i don't own degrassi

also sorry for spelling mistakes and what not checked quick before i copied and pasted it. i wrote this forever ago so please just deal with me. not sure what direction i was heading just saw i wrote lots for this to so wanted to share it.

Emma got home from work to find Sean and Jay watching TV.

"I would have been home sooner but we have a project to work on. Had to meet my group at one of their dorms." Emma said. "been there since 9."

"We have been watching TV." Jay said. "O and enjoying your food."

"I wouldn't eat some of it." Emma said laughing. "Have of it is outdated."

"You know you're supposed to throw that away." Jay said laughing.

"Awe well usually it's just me and I know what's safe and isn't."

Sean spit out whatever he was eating. "What exactly is good and safe to eat?"

"Definitely not what you just ate." Emma said.

"greenpeace if I'm sick tomorrow your taking care of us both."

Emma rolled her eyes. "I'm going to bed."

"I'll be in soon." Sean said. The next morning Sean and Jay did end up with food poisoning.

"Dude Emma owes me." Jay said to Sean.

"if I wasn't dying right now I would laugh." Sean said sighing.

"if I could move I'd be over making Emma take care of me to." Jay said.

"I've got to go Jay." Sean said hanging up and running to the bathroom. Emma was in the kitchen. "Are you cleaning your fridge now?" He asked.

"Yes because between you and Jay who isn't even here your driving me crazy." Emma said. "Your on your own soon. I have to work."

"I'll survive." Sean said laying back on the couch. Emma rolled her eyes. After she cleaned her fridge she headed off to work. She got home to both Sean and Jay watching TV.

"Lets me guess you to are better?"

"Sort of." Sean said.

"I'm never eating here again." Jay said. Emma laughed.

"That's what you get for eating someone else's food."

"You got Sean sick to." Jay said.

"Well I'm sorry about that."

Sean smirked and laughed. "Sorry but she got ya."

"Yea and I need your bathroom." Jay said. Emma laughed as Jay ran to her bathroom. "Can I crash here tonight?"

"If you promise to be nice." Emma said.

"Fine." Jay said sighing. "I still feel like crap."

"You did eat like everything." Sean said.

"I figured Emma out of everyone wouldn't have ten year old food."

"You don't know me as well as you thought."

"I see that." Jay said laying down on her couch.

"Sleep tight Jay." Emma said throwing a blanket at him. Jay rolled his eyes and rolled over and feel asleep.

"I'm sorry you got sick babe." Emma said kissing Sean.

"It's ok I forgive you." He said hugging her. Sean and Emma dozed off. The next morning Emma got up and ready for the day. Sean woke up to her getting sick.

"Morning sickness such a joy." Emma said rolling her eyes.

"How long does it usually last?" Sean asked.

"Depends." Emma said shrugging.

Jay woke up and sat on the couch. "Your lucky I feel better."

"Good because I'm charging you soon for laying on my couch." Emma said laughing. "my be nice moments over."

"Of course it is." Jay said getting up. "I have to work anyways."

"I'll stop by later." Sean said. "I've got to get to base myself. Love ya Em." Sean said kissing her. Emma finished collecting her stuff and hopped in her car and headed to class.

After class Emma met up with her group.

"Hey Emma." Amber said.

"Hey others coming?" Emma asked.

"Should be." Amber said. "There they are. Hey Chris Ty and Step."

"Hey." Stephanie said.

"Hey girls." both Chris and Ty said.

"Hey." Emma and Amber said. "So let's get started."