Andromeda fell back onto the couch. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm her pounding heart and hold the tears. Every fibre of her being wanted to go after Hermione, but she knew the young woman needed some time to calm down and gather her own thoughts.

Narcissa shoved the book into her direction, before moving to sit closer to Andromeda and provided a shoulder for her to lean on. The older witch read the chapter again, her fingers shaking every time she turned a page. Halfway through the chapter Narcissa grabbed her hands and removed them from the book.

Warily, Andromeda looked up at her younger sister. "It's not any use, is it?" she asked. "Her scar can't be healed." She gazed over the page again. There were three steps necessary to break the curse, the most important being the presence of the dagger Bellatrix had used. Devastated, she looked up from the book only to be meant with silence.

Draco, who had been silent since Hermione had left, took this as a chance to speak up. "Actually, aunt," he said softly as he got up from his chair. "Father kept the dagger Bellatrix used on Hermione. I can get if you wish."

Andromeda looked at him with a surprised expression and felt somewhat relieved. "That would be wonderful, thank you Draco," she spoke and he walked towards the door.

"Draco, wait," Narcissa said in a stern voice, stopping his stride. "Allow Andromeda and me some privacy but don't head to Malfoy Manor yet. I'll talk to you later." He complied and left the library without another word.

Narcissa looked in Andromeda's eyes for a moment before averting her gaze down to the scar on her arm. She began to run her fingertip over the bulgy letters. "I know those scars are a burden and a constant reminder of everything she's taken from you." She sighed and looked up into Andromeda's eyes again. "But is it worth risking your life in an attempt to remove it? Is it worth risking her life?"

Andromeda wasn't sure of the answer and responded by pushing the matter further. "Do you remember what she cut me with?"

Narcissa sighed in response. "It was mother's small knife. The one she always carried around with her. Bellatrix took it from her after Fa… After Cygnus dragged you across the hall."

"Do you still have it?" Andromeda pressed and Narcissa nodded with a worried look in her eyes.

"If you insist I'll give it to you and ask Draco to fetch the dagger but, please, talk to Hermione first."

Andromeda placated her sister... "I'll talk to her."

She excused herself to go gather her things and Narcissa followed her back into her childhood bedroom. The blonde stood in the doorway and watched Andromeda pack some of her old books and dresses into a bag. "This takes me back," she said warily.

Andromeda sensed her dread and gave her a small smile. "This time I won't leave for good, Cissy," she reassured her little sister and kissed her cheek.

"I wouldn't allow it," Narcissa answered and accompanied her into the garden from where Andromeda could apparate.

She took a breath and turned to say goodbye, but her sister beat her to it. "Andie, promise me you'll be careful. I only just got you back, I can't lose you again."

She nodded. "I will."

It was still pouring when Andromeda walked towards her in-laws. She dreaded this confrontation as much as she dreaded the talk with Hermione but couldn't help but to look forward to seeing her grandson again. Guilt pitted in her stomach. After Nymphadora's death she had sworn to always put him first, no matter what came up. During the last few weeks she had neglected him and it seemed to crush her now.

Richard opened the door and greeted her before stepping aside to let her enter. She cast a drying spell on herself and walked through the hallways towards the sitting room where she heard Helen's voice. The older woman was sitting cross-legged on the floor, playing with Teddy. The boy looked up from his toys when he saw her approach.

"Nana!" he exclaimed and rushed towards her to hug her legs.

She sunk down to her knees and pressed him firmly against her heart, his proximity immediately calming hear fear. "I missed you so, so much, my darling," she cooed as he touched her lips and nose with his small hands, a bright smile on his face.

"You back," he said and snuggled up against her.

She felt the eyes of her in-laws on her and decided to tell them the whole story. It was nearly dark outside and Teddy was fast asleep in her arms when she left their house to apparate home.

She put Teddy in his bed and sang him a lullaby before sitting on her couch with a tumbler of bourbon. She contemplated about the talk with her in-laws, still awed by their effortless understanding of her situation. They immediately understood her need for privacy concerning Hermione and her fear of falling in love with her. Helen told her about Hermione's visit the day before. The young woman had, as expected, made an impeccable first impression and Helen immediately adored her. Hermione had even told them small snippets of what happened to calm them down and paved the way for Andromeda to come clean to them.

Suddenly very aware that the young woman wasn't around a wave of sorrow rushed through her. She downed her glass and closed her eyes to get rid of the ugly feeling before going to bed.

Early the next morning Andromeda, with Teddy on her hip, knocked on the door of Number 12, Grimmauld Place.

When a still sleepy Harry opened the door his face turned from surprised to serious within seconds. "Hello Andie," he greeted her softly and she walked past him into the house, setting Teddy down into a quickly transfigured playpen.

Harry disappeared into the kitchen and she followed him. Her face fell when Harry announced that Hermione wasn't home yet. He calmly pressed a cup of steaming tea into her hands and they sat down at the long kitchen table.

"Mione told me about Tonks and Narcissa," he said and she just nodded at him, taking a sip from her Earl Grey. "I tried to talk some sense into her but she was furious. The whole situation was putting an intense amount of pressure on her, so I sent her to the Burrow to calm down. Molly's cooking always has had a soothing effect." He shifted nervously in his seat.

Andromeda's heart felt lighter having learned Hermione's whereabouts, but the dread still lingered. "That is exactly what I feared, you know," Andromeda whispered and faced Harry. "That I'd somehow drive her away." Her eyes began to water so she quickly hung her head to hide her face with her curls. She was too ashamed of her tears. "She was never supposed to pick up the pieces of my life." Her voice was thick with tears.

To her relief, Harry squeezed her shoulder and excused himself to go fetch something. After he had left she let the tears fall.

A few minutes past before Teddy whimpered and she swiftly went to pick him up. He seemed troubled by her sadness and tried to make it go away with his small hands and "shushs". She smiled through her sobs at his attempt and pressed him closer. He wrapped his arms around her neck and she soon felt his tears against her collarbone. Her heart clenched painfully at his small sobs.

She tried to soothe him and moved to hold him in front so she could look at him. His eyes, soft brown like Ted's, were still watery and his sobs still hadn't yet died down when she curled up on the couch with him. She put him with his back against her chest and protectively draped an arm over him. When her tears finally ceased so to did his and she was able to breathe again. He soon fell asleep but she wasn't able to shake off the guilty feeling that seemed to crush her. "I'm sorry, darling," she whispered and closed her eyes. "I try to be better. I promise you."

She was still lying on the couch when Hermione stumbled out of the floo. "Andie," she whispered, tears glistening behind her brown lashes. Harry tumbled in behind her. Hermione ran her fingertip along Andromeda's cheek. "I think we should talk."

The young witch closed and warded her bedroom door once they were inside. She gestured for Andromeda to sit down at the small desk that used to belong to Walburga. Andromeda traced the wood with her finger before bracing herself for the conversation. She turned around, leaning against the desk and looked at the rest of the old study. Hermione's bedroom was neat and cosy and she was sad that she saw it for the first time under such circumstances. She finally sat down on the small leather stool in front of the desk and waited for Hermione to speak.

The young witch studied her for a while and then took a deep breath. "I wish you would have told me the truth."

It was a mere whisper but caught Andromeda's attention. She sighed. She felt that Hermione was expecting an apology. An apology she wasn't willing to give just yet. "Can I show you some memories?" she asked softly and approached Hermione to grab her hands.

"Yes, of course. Legilimens," Hermione whispered and was immediately drawn into a whirlwind of colours.

Hermione stood in Andromeda's bedroom. The woman in the bed woke with a sharp gasp and tears in her eyes. She screamed out in pain and grabbed her wrist. Hermione saw Andromeda, in her twenties and pregnant, climb out of her bed to pace around the room. Her teeth were clenched and her right hand was firmly wrapped around her left wrist.

"Come back to bed, sweetheart. You and the baby need to sleep." She heard Ted whisper to his wife.

"I can't," Andromeda said. "It hurts so much," she whimpered and Ted was immediately by her side, casting 'lumos' while approaching her. He took her arm in his hands and took a long look at it.

"We need to heal that, Dromeda. You can't live like this." She sniffled at his words and took her wrist in her hand again. He left the bedroom to return moments later with a diluted painkilling potion. He helped her drink some, cupped her cheek and led her back to bed.

The memory changed and Hermione found herself in a sterile looking room. Andromeda wore healer-robes. Angrily, she threw the book down on the floor and balled her hands into fists. An older woman immediately stepped into the room and picked up the book.

The woman gave her a withering look and Andromeda blushed slightly.

"I'm sorry," she said after a few unsteady breaths. "I just can't figure out how to heal this. It's frustrating to say the least." Andromeda held out her wrist towards the older woman who gasped at the sight of it.

The healer took a piece of parchment out of her robes and scribbled down the name of a book. "I suggest you read that, it should help." She lightly touched Andromeda's shoulder before leaving the room.

Hermione was pulled into another memory and recognised Andromeda's kitchen. The young witch was sitting at the table with Tonks in the high chair opposite of her. The toddler was humming while mashing some green herbs in a bowl with her chubby fingers.

"Perfect, angel, now give mummy those herbs," Andromeda said with a bright smile and took the small wooden bowl from Tonks even smaller hands. The girl smiled when Andromeda ruffled her hair and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She changed her hair to bright yellow and squeaked loudly.

Andromeda carefully stirred the herbs into the potion and watched excitedly as it turned into a beautiful blue. She clapped her hands delighted just as Ted entered the room.

"I think I did it this time," she told him and he smiled brightly before kissing her gently.

"Want to test it now?" he asked as he scooped an excited Tonks in his arms to greet her.

The scenery changed again and Hermione recognised that Andromeda and Ted were still wearing the same clothes but it was dark outside now.

She was sitting at the table, the small phial with the blue liquid in front of her. "I'm afraid," she whispered and Ted cupped her cheek and she kissed his wrist.

"Nothing is going to happen, Dromeda," he reassured her and grabbed her hand. Carefully, he dropped a few drops on the crooked "B". Andromeda hissed in pain but soon cried happy tears as the gruesome scar finally closed up.

Hermione saw small glimpses of other memories before Andromeda pushed her out of her mind again. Her heart felt heavy and she studied the older woman.

Andromeda was looking at her young love with a mix of emotions stirring inside of her. She gently stroked her cheek before addressing her. "I was sure the scar would eventually drive me insane. It kept me awake and I wasn't able to focus on my work. Holding Nymphadora was especially painful because she liked to touch 'the funny drawing on mummy's arm'." For a second the painful memory pushed the air out of Andromeda's lungs and she saw Hermione's face fall at the mention of Nymphadora.

She searched Hermione's gaze before continuing. "That potion was my only choice to get better as the book was completely out of my reach. When I saw your scar I wanted to help you. I gave you the potion without a second thought and I cannot apologise for that. I'm, however, sorry that I didn't tell you about the book. You had the right to know." Her voice sounded harder than she had wanted it to. She was relieved when Hermione nodded slightly, accepting the apology.

Andromeda steeled herself for the next part. "Narcissa and Draco have the dagger Bellatrix hurt you with and the knife she cut me with," she said in a much gentler tone.

Hermione looked up at the mention of the knives but again didn't speak.

Andromeda got up from the bed to stand in front of Hermione, her hands on her hips. "If you want to get rid of that scar, I suggest we try to try mine first to find out how the potion has interfered with the Dark Magic," Andromeda continued with a firm voice, hiding her fear.

"No," Hermione spoke finally and vehemently shook her head. "I won't risk your life. I don't care about the scar anymore, Andie." She twisted her fingers in her lap and looked sadly back up at her. "I don't know what's happening to me." Andromeda felt helpless seeing her sad like that. "I feel on the edge all the time and I got so angry with you. Then I freaked out thinking that our work was useless." Her voice was exasperated and her eyes filled with tears as she looked firmly down to the floor.

Andromeda, still frowning at her words, sensed the distress in her voice. She sat down again and carefully draped an arm around her shoulders, drawing her close to her body. "Don't say your work is useless. The potion can heal dark scars. It has the potential to help so many people," she spoke softly and kissed her cheek. Finally, the young woman looked her in the eyes again.

"You've witnessed me at my breaking point," she said drily and wiped the tears from the younger woman's cheeks. "And I was so occupied with myself that I didn't realise that it became too much for you," she whispered and kissed her, tasting her salty tears on her lips. She stretched herself out on the bed, pulled Hermione's head close to her heart, drew soothing circles on her back and let her cry. "From now on I'll take better care of you," she promised her.

After Hermione had calmed down she sat up and faced Andromeda. "I don't regret stepping into your life at that point. Your suffering hurt me immensely but-"

"-you aren't sure if I would have made it through without you," Andromeda finished for her and gave her a half smile when the younger woman nodded. She had asked herself that question before. "I would have somehow. I always have but you made it bearable."

Hermione wiped the stray tear from her cheek. "I was so afraid for you."

"I'm fine now," Andromeda said with a trembling voice and grabbed Hermione's hands with her cold fingers. "I love you so much."

"You have my heart." Hermione pulled her up into a sitting position and kissed her fiercely. "I'm sorry I ran."

Andromeda kissed her back and breathlessly answered: "I'm sorry I let you run."

"That's over now.," Hermione smiled while Andromeda nodded and smiled against the younger woman's lips. "Let's focus on the present."

Their kisses soon turned passionate and they fell back on the mattress. Andromeda pushed Hermione's top over her head before slipping out of her own.

They were still entangled in each other's arms when Andromeda's mind wandered to their potion. "Do you still have the phial with the latest recipe?"

Hermione nodded at the question and got up to search through the drawer in the desk.

Andromeda looked at the phial in Hermione's hands. "Let me try it right now. Let's see what it does."

Carefully Hermione added some drops. Andromeda expected a searing pain and was surprised when it didn't come. Both witches watched how the already faded lines faded even more until only small, white lines remained visible.

"See?" Andromeda gasped and hugged Hermione. "It isn't useless. You even improved it."

Hermione held out her wrist and Andromeda gently dropped the liquid on her scar and kissed her forearm once the scar was faded.

"We did it," Hermione said and scooted to Andromeda, resting her head against the older witches shoulder.

May 2nd, 2001

"Accio painting utensils," she said and watched how Nymphadora's paint buckets and brushes approached her. She gently set them down on the floor.

She sank down to the floor and leant her head against the wooden bars of Teddy's crib. Immediately, his fingers grabbed onto her locks and she stroked his arm. The gesture gave her some much-needed comfort and she silently hoped he'd never grow out of this habit.

She stared at the painting, once again trying to figure out what it all meant with its countless details. Andromeda was awed how her notoriously clumsy and impatient daughter had managed something this meticulous. A landscape with numerous, colourful flowers. The flowers were embedded into a green meadow. Sirius and faint outlines of a waning moon were visible in the darkening firmament. Nymphadora had used her best handwriting to paint one of their favourite song texts in the midst of the sky.

"Place a name upon the night
One to set your heart alight
And to make the darkness bright
Paint the sky with stars."

Andromeda nearly sang the words as she read them. She pondered how much her daughter really knew about their shared heritage. Regret flooded through her. She should have told her everything about her past. She got up and approached the painting, tracing the lyrics with her fingers and pushing her forehead against the cold wall.

"I'm sorry I never told you about the stars, angel," she whispered and closed her eyes before kneeling down in front of the wall. That's how Hermione found her. She smiled at the young woman who was wearing a ragged old shirt over her clothes to shield herself from the colours.

"Shall we begin?" she asked gently and cupped Andromeda's cheeks in her hand. She took the younger woman's hand and kissed her knuckles before letting her help her to her feet.

Hermione was skilled with pencils and brushes and soon the outlines of a small masterpiece graced the gaping hole in the middle of the wall. It was Andromeda's job to fill the sketch with colours. As she was dipping her brush into the pot of vibrant pink a small sob escaped her lips and Hermione's hands were immediately on her shoulders. The young woman also held onto the brush and together they coloured Nymphadora's bright pink mane. Andromeda's hands were shaking too hard to continue and Hermione made her sit down to gather herself.

Andromeda adored how spot on Hermione drew Nymphadora, Ted and Remus and was awed by how carefully she applied the colours to their faces and bodies. With bold letters she wrote 'Tant qu'il y a de l'amour, il y a de l'espoir' on the wall. Andromeda gasped once the meaning behind the words had reached her and her eyes filled with tears.

Hermione took Teddy out of his cot, placed him Andromeda's lap and sat down next to her, draping an arm around her, kissing her temple softly. The boy settled down in-between them.

"Je t'aime," Hermione whispered and kissed her wrist.

Andromeda smiled through her tears. "Au futur," she responded softly and kissed her, squashing a joyfully squealing Teddy between them.


Oh, I will miss writing this story. I hope you liked the ending. It has been in my mind ever since starting this.
Thank you so much for reading, reviewing, following and favouriting this story. It always put(s) a smile on my lips.

Tant qu'il y a de l'amour, il y a de l'espoir = As long as there is love there will be hope
The songtext within the painting on the wall is from Enya's song 'Paint The Sky With Stars'