." Charizard huffed some smoke. I didn't mind it. Everyone for the most part behaved though you need to have a word with Gible I think... Ash walked over and patted Charizard on the neck and gave him a scratch since he showed up late. Then he turned around and noticed Gible pacing in circles talking to himself.. So Ash decided he better check on him.. so he walked up to listen to him.
I can't do it.. I cant believe it. I don't know! I'm going crazy! I'm so pumped I cant TAKE IT! I need to do it! I want to know it! " Hey Gible whats gotten into you? It seemed while everyone was watching this scenario Gible had been in us own hyperactive world and not even noticed Ash's arrival but when he heard his voice it snapped him out of it. He looked up to find Ash smiling at him. Ash?...Ash! Ash! Ash! Ash! Ash! Ash! FINALLLLLLLLLLYYYYYY! Gible screamed at the top of his lungs as he looked at his trainer and then began to glow! Ash took a step back and watched as Gible began to grow in length his stubby little arms grew and he became much larger than his original form! Gible had Evolved right there in front of everyone into Gabite! Ash was shocked to say the least! "Wow Gabite congratulations way to go!"
WHEW! I am glad that wait is over.. I wanted to wait until you got home before it happened and I did it! GABITEEEEE! he yelled at everyone letting them know he had leveled up.. heh I always wanted to yell that ha! Welcome back Ash I'm ready to help out again anytime. Ash hugged Gabite and scratched his back earning a Gabite or two soothing Gabite. Once this little event had ended Ash turned back around to the group and Gabite joined them all. "Alright guys I came here for two reasons. First I want to apologize to you all. I have been failing you as a trainer and I now see this." Many of the Pokemon started making a ruckus at this comment. You haven't failed us! No way you've failed us.. We've failed you Ash! they started in. "No No No No you guys I appreciate the sentiment but let me finish. In these last five major leagues I gathered many new member's to our family, many who joined our team and cause and yet I didn't train you all enough. I just went all out and never planned right before the tournament. I just took you all in there on faith and in my opinion failed all of you. I didn't offer you a chance to reach your full potential. I never swapped all of you out during my travels and train you equally and for that failure I have to live with it...and I am so sorry." Ash said this as he hung his head a bit.. All of the Pokemon were now very quiet and listening. After a minute of silence He spoke again raising his head and facing every one of his team.
"Well that stops now. The second reason I've come up here is to tell you all. I will be training each of you in cycles till you tell me you feel your ready for the next tournament. I want everyone to know all the moves they can, I want each of you to evolve only as far as you want to and then maximize your power, I want to treat each of you with the respect and love that you have given me.. and I don't want to do another League until I feel you all are truly ready. I know in my heart that if we do it this way when you battle in the next round of gyms they wont understand your powers... and I am fine with that.
I want to take all of you to a championship, I want fellow trainers to look at all of you on the battle field and know that your to much for them and most of all I just want you all to be happy being part of my family." Many roared and shot off abilities into the air as he finished his statement and Ash thought the whole field before him might burn up because of it.. "HA HA HA Ok guys calm down calmmmmm down. Wow you all are really fired up!" You can't make a statement like that Ash and not expect a reaction I feel like I am holding in a Fire blast.. I want to go to the characific valley and destroy someone right now... Charizards tail flame was taller than Ash and was actually radiating white fire... "I know Charizard but take that tail down a notch before you burn poor Leavanny." as she scurried to the other side of the group due to the heat.. Yeah geez I almost caught on fire thanks Ash. Were all with you! Roars of approval came from all around. "Thanks Leavanny. Ok so now that you understand my goal, I want you to all be aware that Charizard is the first of a group of Pokemon I plan to go out and retrieve for our family and there are a few others I will be trying to catch, and a few more I have scores to settle with and hopefully they will be joining us as well. Will you all be alright with that?"
There were many nodding heads and barks, roars, chirps and squawks of approval. "Good deal guys. So I want you all to eat right, train when you can and rest when you need it. when I cycle you in your training will be very intense but I promise you it will all be worth it, because this next time we aren't going to lose to a Cameron, or a Tobias or a champion for that matter.. This next time we will be ready.. This next time we will have the power.. That is the path we all will walk together. I will bring you a league victory and I will bring you to your potential.. and thanks for everything guys. I could never do any of this without you.." Now that Ash had said what he wanted he spent the next hour talking with each and every one of his Pokemon that wanted his time.
After he finished he let everyone know that training would begin in a weeks time and headed in to complete the favor asked by Gary. Charizard, Leavanny, Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Sceptile were all hanging around waiting for Ash to leave.. Hey ash you mind if we talk to Pikachu real fast after were done he can catch up.. Charizard said looking at his trainer. "Sure that's fine I'm going to go in and talk with Gary as he nodded at them all and left. Pika walked up to the group. Hey guys whats up? Well its Like this Pika... as Squirtle explained Pikachu wasn't liking what he was hearing... oh boy... pika sighed...
Gary was sitting at a table in his lab working on a laptop when Ash walked in the room. "Hey Gary I'm here to answer your question about legendary Pokemon." Gary smiled, "Great Ash I would appreciate it let me get Grandpa and we will start." Ash nodded. Gary left the room and then he and professor Oak returned and took a seat. "Ash its good you went to see your team I know they really missed you. So what can you tell us about all the legendary Pokemon you saw.." Ash pulled out his Pokedex and set it on the table for both Gary and Professor Oak to review as he talked. He explained for two hours about all the Legendaries he had seen on his trip, not even leaving out his encounter with Mew and Mewtwo."
"Ash that's unbelievable your pokedex hows you have seen more than 15 legendary Pokemon on your trip... The one I can't believe and I still don't believe is Ho-oH the Aura Phoenix.. It hasn't been seen in more than one hundred years right Grandpa?" Professor Oak smiled, "Well it said that it hasn't been seen but a Pokedex does not lie Gary you know this. If you try to fake a Pokemon or tamper with it, it will burn out instantly so Ash must have seen it right Ash?" He started to laugh at them when he thought about his encounter with Ho-oH, "Well I didn't really meet Ho-oh She just sorta gave us a buzz by... You both may not believe this but Pikachu is my witness we met Ho-oH on the very first day of our journey right Pika. Do you remember what happened after that Spearow flock was nuked with your lightning?" Pikachu had been curled up at the end of the table sleeping after he got back from his meeting until he heard this. He got up stretched and walked over to Ash and tapped his chest.. "Right you are Pika." You know very well what happen.. That giant buzzard stopped and hovered there and said what she said to you and I... Still can't believe what she rude.. Ash started laughing as Pikachu started to spark all over and growled. Gary and Professor Oak raised and eyebrow at this... but you better show them... especially Gary he doesn't believe you..
Right on que, "I still don't believe it Ash.. that's just to much to believe you met Ho-oH on day one." Ash shook his head and reached into his shirt pulling a chain with a screw and two clasps on it and at the end was a metal feeling feather as long as his middle finger that shimmered in every color of the rainbow in the setting sun light from the window outside.. "Well Gary I'd say you were right if she hadn't dropped this at our feet, still can't believe she did that..."
Gary picked up the feather with a gaping mouth.."Impossible.. Its a rainbow wing... incredible." He set the item back on the table and began furiously writing on his laptop. Professor Oak had seen the feather long ago when Ash shared it privately with him. Since then he had shown no one else. "Well Ash we won't hold you up any longer thanks for all the info on the legendaries and for letting Gary in on our little secret. It looks as though he might just have a miltank over that.. Well leave him to it." Professor Oak said with a laugh.. "Yeah Yeah thanks Ash so much great information, I can't believe how much this will help with my research and don't worry I wont say a thing about that feather. Take care." as he went back to furiously typing away. Ash left with Pika on his shoulder feeling a lot better after talking to his team. You look calmer Ash, better I am glad we all talked to the team.. "Yeah Pikachu I am glad I got to talk to everyone I feel a lot better about what were doing now, lets head on home." Now it was time to go home eat something and head off to bed. He had a few days of rest to catch up on before he put his new plan into action. This time would be different. This time it was going to be a better Ash with his better family and when he was done.. The whole world would get to see just how much better they all were and if possible a championship win to boot.
Ch. 1 - End