Summer was pleasant, insanely so, in comparison to the others. While she still spent most of it within her home, with the other half spent lounging unashamedly on the northern coast of France, she had received a few gifts during her vacation, if it could be called that. Malfoy had explained to her that the gifts were to make up for his… transgressions. That he'd missed a few Yule's and it was only proper to arm a new witch with all the appropriate reading she would need to succeed. Granted, the message wasn't as nice as that. There'd been something about making sure she didn't embarrass him if she went out in public with Potter and himself but, she was so baffled by the fact that he'd tried that she didn't think much of it.

Potter and Neville had given her gifts as well, though theirs were a bit more practical than, say, quills and ink and parchment-though Malfoy's gifts were still useful, even if thoughtless. Potter had given her some… interesting books on Olde Magick, the current state of the Ministry, and something called 'Is The Dark Really Dark?', which she knew had to be on a banned list somewhere, if the interesting passages were anything to go by.

Still, she couldn't say she hadn't learned quite a bit. Especially since Neville had managed to procure a more extensive Sacred Twenty-Eight list for her from his Gran.

He was such a good friend, her very first, her most precious.

So, when she opened the first compartment she thought was empty and saw him among the Slytherin's she was certainly startled-

"'Moine!" Neville cooed and he was the first and only one to stand up, take her hand, and drag her into the compartment.

"Granger," Malfoy grunted, "Do hurry and take a seat before the trolley gets here. Blaise is supposed to be buying this year and I have a craving for chocolate."

She took a look about the train once she had entered proper, a slow crawl that allowed her to notice a few familiar faces-Daphne and Pansy hovering over Witch Weekly in the corner, Draco with his legs kicked out in a less than prestigious slouch with Crabbe and Goyle, on one side while Neville sat on the other. And then there was Blaise.

He must have thought himself awfully attractive, if the way he sat was any indication. Stooped with a slight twist of lips and a look that could only be described as superior haughtiness.

"Well well, and this is the little Muggle-born pet of yours?"

"Pet," Hermione whispered, her eyes crinkled with idle mirth as Neville sat up a bit straighter and leaned forward, his lips twisted in the sort of scowl Draco would have been proud of. Oddly enough she felt numb to the dig. Amused, for certain, but no longer easily swept on a tide of rage and loathing a stranger's opinion would have brought her. She could have blamed that on foolishness and something as petty as hope, but she liked to think it came from a newfound sense of security, of confidence, of a… budding understanding of her place in the grand scheme of their very closed off Hogwart's society.

"She's my bloody sponsored and if you so much a step a toe out of line-"

"Sponsored? Your sponsoring her?" Zabini looked like he'd tasted something sour, while he waved a hand dismissively toward Neville. "I can't believe that-"

"It's true," Draco said, glancing idly over Crabbe's shoulder as he attempted to read some sort of moving comic, "I figure I'd sponsor as well."

"What?" That made Hermione pause. She understood what sponsoring was-as far as books could take her in said understanding-though it hadn't been done for… well, sometime. It wasn't every day that a family, pure-blood or otherwise, sought protection through vassalage and technically, Potter already owned her through a combination of two life debts-a great honor Neville kept saying, with his dreamy smile and near fanatical faith in Harry-but a family could still provide the appropriate guidance and needed tutelage that only a Sacred Twenty-Eight could give. Generally, as far as Hermione understood, the more families willing to risk embarrassment for your sake the better your political assumed prestige. Neville had leapt at the chance once Harry had spoken briefly of it over the summer, as his letters by owl had indicated. Hermione knew his Gran had been a bit unsettled about it but Neville's need to reconnect with the traditions of his Father's youth had been vicious and passionate.

All she had to do was go to Gringotts and make it official.

But it seemed like such a major thing, the sort of life altering change taking on an apprenticeship could bring and, in a way, wasn't that exactly what she was agreeing to do?

"I… you never-"

"She'll want to meet you, of course. Mother, that is-"

"Why?" Hermione blurted, gaze narrowed and suspicious, "You must forgive me if I don't feel entirely secure with your intentions to guide me. It's been rather clear to me that you can barely stand me. "

"That's changed."



She snapped her mouth closed with a loud slap, throat tight before she shook her head, "Effort?"

"You'll meet her. They want to understand. Father is, understandably very very leery but Mother, well she's brilliant and-"

"I… I can't. Neville is one thing but-"

"Hermione! Relax," Potter said, his voice a sudden jolly bellow as he slipped into the now cramped compartment space, his arms full of Luna Lovegood, who immediately bounced away from him to attach herself to Hermione.

Ignoring the discomfort of being touched - she just didn't understand the need for people to bother, no one had ever touched her before, she'd been filthy, wretched… - she tightly addressed the newest entrant, "Harry."

"Malfoy is my very good friend and he has an interest in my interests. This can only do wonders for your education."

That was enough to cause the usual curl of hunger through her belly, "Education?"

"Imagine it. Summers spent in the middle of pure-blood society. You could learn a great deal about it, about us."

"Us…?" She answered wistfully, pointing toward the bulk of the Slytherin's and one hard faced Zabini.

"Us." Harry corrected, pointing between the compartment, himself, and-

"Me?" She breathed, nearly overwhelmed by the admittance.

"Of course. We're friends, aren't we?" Harry said, displaying an innocent Hermione didn't think he had.

And still… "Yes." She answered, fiercely.

"I don't believe that. You'd think she'd be rather interested in, ah, Lighter learnings."

"You know nothing about her struggles, Zabini." Neville hissed.

"She's my determined lioness, Mr. Zabini. She's interested in a great deal of magical aspects. Do be careful. Her roar is not as bad as her powerful bite."

Somehow he knew, he knew she'd been practicing, using her Time-Turner throughout the last year to hone her abilities and power along with her social understanding.

She gave nothing away other than her harsh swallow.

"I don't believe that," Zabini repeated, "She's a Muggle-born, for one, and a Gryffindor second. Bookworm she may be, but a threat? A person of actual interest? I think not. So why is it then, Potter, you think the Headmaster's coddled house could produce anything of real value? Do share with the class."

Though Zabini talked to Potter as if she weren't there his gaze was on Draco, who frowned slightly and gave a shrug of indifference, as if the conversation were beneath his immediate interest and that did very little in making Zabini feel justified in his questions.

Harry, always set to play the perfect gentlemen, merely said, "My secrets are my own, you know and I just wouldn't have time, or the patience, to tell you anyway."

"And why is that?"

"You're about to leave," Luna answered dreamily as she twirled a finger through Hermione's wild hair.

For a moment Zabini was tongue locked -"What was that? What did you say?" He leaned forward, a hand fingering his wand as he gave Luna a look that was half irritation, half underestimation.

"She said, you're about to leave," Harry chirped.

"I don't take orders from a Ravenclaw, and I certainly don't take them from you, Potter. Let's not be foolish here, other than Neville, I can't really think of anyone who can stand the muddy bird-"

Magic danced along her flesh, an angry humming thing that plucked at her skin one moment and soothed it the next. She held her breath and stood a bit straighter, trying to think past the growing buzz that crawled across her mentality dragging with it possessive hunger. She could practically taste the headiness of it and her body fought between running and curling against the source -

In fact, the entire compartment fell silent. Zabini's words were trapped in his throat as his Adam's apple bobbed and his tongue flapped. Harry continued to smile ever so pleasantly. Luna clung to her just a bit tighter before glancing toward the Potter heir - though they were all looking at him, to be fair.

"Oh Harry?" Luna sung in soft whisper and Harry gave an idle hand motion in a clear indication that she should wait just a moment.

"Mr. Zabini, if you will not take orders from a Ravenclaw then I must inspire you to take orders from myself. You do understand your place in this compartment, don't you?"

Zabini swallowed thickly, beads of sweat gathered upon his brow. She wasn't the only one that could feel the pulse of Harry's magic, the teasing dangerous allure. Neville's gaze was glassy with undisguised zeal. Draco, though pale, seemed to sway toward him, and Pansy and Daphne held onto each other, but were otherwise just as captured.

Only Luna appeared unaffected, but there dwelled a dangerous knowledge among her general lunacy. One that Hermione had no desire to inspect. In fact, she wasn't entirely sure what her own facial expression reflected-

Thirst? Longing?

How could something, someone feel so right? How could authority manifest itself in their very aura?

Only Zabini seemed to be in pain.

That meant something, but Hermione could hardly focus on the thought right then.

"I'm a pure-blood, Potter. I know my place." Zabini spat, and the heavy blanket of Harry's power must have felt like a great burden as Zabini hunched over just a bit more.

Harry waved his hand in a motion of dismissal. "That's hardly relevant these days. Pure-blood, Mudblood, half-blood. It's all about power and those not afraid to use it, Mr. Zabini. I'm not afraid to tell you I have a great deal of it and that I am constantly compelled to use it."

The way his voice tapered off, how it seemed like a soft coo of pleasure toward the end, was concerning, but Hermione only swayed in her spot, nodding dumbly to his words, his gospel.

"Your blood status is not a shield, Mr. Zabini. It's a crutch. If you lack the drive to achieve more than that, well… you're only as good as your blood will take you, and Mr. Zabini, it won't take you very far."

Harry gave a soft laugh before he reached out a hand, his gentle touch causing Hermione to jerk as he tugged lightly on her hair, "This is my knight, my vassal, and I am the last remaining Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter."

"That is a… sullied house," Zabini ground out.

"Oh? Is it? Draco?"

"If it is, I would consider it more than redeemed, my Lord." Draco whispered and Potter flashed him a dazzling smile while Hermione pondered Draco's word choice.

"You flatter me, Draco. But, there's something else I learned over the summer. You see, Mr. Zabini. My godfather has been cleared of his many many inappropriately assigned charges. He was able to regain his estate, his wealth and the prestige of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, and as I'm sure you are aware, he gifted that lordship to me."

Zabini seemed to curl in on himself, either stunned by the admittance or oppressed by the raw force that ebbed from Harry.

"And, as a pure-blood, that must at least deserve some respect from you, right? And really, that's all I'm asking for. A little respect."

Neville stood abruptly, his chest heaving, his face red and flushed. His flexed just slightly, a test of his building muscle, before he effortlessly and quickly snatched Zabini from his seat. Like puppets Crabbe and Goyle also rose-set into motion by the flick of Draco's wrist-and the three of them moved as one to, literally, toss Zabini from the compartment.

"And you will show Lord Potter respect." Neville spat, all before slamming the door.


It was rather imperative that any witch, or wizard, who wished to keep up with the world beyond Hogwart's walls seek and uphold a subscription to the Daily Prophet. Though Hermione had, once upon a time, found the newspaper a constant reminder of aspects of the world she either didn't properly understand or would outright reject she now, with giddy fasciation, took to combing each section. The importance of consuming political and social material from the paper-while digesting and separating rubbish articles from the truth-had been expressed more than once by a dotting Neville and a hovering Potter.

So, she'd been eager and more than willing to, at first, scan the paper for portions of insight and recite them back to her Gryffindor associates each awkward socially acceptable, obligation tied breakfast. Any that would listen always did so with quirked brows and amused smiles, but she wasn't regurgitating facts for them. No, she was doing so for Potter. For Neville. For the odd appearance of Malfoy or Lovegood and anyone else Harry brought over with his secretive smiles and falsely gentle airs.

That was what it meant to be shown off, she supposed.

But this morning she couldn't form a coherent enough thought to string together the needed phrases that Harry, no doubt, patiently waited to hear. Every time she tried, she found herself swallowing bile. Her grip on the paper shook-just slightly, just enough for him to notice and flash her that painfully innocent look of concern-and her chest felt tight with the budding beginnings of a terror she hadn't felt since The Troll Incident only but a few years ago.

She swallowed once, swallowed twice, then tried again.

"There was an attack during your… silly game." Hermione began, trying to muster the usual indifferent fog she spent the bulk of her existence swaddled in. Yet, the uneasy twist of her belly remained and her back grew tense in warning. She slid the paper away from her person, as if one more scan of the words would render her blind. "Death Eaters, and the ilk, they claim."

Neville nodded with a solemn understanding while Potter gave a tilt of his head, waiting…

"So, he's back then?" She asked, blunt, despite the jerks of several hovering students settled on the benches nearby.

"He never went anywhere," Harry answered casually, his flippant tone out of place in the backdrop of Hermione's swelling horror.

She blinked rapidly, "Is that so?"

Her squeak was not an impressive feat of excellent Slytherin control, though she wasn't a snake nor was she some pure-blooded bureaucrat. She was allowed the right to feel fear.

"The Quidditch Cup was just a sign, is all. A sort of warning to the fools who won't open their eyes and all that." Harry poked at a nearby sausage before plopping it off his fork and onto Hermione's own plate, "Eat."

She opened and closed her hands, "How can you? How can you just sit there and… smile?"

Her hissed whisper wasn't the least bit intimidating to him and he replied easily enough, "It's all rather easy, when you've nothing to fear."

"You've a fat lot of things to fear," Hermione said, fingers twitching toward the paper but she refrained from touching it again. There was nothing else she could learn from it, no matter how many times she read it. "How can you be so…"


"-When you were at the Cup. When they came to-"

"-Oh, they weren't after me, I suspect. I'm lucky, but I'm not that grand. You see, if they were after me, they would have certainly caught me."

"Harry," Hermione whined, an unbecoming sound to be sure, "This isn't a game!"

"Isn't it, though?"

Neville slowly leaned back to deliver a look to the nearest Gryffindor beside him. The boy, Lee Jordan, gave only a grumbled curse before he stood from his seat. His company, a girl Hermione knew only due to Harry's association with the Quidditch team, rose to follow him with fingers casually threaded through her dark hair and expression no more perturbed than the usual displaced boy or girl might have given.

The others that had hovered near in the interest of casual conversation seemed to get an unspoken hint that Hermione was unaware of and, as if Harry were the center of an invisible storm, their space became deserted.

That was odd.

"Do you know them-"

"Hermione," Harry interrupted her question, "The World Cup was a spectacular chance to embrace a powerful bastion of wizarding culture."

"So I'm been told," Hermione wrinkled her nose, having no love of Quidditch, but the fact that she hadn't been invited to attend the event with the boys forced some unpleasant emotion to roll through her chest. Neville had apologized profusely for the slight but she'd heard little from Harry and Draco in the means of reasoning for the exclusion. "A missed opportunity all around, I suppose."

"A shame, really. But! Do you know who else was there?"

He waited for her answer, and she licked dry lips, "Death Eaters."

"Yes. Supposedly masterless Death Eaters."

She clenched her hands into fists before she lowered her head, the crinkle of sun kissed tawny beige skin far more interesting to her suddenly.

"I find your fear unusual, Hermione."

Her head snapped up so that she could direct her narrowed gaze to something other than the intricate carvings of polished wood, "Unusual? How can you even propose that? You, The-Boy-Who-Lived-But-Maybe-Shouldn't? They're hunting you, you do realize that, don't you?"

Her expression, she knew, was one of undisguised distress, but Harry remained perfectly blank. She envied his ability to do that.

"I've read about it, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and I know enough about the circumstances surrounding the death of your parents, Harry. I know enough to be immensely concerned for your safety and my own. We aren't the sort the Death Eaters are ecstatic to embrace, Harry. Or, at the very least, I'm not."

Because Hermione wasn't blind, she knew, on some level, that Harry was different than what anyone could have imagined. She knew that Dumbledore paid him an unnerving amount of attention during their Great Hall gatherings. She saw his narrowed eyes and the slight furrow of his brow that screamed 'concern'. She knew that some folk believed he was some prophetic Chosen One, claimed to be such by, what Hermione thought to be, a complete ninny. But she didn't believe it, not entirely. Harry was not going out of his way to play the overachieving hero. No more than she believed Ronald could be less of a glaring, grumbling, and lazy pure-blood. Once upon a time, she could have seen him as something else, something soft and humble, vulnerable-

But those were not the words she'd ever attest to Harry now.

No, there was something wicked in that boy that went beyond schoolyard mischief. His intelligence seemed otherworldly, sharpened by a startling amount of wisdom and experience he shouldn't have possessed. It was maddening, the ease at which he navigated their shared world and completed complex assignments with little help from herself. She thought she heard, swore by it really, that he'd been Muggle raised but that couldn't have possibly been the case.

Unless, he'd learned, much earlier than she, the power of understanding the wizarding space.

"How much attention have you paid to the world in the last three years, Hermione?"

Hermione blinked, slowed by the sudden change of subject, "Shamefully, very little."

"I understand, you didn't really have the motivation and consideration you do now, after all." Harry said, before he playfully tugged the edge of the newspaper further away from her person, "Did you know that during first year our illustrious Headmaster brought a very strong item of importance onto school grounds… and lost it?"

No, she shook her head, she knew something important had been here, but not that it had been lost.

"Professor Quirrell also disappeared during that time. A curious happenstance, Hermione."

She glanced at Neville from the corner of her eye but he was silent, his attention mostly on the emptying room they occupied.

"Are you saying," Hermione drawled, "That Professor Quirrell, and the loss of this item, are related? Were we taught by the same professor?"

Harry gave a closed lipped laugh, "Please Hermione, our glorious Headmaster is benevolent but Hogwarts is not a space for the incompetent."

She exhaled a slow breath, "You're saying Professor Dumbledore wouldn't have allowed his admittance unless it was for a purpose?"

"I think that purpose was a test, one I unfortunately failed." Harry's pout looked incredibly out of place on his face.

"Why would anyone, including the Headmaster, try to test you? What was the test?"

"Well, the object he tried to protect, do you know what it was?"

She clicked her tongue against the back of perfect-and now, properly shaped-teeth. "Philosopher's Stone."

Harry parted his lips and made a soft sound of surprise before he smiled, "That's right…"

"Oh, don't look so surprised. I didn't figure out what it was until the latter half of second year. I just happened to be well-read, all books and cleverness you know-"

"And pragmatism."

"Yes and… mmm." She cut him a glare before she continued, "The Prophet was in a tizzy about it for some time and they hinted the object was rather important. I linked it to a curious conversation I once heard Professor Hagrid mumbling about. Something about a Mr. Flamel. The rest was research and…"

The way Harry looked at her made her flushed, "It's not that hard. I just didn't care much about it. I had other things on my mind."

Like fitting in. Surviving. Living. Understanding why it was so hard to do any of the three.

"Then you know what it does?" Harry continued.

Hermione huffed softly, "I know what it claims to be able to do."

Harry quirked a brow.

"That is to say," Hermione coughed, "Magic works in often mysterious illogical ways and so I understand it could do some amazing unrealistic feat but have yet to witness said feat."

With a huff, Harry shrugged, "I've got cause to believe that Professor Quirrell took the stone, in order to witness the illogical unrealistic magical feat. He wasn't at all what he claimed to be, and Dumbledore-"

"Professor Dumbledore, Harry."

He gave a sardonic grin, "Dumbledore, made a grievous mistake."

Hermione's lips pressed thin for but a moment but she dropped the idle lack of respect toward a man she didn't exactly praise, "I see. And he lost the stone?"

"He lost the stone."

"Alright," Hermione said slowly.

"I think I was meant to find it. A test of my great prowess as the Chosen One."

"But you didn't find it?"

"I did not."

She didn't question why; she knew he wouldn't give her a straight answer and she wasn't in the mood for riddles.

"So," Harry said, "the next year something else happened."

Hermione nodded solemnly, "The Heir of Slytherin Incident."

"You put so much emphasis on those words I think every one might have started with a capital letter."

Hermione only listlessly shrugged, "It was a horrid year. Absolutely dreadful."

"For good reason," Harry agreed, "The Chamber was opened-"

"-The what now?"

"-The Chamber. Of Secrets?"

She gave him an empty stare, "I would not have been aware such a thing existed here, though how unsurprising that it does. I suspect this Chamber was also holding the beast that ran about trying to murder Muggle-borns?"


"And it was opened by the Heir of Slytherin."

"Nope," Harry said, popping the 'p' on his statement, "It was opened by a slip of a girl. Ginevra Weasley. It's all nasty business. Whole thing was covered up by Dumbledore."

She slowly leaned back in her seat, giving him her best unblinking stare. "Stop."

"The Chamber is sealed by a special type of magic. All hissing and such-"

"Parseltongue, extremely rare. Said to be an innate ability, known to be passed down through the bloodlines."

"Very good," Harry said, "Exactly right."

The bulk of this was all information she'd learned over the summer, through the assistance of Neville's letters, his Gran's Grand Master Tree, and various other historical books-one of which Harry had given her himself.

"You see, the girl claims something told her to do it, a book."

Neville mumbled something under his breath about that.

"It compelled her to open the Chamber and the book gave her, very briefly, the ability to speak the needed language to do so. Thus-"

"The basilisk was released." Hermione interrupted, "Doing exactly what it's masters asked it to do…"

But she couldn't understand why she was getting a lesson in history, or rather, Harry's perceived history.

"Some of our classmates blamed me for that, did you know? It was either Draco or myself."

"Why was that?" Hermione quirked a brow.

"Dueling Club. I have that little ability, you see."

Hermione flared her nostrils and schooled her expression. Oddly enough, the odd rumble of terror that swirled the contents of her stomach was swift but non-lingering. She wasn't afraid of Harry, at least, not that aspect of him. Instead, she was focused on the slow and sudden clicking of her mind, as if puzzle pieces were trying to slam themselves into spaces they didn't fit just yet.

"I did not attend."

"I performed a bit, there. Mostly for Ronald's benefit. He thought himself a better duelist, raised by blood-traitors and all that."

"Of course," Hermione wished she had a cup of tea or a quill to fiddle with, anything to ease the building tension in her belly.

"The summary is that he managed to summon a snake, very Slytherin of him, to attack me. I politely told said snake to, well, do something else. You can imagine how he took it. How they took it."

For a moment Harry gave Neville a slight glance, but the other boy was pointedly occupied with watching stragglers leave the Great Hall.

"While you spent the bulk of your time in the library, I had to put a few of those who doubted my authenticity in their place."

She shivered, needing little explanation there.

"At the time I doubt anyone realized the magic tongue was needed to open the Chamber, only that I had an ability the Heir of Slytherin would."

"And are you… the Heir of Slytherin?"

"I really doubt it." But his smile was the only end to that answer.

She licked her lips, "How is it then, that Ginerva is…?"

"Oh yes well, she managed to open the Chamber via possessed book, so I hear, but someone heard her-Professor Snape. Managed the snatch the little one right up."

"And the snake?"

"Oh!" Harry rubbed his chin, "They never found it."

She gagged slightly and hunched over, wondering if her breakfast would end up on the table instead of in her body.

"You mean, they didn't kill it?" She whispered, "I'm going to die here."

"Don't be so dramatic, I'm not going to let you die." Harry snorted. "After Professor Snape took care of poor Ms. Weasley I thought a bit of exploration was in order. I found an… interesting sword-no need to wonder how-and stabbed at it while it slept but, well. There's no rumors of a corpse being removed from that place. I just suspect the Chamber dweller isn't here anymore."

The only thing she could do was stare at him in exasperation, "Oh yes, and you know that how?"

"Dumbledore has been trying to track it since second year." He gave a bob of his head, "The snake isn't here, you can trust that. "

Left unspoken was the fact that if it was alive and it hadn't attacked since then, it probably wouldn't.

"And the book?"

"Missing," Harry said.

That didn't seem good.

"During our third year my Godfather escaped Azkaban."

"Lord Black, yes." Hermione confirmed.

Harry gave a slight wiggle of his fingertips, "He's a rather nice man, if a bit crazed. That's what happens in Azkaban though."

"I am aware," She thought the magical prison a horrendous oversight to human rights, but that was more Muggle thought than anything else and she wasn't going to be the first to admit it, "I thought it was horrible, even then, that someone could be shipped off without a trail."

"I researched it. They have the court records at the Ministry and Lord Malfoy, Lucius that is, is very fond of me."

That was… surprising.

"Did you know that the Headmaster, at the time, had the power to prove Sirius innocence? He didn't, of course, but people knew. Lord Malfoy said that Sirius was constantly around my Father. It was incredibly suspicious and unlikely that he would have been in leagues with Voldemort."

This time Hermione jerked, "Warn a woman before you find cause to blurt out his name like that!"

"Sorry, sorry." He didn't look the least bit sorry, "But you realize that if Lord Malfoy-"

"Who claimed to be under Imperius during You-Know-Who's rise to power-"

"Ah, testy, but yes even under Imperius it's not like we… tend to forget what we do. Lord Malfoy has let slip his doubts about my Godfather often, purposely most likely, and others are inclined to believe he has a point-"

"-His point?"

"That Dumbledore, who treated Father and Sirius with the utmost bias, should have known he was incapable of Light treason."

Slowly Neville stood, "Harry. Hermione."

From the corner of her eye she spotted the billowing robes of two newly entered professors. One Professor Mcgonagall, and one Professor Dumbledore.

She quickly stood, set to gather her bags as she moved to keep up with the boys, but she had one last thing on her mind- "You're trying to tell me something. Something about the Headmaster and a possible link to the Death Eaters?"

Harry smiled slightly, his eyes narrowed with mirth. "I'm trying to tell you that I'm a hero and I'm not concerned about the Death Eaters."

Slowly Harry turned from her to look toward Dumbledore, who smiled tightly and waved a pale hand in their direction.

Ah, yes. She knows what he's concerned about.


"Why do they treat them like that?" Hermione whispered, a caustic utterance under her breath as she tried to understand yet another cultural difference, "The house-elves?"

Daphne gave a soft sigh, "It's how it's always been." She gave the girl a nudge and moved her forward, their book-Wizarding Priorities Through the Ages-spread open in both hands, "They take care of us and we take care of them. From the outside, and I believe this is your Muggle perspective blinding you, they appear as slaves-"

"They are slaves," Hermione answered, bluntly.

Daphne wrinkled her nose, "They take great pride in servitude. The bond between a house-elf and their master is… I can't explain it. Imagine being with someone that anticipates your every need and thrives-no-lives on praise and magic to maintain their sanity. They have their own culture, Hermione. It wasn't something we forced upon them. If I thought any of the Hogwart's elves would take the time to leave their duties, I would have one explain its history to you. Just finish the passage on your own and… have an open mind."

Hermione repressed a scowl but reached over to take the book from Daphne's hands. She would not reject a gift-and this was a very precious gift-nor a lesson in wizarding thought, but immediate agreement was difficult to muster up. The Greengrass heir had no doubt grown up being coddled by elves and immersed in customs Hermione couldn't properly fathom. It was then, no wonder, that she had a near instinctual understanding of 'how things are'.

Hermione couldn't break the habit nor need to know 'why those things are'.

"And don't talk to any elves about freedom. They'd run screaming from you and never come back." Daphne smiled slyly.

Hermione sighed, "I wasn't going to do that."

Then again…

A commotion then, loud yelling and unfortunate screaming that did very little to soothe the stress that rolled in her tense shoulders. She didn't need to look at Daphne to know her impromptu tutor was moving quickly-but gracefully, Slytherin's do not run-toward a nearby gaggle of students. Hermione, in her haste to follow, practically ran into her which nearly sent them sprawling forward in a disgraceful heap.

Fortunately, Hermione merely bumped into the other woman, who had enough strength in her stiff spine to keep them both upright.

"A bit cruel, that-"

"-oh yes, very very cruel."

"Not even I would-"

"-Who are you kidding, brother? You most certainly would!"

There's a screech in front of her, but Hermione could barely see. If it weren't for the two tall red-haired boys…

"Excuse me, my companion and I-"

"-Ah! Look at this one! A bushy lioness!"

"A bit short, isn't she?"

Hermione did nothing to repress the twist of her upper lip as it lifted to reveal her teeth in a harsh snarl.

"Whoa! Just a bit of a joke!" Said one twin.

"Yes yes, well? Don't just stand there. You're clearly blocking the way-"

"-I'm blocking the way? Good job tossing the blame, Fred."

She gave a slow exhale with a groan before, quite rudely, if Daphne's soft gasp was any proof, squeezing between the lanky bodies of the twins.

"Oop!" They both huffed, knocked about-only a little-as Hermione forced them to make room for Daphne as well.

Once clear of long legs and arms it was much easier for Hermione to see…

Well she wasn't quite certain. There was a Professor, Moody, utilizing his wand to shake a screaming white ferret up and down through the empty space before him. Around the circle there was laughter, but some of the students-those with green ties-looked nauseous and uncomfortable at the display. In fact, it was really only Ronald and his procured 'gang' of Gryffindors that seemed to be laughing riotously. Those few others that happened to be there, a Hufflepuff or two, a handful of Ravenclaws, just tittered nervous if not a bit uncomfortably.

"What is…?" Daphne murmured, but Hermione had her gaze upon the pale faces of Crabbe and Goyle, the latter who looked near ready to burst into terrified tears. This was only made worse when the professor took the ferret and began to, unceremoniously, attempt to stuff him into Goyle's pants.

Goyle's wail and scream of fright was enough to tug at something in Hermione, some harsh clawing sensation that made her hair stand on end and her lungs constrict. She barely noticed Harry among the crowd, his position somewhat behind Ron, his expression carefully schooled as he watched her.

Let him watch.

She broke from the crowd, a figure with eyes a tad too wide and breath that hissed past her downturned lips. Her expression reflected her immense disapproval, no doubt, and she made sure that each step she took displayed her caustic loathing for the debacle no one tried to stop. Her wand slipped easily into her grip, it's crafted holster against her wrist eager to deposit the warmth of the wood. Her magic stirred, unbidden, as she pointed the wand in the general direction of Goyle and snarled-

"Accio, ferret."

She commanded and the magic obeyed, twisted to her whims and eager to enact her intent. Whether or not she had expected the spell to latch onto the struggling screaming creature was irrelevant. Her mind thumped and pounded with one purpose-to take, to end-and the immediate reaction was one wriggling ferret slung into her tight grasp. She squeezed, never minding the sharp sting of claws as the panicked animal tore at her fingers nor the razor teeth that snapped and bit at her flesh. The pain was shallow at best, nothing compared to her… research, her checks, and she welcomed it with flushed cheeks and each pump of her Muggle-born heart.

Let her bleed red for all of them to see, the filthy lot.

Only Ronald seemed to be laughing then, his grin wide and victorious while the professor-if he could be called such-turned toward her with wrinkled face and flapping cheeks-

"You, you shouldn't be able to cast tha-"

She tightened her grip on the ferret, until it did nothing more than pant and squeal. Her gaze remained focused on Ronald as Goyle fell back onto his bottom and sniffled in a manner more pathetic than not. But, she didn't blame him. If she had been subjected to having an animal shoved down her pants of all things, she would have been equally mortified.

Through the struggling crowd Neville approached, his chest heaving from the exertion it took to run and part the crowd. "Crabbe!"

Goyle's pale faced friend looked toward her own with trembling lips. "Y-yes?"

"Where is…?" Neville paused in his speech as Ron finally silenced his cackling, but the question was clear.

Where was Draco Malfoy?

Hermione felt anger twist with dread at the pit of her stomach. She had a bloody good idea where he was.

"Girl," Professor Moody barked, "Put down the boy."

"The boy?" She said, her voice seemed different-far away, detached as her body filled with something else, some great thing made of savagery and indignation. "This ferret is..?"

"A student?!" A shout of exclamation was heard over the crowd and Hermione barely registered the bouncing hat-sporting head of Professor Mcgonagall, "You hexed a student?!"

The two professors squared off, Moody giving some piss poor excuse while Hermione placed the trembling ferret against her chest trying to settle her own heart. Though Draco was, by no means, Hermione's favorite person there was some portion of her that felt…

Absolutely furious.

By the idea he'd been compromised, humiliated, and laughed at. Brought to bow by a professor, a teacher that was meant to protect them and guide them. Her gaze shifted back to Ronald, who seemed rather smug while their 'adult' supervision was distracted.

"Well? Gonna do as he says, Granger?"

Though Ronald had shown her no love and often his jealous uncouth outbursts were tolerable she felt, like never before, a building urge to… to…

Hurt him.

She took a shuddering breath and ignored the creeping niggling thought, "What did he do?"

"Malfoy?" Ron sneered, "He got what he deserved, the git. Tried to show me up about some babble in the Prophet-"

"The article about your father? This is about some rubbish written about your father?"

He seemed a bit thrown off by her statement, "Y-you read it? Is that it?"

"Of course, I read it," She said, fire and brimstone as she tilted her head up in a subconscious motion Daphne would have been proud of-if not for her own shock and disgust at the scene. "But anyone with a lick of sense wouldn't have thought much of it. He teased you over obvious slander and this happened?"

She was seething, and Neville was quick to come to her side, but she couldn't stop, couldn't think-

"And where was your precious professor, your crowd of gaping school children, your righteous anger, when Heir Malfoy attacked my blood? Again and again?"

Neville paused, his hand outstretched before he rested it against Hermione's shoulder.


"But if your pure-blood Gryffindor squawks the very gates of hell find cause to open?"

She wanted to spit, to scream, to stomp, but instead she merely held the ferret just a bit tighter, unaware-or maybe just uncaring-of Draco's discomfort.

"What a boy you must be, Ronald Weasley. The last son of your former house of glory, fighting your duels with the crazed as your sword."

The audience was silent but the Slytherin's held differing looks of attentiveness and amusement, most of it directed toward a red-faced Ronald.



His voice made her swallowed, her words strangled and pushed aside for immediate obedience. She looked at Harry as he motioned, with idle hand, for the finished and thankfully out of earshot professors to approach.

"You'll give Malfoy some undeserved bruises if you squeeze any harder. Put him down. Now, my friend, so that Professor Mcgonagall can tend to him."

"Harry," She replied, her anger slowly uncurling to leave her feeling awkward and spent. With a shake of her head she leaned down to place the shaking ferret on the ground and once McGonagall was upon them she made him proper.

She supposed it wasn't a moment she'd soon forget. The harsh gleam of Ronald's gaze, the girlish giggles of the Weasley twins, Daphne's look of intense fascination, and even a Hufflepuff or two's look of idle curiosity-was it Hannah she saw? Susan too?

She couldn't be sure. All that she knew was that such intense emotion held no real place within her and that she'd drawn the attention of Professor Moody-who raised a brow in her direction as she tossed him a snort once Draco, shaking and muttering, was helped to his feet by Crabbe and Goyle.

Both were troubling prospects.


"You've got a tight grip, Granger."

Hermione glanced over her shoulder, attention stolen by a familiar drawl with suave amusement, "I apologize, Heir Malfoy. I wasn't aware that the animal was-"

Draco gave a wave of his hand, his face a carefully controlled mask of indifference, though his gaze rolled with the beginning tremble of something livid. "Apology accepted."

That anger, so potent in its savagery, made the skin on the back of her neck crawl. She wondered, idly, if that was a look she'd ever be able to replicate. She was only grateful that, for the most part, the anger wasn't at her.

She lifted a hand, through it hovered, uncertainly. She wanted to… what, comfort him? Assure him she understood? That within her chest there was also a rolling tightness at the insidious injustice? Certainly, Draco-with his arrogant airs and superior complex-might have deserved some sort of hexing, but not from someone meant to protect and guide.

That wasn't as easy to forgive, in comparison to whatever inadequate strike Ronald may have originally been able to conjure.

"Did he-"

"No," Draco snorted, his gaze settled, empty, numb, "But I didn't expect that anything would happen. To him. Not someone with the Dumbledore Stamp-of-Approval."

"Your father then-"

"Is not in a position to do much."

And left unspoken-not yet, not now.

She gave an idle nod of acceptance before she turned her gaze back to the front of the classroom, one barely full as students trickled in with a wariness she'd never seen before. More specifically, a great deal of Slytherin's seemed to border on irritated and terrified.

Why was that?


The boy in question had lazily drawn his attention to the door, perhaps in anticipation of Goyle or Crabbe.

"Yes, Granger?"

"Is there a reason Tracy Davis looks like she's about to puke?"

Draco was silent, perhaps expecting some sort of elaboration as he looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"It's just that," Hermione continued, "Some of your housemates are-"

"Terrified, yes." Draco answered calmly enough, but there was something in his expression that put Hermione on edge. He looked incredibly smug, as if he were the holder of some grand secret or knowledge he just knew she'd wriggle for. Yet, even that seemed dampened by something else, something more solemn like resignation. "You see Granger-"

"This isn't because of Professor Moody, is it?" Hermione interrupted.

Draco tsked, "Patience. And yes, it's exactly because of Professor Moody. That man-they called him Mad-Eye, by the way, due to what I believe is an utter lack of control and sanity-put a lot of people's relatives in the grave during the First Wizarding War."

He quirked a brow then, "You do know what the First Wizarding War is, correct?"

She scowled, "Yes yes, get on with it."

His lips twitched in the beginnings of a smile ultimately repressed, "The Ministry did a rather horrid job of retaining Death Eaters, to get information or otherwise. Sure, a great deal of them now line the cells of Azkaban with their corpses but that man… Well, there was no such thing as innocent until proven guilty. I heard, from Father of course, that he'd send his rabid Aurors to raid entire homes of good and proper witches and wizards, slaughtering them without so much as an ask for tea, let alone trying to see if any of them were Death Eaters or not."

She hoped her expression didn't reflect the horror she felt, nor the confusion she encountered as her feelings mixed and gurgled among her bafflement. "But, were they guilty? Of... being Death Eaters, that is?"

"Does it matter?" Draco said.

No, she supposed not. At least, not for Draco.

"Tracy Davis lost an uncle due to Moody. Nobody really knows why; it wasn't like he was a Death Eater. Maybe, once upon a time, he might have been interested, in hearing a point of view that didn't leave us weak and cultureless. I rather doubt she remembers much of him, but who do you suppose is the boogeyman for her family these days? Especially, with this bloke running about? He's the type to shoot first and ask questions later. A terror, for a lot of children, who had nothing to do with any sort of Wizarding Wars."

Draco sneered then, teeth slick from his trademark grimace, "It's all politics, always politics. Get rid of 'em before they turn dark. Get rid of 'em, they're just Slytherins."

Then, with a shake of his head he turned and stalked away, hand raised in a greeting toward his usual companions.


Neville rocked and muttered, he snarled and trembled, but for the most part he just looked miserable. Hermione sat with him, one hand upon his arm, the other holding his tight trembling fist, while he sneered and spat and shook.

She was silent, a comforting presence, someone to listen to his incoherent babble while 'mhm'ing in the right places. She didn't mind it, really. She wanted to be there for him, to absorb his pain and share his burden. He was precious to her, beyond words or comprehension. He was more than her friend, he was her family, when she'd had none. It was different than her parents, who were supportive but ultimately mundane. He was her anchor in this realm, the sacred brother to a single lonely child.

"He didn't know," Hermione croaked, trying to soothe him, but her voice didn't sound sincere enough-it wasn't sincere enough.

Not because she didn't care, but because her belly rolled with uncertainty and anger. Someone had hurt Neville emotionally. As unintentional as Moody must have been Hermione wasn't his biggest fan and the manic irrational desire to… to… blame Moody for Neville's trauma was very strong. The fact that the man had tried to whisk Neville away afterwards hadn't helped. Neville had barely been able to speak for himself, so she'd made an excuse for them both to leave his presence.

"It's rotten luck, is what it is. To be exposed to that. To see it. I wanted to cry." Neville sniveled, but his body was tense and his eyes were dry, "I hate remembering, is all. I hate to see it. I'll never forget it. No one will let me forget it-"

She didn't interrupt his mutterings, wouldn't dare to.

"I hate it, that curse, it ruined them. My parents, my family. They thought I could be him, but I'm not my Father-"

"Yes…" Hermione whispered, her heart aching.

"They did it, the Death Eaters, such a proud lot, they tortured them-the Cruciatus-until they were a mess, until whatever made them them died."

Hermione held her breath, her motherly need to comfort at conflict with her terror.

"Gran was devastated, confused. I go see them sometimes, but they don't remember, I don't think. Some part of them is there but, but-"

Suddenly, as if some great string holding him upright snapped, he folded onto himself, face in hands and shoulders shaking-"I hate seeing that, why did he have to show us that? Why was it so fucking important?"

Forgoing all pretenses-and the urge to correct Neville's language-Hermione reached over and gathered him into her arms. She let him dry heave and sob without tears, she let him ease his emotional burden, and wondered for just a moment, the damage that war could wrought on two sides of a fence controlled by imposing manipulative figures.

The Death Eaters, The Dark Lord, The Ministry, The Aurors.

And somehow, she knew, Dumbledore stood somewhere in the middle.


"'Moine." Neville's smile was strained but kind, his gaze much brighter than it had been in the last few days or so. It eased some tightness in her chest as she slid next to him at the Gryffindor table.


"I spoke with Harry," Neville took a shaky breath, "He is… we're discussing something."

Hermione gently bit her bottom lip, "Does it have anything to do with…?"

"Yes," Neville blurted out, "Yes that and… and controlling my responses and understanding a... unbiased outlook on the war and the crimes that took place during it."

She wasn't sure what all of that meant, but she knew Neville seemed less crushed and more hopeful, "Do you understand any of it? Potter likes to talk in riddles."

"Not all of it, but I'm making an effort-Really, Hermione, call him Harry, he's our friend."

"He's our…" Master..

"Friend," Neville chirped happily.

"Our friend… yes," Hermione repeated, uncertain.

"I hated class today," Neville grumped, changing the subject.

"Yes, it was all nasty." Hermione sneered. Though she held a tight leash over her rolling frustration she thought it entirely inappropriate to practice Unforgivables on children. She didn't care much for the reasoning either, no matter what Professor Moody had thought proper.

And it gave her a startling realization that, she had no desire to… succumb, to the sort of mind-numbing… emptiness such a curse could inflict. To show her something so… heavenly and then take it away-heavenly? Really? That was a frightening synonym to apply to being controlled. She'd have to look into that.

It was just that, not having to think, for just a moment. Not being consumed with her worries, with her doubts, with her suspicions.

Well, who wouldn't find just listening pleasant?

Bloody embarrassing, but certainly pleasant.

"Well, no matter. Harry is calling us over. Let's go, shall we?"

"To greet the other schools?" Hermione had little interest in that, in any of the tournament business, actually. Her initial idea was to escape to the library during the commotion-wait, was this event mandatory or-

"This way!" Neville half lifted half dragged Hermione off the bench and toward the line of anxious and excited students. The tumbling energy that filled the hall was distracting but at least tolerable. It was good to see that some of them weren't as burden by recent events as Hermione was.

Not that that was fair or anything.

"Hello Hermione," Luna whispered, a sudden voice in her ear.

"Ffffff-" Hermione jerked, stumbling the rest of the way and nearly knocking a nearby Pansy off her feet.

The girl gave her a wicked sneer but, at the very least, pushed a hand out to settle her. It wasn't gentle, and the look in her eyes wasn't all that friendly, but at least she hadn't let her tumble to the ground.

"You and the looney outta watch it," Pansy hissed, right before she gave her a rather firm push toward Harry, whose bemused expression didn't ease the red flush across Hermione's cheeks.

"Rude wench," Hermione hissed at Pansy as she was practically manhandled.

"You little filthy thing," Pansy purred, a tad too playful for Hermione's comfort.

She'd have to watch her back for any 'friendship hexes'.

"She's taken quite the liking to you!" Luna said, making sure to hide somewhat behind Harry's grinning body.

Hermione wrinkled her nose, "She looked at me like she wanted to peel off my skin and mount it on her wall, probably next to something unsightly."

Harry's grin only grew broader while Neville looked slightly uncomfortable at the graphic imagery. Luna only clapped lightly-

"Oh yes, she certainly likes you."

Their conversation came to a halt at that, interrupted by a nervous energy that caused the crowd around them to flex and shift. Harry motioned, a bit impatiently, for her to come and stand at his side and somehow she found Neville on the other. At their back she could hear Draco and his company, lightly talking about this and that-irrelevancies, as far as Hermione could tell-while further down the line Ronald and his group, currently consisting of Oliver Wood, and Dean Thomas, looked a peculiar uncomfortable green.

Though Hermione wouldn't have called herself impressed she was immensely inspired by the arrival of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, the former's Headmistress an impressive sight while the latter-

"Igor Kakaroff," Harry whispered, "Former Death Eater, gave up a lot of his mates for freedom and I suppose a nice position at Durmstrang."

Hermione kept her face carefully impassive, a match to Harry's own, while she watched the movement of the foreign Headmaster with his strict march of students.

"It's HIM!" Ronald practically screeched, his high-pitched tone a match for some of the girls that screamed with excitement around them, "Viktor Krum! Viktor Krum is here!"

Neville gave a low groan and pinched his brow, "Embarrassing."

Hermione exhaled slowly, thoughts of Death Eaters pushed aside for now.



"The Powerful Mythical Goblet of Fire," Harry said, his tone a press of casualness that seemed to ease the tight knot between Hermione's shoulders and replace it with a new type of unease.

"Yes," Hermione said, glancing up from a pile of messily written parchment, half-open cultural books, and Ministry parliament regulations. "What of it?"

Harry didn't hesitate to plop down beside her, the solitude afforded by an empty Gryffindor Common Room perhaps too tempting for even the Boy-Who-Lived to resist. Idly, and without asking, to Hermione's chagrin, he reached over and plucked one of her parchments from the table.

"What is this?"

"Notes," Hermione said, before she blinked and reached out a hand to adjust an ink pot, "Ministry parliament, boring stuff."

"Try me," Harry said, his gaze a reflection of interest sans the normal amusement he took in speaking to her about things she didn't understand just yet.

"Well," Hermione started, "Did you know the Wizengamot is actually divided by two major sections?"

"Is that true? Those who have seats and those who have more seats, right?" Harry asked innocently.

She wouldn't fall for his ploy, "Those who have more seats, a House of Lords, and those who don't have as many, a House of Commons."

"Is that an official declaration? A House of Lords and a House of Commons?"

"Nope," Hermione admitted, "It used to be, sometime ago, I'd say back before Professor Dumbledore was an active figure. Daphne says that a lot of traditional Wizengamot ideals have been shed to create an illusion of equality."

"An illusion?"

Hermione snorted, "The Sacred-Twenty-Eight verses those who just aren't. You can't eliminate the division there. The distribution of wealth is too great. Prestige and the High Elite go hand-in-hand, not everyone gets invited to the social circle revels. If you're just a Johnson verses a… well, a Potter, then you definitely know you're a Johnson."

Hermione gave the parchment in Harry's hand a tap, "The Light Party, pro-Muggle, pro-Muggle-Born, pro-Magic Classification, and supposed heralds of equality want to… I suspect, eliminate that circle."

"Oh?" Harry leaned back but not before he replaced his current parchment in exchange for another.

"It's what I assume. I've been reading a lot of... Propaganda."

Slipped suspiciously into her bag from... Well, she wasn't sure who was doing it.

To that statement Harry narrowed his gaze and, if Hermione hadn't known him better, she would have thought him a tad annoyed, "What?"


"I know that," Harry stated, his tone a tad cold, "Who gave it to you?"

"I'm not sure. It was only a few leaflets Harry, just some stuff that screamed Light Party and what not. Explanations as to why magic needed to be regulated and contained and to keep an eye out for oddly behaving neighbors."

"Hmm," Harry hummed, but his face relaxed and Hermione continued-

"They want to continue a slow and, if I may express my opinion? Entirely incompetent integration of Muggle culture into wizarding sensibilities. The entire thing comes off a bit arrogant. The Light Party is my big brother and they know what's best-that sort of rubbish. It's just the Everyone First verses Wizard's First spiel, that doesn't always work beyond theorized speculation."

Hermione poked an oddly silent Harry with the tip of her quill, hoping to shatter the ice that stuck to his persona. It was… unusual and a great deal unnerving. "One of the first bills The Light managed to pass was a destruction of separation when it comes to the House of Lords and the House of Commons, but I don't believe that a political hierarchy can be destroyed that easily. I'm sure the House of Lords is still a practiced occurrence, just not announced as such."

But that wasn't the point she was trying to drive here and they were getting off track. She was not here to lecture Harry Potter on the history of political social studies. She had a feeling he knew a great deal more than she did anyway, what with being the future Lord of two houses.

"That's just a pretty coat over how proceedings go. Obviously, the Olde Families with the most seats sit on the council. Some seats are inactive, some aren't. You earn your spot upon the council, either through the death of someone who held seats or by wowing the council itself. So, you'd think there would be a great deal of people on the council at any given time, even if a seat is inactive. A young upstart could certainly represent their ideals in the House of Commons, if they had to."

Harry quirked a brow then, finally thawed enough to speak- "What are you getting at then?"

"My point is…" She frowned, "Why… well, I understand that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named spilled a lot of magical blood for a time. I know, just from research, that the Bones family suffered irreparable damage to their bloodlines, but the council just seems to be inadequately populated and heavily staffed with wizards and witches now openly speaking for The Light during a great deal of Death Eater trials."

Harry was silent.

Hermione pressed on, "Furthermore, I'd say, ten or so wizards with higher seat counts were used to push witches-well… one-and wizards into Azkaban without so much as a presentation of evidence. Same with your godfather, Harry."

She licked her lips.

"There's a Barty Crouch present for every trial, however. Along with-"


"P-professor Dumbledore, yes." Hermione corrected, but she didn't much care for the glimmer in Harry's eyes or the way he laughed as he stood from his spot on the couch. "In fact, every verdict announced as guilty he is present for. Not necessarily to vote, but certainly to watch the proceeding."

"The puzzle pieces are not as difficult to fit together as you originally perceived, are they?"


He gave another soft titter before brushing off his pajama pants and moving toward the staircase to the male dorms, "Goodnight Hermione. Get some sleep. The Goblet will choose its champions tomorrow."

The abrupt change of subject was enough to make her sputter, "E-excuse me?"

"And, I think I'll need to call in a favor tomorrow… I want you well rested, Hermione! To bed with you, now my knight."

She didn't hesitate to obey.





She hadn't expected that last one but it was there just as powerful as the first two. That was all she felt where she sat, confused as any other student, once Harry's name was spat from the Cup. Harry, with furrowed brow, seemed relatively calm for a child that had been announced to participate in a game for adults. Had he put his name in the cup? The slight crinkle of his gaze-a sign Hermione recognized as a suppression of irritation-stated otherwise. Yet, why would a magical cup spit out his name, when only someone contending had the ability to place it?

"Come on then," Dumbledore spoke, a slow enunciation of bewildered panic, "This way, Mr. Potter."

The other three champions, a lovely girl of beauty, the strong Viktor Krum, and a wrinkle-faced Cedric-and who could blame him, really? He was meant to be Hogwart's champion, after all-looked less than pleased by the development. Still, Harry rose from his seat with all the grace afforded to the surprised. With a swagger that seemed casual and curious he approached the other occupants, but after taking a look into Dumbledore's guarded expression, his face cracked into a wide smile.

"I didn't do this," Harry announced, his innocent cadence displaying a thick amount of trust in the adult figure that still held onto his paper slip, "But I hope you can help me. I'm a little scared."

The students broke out into idle uncomfortable chatter but Hermione was unable to participate as Dumbledore patted Harry's shoulder and led him toward a side door. Whatever anyone else believed Hermione knew Harry couldn't have possibly placed his name in the Cup. The Weasley twins were more than enough proof to show what happened when someone underage even tried.

"So someone put little Potter's name in the Cup?"

That was most likely-oh, wait.

"Mr. Weasley." Hermione mumbled, distracted and disinterested.

He didn't take the hint and instead slid into the bench across from her, his lips turned down hard in a frown of discontent. "Is he so desperate for fame that he had someone do that for him?"

"I doubt it," Hermione replied easily enough, suspicious as to why Ronald would want to speak to her of all people about such an occurrence.

"And what do you know about it, eh?" Ronald said, his gaze combing her person with the sort of suspicious disgust normally reserved for Slytherin occupants.

"Nothing, if I'm honest." Hermione frowned. She had better things to focus on than unnatural occurrences created by faulty school rules for formerly banished tournaments. Things like staying alive, like surviving, like-

"Come on, Granger. No need to hold back. You don't really care for him all that much, do you?" Ron whispered, but Neville beside her heard him well enough. "He's gonna leave you behind, once he realizes…."

His voice tapered off but that was enough to capture her attention, "Once he realizes what, Mr. Weasley?"

"Well, I mean, you're just a bookworm. You can't possibly have much in common beyond… like… homework assignments and such." His smile was meant to be friendly, but there was a spark of boyish cruelty in his speech.

Now, Neville was paying attention.

She chuckled softly, "What is this really about, Weasley? What? You think Harry cheated? That I'd help him do so? You think I'd just give up information on it? I understand my dynamic with Mr. Potter, but it isn't anything you could comprehend. It's not my fault you two aren't close enough."

That made him sneer, "Oh? And you are? He goes other places without you, you know-"

"Are you spying on him?" Hermione said, incredulous.

"What's it to you? He hangs out with those snakes, with you, and with-"

Neville quirked a brow, "With me?"

"Sorry mate, everyone thought you were a Squib at first so-"

"I assure you, there is nothing Squib like about me."

"Of course, we know that now, but-"

"Mr. Weasley, if you have an issue with Potter you should just go to him yourself."

Ronald slammed his hand on the table, just about startling all of the students as he barked- "I just know he cheated! There is no way he would have been picked! He's not even old enough and-"

"That's right, he isn't old enough. What? Do you suspect he has the power to cross the magic that kept out the minors?"

He tossed Hermione a twisted glare, but her face was carefully impassive, bored. "Then it was favoritism. He's the precious Boy-Who-Lived, someone must have done this for him. I know it!"

The bulk of the house were paying attention to the conversation and Hermione, who positively despised drawing attention, only quietly cursed under her breath. This was not how she'd wanted to spend her evening. Furthermore, nearby, a great deal of scowling Hufflepuffs were looking their way. If anyone had the right to righteous fury it was certainly them.

She did not want to be hexed for association by those people.

"He can't be trusted, not when he's so close to the Slytherins-"

"Mmm," Hermione replied, a bit peeved in their defense.

"And he's always getting whatever he wants, like a spot the team before anyone else did-"

"I suppose."

The more casual she tried to appear the more flustered he became, his cheeks as red as his hair-

"And another thing, everyone's always hanging on his every word."

"Yes, of course." Hermione muttered, "Ronald, has it ever occurred to you that Potter would need a, well, an awful lot of power to make a semi-sentient mythical object spit out his name? Even if someone put his in the Cup for him?"

Neville barked out a laugh at Ronald's open mouthed expression.

"Well, but-"

"So, you are saying Potter is powerful enough to trick an ancient mythical Cup?" Hermione took a sip of her juice before she set the cup back on the table and shifted to stand. She had work to do. Things to study before Pansy and Daphne sought her out, "Because, honestly? That's incredibly flattering for him. He's gracing us peons with his magnificent ability. Bloody brilliant, spectacular, awe-inspiring really."

Then she left, Neville set to trail behind her with some good-natured laughter, while she tried to convince herself her own words weren't true.


"This article, this...Skeeter. She was rather kind to you."

Harry plopped onto the couch with a grunt, his body loose and relaxed while Hermione, still dressed in proper robes and uniform, held her wand carefully over a piece of parchment while several books floated in front of her. However, her gaze was not upon her research-Family Magick, this time, for Neville-but the open newspaper spread haphazardly over her lap.

"She understands the plight of a young wizard." Harry nodded.

"Right," Hermione said, "and this young wizard is a... What is this? 'Suffering youth with the shadows of his past set to flicker in a glossy emerald gaze.' Poetic."

"You forgot the next part. That I'm 'shoring up to seem like an expendable ill-cared for Ministry trinket.'"

"Mmm, she did say that." Hermione frowned. "I'm to believe that this woman, Skeeter, thinks you're being manipulated? By the Ministry?"

"And ill-cared for. But, no, I think she's trying to say I'm a cute lil' pet to be shown off by the Ministry to the other countries."

"Which is why, having just Cedric-"

"Well, if it were only Cedric I wouldn't be very well shown."

"Yes, of course." Hermione said.

"What else did it say?"

"Did you read it?"

"Nope," Harry shrugged, "No time. I'm a hero after all."

Hermione wrinkled her nose but moved forward, "She doesn't believe the Headmaster has your best interest in mind or that he tried hard enough to keep you out of the tournament. It says that, while she initially believed you to be chasing fame, your... 'abused demeanor' spoke of greater concerns."

"He's forcing me to play." Harry whispered, gaze on the ceiling. "Against my will."

"It's a binding magical contract. I..." She paused, motioning toward a book to her left, her fingertip running along the faded lines there, "I tried to find a way to stop it. However, your legal magical guardian can only… do you have a legal magical guardian, Harry?"

She gently bit her bottom lip. Did she have one?

"It's all a bit confusing." She mumbled, "Only your guardian could possibly contest this but, even so, the magic of the contract is… well it's a very old Cup, is all. Breaking its hold over you isn't all that likely."

"Bagman is excited I'm participating, I doubt he'd allow such a thing."

"Then your guardians, you have some?"

Harry closed his eyes, "Not officially."


What did Harry have anyway? Anyone? At all?

"Do you have magical guardians, Hermione?" Harry whispered.

Hermione snorted, "No. Just regular ol' Muggle parents for this gal."

"Hm," Harry frowned, his nostrils flared, "That's not good. You need someone to take care of you here, you know. Especially… well, considering…"

Hermione froze, "Considering?"

"Well, if something happens here, your Muggle parents can't really… help. You need guardians, magical not mundane. They could keep you from being taken advantage of, for example, by fast-talking words that twist into vows and ink-slick contracts too tight to break. A lot of really unsafe, secure, stuff."

Then after a time, Harry added- "It would also afford you that extra bit of magical protection toward any... pure-blood assumptions."

That got her attention.

"It all comes back to effort. A magical guardian would provide you have an established and focused point of wizarding education. Not that you aren't doing well on your own."

Though Harry seemed to be helping her, she could tell he was… thinking. Scheming, even. For her benefit? She wasn't entirely certain.

"And well, without one, you're just another Muggle-born under Dumbledore's control."

"Say what now?"

Harry tilted his head back toward her, "Muggle-borns default under the Headmaster when they have no magical guardians. That means that if you, say, get into a spot of trouble or have to be removed from Hogwarts for any reason he gets to make that decision."

Paranoia clawed down the length of her spine and the books in the air faltered before they fell, no longer able to float under the control of her magic. She sat up straighter- "I don't… I don't even know him like that!"

"No need to worry," Harry chuckled, "You're just one more Muggle-born to him, no doubt. If anything happened to you, why, I bet he'd barely notice. After all, he didn't seem concerned about your safety second year or... The bullying in your first."

She felt the blood drain from her face as a startling chill coiled about her person, "He could have… helped me?"

"If you would have said something, maybe. But… you were keeping to yourself. Still, I'm of a thought that he would have said something kind but to the equivalent of growing a thicker skin."

He shifted on the couch and turned his torso toward her, one leg propped up on the cushion while he rested one elbow on the back of the seat. He eyed her with the sort of interest one might give to an motivating project while she rubbed her face and tried not to sweat.

"This is why learning is so important. You are vulnerable right now, a shame really." Harry tilted his head, "It all comes back down to power. Magical guardians would grant that. Security. Power. Stability."

"B-but you don't have-"

"Oh!" Harry smiled, "I'm not too worried about any of that! I'm worried about you, Hermione. We are friends, after all."

She chewed on her bottom lip, felt the tiny trickles of pain but barely noticed the damage she did.

"Now now," Harry reached out a hand to pat her leg, a gentle soothing motion that was anything but, "We'll find you some magical guardians, a nice pair of… pure-bloods should work."

"Why," She croaked, "Why pure-bloods?"

"Well, you are being sponsored by two of them. Plus, with my own interest that should make you a rather valuable piece-Ah, well, you never mind that. It's just, they could protect you better. Hell, they might even be less inclined to fall for any sort of games the Light might try to play."

Questions danced on the edge of her tongue and were no doubt reflected in the depths of her trembling gaze. She needed more information. Needed to know how much impact and importance was wrapped up in the movement of her sponsorship.

How much Harry's interest would change everything she thought she knew.

"And what about the Dark?" Hermione said.

Harry's lips split wide, displaying saliva slick teeth in a move that was rather joyous, far too joyous. "Well, don't you worry about that Hermione. I'm the hero after all."

Then, he squeezed her captured leg, a bit too tight, tight enough that she cringed as he leaned forward with eyes a bit too wide and shadows that danced across the killing-curse green of his gaze.

"I won't let the Dark hurt you."


The sun felt nice on her skin, unusually bright and simple compared to the shadows that lurked beyond Hogwart's walls. With everyone excited, far too excited, about the tournament and the first task, it slowly put thoughts of Death Eater attacks and former Dark Lord servants from Hermione's mind. Besides, she felt as if she had greater things to worry about. Like Harry and his all too sure smiles, or Neville and his worship.

"Someone should shut him up."

"Neville," Hermione said, as she stared hopelessly down the index of The Power of the Lord and Other Basic House Concepts. Why Daphne wanted her to read this drivel was beyond her, but Hermione was nothing if not diligent. "Do you expect anything less from Mr. Weasley?"

Not that far from their small place of serenity was a loudly laughing red-head. He had a small group of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors gathered around him. Attached to his robe was an innocent looking button, though as one drew closer it seemed to swell and swirl with cruel words-Cedric Diggory, The Real Champion, in one moment and, Harry Potter Sucks in the next. It wasn't a wildly popular button, at least. She knew that only a few in Slytherin house were wearing them… surprisingly. Draco's robes were bare of any Harry admonishments, though he was his friend after all.

Only a handful of Hufflepuff wore the buttons, usually on the much tamer setting, while Ronald and his 'Crew of Justice' wore them on the other. It didn't seem to bother Harry, who had laughed outrageously when Ronald had first shown him the different settings, making the other boy's cheeks flush red enough to consume the entirety of his face.

"That's so brilliant!" Harry had crowed, seeming genuinely amused.

Ronald had lost a few button wearers after that, perhaps bored by the lack of impact they were making or ashamed by their piss-poor house loyalty and support of their own champion. That hadn't stopped him from scowling and trying to push them on others. Hermione had avoided him thus far, keeping to the library or Neville.

Right now, however, Ronald was moving toward them, Dean Thomas, Lavender Brown, and Seamus Finnigan behind him.

"Show time," Hermione mumbled, before her gaze dropped back to the book on her lap and Neville noisily gathered up the parchment Hermione had been scribbling on for him.

"Well well, if it isn't Longbottom and know-it-all Granger."

"Good Afternoon, Mr. Weasley," Hermione answered, cordial, numb, and bored.

Neville only glanced up at him, his lips twisted into a hard frown at the sight of the buttons they wore.

"Did you forget your button this morning, Hermione?" Lavender cooed, her arm wrapped around one of Ron's own.

"No." She answered, simply.

"No?" Ron frowned, "Why aren't you wearing it then? I gave one to everybody."

"And not everybody is wearing one," Neville cut in, teeth displayed in a snarl.

Hermione placed a hand gently upon Neville's arm, knowing that his dislike of Weasley went beyond just Harry. Ronald had not done Neville any favors when the bulk of first year thought him a failure and a Squib. If anything, in Ronald's desperate attempts to befriend Harry, he'd often, purposely, belittled and tried to leave Neville behind.

"Ick," Ronald grunted, as if Neville's opinion was irrelevant, "So you're supporting a cheater?"

"I'm supporting my house," Hermione blinked, "Togetherness, and loyalty and all that, though I admit we aren't Hufflepuffs."

"We stand for justice, over some flimsy sense of loyalty. What Harry did was wrong, Granger and-"

"Finnigan," Hermione interrupted, peeking up between wild locks of hair, "Your opinion of Potter, no matter what it be, isn't relevant outside the walls of our Common Room. In-house squabbles should stay just that, in-house. You lot make us look divided and unsure."



She was just about to return her gaze back to the book before Ronald reached down, snatching it from her grip with a snarl before tossing it into a screaming cluster of first year Ravenclaws.

"What the heck would you know anyway? Loyalty? Unity? You barely pay your own house any attention. You hang out with the Slytherins-"

"I study with the Slytherins-"

"-Who cares why you hang with the snakes? If you wanted to be one, you should have, but wait… ah yeah, they don't take people like you."

Neville went tense at her side and she calmly blinked at the boy before her gaze shifted to the cluster of curious Ravenclaws hovering around her, perhaps, not so school sanctioned book.

"Like me?"

The boy-Finnigan-narrowed his eyes, but his look of mild contempt was all for Ronald.

"Yeah, with your status. You know what they call you behind you back? A little mudblood. A dirty wench. You're a pariah, whether you're with us or not. I'm just trying to help you and unless you get it into your tiny little so called clever brain that no one gives a damn about anything you have to say out here, then you won't be anything but some mudblood swot-"

Brown gasped softly, her lips flapping open and closed as Thomas and Finnigan grimaced so hard their faces twisted into something grotesque.

"I uh…" Ronald spared a glance to his male companions, "Not that you guys are anything like that. You're cool. You actually listen to reason and-"

"I understand Granger is a know-it-all, we get it, and right boring to boot, but what's her blood got to do with any of it?" Thomas said.

"What do you mean? The Slytherins-"

"Have been leavin' 'er alone, I think."

"Other than the odd hex or two, they don't bother me much in terms of aggression. The only person reminding me of what I am lately, has been…" She made an exasperated hand motion toward Ronald and Dean's scowl deepened.

"We're gonna have to have a talk about this, mate." Thomas sneered before he and Finnigan turned and began to march back toward the school.

"What! Wait? Bloody hell, I'm just trying too-!" He paused in his yelling, if only to turn back to Hermione and ball his fist.

Neville's wand was immediately in his grip, his eyes wide and glossy, waiting, eager-

"You'll pay for manipulating my friends, Granger! I know you're up to something, something dark-" He spat out, as if the very word were an affront to his feelings, "with the snakes. Why else would Malfoy want to be around you? What do you do with them, day in and day out?! How could they possibly tolerate-how could Potter tolerate-"

Ronald screamed then, his body ripped from the earth with enough force to jerk him forward, until he was flat on the ground and groaning, hands on his arse. Behind him stood Luna, her wand smoking slightly, her expression curious- "Oops."

Hermione stood quickly, wanting to be as far away from Ronald and the sun that suddenly seemed far too bright.

"I have to go, I have to-"

It had been far too long since she'd checked. Far too long since she'd peeled back the length of her sweater and released the red that reminded her she was alive and not some filthy construct of muck-

"No," Neville said, his grip upon her arm-the arm-hard and unrelenting. "Let's go."

Without waiting for Luna, he marched her stiffly back toward the castle, his face set in a hard line. Luna, needing no prompt, trailed beside them, Hermione's recovered book within her gloved and smudged hands.

Hermione winced, there would be something slimy and slick all over the perfect bindings-

"I've had enough," Neville croaked. "Tonight, we'll do it tonight."

His mutterings, so soft Hermione nearly missed them, were barely understood.

"I won't be able to witness it." Luna dreamily sighed.

"It's an inner house thing," Neville smiled gently, but when he turned back to Hermione she could see the rolling loathing beyond the gentleness of his concern. "It has to be done tonight, the favor."

"What favor?" Hermione said, a bubbling weariness eating away at her strength and the need to peel back her flesh, "What's... Happening?"

"It's a good night to hold a court. Bonds are best forged under the light of the full moon," Luna chirped, "He wants you to remove his crown. Harry will be most pleased if it's right before dinner. Show the Lords and Ladies your den is not a righteous mess."

Then, after a moment, Luna gave a soft laugh and nodded her head, ear tilted toward the sun as it were saying things only she could hear. "If you do well I'll get you a much better book. This one is covered in slime."


The Common Room was alight with nervous energy. Harry had yet to return from whatever it was that Harry did to prepare for the tournament and Ronald, after storming in all brimstone and fire, had begun to screech and yell and point accusing fingers in her direction.

It was all rather annoying.

For the most part Neville remained calm during the engagement, his position on the plush arm chair kitty-corner to her own a reflection of regal pure-blood posture. Something else was at play here. Neville was generally relaxed or manic, but never completely at ease. Never so... Slytherin.

That did nothing to ease Ronald's high pitched yelling.

"What the hell did you and your looney friend do? What sort of magic was that?!"

Hermione groaned and repressed the urge to slouch, the old paper detailing Sirius Black trail-that-wasn't forgotten and left to fall on the floor.

"Um, regular?" Hermione said, weakly.

"Regular? Regular magic?" Ronald spat.

With a grunt Hermione sat up, a frown set upon her face, "Ah, I apologize. Magic can't really be 'regular' now can it? That would be an assumption that magic is mundane enough to be assigned said descriptor. Nearly a contradiction in terms-"

The sound that burst past Ronald's twisted upper lip was both inhumane and attention grabbing. Soon enough, their small corner had a slight audience-a few curious first-years, some irritated second and third years, and interested peers playing at minding their own business. She could feel their gaze upon her person, sense their judgement and the intensity of their growing hunger…

For, Ronald Weasley was their King, was he not? This herald of the Light, this beacon of Gryffindor pride and stolen power?

When he called for them, they came. When he proclaimed his decrees, they listened. Begrudgingly, yet intently.

And here she stood, beyond his court of control, often belittled and left forgotten.

When had she grown her bravery? When had confidence ever swelled in her breast and pulled back her shoulders? When had pride in her person, when thirst for stability, driven her every action and need?

When had she decided to stop being so weak?

She supposed it was when Ronald had become far to annoying to be ignored.

Or, when Harry had unspokenly commanded her to succeed.

"Granger," Ronald barked, "You are constantly trying to make a fool of me-"

"-I doubt I've done such a thing on my own-"

"But this time, this time, you will not walk away from this like some innocent victim."

For a moment Hermione sat back in her chair, "Excuse me?"

"This is your fault, you know! If you would just do like you should-"

"And what is it, Ronald? That I should be doing?" Hermione whispered, head tilted in a mockery of innocent curiosity, as her heart hammered like some trapped thing within her chest.

"You're a bad influence! It's you who drove Potter toward the snakes-" Ronald started.

Hermione let loose an incredulous laugh, even as the crowd about them thickened, students returning from afternoon free-time now occupied by the performance Ronald seemed intent on displaying, "You can't possibly be serious."

For a moment Ronald hesitated, his gaze narrowed, before his lips spread in a lopsided grin that was more malicious than friendly. "I'm very serious."

She rose from her seat, no longer content with attempting to play the uninvolved party. While his look, meant to inspire unease, remained focused on her person. "He might have got that idea from you! When he saw them using you and all."

"Using me?" She said.

"For their personal enjoyment," Ron sneered, "And then, you thought you'd get him all wrapped up in that mess. It's why he doesn't have much time for the rest of us. He's far too busy babysitting the likes of you!"

Her nostrils flared as her gaze widened, "Babysitting?"

"He's just asking the snakes to bugger off, you know. When he's fed up with trying to turn you into a person to them, they'll just start up again. He plays a good game, Potter, at being kind and generous but we aren't as blind as some."

Ronald gave a very pointed look toward Neville, who watched him with all the interest of someone bored and barely focused. It wasn't a look that gave him much confidence, but he pressed on.

After all, Neville was not his target, now was he?

"He'll turn against you once he realizes how dark you are, and once the snakes realize there isn't much magic in you-"

She felt her cheek twitch and her breath catch-

"-He's return to the proper path, you know. He's looking for real talent and a good sort of friends. I'm not sure you can provide much of that."

With a snort, he gave an idle wave of hand towards Neville, "And certainly, not this bloke."

Neville's only admission of anger was the slow release of air from flared nostrils and the sudden violent snap of his Herbology book as he shut it.

"So, if you know what's' good for you, what's good for Gryffindor, you'd just tell me what sort of magic you used on me and maybe I'll forgive you." Whether Ronald was stirred by the swelling mumble of their audience or her silence she didn't know, but he continued to speak with a broad grin and cheeks flushed in his pleasure, "You do know that forbidden magic, especially anything dark, is against the rules, right? You could be expelled for what you did to me! I'm just trying to keep you safe, you know. All of us."

Finally, with hands upon his hips he leaned forward, a nice play at graciousness and mercy, "But I'm not a bad guy, Granger. You help me get Potter back on the right path and we can forget all about this. Though, once it's all done, maybe you and Longbottom should leave 'em alone. Wouldn't want him to be tempted to desperation trying to keep you safe."

His final hiss, the finality of his tone, and the way the other Gryffindors frowned and nodded-bobbing along to his gospel, swept up in his propaganda-was more than she could bare. The fact that Neville remained silent was the absolute worst part about the entire ordeal. What did he want from her? What did they want from her?

She ground her teeth as her gaze grew narrowed, as her nostrils flared with the deep almost frantic breaths of her indecision. What was the best choice, the right choice? To embrace the numbness of loneliness? To believe in the speech of the ignorant yet powerful?


"I find your drivel an unwanted interruption," Hermione croaked, her throat tight but her tone suspiciously steady. "Harry is not some slave to the circumstances that surround my victimization."

No, Harry was his own being. Some terrifying force that swept up those around him and twisted them to his own perversions. She could feel it in her very core, could sense the nervous thump of his magic as it coated the walls of the Common Room-subtle, yet present, so very present. They thought him a saint, and he called himself a hero, but she knew he was so much more than that.

"What do you know of the dark?" Hermione whispered.

Ronald paused, his nose wrinkled with displeasure, "It's all nasty business. Forbidden magic."

"It's also a political party-"

"I'm not asking you for a bloody lecture," Ronald hissed.

"And shame on me if I would dare waste my time to give you one," Hermione responded. "I'm merely correcting your assumption that you believe I've used anything dark on you. "

She took a deep breath, relishing the silence that prevailed in the space, "If I were going to do something dark, Weasley, you would know, from the very depths of your soul, that it was dark."

A murmur of unease shook the group but Ronald only seemed more pronounced in his assured dominance, "So you're admitting you know dark magic?"

"Do you?"

Now that got the crowd around them talking.

"Don't try to change the subject-"

"-and what is dark magic, really? Who determines that classification? What makes it dark and not just magic? Is it potency? The ability to harm? To destroy? To kill? A witch worth their salt can do that with any type of magic."

She sneered then, face twisted in irritation, a look that seemed to surprise her audience and Ronald, if his open mouth was any indication, "Don't come to me, with barely any knowledge of the craft, then claim that I can work Morgana level wonders."

Maybe it was Neville's soft laughter or maybe it was the rolling wave of dismissal now coursing through their collective, but Ronald suddenly had his wand in hand with tight grip and crab-colored splotches on cheeks.

"Granger!" Ronald barked, all fire and ire. "I, Ronald Weasley, last son of the House of Weasley, challenge you to a wizard's duel!"

That got everyone talking, if the sudden burst of excitement among the rowdy Gryffindors were any indication. It was also surprising that Ronald held any knowledge in the proper ritual of challenge-in any stock in his own supposedly fallen family, who had at least taught him enough of the order of the gentry to instigate madness.

"You dishonor this house! You're no lion," He hissed, "I won't be fooled by your play at innocence! You're a manipulative swot who thinks being a Muggle-born will save you from the laws of this world. I won't have you sully our colors with your influence."

Now Neville stood and the loud barking from the crowd settled as dorm rooms were emptied and the rapid patter of feet stormed down stairs. The space was being rearranged, first years pushed aside so that older students could shove chairs and tables out of their placement to clear room for something Hermione wasn't entirely prepared to face.

"What…?" She said, though her soft tone of surprise was swallowed by the other more experienced pure-blood's explaining whatever Ronald had done to those with similar looks of confusion and discomfort.

"Fine," Neville said, disinterested, as he placed a hand against the small of her back, "Sponsored House Granger will accept your challenge, backed by The Most Ancient and Noble House of Longbottom."

"Sponsored?" Ronald asked, though only half paying attention as he moved toward the center of the room.

To this Neville just shrugged. Clearly, someone knew more aspects about their traditions than the other and weren't all that willing to share. Furthermore, only a few of the students around them seemed impacted by Neville's statement and it was a furiously whispering Katie Bell that leaned over to a frowning Angelina as she moved a chair out of Hermione's immediate path.

Voices continued to filter in-

"You woke me for this?"

"You'd want to miss it?"

Interjected with-

"I haven't seen an in-house challenge since my second year."

"My brother, bless his wild soul, was dragged into one before. The poor loser lost 'is ring-"

Soon the room was packed, though they had left the center rather open. The once distinguishable wave of chatter melted into something hive like and incomprehensible. Most of the students were on the side-lines closer to Ronald, though Neville stood on her side of the room before calling out casually- "Support."

There was silence then before two twin redheads, with wild matching grins, shuffled over to ruffle Neville's hair and clothing in a manner Hermione thought must have been bothersome. Though, she jerked a nervous look over her shoulders when they both called out, rather jolly-like, "Support!"

"Any lass going against our ickle hot-headed brother-"

"-is a lass that deserves our cheers!"

That did nothing to lessen Ronald's outrage.

Soon, a slowly moving Katie-whose hand was clutched rather strongly around Angelina's wrist-wandered over to stand behind the twins with a soft cough of, "Support."

Which Angelina mirrored, if a bit hesitantly.

"Why?" Ronald barked, "You all dark witches and wizards too? You really think that she can protect you?"

The cultural implications of their situation were irrelevant, but the fact that several older students seemed inclined to stand on her side was enough to bolster Hermione's fragile courage.

"Well, I certainly think she's a bit smarter than you," Katie said.

"Gotta be something good, for all that knowledge, you know? Especially for someone you claim to be using dark magic." Angelina shrugged.

Lee Jordan, who stood within the center, merely laughed, "I'm not too sure about it, but I love it! Such unexpected excitement!"

"Don't you go announcer on us in here, this is all really serious." Dean mumbled.

Then, there was silence and nobody else moved from their spaces.

"One last chance to back out, Granger." Ronald said, "You admit to Potter that you don't need him keeping the snakes off you and let us help, yah? Then you tell us all what sorta dark spells you've been getting up to, you know, so we can keep you from hurting yourself."

What a load of rubbish.

She took a deep breath and wrinkled her nose for a moment, thoughtful… before she shook her head. They'd wasted enough time and she had studies to accomplish. She, at least, knew how to proceed forward now.

"Second, Heir Longbottom."

Neville stepped up with the casual flare of a boy practiced with displaying nobility while Hermione took care to lift her wand and place it before her, point toward the ceiling, in the standard dueling pose. If Ronald was surprised by her knowledge of dueling arts, he didn't say anything and instead, tossed over his shoulder a hastily barked-

"Come on, Finnigan."

The boy did not look pleased at being dragged up to the front, but he stood in place with arms crossed and wand at the ready.

Once he was place Ronald turned back to her, sly grin set to conquer his expression and, without even a bow of his head-as was proper- he tossed at her a yelled-"Furnunculus!"

Someone's yelp of 'rude!' went ignored as Hermione twisted her torso to the left, ignoring the streaming light that spiraled off and through the space she had once occupied, uselessly, against a seventh year's well prepared shielding charm.

He didn't hold back after that.

His barked-out hexes came forward in a steady stream and Hermione found herself jerking and dancing around the spell work like an uncultured puppet. She wasn't graceful, by any means, but she was quick on her feet at least-

Maybe, she'd have to thank Pansy for all those hunting sessions the other girl would often enact whenever she'd been irritated with her.

It was only frustrating that, despite Ronald's less than stellar performances in most of their class, he had an easily recalled repertoire of spells she would have found on an accomplished bully. Or Draco Malfoy, which she supposed wasn't too different.

But it was predictable enough.

The only pause in his spellwork came when he found cause to laugh at her- "What's all this, Granger? You really can't fight back can you?"

She remained silent, her breath set to ease in and out of her person in steady pants-

As her blood thundered in her ears and vicious warmth filled her belly.

As a sense of being alive hummed through her veins and brought her magic to her tingling fingertips to be twisted into whatever she could imagine.

She wasn't prepared for the thickness of it, for the wildness that she could practically taste on the back of her tongue or the heat that thudded through her, heavy and punishing with so much bound fury that it was nearly frightening. He had the power to do something, they all did. He'd had the ability to stop them, once upon a time, and the so-called righteousness to keep her safe-as he now claimed wont to do, via humiliation.

Yet, she had suffered for them, for this house, for precious Gryffindor, which had done nothing in return. She had given it so much, had fed it with her agony, with her very blood, with her tears and precious nights wondering why why why-

And it was time for it to pay.

So, when Ronald's next strike shot toward her she moved without thought, her wand going through a motion that was both foreign and familiar, an instant perfect replication of something drawn from Harry's precious books.

And the spell went wild, flung away from her person to smash against the ceiling and force rock to rumble with the threat of dislodging.

Not a word came past her lips.

There's a soft hiss in the audience, a gasp, but the background noise failed to reach her. The only thing she could hear was the song of her magic, the strength of her loathing, the rolling boiling need for more that clawed at her belly and made her skin feel tight and hot.

With a snarl Ronald thrust his wand forward again, his uttered spell set to burst from the tip of his wand with so much conviction-

And again, with practiced movement, she intercepted it, jerking only slightly when it slammed against the rippling space before her wand before, with a flex of her wrist, she thrust it toward her back.

This time there was a scream and the sound of yacking.

"What…" Ronald whispered, "How are you…?"

Magic filled her being and she felt weightless, empowered by the notion that she was so very much a witch and so much more than Ronald had anticipated. Those sleepless nights spent beneath her covers, with only her tears to coat the pages of text she combed with desperation, had not been for nothing.

Now it was her turn to smile.

She twisted on the tips of her feet in a motion meant to gather momentum and cover intricate wand movements before magic streamed from her wand without so much as a word.

That too, was her carefully guarded secret, a bit of wordless magic she would always treasure, but her most proud one.

And when it slammed into a flabbergasted Ronald and froze him, he could do nothing more as Hermione swung her wand forward again-this time, his raised hand was knocked back, the wand blown from his grip by a concessive force that jerked him around on barely functioning feet.

The final spell was what threw him from the center of the room and onto his back with a hard and audible 'oomph'. The crowd split like a frightened sea, giving sight to a chest heaving Ronald.

While Hermione slowly lowered her wand with a scowl, "That's it?"

The magic still swam within her, it still sung its seductive tune of ecstasy, begging for more.

"Get up," She panted, raspy, her tone thick with longing. "I'm not done."

Not after being dead for so long, not after thirsting for release.

Ronald groaned and twitched as he tried to sit up and his second, nervously stood at his side. With wand drawn and pointed toward her direction Finnigan yelped, "Back."

The look in her gaze, the startling clarity, the craving of their fear, was enough to make the poor lad flinch.

The slow lick of her lips that took place afterwards, made the hand that held his wand tremble.

The crowd shifted, swept by nervous anticipation, and soft murmurs rolled through them like constantly changing dreams. She felt teased by their elation, pushed by their curiosity and their cautious tones. She kept her wand steady, it's tip aimed and sure. One more spell, her magic whispered, just one more spell and maybe they'd all see that she was not some thing to be pitied, to be tolerated. So was so much more than just mud.

"Move," the voice that came from Ronald seemed alien in his body, unsteady and anxious despite its command. It was enough for his second though, or maybe poor Finnigan simply had no desire to keep her back. After all, Ronald had gotten himself into this mess, surely he could get himself out.

Hermione was patient either way, and she watched with wide eyes and wider smile as he pulled himself from the floor with shaking legs and a heaving chest. His knees knocked once or twice, and a pinched laugh filtered from the crowd, but otherwise the silence felt nearly tangible.

"Yes," she hissed, "yes yes yes."

"Shut up," His face was a twisted masterpiece of contempt, but furthermore, there whipped storms of terror in the depths of his gaze, terror that made her breath quicken and her hands feel slick. Nothing had ever looked at her like that… and even though it was just a seed within the shadows of his temper, she'd seen it. Acknowledged it.

She readied herself, ignored the sweat that dripped down her forehead and the rumble of Neville's chest as he slyly cut-

"Look at the King of Gryffindor, our courageous most fearsome lion, with his shaking knees and pale flesh. Shamed by a swot, the crumbling House of Weasley."

It was nearly impossible to tell the parlor of Ronald's cheeks from the sweat-slick color of his hair. His chest heaved in wild pants and his gaze widened at the indignation of her partner. Whatever Neville had said, had certainly struck a chord, and had Hermione been focused on anything other than the thudding adrenaline that hummed beneath her flesh she might have found his statement and the prose of it, odd. Still, the crowd reacted expectantly, losing tension as a guffaw or two broke from the mob.

"It's true, innit?" A voice came from the back.

"Is he really our King?" Came another, feminine and confused.

"What is any of this? Is this really happening?" Asked a first year.

But it was Lee's voice that delightfully called out- "We haven't had a King in sometime, but I don't deny the pull he's had. Why, what a charismatic little annoyance!"

Ronald whipped his head around so fast to face Lee's direction that Hermione thought he'd snap his neck. His mouth opened and closed, his tongue wriggling against the roof, but no words escaped a throat tight with anger.

" 'e has a way with words, 'e does."

"That's our brother, always getting into things he really shouldn't."

"But he is popular-"

"-I'd say he was a King."

"Before this," the twins said in unison, their jolly voices laced with just the slightest pinch of disgust. But Hermione must have imagined that.

" 'e's no Charlie."

"Or Willy."

Ronald cracked out a 'stop' but the angry flush of his cheeks had by then reached a splotched and straining neck.

Angelina voice cut through the throng, unamused and slightly agitated, "In all the years I've been in Gryffindor, I've never seen us weaker as a unit than now."

That was enough to grasp Hermione's attention, to pull it away from the heavy thud of her own lust for battle. She swallowed thickly and straightened her back, but kept her wand out and ready. She held no illusions that Ronald would retaliate, if she let her guard down.

"Especially," she continued, "if the snakes pay more attention to our own than we do."

Ronald found his voice, "Of course they pay attention to her!" He stomped his foot like a petulant child, "She's dark."

Neville's snort was the only response.

"And just what the hell did she do? Did you see any of that? That's a sign of-"

"A powerful dueler, if a bit sloppy. I've seen better, my older brother is an Auror," A voice, unknown and unfamiliar, said over the crowd, "Still, she's holding her own well enough against you."

"It's not a fourth-year technique, it's allowed to be sloppy," Katie said slowly, though her voice too seemed bored, "But…"

She looked away from the crowd and instead cast her gaze to the ceiling, as if she were in casual thought, "If I were going to be a knight for any King, I might consider this one."

"I'll actively consider anyone, so long as it isn't a Weasley."

Though Hermione wasn't sure who had tossed in their opinion-earning an indignant 'hey!' from the twins-she knew that that statement had crossed a particular line. The crowd started shouting questions-

"Is that really a thing? Kings and all that rubbish?"

"We aren't a bunch of snakes, we don't need any-"

"-All the houses have a hierarchy, kid, they just don't tell you-"

"-for what purpose? We were fine as we were!"

"You've been up under him since you both got here, Dean. You can't tell me he isn't your King!"

"This must be a pure-blood thing-"

And so on and so forth. It was enough to nearly ease Hermione's shoulders, to see such... chaotic support from her own house-though one could claim they were merely being opportunistic, not supportive.

"The seventh-years can explain more about it, it's just a person that sets the ideals a house is governed by-"

"-Hey, do you suppose that prat Malfoy is King of Slytherin?"


Had Ronald not been so loud, so determined, so full of pumping loathing, she might have missed his screech beyond the excited chatter of their audience circle. As it was, her attention had still been unfocused, torn in several different directions as too many faces pulled for her attention and spoke about an foggy future. She saw the beam of light burst from Ronald's wand, felt the collision of it as it collided into her half formed-and half assed-Protego, and jerked from the wicked burst of agony that licked along her flesh as both spells seemed to implode upon her. His severing charm brought an unnerving slickness to her flesh and her Protego's cruel burst of cold as it broke swept over her face and shoulders.

Her feet lifted off the ground for just a moment, sending her stumbling backwards as she lost her balance-

But she did not fall, not even when he screamed out his next successive string of spells-concussive multi-shot jinxs that beat at her arms and chest as she brought them up to hastily shield her face.

And still she did not fall, even when she felt her robes flap about her-tattered and torn-and the power behind his shots grew erratic and sloppy, differing in strength and precision. Yet, she did react the same, wanting him to know that beyond her wall-

She was growing furious, but not illogical.

The crowd was reacting, shouting, sprouting nonsense as Ronald continued his assault, the whiplash of his erratic sloppy magic, and the fact that the duel wasn't technically over, keeping them weary and at bay. He drew near but she allowed him, she let him swing his arm and wand about with little finesse as he made a pug like sound of triumph at her suffering. She slouched and kept her guard up, her hand tight around her wand, even as he thought his spells grew more effective than less. She let him approach as he wound his arm up dramatical, to the roar of Neville at her back as he lifted his wand-

And then she surged forward with a snarl in a tackle, her roar less feminine and more… well… positively wild, thick and dripping with her incomprehensible rage.

She felt his weight give, his body surprised and his knees perhaps still weak from her earlier assault and his express of magic. She felt the rippling impact when he fell onto his back, prone beneath her as she drove her knees into his chest. They soon slid off as he bucked and rasped for air-struggling to breath past the initial pain of their combined landing-and they nestled perfectly upon his forearms, rendering his hands useless and her skirt ineffective but she didn't care.

Let them see her knickers, she'd hear the lecture about witch propriety later.

With her wand pressed into his throat she drew back her hand, balled it into a fist, and swung it down.


Again, and again.

She felt his flesh yield beneath her knuckles. Felt his yell of fear as her own skin split and her hand began to ache, but she relished the power over him, the power that came from good ol' fisticuffs and proficiency with the body.

She'd beaten him with her wand earlier, after all. Like a good and proper duelist. So, she deserved this moment, this wicked wicked guilty pleasure.

She only managed to get a few good whacks before Neville's scream for Finnigan to stay back broke her from the lust of her rage. She trembled above him, stared at his bruised and swollen face as he flinched beneath her. She inhaled deeply with wide gaze and sweat slick body as blood dripped from a cut on her lip and a gash that bled heavily from her shoulder. Her entire being ached, pulsed with conflicting agonies and wild excitement. With hunger and thirst, with the screaming chorus of being alive.

Of power.

Footsteps approached slowly from behind, their gait familiar and comforting, while others hastily came from the front.

She croaked out a shaky, "I'm finished." On the verge of tears.

With a heavenly smile upon her face.