Batman and all related characters belong to DC comics and Maleficent belong to Walt Disney and all other related companies. As always thank you and enjoy the crossover story.
It was just another gloomy, dangerous night in Gotham City in Batman's opinion. He had only been out on patrol for two hours and had stopped three muggings, a kidnapping and just now an attempted rape. Bruce was standing atop of an abandoned building in Park Row, watching as the GCPD hauled away the sexual predator he just apprehended. Looking down grimly, Batman heard the distinct 'breep' in his cowl, telling him that someone was trying to contact him. The information on his heads-up-display in the lenses that covered his eyes told him that person was none other Barbara Gordon, his former side-kick Batgirl, now known as the super hacker Oracle after being shot at the hands of the Joker that left her paralyzed from the waist down. "Go ahead Oracle." Batman said into his cowl's headset.
"Batman, I just picked up a major energy spike at the Star Labs building in Ryker Heights."
"Any idea what it could be?" Batman asked directly.
"Not yet, whatever it is it's big, I'm running an analysis on it right now, I'll get back to you when it's ready." Barbara added with a hint of nervousness
"I'm on my way, thanks Oracle." Batman replied after a moment of contemplation before gliding off the rooftop; tapping away on his gauntlet to summon his iconic Batmobile. Gliding off the building to drop right into the super-car and promptly kicked in the after-burner and peeled out towards Ryker Heights
His radio squawked again with another call from Barbara. "Bruce I finished the analysis on the spike, and I hate to say this, but..." Oracle stated as her voice trailed off.
"Say it anyway." Bruce replied dreading the answer he was going get.
"It's consistent with an interdimensional rift; not only that, EMF readings at the site are off the chart; Bruce I don't like this, do you need me to call back up, the Justice League even?"
"No, not yet." Batman replied after a moment of contemplation.
"Are you sure?" Babs replied with concern.
"Yes Barbara, I'll be in contact." Bruce said as he ended the communication. This really can't be good; he thought after hanging up with Oracle. Getting on the bridge to Kingston, Batman kicked in the afterburner which caused the Batmobile to shoot off the end of bridge and land on the street and shoot down the street and arrived at the Star Labs building in less than three minutes. Exiting the Batmobile, the Dark Knight surveyed the area, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Of course that didn't mean anything, the many years as Batman taught Bruce. Batman approached the twelve story building and immediately contacted Barbara.
"Oracle, I'm at Star Labs; it's too quiet." Bruce stated
"You got that right; Star Labs just went on emergency lock-down, and I mean lockdown, their firewalls have shot up like crazy, it's going to take me a minute to crack." Oracle replied.
"Understood, in the meantime, download the most up to date schematics, to my suits GPS." Batman commanded to his trusted hacker.
"Already did it B." Barbara replied.
Raising his gauntlet to his face to tap away on the built in keys to bring up the holographic image of the schematics to study. Identifying points of entry, Bruce calibrated his cowl's detective vision to spot the entry points. Batman through his detective vision was able to identify a vent grate covering about two stories up from the ground. Firing his Batclaw, he easily removed the grate and used his grappling gun to propel himself into the ventilation system. Bruce having memorized the system began navigating through the vents. 'Breep!Breep!' It was Oracle.
"Batman I'm in, I'm looking at the security feed right now; wait a sec, your suits GPS is showing you in the vent systems?"
"Yes, is there a problem?" Batman asked confused.
"Uh, yeah, then who is in Lab 1A on the fourth floor; I thought it was you?" Babs replied clearly disturbed by what she's seeing.
"What do you mean!?" Bruce responded not sure he heard right.
"I'm looking at the security feed for Star Labs, and there's somebody in Lab 1A that I thought was you." Oracle replied confused.
"What do you see?" Batman asked with growing concern.
"Security has the person surrounded; it looks like a woman holding a staff wearing a long black cloak and a cowl." Barbara described to a bewildered Batman. "That's why I thought she was you; it looks like some scientists or techs are trying to talk to her, wait… holy!" Oracle cried at the same time a bright flash of light and a loud thunderous clap of thunder exploded through the facility that nearly deafened Batman. The explosions set off several alarms
"Barbara, what happened?!" Bruce asked caught off guard by the explosion.
"That woman just launched an electrical elemental attack from her staff!" A surprised Oracle gasped in disbelief.
"The scientists and security?" Batman grimly asked already suspecting the answer.
"Dead or injured; wait it looks there's some survivors hiding in a control room." Barbara answered.
"Understood, I'm heading there now." Bruce stated with determination.
"Bruce, are you sure you don't need me to call backup, whoever this is they…." Oracle tried to interject but was cut off by Batman.
"No; this isn't my first time dealing with enemies more powerful than me Barbara." Batman gruffly replied.
"But!" Oracle tried again to interject but was once again cut off by Bruce.
"I'll be in touch." And with that he cut off Oracle and proceeded through the vent shaft until he came to an opening and kicked it out to let himself out. Seeing there was no security in the area in he dropped down into the hallway as alarms kept blaring. Realizing he was still on the second floor Bruce sprinted to the nearest staircase and burst through the door and quickly ran the two flights of stairs coming to the door when Barbara called again.
"Batman, GCPD has been alerted by the alarm from the lab."
"Tell Commissioner Gordon to keep his people at a safe distance until we know what we're dealing with." Batman commanded.
"Understood; one more thing Bruce, I overruled you, I alerted the rest of the team; they're all in route to Star Labs, and Dick is coming down from Bludhaven." Oracle stated matter-of-factly.
"Barbara!" Bruce irritably started but this time was cut off by Barbara.
"Bruce, I've had a bad feeling about this ever since I saw that energy spike, and whoever or whatever we're dealing with has superpowers and from I'm seeing possibly magical powers, you're going to need help whether you want it or not and frankly I should call the Justice League, but against my better judgement I'm going to wait and see who and what we're dealing with." Barbara declared with finality.
"Fine!" Batman grumbled with anger and cut Oracle off. Barbara was practically the only person who could infuriate him like that. Then again deep down Bruce knew and trusted Barbara enough to know she was right. Regardless he opened the door. His memorizing of his the specs of the building told the lab in question was just down the hall and to the left. Turning on his detective vision, he could see through the walls that there were a group of people outside lab and by the looks of it, some of them were injured. Racing down the hall and turning left when he reached the end of the hall. Sure enough, it was the security and scientific personnel, several of whom were badly injured. Turning off his detective vision Batman approached when a guard turned to him.
"Batman; thank God someone's here." He said to Bruce.
"What happened?" Batman
"They were conducting some sort of interdimensional experiment in that lab; oh man whatever they found it's bad, she, it, or whatever followed them back and attacked everyone, she was shooting lightning and fire; it was insane!" The guard breathlessly recounted.
Finding a somewhat unscathed scientist Batman confronted her about the now confirmed interdimensional rift.
"Why are you conducting an illegal experiment?!" He snapped.
"We were just doing what we were told I swear that's it!" She cried in fear.
"What were you doing?" Bruce asked more calmly trying to illicit more information from the frightened scientist.
"We found some island in the Atlantic, it was magically hidden, you know, like Wonder Woman's Themyscira, and we used the portal to investigate; but when we got there, we were in this huge room and there were these horrible creatures, and then that witch attacked us, she was demanding to know why we invaded her home." She recounted shakily.
"We got the hell out of there as fast as we could, but she followed us." Another scientist piped in.
"Please Batman, we still have people inside!" The guard Batman spoke to earlier urged.
"Evacuate the facility, I'll rescue your colleagues." Batman said confidently.
"Really, against that woman, witch or whatever she is?" One scientist stuttered skeptically as Bruce headed towards that led to the lab.
"Nothing I haven't done before." Batman stated bluntly looking back as he went into the lab. Heading down a narrow corridor toward the lab he contacted Barbara once more to get last second Intel. "Oracle I'm almost in the lab what do you see?" He inquired.
"Whatever you're gonna do, you better do it, she has them cornered; Bruce, dad has the GCPD staged right outside and the team are almost all on scene; Nightwing is still twenty minutes away."
"Tell them to stay at a safe distance." Bruce ordered
"But!" She tried to say, but with no success.
"I'll be fine Barbara." Batman replied.
"Be careful, Bruce." Barbara conceded with a sigh.
Getting off the com he proceeded to the automatic doors. As the doors opened, an ominous green glow emanated from the lab. Smoke, warning lights, and alarms were blaring. He could make out voices. One was female. The others were begging somebody for their life. Going through the doors a dead guard's body that was up against wall fell to the side as Batman passed.
"Please, we didn't mean any harm, just let us go, you don't need to kill us!" A female scientist sobbed as Batman crept through the destroyed lab. He could see why Oracle initially thought it was him. The woman wore a long cloak, and a cowl. However what was most unsettling, was the fact that the scientists the woman had captive were levitating off the ground and pinned to the wall.
"Now, now, all unwelcomed guests must be punished for their invasion." The woman said in a disturbingly pleasant aristocratic voice.
"Please!" A male scientist pleaded through tears.
"Shh, the pain won't last long." The woman soothed mockingly.
"Let them go." Batman demanded sternly from behind her as he readied a batarang. The cloaked woman turned to face Bruce. Seeing her face for the first time, Bruce could see that she had an almost grey complexion with yellow cat-like eyes that gleamed maliciously. Even an experienced crime-fighter like Batman seeing those eyes was the one of the creepiest things he's ever encountered, and he's fought the Joker and Victor Zsasz countless times.
The evil looking woman smiled wickedly at Batman and chuckled. "Oh how chivalrous, are you a knight?" The woman asked with a sinister expression.
"I've been called that before." Batman replied, referencing his nickname, the 'Dark Knight'. "Who are you?" Bruce not so much asked but demanded. The woman's evil smiled faded into an angry scowl which Batman deduced was because this woman never gets talked to like that. Not that he cared. The supernatural woman's face however turned into a smarmy expression and lightly chuckled again.
"Oh dear how very rude of me my good knight, I'am Maleficent, mistress of all evil!" She declared proudly with a bow that bordered on theatrical.
Batman responded with a raised eyebrow. Great another overpowered being with dreams of evil conquest, Bruce thought cynically of the likes Braniac and Darkseid and apparently now this Maleficent who is a witch, sorceresses or whatever she was supposed to be.
"Now, if you don't mind I must punish these fools who dared invaded my home." She said dismissively as she turned her attention back to the captive scientists. Not even a second later a batarang flew past Maleficent's head and stuck into the wall which shocked her wide-eyed.
"I said, let them go." Batman stated through gritted teeth. "And go back to where it is you came from." He added firmly readying another batarang. The momentary distraction caused Maleficent to drop her two hostages allowing them time to escape the lab.
Maleficent turned to Batman with her own gritted teeth and angry expression. "You dare to challenge me fool!" She hollered at the Batman raising her arms in anger.
"I do." Batman with determination.
A small devilish smirk formed in the left corner of Maleficent's lips. "And who would you be my brave foolish knight?" She spoke in that haughty faux polite tone that was already irritating Bruce.
"Batman; but I have been called a knight before, The Dark Knight!" Batman declared emphatically.
Maleficent let out an uproarious laugh at Bruce which made him scowl. "Dark Knight it is then." Maleficent replied with a sneer as they readied for combat.
That's it for chapter one. Please read and review. Thank you for reading.