I can't believe I let Craig talked me into this. I am looking around at the guest at Kyle's party trying to see if I know anyone. He didn't keep in touch with too many people after we graduated. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

"Hey!" greeted Kenny pulling me in for a hug. He actually smells good, clean shave, with slicked back hair. I think he even has highlights. "I am so glad you could make it."

"Yeah," I reply not wanting to tell him I had to be dragged here. "Looks like life has been good to you." Kenny grins.

"Of course," he smiles. Kenny is not as rich as Kyle but close enough. He is porn director out here in California. I have not watched any of his films, I think? "So how is everything with you since you never talk to me much?"

"Dude, your always busy and work weird hours. Everything is fine with me. I just pretty much enjoy writing my poetry and living life." I write poetry for a card company. Who knew that was a real job, pays well too. Kenny nodded.

"Have you seen Kyle yet?" I shake my head no. I am not in a rush to see Kyle. "He is going to be glad to see you. For super best friends you guys don't talk like you use to." I shrug not wanting to talk more on the subject. I grabbed a server walking by with a tray of wine, very much needed at this point.

"They have an open bar, right?"

"Hell yeah," smiled Kenny. "Are you getting fucked up tonight?"

"Maybe," I reply as I set my eyes on Kyle. Kyle is stunning. I am happy and so proud of him for making it to the NBA. He has been playing professional for 4 years with the Sacramento Kings. He is their number Shooting Guard. I remember when he use to believe he had to be African American and tall to play basketball. He got taller and even better at playing the game. Kyle was popular in high school and seem to have it all. Great grades, varsity basketball team member, graduated top of glass, full scholarship, some of the reasons I had to let go of my little dream of being with him.

Kyle spots me and he starts grinning. He makes me feel so small with his 6'3 frame to my 5'10.

"Dude!" he grins pulling me in for a tight hug. For a moment it feels like it is only us in the room. He pulls away before I can relax into the hug. Kenny goes to hug Kyle but he playful pushes him away. "I see you all the time. I don't know where your hands have been?" He laughs showing off his bright white teeth.

"I'm clean man," said Kenny in between laughs. I smile as this takes me back before Kyle joined the basketball team.

"Stan, how are you?" I shrug.

"Things are good."

"How is everything in South Park?"

"Same as always. They are slowly but surely adding to our small town, well not so small now."

"Of course South Park becomes something great after I leave," said Kyle grabbing some wine off a passing tray. "Did Kenny tell you I am getting a house there." I couldn't hide my look of shock. Kyle laughed whole heartily. "I will take that as a no."

"I mean why?" I asked.

"Why not" stated Kyle before taking a sip."

"Kyle, there you are," smiled some little girl with brunette hair. "Hey Kenny!" Her and Kenny hugged. "You must be Stan." I feel awkward because I have no idea who the hell she is.

"You are?" I asked.

"My name is Catherine but everyone calls me Cat for short. My first time meeting you but I hear about you a lot." This surprises me since Kyle and I do not really talk.

"Really," I reply encouraging her to continue.

"Yeah, he has a lot of pictures of you too," explained Catherine. Kyle covers her mouth with his hand.

"Honey, he doesn't need to know all of that," She removes his hand.

"You might want to remove that lipstick," smirked Cat as Kyle looked down at his hand now stained with pink lipstick. "Stan are you going to be the best man at our wedding?"

"Wedding?" I questioned.

"Yes silly. I know Kenny will be there but I know you are the closest to Kyle."

"I am standing right here," Kenny chimed in. Kyle is getting married. Well I guess I never had a chance with him to begin with. It really was just some silly little dream. I feel like a piece of me died just now. I look down noticing Catherine is holding Kyle's hand.

"Where are the restrooms?" I ask. Kyle explains to me where to go. I quickly walk off with the tears threatening to fall. I get to the guest bathroom and close the door locking it. I finally allow myself to cry it out. Some part of me was always hoping that we could be together. I love Kyle so much. I have loved him since I was 9. Once I recover I emerge from the restroom to see Kyle standing there. I feel myself flushing.

"You okay? Your face is so red."

"I'm fine," I replied. "The wine is not setting to well. So, um when is the big day?"

"Not until next year," explained Kyle. "So Catherine wants you to stay here for the rest of the weekend."

"Why?" I asked clearly confused.

"She wants to get to know you better. Besides you are my best man after all" he smiled.

"You never even asked me," I laughed.

"It's you Stan. It can't be anybody but you." I nod knowing damn well I am not going to turn him down. "Once the guest leave I can show you where you will be staying."

"I don't have any of my things with me. They are back at the hotel."

"You can borrow my stuff, like old times."

"Before you became a giant" I remind him. He pushes me lightly and starts walking back towards the party as I follow. I sigh because I really would prefer not to stay here. I spot Craig wobbling his way over to me. Once Kyle and I drifted apart Craig become my fill in, not planned, it just happened.

"Wow, Craig is gone," noted Kyle.

"Nice place you got here," smiled Craig. "Stan I need to talk to you for a moment." Dear god he had to be drinking straight shots because his breath smells god awful.

"Um okay, I'll see you later Kyle," I let Craig drag me to a corner.

"What's going on man? I can see that you are disturbed."

"I'm not disturbed," I replied stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Stan, I have known you too long for you to think I am going to fall for that. Besides Ike told me how Kyle is engaged to that bitch." I shushed him.

"Dude someone might hear you," Craig waved me off.

"Man you should have confessed to Kyle a long time ago."

"Shut up," I snap. "He's not gay anyway so it doesn't matter." Craig laughs.

"If I could tell you how many so called straight guys I fucked you would not be taking that nonsense into consideration." I roll my eyes at Craig. I would never hit on a straight guy; Craig doesn't care though.

"I am staying here tonight per Catherine," Craig frowns.


"Kyle asked me. You know I wasn't going to say no." Craig nods knowing I am right.

"Well good luck buddy. I am about to go get another round of drinks. You should come with."

"You really don't need to be drinking anymore."

"How can I not? I am almost to my relaxed point, just a little more. Omg Ike is going to fuck me so hard tonight." I pinch the bridge of my nose thankful I am staying here tonight. Ike and Craig have been dating for the past year. I have stayed with Craig a few times and those two have no consideration for who is in their home. They fuck as if no one is there. I secretly think they get off on it.

I decide to follow Craig to the bar. I mean why not. I don't have a damn thing to lose. I take a few shots and it is not long before I am feeling them. At some point, I end up on the sofa falling asleep. I can't even walk by the time the party ends. I wake up in bits and pieces. This lets me know I am going to have a killer hangover in the morning. I feel myself being lifted.

"Careful Kyle," I hear Catherine say. "Poor guy, does he always drink this way?"

"Not really from what I remember" explained Kyle. "He at least he was enjoying himself." It dawned on me that Kyle is the one carrying me. Catherine giggled.

"A little too much. Are we still going to have dinner tomorrow night? I am cancelling brunch because I don't think Stan will be up to it." Great I am fucking up their plans already.

"I think that is a good idea honey,"

"You are putting him in the far guestroom, right?"

"Of course," replied Kyle. "You getting fucked hard tonight." Oh god. "I will see you in a bit hun."

"Alright, make sure you remove his shoes," After a few more minutes, I feel myself being lower onto the bed. I can hear Kyle's labored breathing that is turning me on. At this moment, I am glad I am drunk because I know I would be hard as fuck right now.

I could feel Kyle removing my shoes and socks before moving the covers. He gets me all tucked in before leaving the room. I want to so badly open my eyes and look at the room I am staying in but I don't have the energy.

I wake up in the morning with my head killing me. I groan as I make my way towards what I assume is the bathroom. I am correct. I made it to the toilet just in time to punk up my soul. Regretting taking those shots with Craig right about now. After plenty of dry heaving I make my way back to the bed and I see some aspirin and water on the bedside. When was that put there? I moan as I pick up the aspirin and toss it back with the cold water. I grab my phone off the nightstand and see that it is only 7 in the morning.

I get back under the covers ready to close my eyes. I feel like death. I wake up hours later feeling much better. I grab my phone to see that it well into the afternoon. I am glad Catherine decided to cancel the brunch or whatever. I look at a chair across the room and I see that some clothes have been set out for me. I walk over to get a better look. Medium tint relaxed jean shorts with a red tee shirt. I laugh as I noticed he also brought me a pair of red chuck sneakers. Kyle still knows me really well after all of these years. I pick up the note that I had put aside to look at the clothes.


I peaked at your sizes last night while you were passed out. I not sure if shorts and tee shirts are still your thing but I would like to think so. We will be having dinner at 6 this evening until then feel free to enjoy the house. I am sure I will be somewhere around here by the time you wake up.

P.S. I left you some aspirin and water for the hangover I am sure you are going to have. See you soon.


I smile at his thoughtfulness. I go and hop in the shower and get all cleaned up. I am hungry but I am not sure if I really want to eat anything. I get dressed and head out into the hall. I have no idea where I am. This house is pretty big. Like do they even need all these rooms? I walk off down the hall towards where I think I should be going. I end up coming across a study. I peak inside and Kyle is surprisingly in there. He is wearing glasses and doing something on his computer.

"Hey" I say making my presence known. Kyle looked at me smiling.

"You got so drunk last night," he laughed. "It was really bad."

"I know; I didn't mean to take things that far."

"I know it's fine. So, um how have you really been?" I stare at him not sure if I want to bear my true feelings. He is engaged so what is the point. I guess I was taking longer than I thought to respond. "I wanted to apologize to you for how I treated you the past years. I know I haven't been the best of friend and everything. I was going through some things and changes but I am going to try and do much better. Flying you out here to California I hope was a great start."

"Maybe," I smile jokingly.

"Come on," said Kyle. "I brought you clothes." I start laughing at how pitiful he looks.

"Okay. I forgive you if you can show me where the kitchen is. I am kind of starving and 6 is a long way from now."

"Sure, sure, let me take you out. Show you the city a bit." I still feel a little weird how he is picking up where we left off in 11th grade. I follow Kyle to his garage where he has 7 cars in the garage. Different types of cars but none of them seem like Kyle.

"Wow um you have a lot of cars."

"Most of them are Catherine's," Kyle explained opening the door to his Rolls Royce. "I only have this and then a pickup truck. You never know when you might need one."

"Aren't you rich enough to pay someone to do that? You know make deliveries for you." I asked sitting inside the car.

"Sure but sometimes I do like to feel normal," I take in the expensive car. The inside of the car alone cost more than my little townhouse. I sit back as Kyle takes off in his neighborhood. He lives in a gated community so he does not have to worry about being stalked too much. "So you seem to have changed some."

"A little. I mean doesn't everyone mature at some point."

"Some people never grow up," stated Kyle getting onto the freeway. "I am trying to make up for lost time."

"I know you are but you shouldn't force it."

"You think I am trying too hard?"

"Just a little," I smile lightly.

"So are you seeing anyone?" I was waiting for him to ask that. The question anyone hates to be asked when they are single.

"I am just focusing on myself right now," I reply carefully.

"Um hm" said Kyle as if he didn't believe me. I could give two shits about that right now.

"How did you met um Catherine?" Kyle smiles at the mention of her name.

"I met her at one of the rookie's party. You remember when I first met Rebecca in 4th grade right?"

"Yeah I remember,"

"It was kind of like that. She wasn't like the other girls who were obviously there to snag them someone rich. She likes to read as much as I do we even have taste in the music and movies." Kyle is hard to impress so I can imagine how this girl came off as the holy grail. "We have been together for about a year and a half."

"And you are engaged already, you don't think it is too soon?"

"Not at all, Catherine and I are meant to be. She actually completes me in every way. Makes me feel like a dork sometimes."

"I am glad you find your special someone," I say although it is killing me.

"You person is still out there. I am sure of it." I don't know about that Kyle. I don't know about that.