A/N: Hey everyone. I just wanted to alert you to the fact that I wrote this story a very long time ago and it was so messed up that I needed to rewrite it and I have and this is the result. It doesn't have a beta, but I did use the Micro soft word grammar and spell check so bear with me for the mistakes.

I also got some really good advice from a friend, Nancy. (Selena) who told me it would be easier to read if I named my dimensions so I did. Their pretty much self-explanatory, one is called Earth, the other Ertha. I hope this makes it easier to read when changing dimension. I hope you enjoy this story, it's one of my favorites and I just couldn't let it lie without fixing it…so with that said…enjoy…huggs

This is a story about a different way of life, where there is two of everything that can soon be taken away. Both worlds could come crumbling down if something isn't done. Both worlds rest on the powers of a young girl and the trust of a Quileute tribe or better yet the Alpha of the tribe known as Chief Jacob Black. Can you imagine two worlds, two Jacob Black's, two Bella's and two of each Pack member, they may be all lost if she can't fix what is broken…come with me to read, and enjoy True Dimensions.

Remember this is a Bella and Jacob story, bear with me; I must get through a few things before we get to the main part of the story.

A/N: The one thing that you must remember is that there are two Dimensions moving side by side…mirroring one another, what happens here happens there, but when something bad happens in one of them it will pull not only their dimension, but the other off kilter, also pulling their Dimension a few months behind which also starts a paradox. Paradox: (A contradiction. The same person meaning Jake from this universe and Jake from an alternative universe cannot accompany one another in the same universe. It will start a paradox, and will cause a rip in the fabric of time causing both worlds to eventually collapse.) Remember that and the story will make more sense. Plus, I will inform you when we change Dimensions at the beginning of the update or whenever needed. Thank, huggs.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings

, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended

All characters belong to S.M. and twilight, but the plot is all mine and I love to play around in Stephanie's world…


I hate the idea of leaving. I left my beta to handle things on the reservation while I was gone. Although, things have been quiet lately I still hated to leave. It's not that he isn't capable because he is, but I have no choice, I have to go. Since I signed the treaty with the vegetarians I've been leery of letting the tribe out of my site. I still wasn't sure it was a good idea allowing those bloodsuckers to live so close to the reservation or even the town as far as that goes, but what's done is done and it's my responsibility to make sure they keep to the law of the treaty.

My name is Ephraim Daniel Black, I am chief of the Quileute tribe. I'm also Alpha to a small group of shape-shifters'. There are only four of us, but we are capable of defending our tribe.

I had a vision, they don't come often but when they do I know I have to listen, and this is one of those times. The vision called to me to go deep into the forest, to leave my tribe, my people, and my mate. I will know where to go. I've given strict orders to my Beta. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I'll keep in contact with him, and with that I was off.

I have been traveling for days. I know I am deep in the forest in Canada and when I came to the clearing that I recognized from my vision I stopped and set up camp.

I don't know how long I've been here, but I think it's been at least three days and there was still no sign of the Spirit Guide. I sat quietly in front of the fire that I had made and have kept stoked as I waited. I had my eyes closed, and was in a deep trance. I knew I had to be patient. The Spirit Guide never does anything in a hurry. He wants me to cleanse my soul from the humdrum of the natural world. To in gulf myself into the spirit world. To clear my mind, of everything of this world I live in. He wants me to be one with nature. To only have pure thoughts. It will take time with all the pack worries bouncing around in my mind, and it was difficult to stop thinking of all the problems on my mind concerning the reservation. I kept my eyes closed as I took in a few deep breathes and after what seemed like a short period of time. I was at peace with only the sounds of the forest calmly settling over me. I breathed in the clean air that tantalized my senses. My mind was open, I was at ease.

It was then I realized I was connected to the spirit world. I opened my eyes to see a russet Wolf standing in front of me just on the other side of the fire. His sized didn't bother me even though he was a lot larger than a normal wolf; he was huge even for my standards. He was a good head taller than me and I was bigger than the others of my pack, but I was Alpha and it was the way it should have been. I responded normally with the bow of my head in honor of the Great Spirit.

"Welcome Taha Aki, how can I be of service to you old Great one?" I replied. The Wolf stood tall and amenable, you could see the pride he took in his statues and the love he has for his people. He held his head high and meaningfully. He towered over me, even in wolf form. He was a giant above all. You could see the powerfulness of this wolf and his greatness shines through all else, once a man, a wolf, a leader, now in spirit, he still leads with honor. I keep my eyes and head lowered out of respect and waited for him to speak.

"Ephraim…you have been a great leader to our tribe, as well as Alpha. I have much to tell you, some will be unbelievable to you, but you must take heed in what I say," he began with a great roar of his deep baritone voice as it echoed through the forest.

"Of course your greatness, I am at your service," I praised.

"Then listen well and follow what I say, with no questions asked," he demanded.

"Yes, your greatness," I said, keeping my head bowed and eyes down.

"Everything, I tell you this day you will not understand, but you must follow what I say to the letter, is that understood?" he asked. I didn't understand, but I knew that I must follow his orders, he was the Great Taha Aki and only he knew how things would turn out. I trusted what he said. It wasn't up to me to second guess his orders, I never had, and I saw no need to start now or at least not until what he said next.

Yes your greatness, I understand," I replied.

"You must send your imprint away," he demanded. I jerked my head up to look into his eyes, which is never done. To look into the Great Spirit's eyes was disrespectful, but I didn't care right now. What did he mean send her away? I was confused and upset. I can't do that and he knows it. This would be devastating to me and to her as well. What would happen to her? I just can't do this to her. Why would he say such a thing? The imprinting process is final. We are soul mates. She's my reason for living. She is ever breath I take. My mind raced through reasons why he would ask this of me. Maybe he wants to see my reaction to his words. He is testing me. I didn't know for sure, but I wondered if he was saying this to see if I will do as he says, so I will summit to his orders, as I lowered my head once again and answer.

"Yes, great one," I said, waiting for him to tell me if it was a test or not.

"The bond with your mate will be broken and another will take her place," he continued. My heart began to beat faster, he meant it; he would have me send my imprint away. This is unheard of… it's never happened before even he himself couldn't break from his imprint and took many wives as a result. My head was spinning. I was trying with everything in me to understand. The pull of the imprint was tugging at my heart just at the mere mention of his words to me. I had to get control of myself. I am chief I must show some sort of restraint as I sat before the Great Spirit. I took a few deep breathes, as I readied myself to speak.

"Your greatness, this is unheard of, it is impossible to break the bond of an imprint. I will not live without her, you yourself know this is impossible great one," I told him in a weak voice.

"You doubt the word of Taha Aki?! He bellowed.

"No! Your greatness, I just fear for my imprint. I wish her no harm. I fear for only her," I begged.

"Ephraim… I know you don't understand, but this is necessary. Your imprint is barren, due to an injury she sustained as a child. There will be no pain come to her, the bond will be severed. You are the Chief of the tribe. You must father a son to take your place one day. The woman I send to you will have much importance to the future. Her name is Isabella Jane Swan. Her husband was killed in an accident leaving her alone and pregnant with a daughter. You will grow to love this child and raise her as your own. Their powers are great," he continued.

"Powers?" I asked shocked at his words. "Is she a witch, Oh, great one?"

"No my son, she is not a witch. She's a seer, she sees the future and she sees what is coming, what the future holds and this frightens her. She has told no one of these visions out of fear. You must help her see that these things are a gift and make it known to her that her power will be handed down to her daughter, and her daughters, daughter. It will be needed for the future. She will be the ancestor to a great power known as an Ancient," he explained.

"I am sorry great one, I do not understand. I mean, I understand for me to help her, but not about the future thing," I told him.

"It is not for you to understand, you must make her understand that she must protect the powers, so she can hand them down to her daughter, and her daughters, daughter so they will know what is to be done in the future," he said taking a deep breath before continuing. "She must also keep a journal telling of her powers, and in doing so telling her future grandchildren that something was about to happen, so they will be ready to handle the catastrophe that is to come. I was sent here by another, one that is greater than I. She alone, will be her Spirit Guide when it is time," he explained. I nodded my head, agreeing to his words.

"There will be a catastrophe in the future that only her… what… great granddaughter will only be able to fix?" I asked wearily.

"Yes, my son, but it doesn't stop there, your great grandson will imprint on her, and there will be great confusion with the imprint and much pain. You too must keep a journal as well to help with this problem," he began again only this time speaking of my off spring that will come. "Your great grandson will do as you have, imprint on the wrong woman, which will cause great pain to the Swan woman and to your great grandson," he said. I wrinkled my brow in worry.

"He as well has his father your grandson will not see what is true and will hold firm to their beliefs. Although, he sees the Swan woman and feels the pull, he will stand strong with the wrong imprint," he continued. I felt a sting of pain in my chest, just the thought of my great-grandchild going through this was heartbreaking. I sighed as I listened further to what he had to say.

"The Swan woman will know of this wrongful imprint, and her heart will break, and will stand alone. She will work closely with her rightful mate, but will be unable to tell him of this for her own reasons. He will be Chief of the tribe, and it will be painful for her to see her rightful mate interacting with the other woman, but she will stand strong as she will help her tribe," he said.

"Her tribe?" I asked more confused than ever.

"Sleep now my son, take what I have told you so far and put it in order. I will return to you in the morning and tell you more," he said, disappearing into the forest.

I sat there in front of the fire trying to contemplate what was told to me. He said I wouldn't understand, but I am to act on what he told me. How am I to act on something I don't' understand? I am to give up my imprint which is unheard of… and take another into my bed. I know enough about the Great Spirit to know that anything is possible, that they can do anything to set the world right again. I also wonder why the powers that be had me imprint on a woman who was barren to begin with. I knew I would have to father a son to take my place as chief one day or even be Alpha of the pack, but the pull of Myra was too strong to resist.

I was the only son, how was this to be so? So there will be another. I will have to take what Taha Aki says to heart and pray that Myra will not be totally shattered at this news. The rest of this is that the Swan woman has powers. It was a lot to swallow; an Ancient? I know nothing of such things. I would be conceded to believe we are the only supernatural creatures on this earth. Of course there are other out there, some good and some evil. It is evident that these Ancients are good. It was obvious her great granddaughter is destined to be one, which brought me back to what kind of catastrophe the future holds. It could be anything. The first thing that came to mind was the elements, earthly bound as in earthquake or floods, etcetera.

How can an Ancient stop this type of thing? Unless, it was caused by someone, but how can someone cause a catastrophe? I didn't know…my head was spinning with all of this information. I know nothing about such things. Maybe that's what Taha Aki meant when he said I wouldn't understand. It was up to me to act on his words, not there meaning, it was not for me to understand. I will take it one day at a time and let whatever was natural take its place. I will just go with the flow of things. I finally let sleep over take me. And when morning came so did Taha Aki.

I bowed to him once again and took a seat in front of the fire as before. He continued to speak.

"You have separated yourself with the unknown and what is expected of you, this is good my son," he expressed.

"Yes, your greatness, I know not of the things you have told me, but resigned myself to only accept the things I can change, it is for the future to take care of the things I cannot. I will do what is expected of me here and now to get the word to my children," I told him.

"This is good, now I will continue. I will start by telling you that you will be the last pack to evolve for two generations," he began. Which I took as a good thing, if there will be no more wolves transforming then that means the cold ones are gone at least from around the tribe. I thought to myself.

"The Cullen's will leave very soon, you as well as your brothers will stop phasing and grow old with your mates," he said.

"That is wonderful news your greatness," I told him with a grin on my face.

"Yes, my son, but always keep in mind that they are still out there," he said and I nodded my head in agreement.

"The Cullen's will return in seventy years, which will cause the wolf gene to kick in again. Your great grandson, Jacob Ephraim Black," at the mention of his name gave me great pride.

"Yes, my son he is named after you. He will be known as the greatest Chief and Alpha, besides you to ever lead this tribe," he said as I smiled at his words.

"Thank you, your greatness," I told him.

"I speak only the truth my son. He as well as his true imprint will be able to communicate through their minds, mostly through her powers. He and his first imprint will find this strange as will his father; your grandson will also find it strange. His father will study this as he will always study our history through his life time. Your grandson will be an historian the keeper of the words, he will know all of our history and understand them, but the history of you and Isabella will be lost for a short time, but William, your grandson will dig until he finds the journals from you and your mate. Your grandson will also know of the herb," he said.

"The herb, your greatness?" I asked confused once again.

"He will be an herbalist as well as a historian, he will know of all the herbs and know there uses. Some herbs can be dangerous if used in the wrong way, you must write this in your journal, but only mention it, nothing more, this will spark William's interest and will help him in solving one of the future problems. When you return to your tribe you must go to the herbalist, have him write his own journal and name all the herbs and there uses, then have him file it in the great hall of our history," he told me.

"Yes, your greatness," I said, I knew he had a reason for all of this and it wasn't for me to understand, but it was left up to me to start the ball rolling and without me starting this everything will fall apart. So I knew my importance in all of this. If I didn't do what was asked of me then the future would fall.

"My son, we live in a world of magic of supernatural creatures, most of the world knows nothing of such things, and most calls them only myths, and folklore. We live in one world, but don't think that it is the only one. There are parallel worlds that run side by side, where one person lives so does another, as good is to evil, you cannot have one and not the other, so is it with these worlds, pull the tether just a little and it will be out of place. It will cause a paradox. Both worlds if not more will cease to exist, they will crumble and all will die," he told me. I looked at him with a furrowed brow, more confused than ever. I know once again it wasn't my place to understand, but this was detrimental to the chaos that was to come.

"One mere human will cause this destruction without even realizing he is doing so. His jealousy for one woman will cause the deaths of all," he told me. I sighed at the thought of the whole world being destroyed with one human's jealousy. I took it as a domino effect. Something else must have to happen before this human can even cause such a catastrophe, and I had a feeling it had to do with the tribe. It would filter its way through time and space and land in this human's hands for him to cause this without him realizing what he was doing. But without knowing what it was, I had no chance of stopping it before it starts and that bothered me.

I must keep my eyes open and see if I notice anything that may happen differently, if it is even possible for me to step in and stop the beginning of such destruction, I thought. The Great Spirit interrupted my train of thought as he spoke again.

"Remember Ephraim Daniel Black, do as I ask, keep the journal, persuade Isabella to do the same, appoint someone to file these, journal's in the great hall of our history upon your deaths. Speak to the herbalist follow through to make sure his journal is filed away. Do as I say so the future can be saved," he told me finally.

"Yes, great one, I will make it so," I told him. Then he was gone.