All characters belong to S.M. and twilight, but the plot is all mine…




"Bella?" Jake said with a confused look on his face then looked back at the two boys that lay in the crib. "What…? How…? Then looked back at me again. I swallowed hard.

"Jake…" I said trying to come up with an explanation. "It must be because Lizzy and I are identical twins and we share the same D.N.A." I told him.

"Why would Paul's son look like me though?" he asked. I turned and walked to my bed and sat down on the side of it, as my mind raced to think up something. Jake's eyes followed me, he walked over and sat on the other side of the bed still watching me.

"He's isn't Paul's son," I told him, as he looked at me more confused.

"I thought…I mean everyone thought that your child was Paul's," he said. I shook my head.

"No… Paul knew that my child wasn't his, he only wanted it to be his, well at least until he imprinted on your sister," I told him with a chuckle.

"I don't understand Bella, what are you saying? I've never been with you, how is this possible?" he asked. I took a deep breath as he said he had never been with me, I knew he thought that but to hear him say it took me by surprise, it made me sad and hurt all at the same time. He looked over at the boys and then back at me. "If not Paul, then who?" he said, I could see the wheels moving in his mind as he thought hard about what he was thinking, he looked up at me, he raised one of his eye brows like he had come to a conclusion, "Embry?" he said.

"Embry?" I said more surprised at his deduction, wondering why he would think that.

"Embry, why would you think my son belonged to Embry?" I asked.

"Embry is my cousin, maybe some of his D.N.A. matches mine and with you and Lizzy," he said as he cringed as he said her name, "maybe that's why they looked the same."

I looked at him, "I really don't want to get into who is the father of my child Jake, please," I told him. He looked at me surprised, he looked at the boys again and back to me, and nodded his head, but I could still see his wheel turning in his head. I got up and walked over to him and sat down in front of him, I could feel the pain rolling off him as he sat and looked at me as if I was Lizzy, I placed my hand on his chest over his heart, he put his hand over mine.

"Don't Bella," he said, as I ignored him, I shook my head and said the word, "Helio, Helio, Helio, while staring him in the eye, he closed his eyes as I felt the pain ease away, only the memory remained of his time with Lizzy, I removed my hand but he still held my hand, he intertwined his fingers with mine, and opened his eyes and stared at me.

"You look so much like her," he said, as his eyes glowed with love of her, I lowered my eyes not wanting him to look at me while he thought of her, I pulled my hand away from his and got up off the bed and turned and picked up the bottle that I just feed little Jake with and started to walk out of the room when Jake stopped me.

"Dad said you named him for me," he said as I turned to look at him.

"They were pressuring me for a name, I couldn't contact you, Billy said it would be okay if I went ahead and named him, I hope its okay with you," I told him.

"It's a perfect name Bella, thank you, I'm sorry I left you with my responsibility," he said. I shook my head.

"I understand Jake, you were hurting, I wish I could have got to you before you left the hospital, I could have healed you before you ran off," I told him.

"No Bella…I needed the time to myself, but I still should have thought about little Jacob," he said as he looked over at his son.

"He was no problem, I loved taking care of him for you," I told him as I exited my room and took the bottle to the kitchen and rinsed it out, when I came back to the room Jake was standing at my bookshelf, when he turned, his face was pale and a look of shock and puzzlement was spread across it. I looked at what he had in his hand, it was my copy of Pride and the Prejudice, and he held the piece of paper in his hand holding it out at me.

"What is this?" he asked, I swallowed hard I knew all the blood had ran out of my face when I seen what he held in his hand.

"It's a piece of paper Jake," I told him, he looked at it… his eyes were moving from side to side like he was trying to remember something, then he looked at me again.

"This is my hand writing," he said, "I don't remember writing this," he continued, I remained quiet not knowing what to say, he had found the paper he had left me right before I merged the two worlds together, he looked at the paper then at the boys, then back to the paper. He laid the book on the desk and kept looking and reading the small piece of paper he held in his hand, he was looking at the boys and back at the paper, he did this a few times then looked at me.

"Oh, my god…! Bella…!" he said as the piece of paper fell from his hands and slowly and softly fell in slow motion to the floor as it did the day I read it, Jake fell to the floor on his knees while looking at me, tears flowed down his cheek, "Bella…" he said again, he picked up the paper and read it once again but this time out loud, "I will love you till the day I die, that will never change, Jake." he read. He looked at me. "I remember…"he said, "I remember it all," he said.

I looked at him through my own tears, as I lowered my head, and sobbed.

"It's not possible, the Great Spirit fixed it so no one would remember," I told him through the sobbing and tears.

Jake got up and walked to me, he put his hand under my chin and raised it to look at him, he wiped away the tears, and softly kissed my lips, which caused me to sob harder he pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me as he whispered into my ear.

"I remember Bella, I left you in the clearing with Tatika, I ran back here to leave you this message, before you merged the two worlds together, my god what you had to endure this last few months, why didn't you tell me you were pregnant with my child Bella?" he asked.

"Why Jake, you wouldn't have remembered, no one remembered except for Tatika and me, and even I didn't know Tatika knew until he came to me two weeks ago," I told him. He pulled me tighter to him.

"I'm so sorry Bella; sorry you had to endure all of this alone," he said.

"It had to be, Jake, in order to save everyone, it had to be," I told him.

"I know honey, I will make all this up to you…I promise," he said.

"It's not your fault Jake…it was my decision," I told him.

"No honey…not you decision, you had no choice in the matter, it's what life threw at you, you are such a good person, you choice the worlds safety over your own personal feelings, maybe that's why I was able to remember, maybe the Great Spirit knew that Lizzy wouldn't live long after the joining of the two worlds, and she made it so I would remember, so we could be together again," he said. I pulled away from him and looked into his eyes.

"Will we be together again?" I asked. He smiled at me.

"Yes…if you want to be with me," he said, questionably.

" I want to be Jake," I told him, as he kissed me once again but more passionately this time, when we ended the kiss he stared at me and smiled, then looked over at the boys, he walked us across the room as we stood next to the crib he looked at his sons, and smiled.

"They could be twins," he said, "Only difference is one's older than the other," he continued, "What does E.J. stand for?" he asked, I looked at him.

"Ephraim Jacob, I told him, he looked at me and smiled.

"How did you manage to keep his name a secret?" he asked.

"I put glamour on the birth certificate," I told him. He chuckled.

"What do other people see when they look at it?" he asked.

"Eli Joseph," I told him. He smiled.

"Well you can take off the glamour, he will carry his rightful name," he said, pulling me into his chest and hugging me tight. He laughed, "I have two fine boys," he said, as he continued to laugh.

"Jake…we have to becareful, I mean, all because you remember doesn't mean that everyone else does," I told him.

"I don't care what other people think Bella. I love you I want to share my life with you.

"When I first started to remember a few minutes ago… I thought about when you and I first met, remember? Back when this all started, when you and Charlie first walked into my house, that's the day I imprinted on you. I started to remember about us, it all fell back into place, I know I have the other Jake in here with me, but he is one with me now, he remembers everything I remember, at first it was like all confusion, like two different lives that I had lived, but as it all came to me, the part of us together, it all rolled together and became one, it became me the now me, the you and I together me.

I know I was with Lizzy up till recently, but it felt like it was the other Jake, A part of me misses Lizzy, but I felt like that when I first met you, remember, you told me you felt my loss when we first met. It wasn't long after that when I figured out that Lizzy was my false imprint after reading the journals. God…it feels like it was so long ago." He looked over at me. "Does any of this make sense to you?" he asked, I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"Yeah…it does," I told him. He smiled and sighed at the same time.

"But your right about what other people will think, I am chief of the tribe, I have a reputation to up hold, but it won't matter… they all know you are Lizzy's sister, they will only think we are consoling each other, they will think that we found each other through our mourning," he said. "You will move in with me, we'll tell Billy what happened, so he doesn't freak, he already thinks were having an affair anyway," he said with a chuckle.

"I thought he might confront you when he seen E.J." I told him, with a chuckle.

"Yeah, he did, I thought he had lost his mind, but now that I see our son, I see why he thought what he did, once we tell him of the merging, he will be more understanding," he said. "What does your dad think?" he asked.

"I had to tell him, he was guessing the same thing, so he knows of the merging," I told him. He nodded his head.

"Good, let me help you get the boys ready and well go talk to Billy," he said. We did exactly that, and Billy wasn't surprised, I don't think anything surprises Billy with all that had gone on, and he did figure something was going on. He said he read the journals that he found in his room which must have been there before the merging. He wondered how they found their way to his room.

He was happy that things worked out the way they did, I did move in with Jake and we lived as a family, Lizzy left her money and the house to Jake and me, we remodeled the house here in La Push adding on two more bedrooms for the boys and made the rooms larger, we added a few upgrades to the house, we also vinyl sided the house but kept it red. "No one would recognize the house," Jake said, "if we changed the color," which I agreed, Jake also fixed up the garage so he could work out of it more easily, with a few upgrades as well.

We threw a bonfire at the house, and it was amazing the turn out every Elder arrived as well as the pack, they all came for a reason and Tatika made sure they all came, it was a surprise when we found out why it was so important to him that they all showed up, it seems as the Thunderbird had another plan other than what she had told me, and Tatika took the floor in the announcement.

"I have the honor to announce to Jake and Bella as well as everyone here what has happened," he said as he turned to Jake and me as we sat there holding our boys. "Bella, the Thunderbird had me in her confidence since the day of the merger," he said, I looked around to see the others, I couldn't believe he said that in front of everyone here.

"Don't worry child…they all know about the merger," he said, I looked at him with a furrowed brow, and then looked at Jake who only shrugged his shoulders.

"Bella, the Thunderbird knew that Lizzy would pass away very soon. She made it so that when she did pass that Jacob would start to remember. Once he did the others and when I say others I mean the pack and the Elders would remember as well. Of course, the rest of the tribe and the world will never know what happened, but as for us here tonight we all remember what you did, what you suffered through to make it possible. You saved two worlds Bella, with the help of the Great Spirit. We all owe you our lives, and we are honored to have you as part of our tribe, and I speak for everyone here when I tell you that you are loved by us all and we thank you for all you did for us," and with that he sat down and everyone started clapping, they all stood up and let me know how grateful they were with a standing ovation. The tears began to flow, Jake put his arm around me and pulled me too him and kissed my forehead.

I couldn't believe that everyone remembered with the help of the Thunderbird, in a way I was glad that they all remembered and I didn't have to keep it hidden any longer, well at least with those that I was close to. I was glad that the world didn't know, there are something's that the world just isn't ready to hear and the supernatural world is one of them. I love Jake and I was his true imprint the Great Spirit knew this and she made it possible for us to be together again as a family. Jake and I are happy and have been for quite some time. We live in Billy's house and I help care for him and we have dinners a lot so Charlie and I can be together since Lizzy passed, I didn't want to leave him alone.

Charlie also became closer to Billy they are always going fishing together something they both love to do. They also watch the games on television sometimes at Charlie's and other times here at the house, it's funny to watch them bicker at one another, you would think they had been best friends all their lives, which is fine by me. I'm glad they hit it off so well.

Jake and I were married last summer and he wanted to change E.J. last name to his, until he found out that he already had his last name, which made him the happiest man on the reservation. So, little Jake and E.J. are truly brothers not just half brothers because they have different mothers but they are what is called blood brothers, because Lizzy and I share the same D.N.A. which makes them closer to real brothers as you can get… were all happy and live together and survive here on the reservation.

The catastrophe is over and we deal with only the small things that pop up. I guess that would cover a lot considering the merging of two worlds being something of a great importance, but the problems we have are nothing like that anyway. The Cullens still live in Italy and run the vampires they still have a lot to handle their but I am still here if they need my help and I will go their if need be if I don't think they are handling it as I see fit, well, you can guess how that will end up.

The world is as it should be, everyone is happy and that's how it should be and it will be until the next time something comes up, and if that happens I will be here to handle that as well.

The end…