As the third month came to an end Harry decided he no longer wanted to expand energy on the Dursleys even if it was to see them go through what he went through. He wanted to cut them off completely and never think about them again. The only reason he stayed so long was because it was the amount of time he was in Azkaban and his body would be discovered soon. The evidence of his innocence would be revealed in a day or two by the goblins to the Aurors and his will read a few days after his death was announced. Memories submitted of Lucius and Vernon' exchange. He wanted to be there to see the hope fall from the traitors faces once they knew the truth.

A couple of days later saw Vernon and Petunia arrested for child abuse and Dudley sent to St Brutus for the criminally insane. The story went international because of the severity of the abuse. Harry didn't heal them, he only returned them to their adult status and placed a glamour that covered the scars and wounds they had. He also ensured they would not have an easy time of it in prison. He could already see Petunia and Vernon sighing in relief as they were led away in handcuffs. To them prison seemed better than what they had just been through. They had no idea it would be worse.

There was one thing he wanted to do to Petunia before having them taken away. The runes had been a bit complicated but he had managed them.


Petunia Dursley was placing her fifteen month old son in his crib. He had finally fallen asleep to her relief. As she stood up she felt confusion. Dudley was not a baby anymore. He was a teenager. Her memories came rushing back everything that had happened. Fear gripped her when she saw her nephew leaning against the wall with a smile in his face and said "I've taken the liberty of changing a few things in the past. I took my past self from your doorstep ensuring you never received the protection that came with having me under your roof allowing Vernon's past to catch up with you. Don't worry, I made it so you will always watch over your little Dudders."

Harry disappeared and Petunia felt fear grip her as she heard her husband begging for his life downstairs and then gunshots followed by silence. She placed covers over Dudley making it look like there was no child there just messy blankets and clothes in his crib hoping he would stay asleep and she could lead them away from him. She left the room.

It was clear there was no way out. It actually crossed her mind for a split second that maybe this was how her sister felt as she tried to save her own son. She didn't even see who shot her until her spirit rose and she saw a familiar face she had forgotten about. An old business acquaintance of Vernon.

She remembered now. Vernon owed him seventy thousand pounds from a sale gone wrong with stolen goods. They had been living in fear for weeks worried they would be found. However that fear disappeared the morning she found her nephew on the doorstep. They were now hidden, it was one of the main reasons she had not just left the child in a hospital somewhere. The money didn't hurt either.

To her relief he did not seem to be searching for Dudley. He left after ransacking their house looking for anything of value which he found in the form of the jewellery that belonged to her mother. It was worth a bit of money she never had it appraised. She had only taken it to spite Lily. She had wanted it. She felt fear when Dudley suddenly woke up and began screaming for attention bringing the thug back. The smile on his face was not nice. Even as he spoke "So old Dursley has a kid huh? Looks like I'll be getting my money back with interest one way or another."

Petunia was screaming. "No, leave my son alone you bastard." She tried to fight the man but she just fell through him and could only watch as he grabbed Dudley in a painful grip and lifting him from the crib saying "It's time to earn your keep."

For Petunia fourteen years had passed as she watched her son beaten, starved and everything she had done to her nephew. This was what finally broke her. She was watching him dying lying on a filthy floor in a cell, all skin and bone thick scars, broken bones and new wounds all over him. She was on her hands and knees waiting to see his spirit as it left his body but she didn't. His eyes just went glassy and he stopped breathing. As she sat there she felt like it was a relief. They couldn't hurt him anymore. She tried to touch his face despite knowing her hand would just go through him.

Someone crouched next to her and she looked up to see her nephew. He was not smiling this time. He looked at her and said "No one said you had to love me all you had to do was treat me like a human being. Now you know how my mother felt having to watch you do that to me. Of all the people that have turned their backs on me yours was the worst. I would have thought being your sisters son would have meant something to you. I was the last of your kin and you could not even show me an ounce of compassion."

Petunia was surprised to see tears in his eyes as he continued "I spent years trying to please you. Thinking maybe just maybe if I was good enough aunt Petunia would see that I was good. I didn't care about whether Vernon saw it or not. You were the one who was kin. There was never any way or any hope I would win no matter what I did. So what is left but to let you go through what I went through."

He shook his head and stood up. "Enjoy your time in prison Petunia Dursley. This will be the last time you will ever see or hear from me."

She gasped realising the illusion for what it was and said in a shaky, teary voice "Wait! What about Dudley?"

Harry replied with no emotion on his face "Am I supposed to care what happens to him? I cut all blood ties with you Petunia. You and your family are not my problem anymore."

The spell was an illusionary mind spell that had taken a minute to cast once the runes were completed. Harry had wanted to see Petunia completely undone. The past three months didn't seem to make her see what she had done wrong. She just felt sorry for herself the entire time. He felt closure at seeing her broken not just in body but in spirit like he was. It allowed him to walk away.


Harry was back at Godrics hollow making himself breakfast. He was getting used to being free of his old life and he was loving it. He didn't have to answer to anyone, there was no one out to kill him and he had enough money to burn. A hoot from the window made him look up. He ignored the pain that shot through his heart at the reminder of his beloved Hedwig.

He took the paper from the bird and read it. He prophecy had been leaked and his name and picture were on the front page. It seemed someone was keeping his death from becoming public. There were no prizes for guessing who that was. Dumbledore.


Dumbledore sat in he chair behind his desk. His shoulders slumped and he looked his age. He had no idea how he was going to do this without the prophecy child. He sacrificed his moral code by leaving the child knowing he was going to be abused. In his eyes it was the right thing to do. How else was he going to keep that shard in the child's head under control?

He could not afford to get attached to the child seeing as he was going to die for the greater good. He had had access to evidence to have the boy saved from goi g to Azkaban but he thought the stay in the prison would speed up the process to ensure the boy would wish to die. He was planning on getting him out at the end of the month.

However someone had witnessed the framing and used the goblins to give his evidence while whoever it was stayed anonymous. There was also the matter of the leaked prophecy. He had to assume that Voldemort got it himself and leaked it.

It would cause fear among the masses that only one person could defeat him and that person was a fourteen year old boy they had sentenced to the worst prison on the planet surrounded by dementors. A place fully grown men were terrified of. Things were looking very bleak indeed. So far he managed to keep the fact that their saviour was already dead when he picked him up from the cell. It looked like he was beaten to death. The guards had condemned them all. It did not help that Voldemort was no longer hiding. Dumbledore had no idea what he was going to do now.

A knock on his door had him looking up and saying "Enter!"

He last people he wanted to see walked through the door. Sirius Black recently found innocent after Harry's innocence was discovered and Remus Lupin. He had not yet told them of the fact that Harry was dead. The only ones who knew were the two healers he bound in silence.

"Headmaster, where is Harry? You cannot keep him from us. I am his godfather and his guardian. I have every right to see him." Sirius looked like he wanted to jump over the table and strangle the old man. He was positively vibrating. Remus did not look any better either.

Deciding to cut this off at the knees Dumbledore said "Im sorry Sirius but I cannot allow that. Harry has expressed he does not wish to see either of you. He still needs time to readjust being out of Azkaban and regain his health. He is also struggling with what he believes was betrayal. If you recall none of us believed him or even tried to offer him any support."

Sirius covers his face as Dumbledore continued "He sees yours as the worst betrayal Sirius seeing as you were in a similar situation and yet you could not believe in him. I would suggest giving him some time. Let him come to you himself."

By then both men had tears falling down their faces. "I just wanted to let him know how sorry I am. I was so blinded at the time I didn't see what I should have. I let him down."

Dumbledore went in for the kill. "The problem Sirius is that Harry says this is not the first you let him down when he needed you the most. The first was when you left him to hunt down Wormtail and then now with this and Remus he asked where you were during his younger years. Why you never visited him and when you came to teach here you waited months before even introducing yourself as someone close to his parents. The lack of support now tells him you never truly cared. He wishes to be left alone. I do not wish to push him on this. Even I am not his most favourite person right now."

when they didn't push after that he sighed in relief. Hopefully he would have a plan in place soon. There had to be a way around this.


Fudge was wiping sweat off his face with a handkerchief. His career was over. Actually never mind his career he was completely finished in politics he would be lucky if he didn't face prison time himself. He had locked up an innocent fourteen year old boy. Not just any fourteen year old boy but the boy who lived. He had been so happy that he could shut the boy up and the evidence presented was too overwhelming to doubt. He regrettted it now especially the smear campaign he did on the boy. It now looked like he had had it in for the him especially as the dark lord was no longer in hiding.

Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse a prophecy was revealed that the boy was the the only chance to defeating Voldemort. He didn't think he could have messed things up worse than he had. He just hoped the boy pulled through because those who were out for his blood would increase in number and he would not survive to see the sun rise the next day. He needed to leave the country as soon as possible.


Harry put down the paper and left the cottage. He had the diadem of Ravenclaw with him which he intended to use to do a ritual to bring the other items to him. It would be easier than going after them one at a time. The forbidden forest was the best place for the ritual. He prepared it and placed a cage in the centre of the ritual circle.

When he was ready he began to chant. At first he thought it was not working when nothing happened as soon as he was finished then he felt the build up of magic. The summoned items appeared one at a time inside the glass cage. His eyes widened and made him thankful that he had the cage because Voldemort's familiar arrived last. He did not waste anytime upon seeing the snake and cast fiendfire. The screams were deafening. He kept at it until they turned to ash before cutting off the power supply to wield the fire. There was nothing left of the items. Several scans confirmed they were destroyed.

Harry fell on his hands and knees. The power to fuel the fiend fire had been immense. His body was not used to it. However his part was done. He didn't owe anyone anything so he felt no need to go after Voldemort. Let them fought their own battles. Voldemort was mortal now. Anyone could take him on and kill him. With that thought he vanished the ritual and returned to his cottage. There was nothing to keep him there anymore. Even the thought watching them suffer was no longer appealing. He would wait until his will was read and disappear for good.


There was a massive uproar when goblins sent out missives to the ministry stating that his will was going to be read now that he was dead. It did not mention who was in the will, mist people had not even known Harry had a will. Dumbledore was shocked. He could no longer hide the fact that Harry Potter was dead, the goblins would not release the will otherwise. It was too late for him to have it sealed like he did with the elder Potter's will.

Everything was going wrong. The uproar alone when it was found out had him hiding in his office having his mail redirected elsewhere to prevent the howlers and cursed mail he was receiving. There was also the matter of angry protesters outside Hogwarts gates. His own staff and students were baying for his blood. He needed to leave before he was caught up in it.


Harry arrived at the will reading a bit early and watched as people arrived. The goblins had to get a bigger room for the amount of people that showed up claiming to be a beneficiary of Harry's. The goblins just sneered and sat them all down before playing the orb Harry recorded "I Harry James Potter being of sound mind and body bequeath all my worldly possessions to the only person I trust Harrigan Ignatius Peverell my closest kin and only family. This is none negotiable. I recall everything that was taken from any of my vaults without my consent or knowledge. Refusal to do this will result in loss of magic to the thief via the curse placed on all Potter vaults to prevent thievery. That is all."

The message ended and there was a lot of murmuring among the gathered crowd. Some from fear of losing their magic others shocked at the will and the message not even mentioning them. They wondered just how much Harry had known of their deception and if the lack of their names being mentioned in the will meant anything it had to be that Harry was aware of it all. There was no way out of it. They had to return everything they took from his vaults over the years or lose their magic. Their biggest worry was how they were going to give back the money they had already spent.

Harry watched with a look of dispassion as the traitors looked around the room searching for the one person mentioned in the will as if they could get him to save them from having to pay back what they took maybe even share the vaults with them. These were people he had looked up to. Shared his secrets with and trusted with his life. All their intentions and deceptions were coming out now. Harry's earlier feeling of guilt disappeared at the sight. None of them even seemed to care that he was dead apart from the fact that he mentioned his role defeating Voldemort. They were not sad he was dead. They were sad their chance at defeating the dark lord was gone.

Harry stood up from his seat and said to the goblin "Please start the procedures immediately. Don't bother to force or continuously promote anyone to return things if they refuse. Just activate the curse. I want this done as soon as possible."

The goblin was all teeth when he smiled at Harry and said "Very well lord Peverell. It will be done."

At the mention of his name all eyes were on him. Harry got up and left the room toward the fireplace. His business was done. The last thing he heard was the shouting of his name from the occupants of the will reading room.


Harry sat in his two story , three bedroomed house by the kitchen island having his breakfast. He was excited to be starting a new school in the non magical world. An owl flew in through the window dropping off a newspaper. He picked up the paper and looked at the news in it. The headlines were showing the destruction Voldemort wrought on the wizarding world. It had been a year since he left and he was much happier for it too. No one seemed to want to get off their arse and face Voldemort.

Harry shrugged. It was not his problem anymore. He did not even live in Britain anymore. He knew his old friends were now squibs considering they had no way to pay back the money they were accepting from the old coot, money that was coming out of his vaults and they were very much aware of it. He would have considered letting it go if they had not known where it was coming from. However that plus their eventual betrayal where they testified against him made him unwilling to let it pass.

As for Dumbledore the only reason he still held onto his positions was because the Wizards were hoping he would get rid of Voldemort for them. Harry had wanted to laugh at the mockery of trials of the guards who had beaten him and then locked up in Azkaban for their part in his death. He would have laughed if he could but the memory of what they did to him was still so close to the surface. He did not search for any news about Sirius or Remus. Their lack of support hurt him the most. He figured maybe one day he would be able yo get over it enough to hear their side of the story but nut now. Now he just wanted what he was denied his whole life. Now he wanted to live.

Harry put the newspaper down, got up and left the kitchen making his way to his car outside. The silver Porsche waiting outside for him gleamed and he smiled. The car was extravagant especially with the backwater town he was now living in but he would be damned if he denied himself what he wanted after a living a life of literal hell. The other kids at Forks high school would just have to get used to seeing it...