One day in Paris, Ladybug and Chat Noir were fighting Volpina on the top of the Eiffel Tower. She had pretended to be allies with the duo but instead was akumatized after an argument with Ladybug earlier that day.
Volpina was pinned down against the tower and was trying to reach her magic flute. Chat Noir swiped the flute away from her grasp. Ladybug grabbed the necklace and broke it in half. The purple akuma flew out and she trapped it in her yoyo.
"Bye bye little butterfly". Ladybug said after the akuma was cleansed.
"Nice job today my lady." Chat Noir said as he helped Ladybug up from the platform.
"Thanks Chat, you too." She replied.
"What am I doing here?" Lila asked as she slowly stood up.
"Relax everything's fine. And I'm sorry for being mean earlier." Ladybug said. "Lets get down from here."
They both wrapped their arms around Lila and jumped down to the ground. Everyone clapped and cheered as they landed. Ladybug and Chat Noir had saved the day again.
"Well since everything is good here, bug out." Ladybug said as she prepared to jump away."
"My lady wait." Chat said running up to her.
Beep beep
"What do you want Chat?" She said rolling her eyes.
"Please I know I've asked a million times but please Ladybug will you go on a date with me?" He said looking into her blue eyes.
"Chat I'm sorry like I said before we can't. If Hawkmoth finds out who we are or the paparazzi see us together outside of saving Paris, we will never be left alone. I'm sorry Chat." She said turning around.
Beep Beep
"I have an idea." He said with a smile. "Lets make a bet."
"The next time an akuma attacks we make a bet to see who can save the most people and who does a better job at saving the day." Chat said. "If I win you have to go on a date with me and if you win I'll stop asking you to date me."
"Alright But don't get your hopes up that you'll win. Everyone knows I'm the stronger hero and the leader of this duo." She said with a smirk.
Beep Beep
"Meow-ch." He said with a fake frown. "So you agree to the bet?"
"Yes Chat I agree to the bet." She said. "Now I need to go before I change back."
"Wait." Chat said grabbing her arm. " Shake on it."
They shook hands and turned away from each other.
"By the way my lady, make sure you have a nice dress for our puur-fect date." He said coyly.
"We'll see about that." She said and leapt away.
This is going to be claw-some, he thought and he leapt away to de-transform.