Moving Forward

Rated; M

Author; Nightstar Fury

Pairing; Elsa and Hiccup

Disclaimer; I do not own HTTYD.

Character List:

Harvey Haddock as Hiccup; Owner of Toothless the Night Fury and father to Karina Haddock.

Karina Haddock as OC; Daughter to Harvey Haddock{4 years old}

Stuart and Veronica Haddock as Stoick and Valka; Owners of Skullcrusher the Rumblehorn and Cloudjumper the Stormcutter, parents of Harvey.

Ellie Agoarsen as Elsa; Owner of Silverwing the Razorwhip, mother of Owen Agoarsen.

Owen Agoarsen as OC; Son to Ellie Agoarsen{4 years old}

Courtney Bogsven as Camicazi; Owner of Mirage the Changewing, ex-fiance to Harvey, mother to Karina Haddock{Walked out on Karina and Harvey when Karina was a year old}.

Ashlyn Hofferson as Astrid; Owner of Stormfly the Deadly Nadder, girlfriend to Andrew in college.

Andrew Kingston as OC; Owner of Phoenix the Monstrous Nightmare, boyfriend to Ashlyn in college.

Syrus Jorgenson as Snotlout; Owner of Hookfang the Monstrous Nightmare, boyfriend of Rylee Thorston.

Heather Lanvik as Heather; Owner of Windshear the Razorwhip, assistant to Harvey and little sister to Dominic.

Rylee Thorston as Ruffnut; Owner of Barf{Right head of Hideous Zippleback shared with twin brother, Tyler} Girlfriend of Syrus Jorgenson.

Tyler Thorston as Tuffnut; Owner of Belch{Left head of Hideous Zippleback shared with twin sister, Rylee}.

Sydney Ostbarg as OC; Owner of Flarestrike the Deadly Nadder, girlfriend to Tyler in college.

Dominic DeRange as Dagur; Owner of Shattermaster the Gronckle, older brother of Heather.

Ford Ingerman as Fishlegs; Owner of Meatlug the Gronckle.

Gibson Belmore as Gobber; Owner of Grump the Hotburple, caretaker at Berktown University stables.

Aiden Trechdon as Alvin; Headmaster of Berktown University.

1; Block Party

{Harvey's POV}

The rumors were true that if you stared at the clock, time moved slower. I sat there just waiting for the final bell of the day to ring and signal us we could all go home. I couldn't wait to leave, I hated being at this school; Berkian High as it was called. My name is Harvey Haddock, a junior in this school which resided in the town of Berk, just one town of many in Arc City, the capital to the state of Archipelago. The other towns were Outcast, Berserker, Meathead, Murderous, Peaceable, Visithug, Bog, Hysteria, Waterland. Arc was the city and all the towns surrounded it. The town of Berk was two hours from Arc city. My parents work with dragons constantly, my mother Veronica is a dragon health and care expert while my father, Stuart researches and studies them. It rare my parents are ever home, but I'm able to take care of myself. I'm seventeen years old, and have two best friends in the entire world.

Ford Ingerman, a full figured male with blond hair and green eyes. Very smart, curious to new things but also shy and scares easily. Then there is Tyler Thorston, skinny male with long pale blond hair and blue eyes. The guy loved to play pranks and hardly take anything seriously, but he was a good friend to me. They both were so I treasured them, we had the shared dream of becoming something that was dragon related. Ford wanted to to become a dragon expert in the field of researching them, much like what my Dad did. And Tyler wanted to become a dragon race along with his twin sister, Rylee Thorston. Rylee and I tolerated one another but we weren't friends because she was besties with Ashlyn Hofferson and the two of them were part of Courtney Bogven's posse. Rylee was dating Syrus Jorgenson, and they had just started too. Syrus was best friends with Dominic DeRange.

Dominic has had a thing for Courtney since ninth grade when he met her, but she isn't interested in him. Me, however, I've had a crush on Courtney since the eighth grade when she moved here from Bogtown after her father was elected as mayor of Berk. Courtney doesn't even glance my way, I'm just a loser in her eyes. Our high school years, we worked with Terrible Terrors from freshman to sophomore. Senior year is when we would get the chance to bond with a dragon and move on to college where we could further our training with the bonded dragons. I had a Terrible Terror, male, named Sharpshot. He was different shades of green but well behaved and trained easily which made my job as his trainer easier. The principal here is Dimitri Bludvist, and the dean Scott Axsan, both are pretty easy going.


The bell rang throughout the classroom and halls of Berkian High, I gathered my Geometry book and stuffed it into my backpack to get out of class who I happened to have with Ashlyn, Rylee, Dominic, Tyler, Courtney, and Ford. Just before I left the classroom, I pulled my keys from my pocket. I had just gotten my license a month ago and Dad gave hi truck since he used his dragon, Skullcrusher, a Rumblehorn to get everywhere. The truck was a four door, black, with gray interior and held six people.

"Yes! My parents said we could have the party on Friday!" exclaimed an excited Dominic while holding his phone. I only rolled my eyes as I made my way out. Dominic's parents didn't really care what he did as long as he didn't get arrested. Dominic moved here to Berk from Berserker for the dragon training. Dominic came at the start of freshman year. All that aside, there was a block party the last two years since freshman year. Everyone was invited except Ford, Tyler, and myself. It didn't matter, we hung at my house and played video games.

It was rather interesting that we all lived in the same cul-de-sac neighborhood which was called Draco Street so we lived near one another and had for years which is why it was a block party right on the street as long as it didn't interfere with cars coming in and out. This would be another party that me and my two friends weren't a part of. I sighed heavily as I walked through the halls to reach the exit and get to the student parking lot. I reached my truck and unlocked it as I went to get in but stopped when I heard my name being called.

"Harv! Wait up!" Tyler called as I turned and saw him and Ford rushing towards me looking rather excited.

"What's up, Ty?" I inquired.

"You didn't stay long enough to hear what Dominic announced after the bell! He's having a block party," Ford stated quickly.

"Yeah, just like last year and we aren't invited as always," I chuckled a bit.

"No, you got it all wrong. We got invited!" Ford exclaimed as I blinked in shock.

"Right after you left, Dominic got another text from his Dad saying that he had to invite everyone from the neighborhood. That means us too! As we were leaving, Dominic told us to come and make sure you knew too so we rushed to find you," Tyler explained.

"We got invited so they could have the party, that was it. It's nothing special, I'm not going." I remarked.

"Come on; you have to!" Ford tried.

"Sorry guys but I'm not cool with only being invited so they can hold the party in the first place. You know what it's going to be like, just us losers sitting on my lawn with soda and listening to the shitty music watching everyone else have a good time but us. That's not how I want to spend my Friday night. I gotta go, talk to you later," I said as I climbed in my truck, buckled my seatbelt, turned it on and backed out of my space then drove off of school grounds to get home. My friends could go if they wanted to, but I wouldn't waste my time. Once I got home, I just wanted to get a snack and do my homework.


Gods, I hated all the noise. It was already 7 pm and they started hours ago after school ended. From my living room window I could see all of them partying out on the street with lights, music, yelling, and screwing around. I had such a headache and chances were that they wouldn't stop until just before 11 pm when curfew hit. Even if we were in our neighborhood, anyone under eighteen was supposed to be in their home residence by 11 pm on the dot which was still four hours away! I shook my head in irritation trying to watch TV, after ten minutes, I heard it all stop and was grateful. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It had to be Ford or Tyler telling me the party sucked and they wanted to hang out.

"Harvey! I know you're home, answer the door!" I heard Dominic's voice. Oh great. I moved to the door and opened it to see Dominic there and then the others on the front lawn.

"What do you want, Dominic?" I dared to ask.

"My parents noticed you weren't present at the party and told me that if you don't join it, I have to shut mine down. Get outside," Dominic said to him.

"Yeah, sorry. Parties aren't my thing," I replied.

"I don't care, I've been holding this party every year since the start of ninth grade and I'm not losing it because it isn't your thing. You don't even have to do anything, just come out, smile, and have a drink in your hand. Stand close to everyone else," Dominic ordered.

"Look, I'm not coming to a party I know I'm not wanted at. You only invited the entire block which included Tyler and Ford because you wouldn't be allowed to hold the party if you didn't," I told him.

"If you don't get your ass outside right now and take part, I swear to Thor I'll pummel you for the rest of the year," Dominic glared grabbing my arm and trying to yank me out, I pulled my arm back and stayed put.

"You already do that so," I trailed off sarcastically.

"Dom, leave him alone," Ashlyn sighed with closed eyes, "It's clear he isn't going to respond to being ordered," Courtney walked over and had Dominic move aside as she stood before me.

"How about this then, if you come out and take part. I'll make sure Dom and his friends don't beat up, tease, or pick on you and your friends for the rest of the school year?" Courtney said which took me by surprise, she was even smiling. Weird.

"Hey, let's not push it!" Dominic called.

"Hush up or should I remind you who my father is, Dominic?" Courtney challenged as Dominic was silent after that remark, I stifled a laugh. Courtney's father being the mayor of Berk was pretty threatning within itself, but it was amazing to see that her parents didn't care what she did as long as she kept up her grades in school. "Please, Harvey?" she asked lightly. "I-If you agree, I promise I will make sure you and your friends are safe the rest of the year from those two," she motioned to Syrus and Dominic, "And I will dance with you one time before the night is over," she added.

It was shocking she was even acknowledging my presence, and it weirded me out for her of all people to be asking me to come outside for the party so it could continue. Courtney promised to keep the bullies off me, Ford, and Tyler and she promised a dance with me?! I was officially freaked out now. The most popular girl of Berkian High dancing with me? Hell would sooner freeze over. It might have been pathetic but I couldn't tell her no so I sighed heavily as I grabbed my light sweater off the door hook and placed my keys to the hour in my pocket at I shut the door and she smiled at me. "Fine," I replied to her.

Courtney actrually smiled wide after I had shut the door and walked out a bit more. "See, Dominic. Sometimes all you have to do is be nice. And for the rest of the year, you and your friends leave him and his friends alone. Got it?" Courtney reminded.

"Yeah, yeah. We won't touch the losers," Dominic muttered walking away with others to start the party again since I was out now and he was allowed to.

"Sorry about him," Courtney told me.

"It's okay. I don't care," I answered calmly.

"Help yourself to the food and drinks, I'll catch up with you later for that dance, okay?" Courtney smiled as she headed off back into the heart of the celebration while Ford and Tyler approached me.

"Dude, you'll get to dance with Courtney Bogsven!" Ford smiled wide.

"Out of pity and to get me to agree to come out here, it's not because she likes me or anything." I sighed moving off my lawn and taking a seat on the sidewalk which was closer to the heart of the party where all of the others were dancing and having a good time with the music, food, and drinks. From what I could see there was pizza, soda, chips, sandwiches, little desserts, some punch too. The music was controlled by a laptop on a table with two speakers on either side, all music I wasn't fond of too. This sucked, I just wanted to go back in my house to watch TV or sleep.

(Three Hours Later)

I remained on the sidewalk as the time hit 10 pm just watching everything, this was so boring. I wasn't a party person even if I had been invited due to being liked but all of these people. I had gotten up around 8 pm to get something to eat and drink, after being that close I just sat on the sidewalk near that table so it would be easier to get to if I got hungry again. Thank the Gods there was only an hour left and then I could relax and probably go right to sleep. I heard the music change again and glanced over, then closed my eyes. This wasn't worth my time, I could just get up and leave now and they wouldn't even notice. I got up to leave, I was tired of this senseless party.

"Hey, I hope you weren't going to leave before our dance?" I heard a voice say, I turned to see Courtney there with a smile.

"It's okay. You don't have to if you don't want to, I won't mind," I replied to her.

"I want to, so come on," Courtney said as she reached forward and grabbed my hand, I felt nervous suddenly. Courtney dragged me to the middle of the dance area and put her arms around my shoulders while I gulped and put my hands on her hips and we just started swaying and stepping around in a circle pattern silently. "You're not a half bad dancer, Harvey,"

"Well, I did just spend the last three hours watching everyone else do the same thing," I replied and she laughed a little. I was a few inches taller then her so she had to look up to see my eyes, I noticed a blush on her cheeks and wondered why. It didn't matter, this was only because she said she would and didn't want to look bad if she didn't go through with it. Whatever, at least I could say I danced with Courtney Bogsven and lived to tell the tale.

"You know, you're funny. I've lived here since eighth grade and never noticed how calm and sweet you were," Courtney informed as I was surprised, she thougnt I was calm and sweet? Was the punch spiked or something? In school this girl wouldn't give me the time of day but tonight, that didn't seem to matter at all. Come to think of it, the punch did taste off and I was feeling sluggish. Maybe it had been spiked and I was now tipsy, how would I know? I've never had anything to drink before.

"You're cool too. What made you want to dance with me?" I decided to ask.

"It's a party, I wanted you to have fun too and figured you'd enjoy dancing with a girl rather than by yourself. Aren't you having fun?" Courtney asked.

"I guess I am now," I responded with a smile to her, it was nice to be dancing with her but I knew come tomorrow morning that it would all be the same as before where she didn't know I existed. The three minute and something second song came to an end, and so did my good time. Courtney would never like be back, she was the most popular girl at our school and I'm just a loser. I closed my eyes, good moments passed too soon. Suddenly, I felt a pair of lips on mine and I froze. My eyes snapped open and I saw her kissing me. Courtney Bogsven was kissing me! I didn't know what to do except kiss her back and pray to the Gods she didn't slap me for it.

After a two minute kiss, she pulled back with a smile and staring into her eyes. "This party is boring, can we go to your place?" Courtney asked me, my eyes widened a bit. She wanted to go to my house? What did I tell her? My parents weren't home and we'd be alone. Why did she want to be at my place?

"W-why go there?" I boldly asked her.

"Because I think you and I can have a lot more fun by ourselves than at this lame party," Courtney said while letting her fingers walk up my chest with a giggle. Gods, what did I do here? Allow it, Thor only knew what could happen if we were alone in my house.

"What about your parents?" I inquired.

"Out of town for a meeting until tomorrow afternoon. Come on, Harvey, spend time with me. I find you more interesting than them," Courtney motioned to the people still dancing and acting like fools.

I might never get this chance again so what the hell, right? I held her hand and pulled her towards my house as she smiled happily and followed, we snuck from the party and got inside. "So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Will you show my around the house? I've never been in here before," Courtney asked, I nodded and began to show her around my house. The living room, kitchen and dining room, bathroom. I didn't take her in my parent's room or their office but showed them where they were and finally, we ended the tour in my room.

"And here's my room. Not much but I'm a simple guy," I shrugged as she moved inside and looked around.

"I like it," Courtney laughed a little as I leaned against the wall and watched her admire everything before walking back over to me and smiling, she leaned up and kissed me while pressing her body into mine. I was a little surprised but I kissed her back as she grabbed the front of my sweater and pulled me with her towards my bed.

"Woah," I stopped her and broke the kiss staring into her eyes, "What are you doing?"

"I want you, Harvey. Don't you want me too?" Courtney asked looking up at me.

"O-Of course I do but shouldn't we...take this slow? I mean we just started hanging out, and you never noticed me before now," I admitted.

"Oh, Harvey," Courtney smiled while cupping my cheek, "I've always noticed you. Your auburn hair and emerald green eyes, your lean but firm body, the smile you always wear. I've always liked you, but I was just shy you wouldn't feel the same,"

"Are you kidding, I've been crazy about you since I met you," I told her as she smiled.

"Then there's no reason we can't be together," Courtney said as she kissed me again. I couldn't help it, I'd only dreamed of something like this happening where I could have the chance to be with Courtney. Having her want me as she did now, I kissed her back and wrapped my arms around her waist and led her to my bed while we were still making out, I laid her down as she continued to ask for more. Suddenly, I felt something off. I was dizzy and things got blurry around me while feeling like my clothes were being taken off and vaguely saw Courtney's come off too. "Take me," was the last thing I heard.