It had been 6 months since the war with Drago and most of Berk had gone back to normal. Little did Hiccup know that his mother had convinced Astrid's father to wait to break some very interesting news.

While eating breakfast before heading out to Gobbers, there was a knock on the door. Answering the door Hiccup was surprised to find Olaf Hofferson standing at the door. Not quite as big as his father had been, Olaf still was an imposing figure. His head was shaved except a thick, blonde braid that started at the back of his head, going to his shoulders. " How can I help you Mr. Hofferson?"

"I have something important to talk to you about and I won't let you mother block me anymore."

"My mother? Want to come in?"

"Yes." Olaf came in and sat at the table furthest from the napping night fury in the corner. Following him in Hiccup sat across from him. "May I speak plainly Chief?"

"Of course."

"Before your father died we had started negotiation for the marriage contract between you and Astrid. As he has passed on you need to choose someone to continue for you or do it yourself."

Hiccup could feel himself blush. He knew that he loved Astrid, but he hadn't even considered marriage yet. They both were adjusting to their new lives. He was busy with running the village and she had taken charge of the academy. They only saw each other when their jobs overlapped, which unfortunately wasn't enough for him.

"Would you mind me giving you an answer this evening? I need to review the rules and customs before I make the decision. Astrid means too much to me to hurt her or offend you sir."

"That's agreeable." Olaf stood and shook Hiccups hand, "Good Day Chief."

It took a moment for Hiccup to gather his wits as the door closed. He looked at Toothless who was giving him a "what just happened?" look. "Bud this is going to be a very sticky situation."