Here's more of the series but sorry for taking so long, plus thanks to everybody that have favourited and followed the series.
In this one, Lani's first day of school has arrived which she is nervous about, but Maui is helping her feel brave about it.
Lani was pretty nervous waking up, as her first day of school had arrived which she was feeling a little better about after her dad who happened to be Maui, the demigod of the wind and sea, had shown her what her new school lookdd like from a bird's eye view which had calmdd her down a little only now she was anxious about the other kids along with how they would react to her, or if her powers activated getting ready for the day, puttimg on her favourite leaf skirt, which she had pickdd out the night before, hearing her dad call her, as it was breakfast time.
I hope the other kids like me, even if my powers activate, or I send tne school into the sky, like last time, and hope daddy can help, if that happens...
"Lani is everything okay, why so quiet, it's about school, right?" Maui to,d her seeimg her nodding, while drinking coconut milk besides eating pancakes which were warm and good which was helping her belly relax, which was full of butterflies, while her dad was making her lunch, so after finishing, she was brabbing her backpack which had her school stuff in it, along with her ukelele for music class knowing they were going to get there via turning into birds, making Lani grin.
"Ready to go, my little pineapple?" Maui asked her seeing her nod, as they transformed into tbeir bird forms.
They took off into the bright-blue skies flying to Auradon with time to spare, makimg Lani happy besides being anxiojs about her classmatds, seeimg some playground time would make her feel better, only Maui was staying in his giant bird form, just in case seeing Lani having fun, playing, seeimg other kids her age curious about her, turning into her lizard form, scampering away to where her backpack was, turning back into her normal self picking it up, putting it on her back seeing the teacher ushering them inside.
Lani followed them inside, hearing some of the other kids talking about the strange bird in the playground, making her sigh impressed by their huge classroom, making their teacher chuckle at their reactions, showing them where to put their backpacks, making Lani nervous, putting hers in her spot before joining the others on the carpet but quiet as the teacher talked, being shy when the kids were introducing themselves.
During recess, Lani was playing in the sandbox, which reminded her of her favourite place at home, the beach so was making a sandcastle, unaware most of the class were watching in awe wondering who she was, along with her dad, making the teacher grin, guessing Maui's daughter was different, like being shy in front of the class plus she had seen him in his bird form earlier knowing the kids had been talking about that.
"Wow that's so cool and big, how're you doing that?" Lani heard somebody ask, not paying attention to the voice's owner being in the zone with the sandcastle, especially with no mean kids to wreck it like back home hearing the bell using her magical and powerful lungs to blow the sand back from being a sandcastle grinning rubbing sand off her big hands going inside relieving her classmates, which surprised her.
"Maybe this school is good after all." she said to herself while paying attention to the teacher.
"Wow, so your first day went pretty good, and you made friends?" Moana asked Lani after her niece had returned from her first day of school seeing her niece nod in reply while doing homework, after having an afternoon snack of coconut milk and cookies guessing her dad was busy doing important demigod stuff, while she had been at school.
"Yeah he is, and was kind of nervous about your first day too, but you can tell him, when he comes home." Moana said after Lani was done with homework making her surprised, her dad was nervous too about her first day at an new school, along with making friends who thought she was cool, feeling sleepy, after all the excitement she had today, taking an nap.
Maui arrived there in his bird form, turning back into his normal self, wanting to ask Lani how her day had been, seeing Moana stop jim saying his daughter was taking an nap as she needed to calm down, after an exciting day, which she would tell him about later makimg him get it helping her with dinner.
Lani was happy seeing her dad was back after waking up from her nap, telling him about her day, which relieved him, hearing her ask, why he had been worried, about her firstday.
"Sometimes parents are just protective of their kids, because they love them." Maui replied making her understand while Moana found his reply very sweet, knowing he loved Lani very much.