4 Years Later
Rosalina held her Granddad's hand as she skipped down the street leading towards the hospital, accompanied by her 2 year old brother Theo Alexander, her mother was due to get off from work in 10 minutes and was going to take them out to celebrate Rosie's birthday. Her father was away on a work trip which meant he was unable to make it for her birthday celebration but the 4 year old understood, she knew that both her mother and father had big responsibilities when it came to work. She was very smart for her age and already managed to skip a grade. When they made it through the doors, Rosie and Theo saw their mother sat at the main desk, completing paperwork.
Eva looked up from her work to see her children.
"Hey Princess! How was your day?"
"It was amazing! Granddad took us to the park and we went to feed the ducks and we got ice cream because it's my birthday and he got me books for my birthday as well as the pretty dresses!"
Eva continued to listen to her daughter rambling about her day as she took Theo from her dad and thanked him for looking after them and took them towards the break room.
A lot had changed over 4 years, Proctor left, saying he missed Kuwait and being in the thick of it all. Eva was made chief, with Chris being her second in demand. Serena finished her residency and was made Chief Resident and a new resident was introduced into their little group, Dr. Allison Hall, who they welcomed with open arms. One thing remained the same though, Tuck was still their Charge Nurse. He said that the hospital wouldn't work the same without him, it would be driven into chaos.
Eva opened the door to the break room to see Serena sat at the table flicking through a magazine.
"Auntie Serena!" Rosie called out to her god mother. Serena looked up and broke out into a grin as she spotted her god daughter and god son.
"There's the birthday girl! Have you had a good day so far?" Rosalina told Serena the same story that she had just recounted to her mother as she sat on her knee. Eva leant on her locker, smiling at the scene. The door opened again to reveal Tuck and Proctor, who was visiting Miami for a couple of weeks to catch up with friends. They wished Rosie a happy birthday and bought out the cake that they made for her. Eva shared her slice with Theo and silently applauded the Nurse and her old boss, they sure know how to bake.
The door opened again to reveal her husband.
"Daddy!" Rosie rushed off Serena's lap and leapt into her father's arms. Eva walked over to greet her husband.
"I thought you were at a conference?" She asked as she kissed him briefly.
"I was but it finished early and I didn't want to miss my little Angel's special day. Are you all done with surgeries for the day?" Eva nodded and she took her little girl by the hand, saying goodbye to her colleagues.
When they got home, Eva and Chris gave Rosie her final present, they already gave her a couple of books, a new doll and a couple of dresses, Chris was right, she turned out to be such a girly girl, she loved the colour pink and dressing up, particularly in sparkly pink dresses. Their last present to their baby girl was the best though. Tickets to Disney Land. Rosie took after her mother with her love and has seen every single Disney movie at least 10 times (and she's only 4 years old!) Her favourite being Tangled, she would often drive Chris and Eva up the wall by belting out "When Will my Life Begin" at 6 in the morning.
Rosie screamed, literally screamed when Eva presented her with the tickets, excited at the prospect of meeting her idol, Rapunzel. Neither Chris or Eva had the heart to tell her that it's just a movie and she doesn't actually exist, she is just someone dressing up in an outfit. They wanted to keep their baby girl innocent and pure for as long as they could.
That night, after they put the children to bed, both high on sugar from ice cream and cake, Eva and Chris laid in bed together, cuddling.
"You know, when I first asked you out on that date by your car, I never thought that we would get this far, but I'm glad I did, you've changed my world Eva, flipped it upside down. I live for your smiles, Rosie's cute little giggle and Theo's bear hugs. I don't know what I would do without the three of you"
Eva grinned at her husband and pressed her lips to his.
"I love you Dr. Deleo"
"I love you Chief Zambrano"
We made it! My book is officially finished, I can't believe I made it! Thank you all for joining me on this journey and I hope you enjoyed it xoxo - Sophie