Lancia Audren, Victor

There were a lot of annoyances to being a Victor. I didn't mean to be ungrateful- it was amazing to be rich and to never get Reaped again- but I could have done without the artificial fame. I won the Games, but that was the past. I was ready to get back to living. I was glad a few months after my victory when the Capitol visitors stopped camping out on my lawn and started preparing for the next Games. I still had to go to Capitol events and do Capitol things now and then, but I developed a routine. Early in the morning I got up and did my workout. After that I could play around in my basement gym until lunch. After lunch until dinner was free time. After dinner I answered fan mail, signed autographs, made online appearances, or whatever else the Capitol wanted. It was all about finding balance. Balance was the center of my life, after all.

Lancia Audren performed her Victor duties dutifully, but she preferred to stay home in Six and continue her own life, occasionally writing to her friends from the Games. She already had a talent, of course. She also devoted much of her free time to a cause, an activity many Victors took up after their wins. She naturally chose addiction as her cause and set up multiple free detox clinics around Six, each of which provided counseling. Finally, she hired a daily service to deliver healthy meals to her neighbors Toby and Lena and to check that they'd eaten them.

Charming Goodwin continued to be a golden boy in his District. He was highly sought after as a private consultant for Academy students, selecting only the applicants who were worth his time. He also attained significant wealth from strategic business investments and owned silent shares in most of One's influential companies.

Since she was now past Reaping age, Abrexa James, Jr's family no longer had any hold on her. After they got over their initial disappointment that she hadn't won, they moved on to nagging other people. Abrexa took advantage of this freedom to follow her passion. She obtained her MD and set up a psychiatry practice, specializing in trauma counseling.

Bailey Arrayo's life returned to normal after the Games. She, Hannah and Camellia kept in touch with occasional letters. She earned a modest living racing horses and enjoyed riding Quicksilver throughout the fields, just like old times.

Cross Spauldings continued his work in his family's underground church. He stayed in contact with Lancia, who became a valuable ally in the Capitol. She subtly lobbied the Capitol to relax their surveillance on underground churches and did her best to warn him of impending crackdowns. Cross' work in the church focused on charity and outreach. He married Claira at 20 and they raised a son together.

Sherman Betula returned to Seven and resumed his life. When his sister Alnus' teacher retired, he became smitten with her replacement and began to woo her. They married after a year and moved into a house near Sherman's family. They had three children and regularly visit Sherman's parents' house for flapjack dinners.

Rahina Herrington lived in Eleven for one month after the Games. She was then arrested and falsely convicted of assaulting a visiting Capitolite. The charges were, of course, arranged by Titian, who ensured that she was Avoxed and sent to the Capitol. He arranged for her to serve at a friend's house, intending to lord it over her for the rest of her life. She served for two weeks before she escaped. Titian's manhunt was unsuccessful, and she now lives in the Capitol streets instead of the Eleven streets. She doesn't mind the loss of her tongue, since she doesn't think most people are worth speaking to. She enjoys the much higher quality of life in the Capitol, even for street kids. Though she has no fixed address and cannot receive the letters Hannah wanted to send, she sends her friend letters a few times a year.

Camellia Spruce was happy on the island. She remains happy in Seven, back in her shop carving stuff and selling it to people. She might have been able to work her way up and own the shop, but she is unambitious and a little bit lazy. She prefers to keep her low-stress job and live a modest life, joking and playing with her friends.

Ash Summers married his girlfriend Lucy. They decided to remain childless. He lived a conventional life in Three, working beside his wife in the factories during the day and returning home at night to enjoy his free time. He was loved by the children of Three for his willingness to participate in their cobbled-together games of baseball in the streets.

Demetrius Fields' assistance with his little sister's schoolwork paid off when he decided to become a teacher. He taught all subjects in a one-room schoolhouse, but his favorite was gym, a subject of his own creation. He wasn't paid for the class, which was considered an elective, but he greatly enjoyed his time to play with all the schoolkids. Because of the obvious difficulties in courting a girl he barely knew and who lived in another District, he did not end up marrying Angora. She remained in his memories as the one who got away. Whether or not it had anything to do with her, he remained unmarried.

Angora Chenille's family dress shop enjoyed a sudden and enormous surge in sales for a short time after the Games as Capitolites fought over the chance to own a dress designed by an "undiscovered minor District celebrity". The fad quickly died down, but the large prices paid by status-seeking Capitolites left the Chenilles with enough money to live comfortably for life. After her correspondence with Demetrius faded into a yearly friendly letter, Angora began a relationship with a lower-class factory worker.

Hannah Dandelion kept in close contact with Bailey, Lancia, and Camellia. She took over her parents' bakery when she was old enough. It became a social hub for the District and she greatly enjoyed the company and friendly faces. She thought often of Rahina and did her best to stay in contact despite her friend's constant changes of address.

It seemed to fit better if I made a shorter final POV for Lancia and then went into the epilogues. Everyone gets one this time, since there were so many survivors. It's nice to see how everyone else is carrying on and continuing their lives. If anyone wants to change their Tribute's epilogue, I can do that.

That's about all for another story. It certainly was unique. It seems I, as well as the others who did Survivor HG stories at the same time, have started a trend. I'm excited to read all the other ones and see how they differ and look alike. It's been a challenge, and some great stuff came out of it.

UP NEXT: submissions are pretty much always open for my SYOTs. They're open now, but it will take a bit. I'm doing another Calvary-type story next. There's going to be a Resurrection Games in a few more stories, and there's someone I wanted to make into a Victor because I favored him or her so much it would ruin everyone else's chances. So the schedule goes like this:

Up next: Short sub-Games with pre-determined Victor (won't take as long because there's only 10 POVs)

After that: Normal SYOT for which I already have some submissions

After that: Resurrection Games. No reservations needed because slots are unlimited.

It's been fun. Until next time!

UPDATE: the new story is up under Cruel Mercy.