This is the sequel to Full Moon. If you haven't read it I advise you to do so. It's on my profile.

All of the characters belong to Stephanie Meyers, the story belongs to me. Enjoy ^-^

How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.

-Bram Stoker, Dracula.

Each day that passes is almost exactly the same as the one before. School, home, homework, dinner, bed. We had moved away from Forks about a year or so ago. We had lingered long enough for me to freeze into my immortal form. I looked roughly eighteen but I could easily pass for younger. Which is why, when we moved away, they enrolled me as a freshman in a local high school. Saint Barts, a private school. I had to take a competency test but I passed with flying colors. Jacob came with us, of course, there had never been any other option. We already owned a huge, Victorian style, home in a small town in Oregon, Salem. Jacob lived in a separate apartment type deal over the garage, which was set apart from the main house. Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper essentially became my parents, adopted was the story, life had fallen into a routine.

The only divergence from that came in the form of a bear like vampire, who popped in to visit every several months or so. Uncle Emmett. After everything that had happened all those years ago he had taken to roaming. As far as Uncle Jasper could tell me, Uncle Emmett traveled visiting other nomads from time to time. He was no longer able to live with us, I understood. It was difficult. Life wasn't the same without Aunt Rosalie. But, he could not die. Not until he had made her murderers pay. I overheard him saying as much to Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper last time he visited. They had all clammed up when the front door clicked closed. It was enough, I understood what he was doing.

"Ness! Get up, it's time for school!" Aunt Alice entered my room in typical fashion, liquid movements and lilting voice. Floating across the room she yanked the covers back. Groaning I reached to pull them back but they were gone. Sitting up I glared at her.

"Not nice" I grumbled, but proceeded to get up anyway. There was no fighting with her. She had my selection of clothing out for the day. I went with the simplest among them. Black leggings and a long sleeved green sweater dress. This she finished off with green studs and brown knee high boots. I had long since gotten used to Aunt Alice dressing me.

"Lovely!" Guiding me into the bathroom she sat me down at a literal vanity. The bathroom itself was huge, consisting of a walk in shower, a huge claw foot tub, a vanity, and a walk in closet. And it was only for my room alone. Most of the house was kept much the same but there were many spots that had been renovated. My bathroom was one, the kitchen was the other, and of course Alice needed a huge closet of her own.

Humming she french braided my hair and twisted it into a low bun. Add a few dabs of makeup and she considered me perfectly ready for the day. Other girls at school were jealous of my makeup skills and clothing. Little did they know I was responsible for next to nothing. I was merely a partially willing doll to my 'mother'.

Jacob drove me to school. After moving out here he had taken up a job at a local mechanic. It kept him busy and he loved tinkering with cars. He would often come home covered in grease and smiling. He waved from the front seat of the rabbit. Billy had never gotten rid of the car Jacob so lovingly restored. It had come with us. I waved back, muffin in one hand, backpack on my shoulder. Climbing into the car I munched on my breakfast as we drove. He would be heading into the shop after dropping me off. Routine. I waved again, this time goodbye. Waiting for me was Sasha.

"How do you not just drool over him all the time." She stood on tiptoe to catch one last glimpse of Jacob before he rounded the corner out of sight. I shrugged and threw the wrapper of my muffin away. I did, but that was private. I was still wrestling with my newfound feelings for my werewolf imprint.

"You are so lucky he moved into that apartment above your garage. He is just too yummy." She gushed, annoyance flared in my belly but I choked it down. Sasha didn't know our relationship after all. If only rational thought and emotion went hand in hand. I huffed lowly, she didn't notice. "I swear I would sneak into his room and just.." she trailed off. She was a virgin same as me. I think her thought process didn't go much farther than that, if she even had the guts to do it in the first place.

"Yeah...he is pretty hot." I agreed. Hot didn't even begin to describe Jacob Black. He was gorgeous and all mine. If I could ever understand how I felt for him. Possession, jealousy, irritation, need, and obviously no small amount of love. It wasn't something I was ready to deal with yet. I wasn't ready for our relationship to change, I don't think Jake is either.

Sasha babbled on as we walked to first period Algebra II and took our seats. Roger joined us mid conversation, sitting on top of the empty desk beside me. Roger was good looking in the very hot blooded American boy type way. Wavy blonde hair, soft blue eyes, chiseled chin and body to match, and a smile that could steal a girls breath away. He also happened to have a huge crush on me. I didn't used to think so until Sasha pointed out how he always found a way to be around me and touch me. Sometimes it was flattering, often it was just annoying. Sasha used to be jealous and annoyed at his obvious preference of me. She told me so herself. Until she met Jacob when he picked me up after school. Now she has a new crush and attached herself to my hip.

"Ello ello Ms. Cullen. Top of the morning to you." I half smiled at the attempt to be funny. He was always doing that and half the time it was just corny, not funny. I didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise.

"Hey Rog..." Sasha was much more animated and immediately struck up a conversation. Something about the away game, Roger was on the football team. Typical American good ole boy.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I fished it out. I had a text from Monica, my best friend. We didn't share first period or second. In fact we didn't see each other until gym for third period. Usually she texted me when she got up. I had already left her a message.

I woke up sooooo late! Missed the bus and had to get my dad 2 drop me off. He was not happy let me tell u. C U in gym!

She knew how much I hated text speak, I preferred that people take the time to spell out the words. Monica usually tried to remember, sometimes she forgot, and I forgave her for it. Shaking my head I texted her back.

Maybe I should transfigure you into a pocket watch, maybe then you'll be on time.

I loved the Harry Potter books and movies, I had devoured them when I discovered them. Monica was the same way, its how we hit it off so well. Soon we were practically inseparable.

Oh har har har! Expecto patrosuckmynads! LOL

I suppressed a chuckle, it would take too long to explain the joke, Sasha and Roger were not readers. The teacher came in as I was dropping my cell in my backpack. Roger and Sasha wandered back to theirs seats and thus the routine began again.