Sweet cheese- Vomit erupted from my mouth, flowing into the welcoming toilet. "-And Crackers." I breathed, leaning on the cold metal toilet. Gods, what was wrong with her? Ever since Yesterday I had woken up and had to instantly run to the community toilets, to later vomit my dinner. I frowned, I obviously had a stomach bug, but what made me ponder was why It would happen only in the bloody morning. After washing up I walked up the creaking stairs, passing Bonk, who looked at me curiously but said nothing. Slipping into my uniform I instantly felt better, well a little. Walking, or limping, Now I had aching ankles, I sighed, How could this get worse? Curious glances were cast my way, which I happily greeted with a death glare. Huh, weird. My normally straight ears where sagged behind me back. Limping into the Precinct I was greeted by the normal sight, some officers chatting, Fangmeyer dragging a cuffed ram who was blabbering "I didn't do It!" And of course the overweight and overjoyed cheetah, who was humming a familiar tune while happily wolfing down doughnuts. He noticed me greeted me happily, but noticed my mood and stopped mid sentence. "Good Morning Jud-" I waddled into the bullpen. No one seeming to notice me, I was fine with that. When I saw the russet red Fox, coffee in paw and a packet of cicada chips in his other. Just the sight of the fox made me feel slightly better. I hopped up and sat next to him, his aviators on his snout. He looked down and gave me a grin, then noticed the ruffled fur and drooped ears and his grin dropped into a concerned frown. Taking off his aviators he looked concerned. "You ok Judy?" My ears shoot up, he called me by my actual name, but my ears instantly went back down. I nodded and gave him a weak smile, trying to convince him that I'm A...ok. He didn't buy it. I looked hungrily at his bug chips. Before I knew what I was doing I asked. "Can I have one?" I asked. The fox looked blankly at me. "Uh-"

"Great!" I stole two- what a rebel- and shoved them in my mouth. Sinking at the blissful taste. Nick looked at me in shock, luckily no fellow officers saw. "Carrots, you just-" He closed his mouth, opened then closed, not knowing what to say. "Attention!" A gruff loud voice shouted. Chief Bogo shuffled in, files in his hoof. He handed out the files, until it was only us and the chief, staring at us. "Hopps and Wilde." He said. "Desk duty." I sighed in relief, causing both mammals to look at me in confusion. "I mean, aw." I acted, forcing a sad face.

"What have you done with my Bunny." Nick spoke up when we sat down in our cubicle. At first, I didn't hear his question, Only something that made my heart flutter My Bunny. "Fluff?" I blinked. "What?" I asked. "I asked 'What have you done to my Bunny?'" I repeated. "What do you mean?" I asked slightly annoyed, which got me a raised eyebrow. "First your mood, Where's the energetic Bunny I know and love." He grinned. Love Cue heart fluttering. "Sorry Nick, Since yesterday I've not been feeling good."

"Aw Is my Bunny sick?" He asked, leaning in, a smirk planted on his muzzle. The temptation to grab his snout and kiss it was overpowering. Wait, what was with these thoughts and feeling, Ahhh. "I don't know, it's only in the mornings." He frowned slightly, but recomposed to his smirk. "And what was with you eating my Cicada fries?" He asked, with a molecule of nervousness, the slight tilt of his ears. "I dunno, just felt like it," I responded, shrugging. Nick's eyebrows scrunched up as he slowly spun around, tapping at his keyboard, his ears occasionally tilting fully back then pricked up. I shrugged once again and filled in papers and complaints.

After the boring day, The fox took off, seeming deep in thought. After walking into my little room I crashed onto my squeaky bed. Moaning as my sore joints got to rest. That made my thoughts stop. Strange, I had been sitting at my desk all day, yet I feel like I ran a marathon. Frowning I sluggishly got out of my uniform. Not bothering to change into my pyjamas I slid into my covers, half naked. I passed out as soon as my head connected with the pillow, sending me into my dreams. I remember last month, as much as I tried not to, It liked to crawl into my mind, pitch up a tent and cook marshmallows. The memory was after Me and Nick went to a pub near his apartment block, called Biggie cheese. It was run my mice, but was sized for small to medium Mammals. After having too many drinks I crashed at Nick's place, he was sober but had a couple drinks, me? Drunk, really drunk. But I remember the night like a song I've listened to way to many time. "I love you, Nick." Had slurred out of my mouth. I remember him saying it back, thinking I will forget. We made love. Simple as that. Of course being a Fox, me being a Rabbit, we thought nothing of any protection. A small part of my mind wanted that to never happen and to be forgotten, while a bigger part wants it again. Waking up was awkward, I pretended I knew nothing while he came up with excuses why He was snuggling me. I loved it through, his strong musk drives me crazy! His warm and witty green magical orbs and his soft fur that I just wanted to stroke my paws through. But one thing rests assured. I love Nick Wilde.

I Scurried through my apartment door. Scared out of my life, My thoughts jumbled, one side of my dumb brain saying, Please don't be true The other Please be true! Gah! I ran to the cheap computer and typed in; Sighs to pregnancy. The landlord would love to see this in my history I grumbled in my head. My ears tilted back and went back up. "Judy's Pregnant." I breathed. Not believing it. Yet I convinced myself otherwise. No, she's just sick, maybe she secretly likes Cicada Fries. I rested my head on my paws, groaning. "Yes, that's it, maybe she just is sick and likes Cicada's" I reassured myself. Hoping it was true I shoot to my bed, taking off my uniform top and falling on the jumble that was my duvet. The Pit-pat of rain calming down my nerves, and making me fall into the empty void of sleep.