J K Rowling owns all the rights to the books and the amazing characters she created. I write only to satisfy my imagination and use my creativity and make no money from my writings.

Chapter 6 – Retaliation

Neither Moody nor Tonks knew it but Kreacher was lurking about listening into the conversations. He had followed Tonks out wondering if she would leave or go crying to the Mistress' bad son. Since the Order was having their feast (paid with the Black wealth) Kreacher had activated the runes hidden in the room. After the feast he would just remove the runes which recorded everything said and done in the room and view them at his leisure before he reported to his Mistress. He would also be sending them to Harry Potter if is Mistress agreed.

Kreacher had heard everything. He asked his for instructions then he popped off to obey them. He had been sneaking books, heirlooms and many other useful things from the house especially once the Order of Traitors had taken over. The Blood Traitor from Hell (one of the nicer names he called Molly Weasley) seemed to live only to destroy anything belonging to the Ancient and Noble House of Black because "all of it was evil and should be destroyed" if only because "her precious children" were being forced to live there.

Kreacher packed up as much as he could in the time he had before he had to pop out, call for Samson and brief him on the happenings at Grimmauld Place. Samson took the bottomless bag Kreacher used for his packing and waited patiently until Samson returned and told him Harry had agreed to his Mistress' request. Kreacher then popped back to Grimmauld Place, did a quick reconnaissance before removing the portrait from the wall and replacing it with a fake one. He then popped his mistress back to Samson.

By this time the feast was over and most of the Order had been sent home except for those like the entire Weasley family who were spending the holidays at Headquarters. Kreacher gave Samson the runes from the dining room and put in a new rune. He then went to spy on the Order members who were lounging around the kitchen.

Samson took the runes to Harry and he and the portrait of Walburga Black watched the events play out. Neville and Luna also viewed them and after the recording had ended it had been Neville who surprisingly said, "You have to punish Molly Weasley since you can't do it to Dumbledore."

Tonks had been totally and viciously humiliated. Molly got to verbally attack her regarding "her rudeness, stupidity and all of the insults she had given to 'Molly's guests'" and most importantly how disrespectful she had been to Albus Dumbledore the greatest wizard since Merlin, the Leader of the Light, the defeater of Grindelwald, the savior of them all, etc., etc., etc. Like her late son Ron, Molly loved to hear herself talk and thought nothing of belittling and insulting anybody.

Then Molly started in on Sirius who, because he was drunk and just plain angry, told her what she should really do. Naturally it was very rude and only served to start Molly off on a tirade of epic proportions, much to the amusement of many. However, many Order members totally agreed with Sirius but would not dare defend him.

After about a half hour of spitting out verbal abuse, Dumbledore informed Tonks to give Molly a heartfelt apology – after she first apologized to him and the Order members. "You will apologize to Molly until she is satisfied that you are really contrite no matter how long it takes," he told her in his most irritating grandfatherly voice.

"Don't do it," Sirius had ordered his cousin, and then gave the reasons why she shouldn't in even more vulgar terms. A fight broke out but didn't get very far as Dumbledore wanted to finish his meal and knowing there would be no pudding until Molly was "satisfied" he told Tonks to start the apologies. He even helped her along by casting a compulsion charm on her. She fought it valiantly but had to start apologizing even though it was plain to see from the expression on her face she didn't mean any of it and just glared at Molly Weasley with hate-filled eyes.

It took almost an hour of compulsions to do more and more degrading apologies, which a smug, superior-looking Molly just refused to any accept as satisfactory. Sirius foolishly threw in his two knuts and that only made matter worse.

It was very painful to watch as once Luna had started crying. The portrait was cursing and had it been truly alive, no doubt it would have thrown hexes at the recording. At the end, Molly had still not been satisfied and Dumbledore, who really wanted his Christmas puddings, told Molly, "It's late, we have to have the meeting and tomorrow is another day. Both Sirius and Nymphadora can try again tomorrow.

With that said Dumbledore sent them both "to bed" or in other words back to Buckbeak's room where they would go without Christmas dinner and think about their rude behavior and practice making a sincere and true apology."

Snape actually wanted to throw up and some people, like McGonagall wanted to cry. Moody wanted to, not for the first time, curse the hell out of Albus Dumbledore as did a few others, but since it was Albus Dumbledore and he said it was for the Greater Good…well it had to be done.

However, whereas no one in the Order of the Phoenix could do anything about it, Harry, now that he was free from Dumbledore, could and would do it. He wouldn't do it for Tonks, who he barely knew or even for Sirius who had been a great disappointment to him. No, he would do something to get back at Dumbledore and to bring him down a peg or two.

Tomorrow he would pay back the Weasleys for their treachery and meanness and then, after he was recovered enough from the physical abuse which Dumbledore had arranged to be done to him, well then the old $#*$& ^& would be taught a lesson, the first of many.

The next morning the Daily Prophet reported that:

"The Dark Mark was seen over Ottery St. Catchpole and the home and surrounding grounds of a Pureblood family was totally destroyed. However, a Ministry spokes wizard has reiterated that since there is no possibility that You-Know-Who is back – because he is definitely dead and staying that way – no doubt this was an example of another prank like the one done last year at the World Quidditch Cup match when pranksters dressed as Death Eaters and did a bit of malicious mischief."

As she read the Prophet a rather hung-over Molly Weasley asked her husband Arthur, "Whose house do you think it was?"

"I'd wager it was the Rookery as since Xeno Lovegood refuses to support Dumbledore he won't protect him and the Death Eaters are once again attacking Purebloods who won't join them."

It never for a moment occurred to them that it could be the Burrow since their wards had been recently improved and strengthened by their son Bill under the watchful eye of Dumbledore himself. Only someone who had been given permission to enter could find the Burrow and thus the Weasleys were totally safe.

It wasn't until a frantic Bill Weasley stepped through the floo that they found out all their home, their grounds and everything they owned in the world other than what they had with them, had been totally destroyed.

Molly refused to believe it until Dumbledore arrived to break the sad news that yes, the Burrow was completely destroyed. "However, you will always have a home at Order Headquarters and feel free to order clothes and other necessities through the house accounts," he had cheerfully told Molly and Arthur.

Naturally Molly went…well insane. She screamed, screeched, howled worse than a banshee and had to be restrained. Both Snape and Pomfrey were summoned by Dumbledore to give the woman medical treatment and potions and she had to be strongly potioned before she could be shut up.

She had blamed Sirius and Tonks for sneaking out and demolishing her home and all of her belongings. However, they were still locked in with Buckbeak and their wands had been confiscated so they were declared innocent by Dumbledore so she was not allowed to retaliate against them. She was sedated and unconscious for three days and Poppy Pomfrey was forced to stay at Grimmauld Place not only to tend to the sick witch but to do the cooking and caretaking of the Order members.

Poor Pomfrey was a very good cook and just because he could, Dumbledore made her the servant instead of having a Hogwarts house elf or two come over to do the job. However, he made it quite clear to all that although sick, Molly was still in charge of the house and Pomfrey would be subservient to her and was to obey her orders until school started up once again.

"Molly needs tender, loving care," Dumbledore had told the medi-witch, "and the watchful eye of a trained professional which even a Hogwarts house elf can't provide." It also emphasized the power he had over the medi-witch who was dragged back from spending the holidays with what remained of her family.

Kreacher made a full report to Harry, saying that "At least it has shut her up for three days and bad Master Sirius is allowed out to eat in the kitchen and walk around his OWN HOME. The disowned one (meaning Tonks) was also set free and allowed to return to her work until the next meeting."

"In other words Dumbles is still being the tyrant and SOB he usually is," Harry said. "But let him enjoy another one of his small victories as he will not be having them in another month or so."

Ever since Harry had arrived at "Eden" which was the name of the estate of his ancestors, he had been trying to recover from the years of abuse he had suffered under the Dursleys as well as the abuse which Dumbledore had done to him. At the moment he was almost well enough to put one of his master plans into operation. The healer who G3 had arranged to treat him, estimated that another week and he could take that trip to Gringotts and deliver a killing blow to Dumbledore. Actually it wouldn't kill him but he might be wishing he was dead when he found out about it.

It wasn't until the holidays were finally over and the healer declared Harry was well enough that she took him to the Gringotts Paris branch where he could do the business with the Goblins which he could not do in Britain due to some…irregularities…done by the British Goblins.

Harry had an official heritage test performed before his business could be conducted. These were basically illegal to do in Britain because they were outrageously expensive and you had to have the Ministry's permission to have one. In France it was perfectly legal but not accepted in Britain unless once again the Ministry allowed it and then it had to be done again by the British branch of Gringotts.

However, Harry's true relatives and benefactors had known this and made the necessary provisions so that Harry could claim his inheritances. Unfortunately, he couldn't claim the Potter heritage at the moment and one other, but he would be getting enough of them to cause as much trouble and discomfort to many, many people – especially one Albus Dumbledore.

Since school had started up the only people living at Grimmauld Place was Sirius, Molly and Arthur. Fletcher would drop in daily for a meal or three on orders by Dumbledore to see if Sirius was behaving himself. The occasional member might drop in for a good dinner but at the end of the day, only those three individuals were staying in the house.

Naturally Sirius was once again consigned to his individual prison and at times he was lucky that Molly allowed someone to take dinner to him. Things were so bad that even Kreacher was bringing him food – and the fire whiskey he needed as well as Buckbeak's food. The miserable elf only did this on the orders of Harry Potter.

The "day it would happen" Kreacher had orders to have a bag packed for Sirius, an extra wand and a bag of money ready. Then it would be the elf's job to make sure that Sirius and his equipment was strapped onto Buckbeak so that when the wards changed on Grimmauld Place, Sirius would have a chance to escape.

And the wards were changed without warning casting out all who were a member of the Order of the Phoenix or not a member of the House of Black. All their personal possessions were cast out with them – but only if the possessions had been bought with their money. Therefore all of the good clothes Molly had purchased for her family were left in the house including the ones she had been wearing. All Weasleys found themselves in the street outside of Grimmauld Place stark naked and the clothes they had brought with them were packed in the suitcase Arthur and Molly had brought with them. In any event they hadn't been wearing their old clothes and there was a lot of screaming starting with all Weasleys being naked and Fletcher who had been having a shower also inadvertently showing off his naughty bits.

Of further note, an anonymous note had been sent to Voldemort (written in parsel) that should some of his Death Eaters have nothing better to do on a certain day, they should lurk around a certain neighborhood if they felt like getting into "mischief" or just wiping out blood traitors. So Voldemort had obliged and sent a few new recruits and two old timers to hang around looking for action.

As usual Sirius had been "tending to Buckbeak" meaning he was drinking with the Hippogriff. But as per Harry's orders, the great bird, a bag with necessities and Sirius were all cast out the same time as the Weasleys only further down the street to give him the time to escape. It was too bad that he was so very drunk (thanks a lot to his attempt to recover from the shame of Christmas dinner) that he was a bit disoriented when cast out. Had he been in better "health" or anyone but Sirius Black "prankster extraordinaire" he just might have escaped with his life.

However, he was Sirius Black to the very end and despite seeing several Death Eaters he didn't leave or start a counterattack as an Auror (or any sane person would have done). Instead he laughed at the situation (well it was sort of funny) and heard the screeching of a naked Molly Weasley yelling out her displeasure and attempting to hide "her goodies" from the view of the "fiends" who would no doubt rape her (not that any Death Eater was that desperate).

Actually two of the new recruits were busy throwing up while others laughed or looked away in disgust. Fletcher saw his wand on the ground, grabbed it and apparated away in the first seconds while poor Arthur was shocked and delayed in reacting. Thorfinn Rowle was the senior Death Eater in charge and had to make a quick decision – kill or capture the blood traitors. He opted to stun the naked Weasleys and ordered Black to be stunned or captured (he was too far away to do it himself) but by then Black snapped back into Auror mode, whipped out his wand and started defending himself. Since Dumbledore wasn't around to order "stunning" Sirius cast to harm or kill.

Much to his joy he managed to kill the two new recruits and one another before the other senior Death Eater caught him with a nasty hex. Sirius might have survived had he not fought back and he winged another new recruit before Rowle killed him. Poor Buckbeak was also put down as he tried to first convince Sirius to escape and then went into defense mode before a recruit got the noble bird who was trying to kill the boy.

With the death of Sirius, the Death Eaters rounded up the survivors and the bodies and took them back to Headquarters. There Molly and Arthur Weasley would learn the definition of hell, as they were tortured for information, tortured for fun, especially by Bellatrix in revenge for crimes committed against the House of Black and then their minds were ripped to shreds to obtain every last scrap of information regarding Harry Potter and the plans Dumbledore had for him.

Their bodies and Sirius' were portkeyed into the lobby of the Daily Prophet and although photographs were taken they were so disgusting that even the Prophet wouldn't print them but they did give copies to the Ministry. A letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief had been placed on what was left of Arthur that enclosed a "letter to the editor" which the Editor had to print or would suffer a similar fate as Arthur. He did not need to be told twice.

He had been ordered not to alert Dumbledore or send the bodies to the Ministry until after the Prophet was delivered because as the letter said "The Ministry but most especially Dumbledore would cover up the deaths and forbid you from printing the letter." After reading the letter the Editor had to agree. He also had to admit that it was too "important" to be printed on the Ed-Op page so it started on the front page and continued on pages two and three. Because it was such an interesting letter, the Prophet ran off a double printing because it would definitely sell.