This chapter is shorter than the others and bit rougher. I had a harder time writing form Alya's POV but I hope you still enjoy it.

Alya's POV

It's Tuesday morning and I am talking with my boyfriend Nino. One thing I didn't think would happen that morning was for my best friend's confident boast to be true. I was prepared for a pep talk, but she walked right past me and Nino into school this morning hand in hand with Adrien.

"Hey Alya how was your Valentine's Day." I was stunned. Marinette was bubbly, holding hands with Adrien, and not stumbling at all!

"What is going on?"

"Well, Marinette was my secret admirer and stole my heart in the night like a cat burglar!" Adrien was laughing a little too hard at something while Marinette slapped the back of his head and rolled her eyes at him. What happened here? How did they become so comfortable around each other after one day?

As a best friend I was beyond ecstatic but as a reporter something seemed suspicious. I need to find out.

"Dude! You were supposed to call me. Remember bro code?"

"Sorry. We sort of got caught up last night."

"As long as it was for a good reason." I don't understand guys and how they can forgive and take that as a good answer. I love Nino but he was a little too laid back.

"Are you going to explain how this happened?"

"Marinette wooed me with her punny poetry." Marinette stiffened up and got red but it was a sheepish red but more of an angry red. I had never seen her like this around Adrien before.

"Don't you dare start telling people I pun. I will kill you." They were laughing again. I just couldn't understand. This definitely warranted some investigating.

The warning bell rang and as Marinette walked past me she winked at me "Where are we going for lunch."

I had forgotten about the deal. "Maybe tomorrow. We have a date for lunch." I gave a look to my boyfriend that said 'we have planning to do' which he acknowledged by nodding toward Adrien.

Adrien and Marinette walked into the room ahead of us giggling. Then I heard an ear splitting shriek probably coming from everyone's favorite diva. This was going to be juicy.

"Adrikins!" Chloe ran across the room and pulled Adrien away from Marinette. "What are you doing holding hands with the peasants?" Adrien backed away and went back to holding my bestie's hand.

"I was holding my girlfriends hand because I wanted too." Everyone in the class froze still at the proclamation that probably shook the foundation of the class. Kim screaming a loud cheer broke the silence and took all the stares away from the suspiciously cozy new couple. "I won the pool! Alya, you can bring the money in tomorrow."

I felt a chill down my spine. I didn't see it but I could tell the exact moment Marinette started glaring daggers at me. "What does he mean by money?"

"Well… funny story." Everyone back away as they could feel the atmosphere was a little murder-y. "There might have been a betting pool on when you two would get together."

"Why does that not surprise me?" Wait? She wasn't mad? Or flustered?

"Seriously girl. What is up with you? You seem totally different."

"You could say that I just stopped hiding behind a mask." They started laughing at that like an inside joke. They have been talking for less than twenty four hours and have inside jokes?

Class started after that and I was trying to keep up with the history notes because the love struck idiot next me always spaced out. Today was worse. She and the model kept passing notes and giggling. They got scolded by the teacher three different times but they just kept giggling.

When the bell rang the two love birds ran off somewhere too quickly so I couldn't stop Marinette. "I guess it's just you and me sweetie."

"Don't look so disappointed. I know what you are thinking and we will find out eventually what happened. Just let them be a couple. Don't you remember how we were when we first got together?" With a wink he was able to make me blush. I hate being on the receiving end the teasing but as long it was only him. Sometimes I think he always knew things before me but would keep them a secret. When I first told him Marinette liked Adrien he said he already knew.

We were on our way to the café down the road. "Did you get anything out of Adrien?"

"How could I? He was spending all of class making googly eyes with your friend."

"That's true. How did so much change so quickly between them?"

"I don't know. Adrien is punning all over the place too. He used to do it every once in a while but now he can't stop."

"I think we are going to need to investigate this. We need to find those Valentine's Day cards."

"What's the plan this time?" I love how he always just goes along with my investigative obsessions. He will even come with me when I try to find Ladybug, Paris's greatest hero!

"First we need to find out who has them. It is probably Adrien so the best move will be to get into his house. If we could set up a sleepover would probably be best since that could give us the most time to investigate."

"Adrien's dad is out of town so it would probably work."

"Marinette will agree but her parents probably wouldn't let her sleepover at her boyfriend's house so we can tell our parents that me and Marinette will be at my house and you and Adrien are having a sleepover. Then we can join you with our parents none the wiser."

"What about your family?"

"My parents are at my Aunts in Marseille and took my siblings since they aren't in school yet."

"I will talk to Adrien so we can commence another one of your crazy schemes against our friends."

"I knew I chose right when I picked you as a boyfriend."

We got lunch at the café and talked over our plans on how to get the truth out of them during the sleepover in case we couldn't find the evidence.

We went back to class still trying to get information out of our friends but since we could still get nothing we went ahead with the plan for a sleepover which they agreed to skeptically. I could see Marinette send me questioning glances. Of course she knew I was up to something. The question is would she be ready to fight against my plans.

After class I went home and got everything for a sleep over ready. Sleeping bag, tooth brush, pajamas, mischievous plan, and snacks. I sent Marinette a text.

Alya: Do you want me to come by your place first or just meet at Adrien's?

Marinette: I am not home right now so I will just meet you there.

Alya: I am leaving now see you soon.

I was walking around Adrien's house to get to the front door when I looked up to his window and saw it. Ladybug was in Adrien's room. I hid and tried to get closer to hear what they were saying. When I was finally close enough to hear I couldn't believe my ears.

"You should probably go soon. I have some friends coming over. Including my stupid clumsy girlfriend." They both burst out laughing.

"Well then I should get going she wouldn't want to see this." Then she kissed him! Right on the lips. It wasn't a peck either it was a deep passionate kiss. She broke the kiss and took off leaving me stunned hiding behind the bush.

Adrien was a cheater. My hero Ladybug was dating him and new full well that he was dating someone else. How can this be? Poor Marinette after all this time pining after the biggest bastard in the world! Not only that but he had blatantly insulted Marinette while talking to Ladybug!

How could something like this happen? Ladybug was a hero that everyone looked up to in Paris. Adrien was the nice guy who had been sitting in front of Marinette for more than a year. I wanted to go up to Adrien and punch him in the face. I wanted to write something horrible on the Ladyblog. I wanted to rip them both down for what this was going to do to…

"Alya! We ended up running into each other anyway. Isn't that funny." … Marinette. How can I be the one to destroy that smile? After all the hard work she put in she finally was happy.

I decided to wait till after the sleepover to tell her what I saw. It was going to be an awkward sleep over though. "Hey Marinette! How are you?"

"Great! I have never been so happy, yet so scared my parents are going to find out about this sleepover." This will kill her.

"Don't worry about it! We will have fun." I pulled out my phone to text Nino.

"What are you doing?"

"Just texting my boyfriend to see when he is going to get here! Let's go inside."

Alya: Babe, the plan is off. Don't ask why I will tell you later.

Nino: Ummm… ok.

We got to the door and Adrien let us in. He took us up to the room where Nino had arrived right before and was setting up some Mario Kart to play. He looked at me questioningly and all I could do was sigh.

The traitor was the first to talk. "We thought we could play some video games to start off."

"If you wanted to stare at my ass all you had to do was ask. You didn't need to play a game where you would end up looking at it the whole time." Everyone was laughing at her flirty trash talk. Everyone but me. She had finally come out of her shell to trust someone and it had to be this jerk.

Several rounds later and a lot of trash talk later we decided we were done and didn't want to give Marinette any more wins than she already had.

"Well dude, I am hungry. Do you have any snacks here?"

"I am hungry too. Let's go down to the kitchen and grab some food and bring it back for the girls."

They left to get the food. "Alya, are you ok? You haven't been talking a lot."

"I am alright. It's just…" I can't tell her now. I want to protect her. Marinette is sweet and nice. She probably doesn't suspect anything is wrong right now.

"It's ok. If it's a secret you don't need to tell me. If you ever want to get it off your chest I am here for you. I am a lot better with secrets than people think."

"Sure you are. Your biggest secret was your giant crush on Adrien and the only person who didn't know was Adrien."

"Hey I was not that obvious."

Laughing came from the doorway where the guys were standing. Nino was on the ground laughing "Yeah you were. I figured it out right away. My friend here is just an oblivious idiot."

Yeah he is the biggest. "What did you boys bring us?"

"I grabbed some meet and several different kinds of cheese to make sandwiches and some fruit."

"This dude has a ridiculous amount of cheese in his house." Marinette was laughing really hard at that.

"Girl, why does having a lot of cheese seem funny?"

Marinette was too busy laughing so the betrayer did it instead. "It's an inside joke."

"Let's put in a movie to watch while we eat!"

"Nino, we aren't watching anything you like. You have terrible taste in movies." Said the cheater

"I think we should watch High School Musical!" Marinette interjected.

"Now Marinette has the right idea. I say High School Musical and the girls always are right."

I made myself a sandwich and sat down between Nino and Marinette on the couch while Adrien started the movie. I wanted to make sure I wasn't sitting near him. Apparently my irritability was getting visible as Nino was trying to slyly text me.

Nino: Seriously what's up? You have seemed off. And you cancelled the plan.

Alya: I will tell you tomorrow. It's not something that should be mentioned during the sleepover.

Nino: Was it really that bad?

Alya: Yeah

He looked at me and started cuddling me since we had finished eating. It was his way of saying I understand. I loved him for being able to comfort me this way.

When the movie was over we decided to play a game. The cheater proposed a game I had thought about "Have you ever?"

Nino decided to add a little fun to the game too. "Let's play strip rules. If you haven't done it you lose a piece of clothing. If everyone has done it the person who asked loses a piece of clothing."

Unfortunately the newly bold Marinette had agreed to it. It was weird being the person trying to avoid an embarrassing game since I usually started them.

Nino started since it was his idea to play strip. "Have you ever been outside the country?" Everyone raised their hand except Marinette who proceeded to take off a sock.

Marinette's turn. "Have you ever signed an autograph for a fan?" I took off one of my socks and looked over at Nino who was smiling.

"Uh sweetie have you signed an autograph?"

"Yeah I had a fan from a DJ gig ask for one a few months ago. It was awesome!" Of course just me out on this one. It was my turn. I knew the perfect one.

"Have you ever been akumitized?" The new couple then had to remove some clothing.

This game went around the circle a few more times with us trying to target specific people to strip. Until one question was asked that really should not have been asked. The one question that set me off and it was asked by the great cheater. "Have you kissed more than one person?" No one raised a hand. Except me. I raised it to make it into a fist and then proceeded to punch Adrien in the face. I stormed off with everyone staring at me as I left. Seeing the blood trickle out of Adrien's nose was the best.

I was halfway home when Marinette caught up to me.

"Alya! What was that for?!"

"He deserved it for what he did!"

"What? For inviting us over to have a sleepover? Giving us food and playing games? Is this because we won't tell you how we got together?"

"He cheated on you!" She froze tears welling up in her eyes and I saw my mistake. I was angry at Adrien and I just took it out on my best friend. She was having the greatest day of her life finally dating Adrien and having a sleepover with her best friends. Then I punch her new boyfriend and yell at her for it.

"What? No. He wouldn't!"

"Marinette I saw him kiss someone else earlier."

"No! There's no one he would kiss but me! I don't believe you!" I know she was upset. That hurt really bad though.

"I am telling the truth Marinette…. I didn't believe my eyes at first."

"Wh…w…who was it?" She had so much pain in her eyes. The tears were coming out so fast that it was making me cry. How could that jerk do this to Marinette?

"On my way to the Sleepover I looked up into his window and he was talking to her and mentioned you and said you were his stupid clumsy girlfriend and kissed her. It was a long kiss. Then she left."

Marinette froze again. "Who did you see?"


Only 1 more chapter left. As I said before this chapter was a little more difficult and I have been working on my new series called The Ladybug so I may have been a little distracted from this, but I still hope you liked it!