A/N: Hey everyone! Welcome to my newest crossover story! Only this time it isn't a Kamen Rider crossover! This is a Power Rangers crossover with Fairy Tail! And which Power Ranger series that will be used? Why it is Power Rangers Dino Thunder! And remember how the Super Sentai version and the American version have their own lore? Well, this one will have its own as well! Not to mention I have published this on the day the movie Power Rangers (2017) is released so basically in honor of the movie, I have published this today! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think. Don't forget to check out my other stories as well. Let us begin the story of Power Rangers Dino Thunder x Fairy Tail crossover, The White Dragon of Fiore!
Power up!
Magnolia! A town within this world where magic reigns. One where anyone can achieve their dream here. But within the alleys and roughed edges of the town, laid a now ruined magic shop. Inside many things were either busted, taken, or put a hard spell on to keep them from being used.
This shop was something that was going to become the best place in all of Earthland! But with one wrong move, it all came crashing down. The dream was dead…. And now only left was anger and vengeance.
And within the basement of this shop, the one who ran it was muttering to oneself. Empty potions laid on the floor, torn books and ruined ones scattered around, and inside a small, magic circle, drawn up by blood was a single white gem that illuminated power. The sorcerer who found this knew it had something strong within it. And he wanted to use that for his own purpose and revenge against this world!
He chanted away, doing everything he can and even uses Black Magic in order for this gem to bow to his will! But every attempt only brought a drawback and pain.
He discovered the gem in an ancient cave that seemed to be centuries, possibly billions of years old. How was he able to tell? Well, he found large skeletons of dragons of old times long before anything else came into existence. Of course, they were a discovery but what really caught his attention that day was the gem itself.
It was white as snow, not a crystal or diamond color but literally white as snow. It was strange that a gem would have that type of color like it was simply plain but it held some old power that was ancient. Not to mention… that weird stone that the gem was set across. Almost as if the gem was an offering of some sort.
"COME ON!" The sorcerer shouted out, angered by another failed attempt, "Why won't you bow to my will?!" He commanded, casting another spell, only for the book he was using to turn into ash from the drawback.
After every attempt, it simply did not want to do anything! Like the gem didn't react to the magic!
"Something… There has to be something to let me control this gem!" He cried out, searching through his notes and books before he found something. The text read that some objects were crafted in ways where it must choose its wielder for the power to be unlocked. And that no spell or power beyond that of gods could change it. The only drawback was that the wielder could be anyone either throughout time or space.
"A.. wielder huh?" He got out, searching through his books before grinning. He then placed it within the circle, as well as the gem on top as he began to recite the spell. It soon began to glow as the gem floated up before what appeared to be an odd gate is formed before the gem was soon sucked in. "Maybe this will lead em to my slave? Hehe… once the wielder touches that, he'll be dragged into this domain, and I'll finally be rid of those who wronged me."
What he didn't know was the gem had its own intention as the weird stone somehow rolled away, vanishing into the town.
The White Dragon of Fiore
Chapter 1: The Land of Fiore
In a land far from Fiore, well more like in another world, morning has risen in the sky. The sun was rising on the horizon, the sunlight reflecting off the water and the gentle breeze flowing through the air. However, it is a simple, normal day for some people. In a tent that was close to what seems to be a dig site was a young man with a young complexation, sleeping soundly. His hair was black as a raven, the style being messy yet spiky at the same time. His skin was a light ivory color. If one could tell, they thought he would be a year younger but in reality, he is only 17 years old.
The sunlight was seeping through the creases of the tent, causing him to flinch, using the pillow to cover his head but his phone soon rang out, causing him to groan. He moved the pillow away as he slowly opens his eyes, revealing a dark brown color.
"Another normal day…" A young man sighed as he sat up.
"Hey Enrique, it's time to continue the excavation," A voice called out from outside of the tent.
"Yeah, yeah I heard you…" The now named teen sighed as he stretches his arms with a pop being heard. He sighed with relief before he moves the flaps of the tent, his eyes greeted with the area as others were starting to work. His name was Enrique and he was a traveler for archaeology and paleontology. While he is a bit young to work as one, the reason being was that the place his family owns a foundation that put funding into the excavation of fossils and such. While he is one of those high-class teens… he simply wants to be normal.
But after many books, items and more that his family collected, it just drew him in. He loves the relics and culture of the past, as well as the creatures that lived there. He even loved that for what couldn't be explained. It just drew him into a world of wonder and he wanted to know more.
So he decided to go to all of the dig sites to watch so he can learn about the past. Speaking of which, he reached for his notebook that was filled with notes, photos, even small drawings of the places, sites, and studies he gathered. He went back into his tent to put on a new set of clothes. He was now wearing a white collared jacket with a black 'claw' design on the lower left of the jacket. Under it was a black shirt as he wore a necklace that held an ancient tooth of a dinosaur, one he found as a child. For pants were dark blue pants that cover the top of his shoe.
"Say, Enrique! I think we're getting a big dig." One person called out, next to a scanner as the scans revealed a very large graveyard of the dinosaurs of the past. "I think over 50% is all complete skeletons than bits and pieces!"
This caught his attention as he grabs his notebook and slides down the ladder, his feet landing on the ground. One of the few things he learned was some self-defense since there were a few scuffles he went through in the past, his parents suggested for him to have tutors to teach him how to defend himself as well as fighting skills just in case.
"Is this for real?" He asked.
"Real as my mom's cooking!" Another one chuckled, "We found so many complete skeletons! Even more with several infant ones! This is a huge discovery!"
This made Enrique excited upon this. This was certainly a big discovery for the museum his family owns. But he always decides to put the credit to the workers, not himself. He simply deems it as just an accomplishment for him, not something to be proud of. "It sure is, Let's make sure we get these out carefully. We wouldn't want broken bones in this job."
"Also…" One worker said, pointing to an odd place on the scans that showed a complete black patch, "There's this… We don't know what it is. And we thought that… you'd like to check it out?"
"Hm?" He examines the screen but he had to hit the top of the computer, allowing the image to become clear. "Well… I can check this out. You guys focus on the skeletons. Just tell my old man you guys found it, alright? I rather not get the credit."
"Yes, sir!" They all nod, understanding.
The young man walked over to the said location, wondering what was they mentioned. He sighed as he grabs his bag and flashlight to see what was up as the cave was slowly getting dark. "Alright, it is supposed to be around here somewhere.
As he continued to walk, he soon felt a soft shake, making him stop and rebalance himself. But after another shake he soon moved back, only to be greeted with a large crack as he soon fell through it as the shaking of the cave continued.
"AAAAAHHHH!" He screamed as he flailed his arms. In a minute, he fell onto his back but strangely, the rock floor was literally flat. He groaned, slowly sitting up as he rubs his back. "Man that hurts…"
As he looked around, he noticed the area was a bit more different. The rock ledges and more seemed smoothed out along with hints of gems around him. He was confused before moving as he felt something under his hand. He turned to notice a white egg and gem under his hand.
"Woah…" He knelt down, gently raised the egg up to his level. "A dinosaur egg… well preserved too…" He carefully turns it around, realizing this was definitely a discovery. A perfectly preserved dinosaur egg! But what was with the gems? Were these gems somehow related to the dinosaur ages? Examining the strange white gem, it was literally new since there was no type of gem to literally be a snow white color, along with the inner color, texture and cut to it. It was refined, too refined.
As he began to examine it, the gem soon glowed softly before it began to enter his body. Some force of power began to surge up within him he felt…. Different than before. Something much stronger than what he was.
"What the hell… just happened…?" He uttered. But his answer was soon answered as some portal opened up as dark vines flowed out, wrapping around him and soon dragged him into it, bringing him to wherever it was taking him and wherever it was, it wasn't good for him.
"Ugh…" He groaned, grasping his head. "What hit me…"
He slowly sits up, rubbing his head before taking notice of his surroundings. It looked like he ended up in some sort of harbor. Well, that is good-
Wait, what?
Sure enough, he was near a harbor. The large mass of sea was in front of him, along with several creatures, and even some boats and people. What shocked him more was that the nearest mass of water was 40 miles southeast! There was no way he was even close to the sea! What just happened to him!?
"What the hell is going on here!" He yelled, grasping his head in panic. There was no ocean close to the dig site and no harbor either! He quickly stood up, looking left and right as he noticed more of his surroundings. He noticed the signs showing an unfamiliar language that he doesn't understand too even though he can hear people speaking English! Just what kind of place did he end up in!?
He pulled out his phone, only to see no signal what so ever! Wherever he was, he was stranded and without anyone he knows, he'll be unable to get back home! If this even is Earth, to begin with? He turned and noticed several objects floating in the air, as well as some people doing tricks that almost made him think they were doing magic.
Wait... MAGIC!?
He gawked upon this event. People… were… using… magic… His mind was now broken upon this. Magic wasn't real and yet… it was happening in front with his own eyes. He pinched his cheek, making sure he wasn't seeing things. "Owowowow!" He winced before releasing his grip. He really wasn't seeing things after all...
"Okay… I need to know where I'm at…" Enrique said to himself, looking at his gem and oddly enough the egg was now gone. He wanted to search for it, but his knowledge to get home was important.
He then pocketed the gem as he began to make his way through the odd town, but glancing at the new things that slowly wanted to make him just give up and look into this place more. Knowledge was something he enjoys, some may think it's a nerd thing but knowledge is everything. It is what brought humanity into creating many things of today's era. Knowledge of military, society, history, etc.
Pondering for a moment, he was in a situation and he needed to find a way to get home. Though, as he does he soon bumps into someone, causing him and the one he bumped into to fall to the ground.
"Ow… Watch where you're going!" The voice called out, sounding feminine.
"S-Sorry!" He apologized until he realized who he bumped into. He bumped into a beautiful girl with shoulder length blonde hair that is tied into a small ponytail to the right side of her head. She has brown eyes, lighter than his own. She even has a curvaceous and buxom body. A light blush dusted his cheeks before he shook his head. "Again, my apologies for bumping into you. I was just pondering about something."
"Ugh… it's fine." She sighed, standing up and wiping the dust off of her, "I'm sorry for my attitude. Just annoyed by some cheap jerk is all." She huffed before eyeing him, "Hm? You look... Different…. Are you from another country or something?"
He flinched slightly, "You can say that… er… what's your name?"
She smiled, "My name is Lucy Heartfillia. Celestial Mage at your service!" She introduced. "And you?"
"My name is Enrique. Enrique Alderete," He introduced himself with a smile of his own. "For me, well, I am a guy who learns the histories of the ancient past. An archeologist if you may."
"Oh! That's really awesome Enrique!" She smiled, "So what brings you to Magnolia? Are you heading to a dig site?" She asked him as the two began to walk.
"Well…" He rubbed the back of his head, trying to come up with a half-truth to tell. "I was on my way to the latest excavation but…" He glanced at a boat that was departing, giving him an additional idea to add to the lie. "Kinda got on the wrong boat… I used up the last of the money I had too."
She laughed, causing him to look away in embarrassment. "You actually got on the wrong boat without realizing it?"
"Pretty much…" He sighed.
"Heh, well. If you want to need help, I could help figure out where you left, and find a way to get you home."
"Of course! But…" she added, "I'd like your help in return."
"Hm?" He blinked.
"Think you could lend me some money so I can go back and get that Celestial Gate Key?"
"I… don't have much on me." He admitted but in his mind, he asked himself, 'What the heck is a gate key?'
"Oh…" she sighed, "Well, then the only thing I can ask is if you can help me find someone."
He pondered as he reached in his pocket before pulling out the white gem from before. "Does this help?" He asked.
"Hm? What's this?" She asked, picking up the gem, "It's… pretty. But how would this help us?"
He shrugged, "Some gems have value and I found that on my previous excavation." 'If you can call it that…'
"Hmm… true. But this thing looks so artificial, I don't think it'll help us. Sorry." She said, handing him the gem back.
The raven haired teen sighed, "There goes a chance." He was about to place it in his pocket when a sudden beat, almost like a heartbeat, rang in his head. His eyes widened slightly, wondering what that was.
"Hm? Is something wrong, Enrique?" Lucy asked him.
"Huh? Uh, nothing, I thought I heard something…" He waved off.
"Well, for now, you can help me!" She smiled, "I'm looking to find the Fairy Tail Guild and become part of its members."
"Fairy Tail…?" He raised an eyebrow. "As in those books?"
"No, no. It's a guild of mages!" she said, holding a magazine to him, showing a few… very 'unique' pictures of girls that held the Fairy Tail Guild mark.
He raised his hand and lowered the magazine, his cheeks tinted red. Just why would she even show him those pictures? He is a teenager, yes but he is one of those people who tends to focus on important things, not on… other subjects.
"Ok, ok, I understand now." He sighed. "You sound excited about it."
"Of course! I want to be part of the Guild!"
Their conversation was interrupted when they were girlish squeals from a lot of girls, catching Lucy's and Enrique's attention. "What was that all about?" He blinked. They look over the bridge to see a crowd of girls going all fan girlish to someone.
"It's Salamander from Fairy Tail!" Another girl squealed out as two girls run past the two.
"An amphibian?" Enrique blinked in confusion.
Lucy turned to him, surprised, "Wow. you really aren't from around here. You don't know Salamander?"
"Like I said, I am a traveler."
"He's like the coolest member of Fairy Tail! Everyone know who he is because he's not only cool, but he's known for doing such bizarre and destructive things! He can use fire magic you can't buy in a store too" She explained, "Come on! Let's go see him!" She called out, taking Enrique's as they follow after the girls.
"H-Hey!" He flustered slightly.
In an alley, the egg was simply staying where it was, keeping in place as nobody was around. Well until now.
"Damn, I ended up taking the train again…" A male voice complained, not wanting to remember that train ride. Just the thought of it made his face green. The person that spoke was a young man with a lean, muscular build of average height and slightly tan skin. His has salmon colored hair and sharp abnormal canines. He even has a scar on his abdomen. His outfit consists of a sleeveless gold trimmed, black waistcoat that reaches to his knees, being held by a leather belt. He was also wearing white trousers and a scale-patterned scarf. He was carrying a few bags on his back
"Well, that's what you get for not getting up when you could." Another voice called out. Walking next to him was a very small blue cat with a bag on him, and was standing on two legs.
"I'm starving too…"
"We don't have any money left." the cat informed.
"Well, this sucks," He whined until the cat bumped into something.
"Hm? Hey! Look! I found an Egg!" The cat informed.
"Eh?" The salmon-haired teen looked at what the cat was holding. It wasn't a normal sized egg. The egg was as tall as the cat!
"It looks delicious…" The teen drooled.
"Maybe we can cook it up?"
"Yeah! Let's do that!"
"Hurry! We need to hurry!" A female's voice rang out, catching their attention, "We're going to be late with seeing Salamander!"
"Wait… did they just say Salamander?" The cat blinked before he turned to the teen, both had surprised yet happy looks. "Maybe it's him!"
"Let's go then!" He advised.
"What about this egg here?"
"Bring it for all I care its lunch for us!" The teen said before the cat hefted the egg up.
"Oi, this thing is a little heavy…" The cat said to himself, unaware that the egg cracked slightly.
Lucy kept dragging Enrique by his hand as they followed, only to see a group of girls, crying out happily and squealing excitedly. "This must be it! Salamander is in the group!" She said with excitement.
Enrique sighed, covering his ears upon the squealing. It was too loud for him. "Do you even see this 'Salamander'?" He asked his new friend.
"He's probably gathered around by these girls. I'm gonna push through and meet him! Maybe he'll let me join the guild?" She giggled happily before pushing herself past the horde of girls.
"H-hey, Lucy!" He called out but his voice was mute due to the squealing of the girls. He groaned as he tries to get to his friend, "Pardon me, excuse me." He said politely. But as he does, he notices Lucy was just standing there, and oddly enough with a pink glow around her eyes in the shape of a heart. Was she in love with this Salamander?
"Lucy, are you alright?" he asked, waving his hand but he gets no response. He looks back as he notices a very handsome man with blue spiky hair, wearing a blue cape with a white shirt and red pants underneath as he was simply waving to the girls, winking at them and signing their autographs.
Was it due to how fangirls react?
"Igneel!" A new male voice called out.
Enrique blinked before looking to his right, seeing a salmon-haired teen. The teen looks at the man as if he was expecting someone else. He even noticed a cat next to him…
A cat walking on two legs…
That's it. Enrique gave up. This was just too much. His mind just literally gave up on the natural rules. It just closed the door, locked it with a key and just waited until things made sense and were clear for him to fully understand.
"Huh? Who the heck are you?" The teen asked, deadpanned and looking disappointed.
The man seemed to be shocked by the salmon-haired teen's reaction and question. Regaining his composure, he somewhat posed and asked, "If I said Salamander, would that ring a bell?" He saw the teen wasn't there where he stood.
"Man… what a bummer." The cat sighed.
"And here I thought I found the one I've been searching for. Not some bum…" He said, only for a flash to run past Enrique as he soon saw the girls that were around him as they began to beat the crap out of him like he just committed the worst crime.
He winced upon each punch, hold, etc. that the teen was receiving. 'Glad I wasn't him… wait is that cat holding an egg…? Seriously, this place is too much for my mind...'
The man calmed the girls down but he noticed Lucy wasn't in her fangirl state of mind. "Lucy, were you alright? You were acting like a girl fawning over a guy she likes."
"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." She nodded.
"Now then, I have some business at the next port, and you lovely ladies are invited!" The man said. "If you'll excuse me." He then snapped his finger as purple flames soon enveloped around him as he flew off on top of it like it was a magic carpet.
Yep, it's official, magic was a thing in this land and his mind just literally had to accept it before it messed up again.
"Who the heck was that anyway…?" The salmon-haired teen muttered.
"Hey," Lucy called to the teen, gaining his attention as she smiled at him.
"MMM! So good!" The teen said as he and the cat were eating the food like it was candy.
Enrique and Lucy sweatdropped upon seeing the two devour all the food. The raven-haired teen was wondering how deep that stomach os if he was able to eat that much to his heart's content. "You seriously eat like it's nothing…" He noted.
His words were ignored as the two continue to eat. Lucy and Enrique look at each other then at the two. "So you said your names were Happy and Natsu?" The blonde asked.
"Mhm! Thanks for the food you two!" Natsu nodded, stuffing his face like it was made out of rubber as his cheeks were filled with food before gulping it down like water. After a while, they finally slowed down as Natsu spoke up. "What was up with that guy anyway?"
"Well you see, that Salamander guy was using a Charm spell, a type of hypnosis spell."
"Wait, he was using magic on those girls?" Enrique got out, shocked. Even the hypnosis stuff exists here in this place?
Lucy nodded, "Yes. Though it's been banned out by the Magic Council. Since anyone who has it can just control over the will of others. Luckily, Natsu here broke me out of it before it fully took hold of me." She explained.
"Guess barging in is his forte," The raven-haired teen joked. "Speaking of which, the way you spoke sounded like you were looking for someone. Who were you really looking for?"
"Oh, we were looking for Igneel," Natsu informed. "We heard that there was a 'Salamander' here, but it turned out to be nothing more than that bum. They're fire dragons so I really thought it would be Igneel."
"A dragon…?" Enrique repeated. 'I ended up in some fantasy land… just great. My mind hurts already from this…'
"So, your friend Igneel looks like a dragon?" Lucy raised an eyebrow.
"Huh? No, Igneel's an actual dragon." Natsu corrected.
"Eh?" Lucy and Enrique uttered.
"Aye! Igneel's a dragon." Happy said.
"But that's impossible! Dragons don't exist anymore." Lucy got out, "What made you think that? Why would a Dragon even dare show up in a town?"
Natsu and Happy were about to say something, but upon that realization, they froze up in sync. Enrique slammed the palm of his hand to his forehead, "You guys didn't even realize it til now? Seriously?" Suddenly, his mind heard that same heartbeat-like sound but louder. 'That sound again… why is it louder than last time?'
Lucy sighed as she paid for the bill and stood up, "Well, thanks again. Maybe we'll see you around sometime?" She said, heading to the door along with Enrique.
With Happy and Natsu they felt like dummies since they never realized that and the fact that the two helped them. "We got to show them a payment for them helping us…" Happy said.
"Hmm… Dunno what we could do. We don't have money and Lucy threw away that autograph." Natsu pondered.
"How about this?" Happy lifted the same egg from before.
"What? No way! That's our return trip food." He shook his head.
Happy's ears twitched for a moment. "Aye?" he blinked, looking around. "I thought I heard something?"
"Ah, you're hearing things. Sides, we still got some food left, so dig in!" Natsu grinned, chowing down on his meal. What they didn't know the egg gained another crack when it felt the presence of its master.
He was here...
With Enrique and Lucy, they were relaxing on the bench as the young girl was looking at a new magazine in her hand as she smiled softly, "Wow, Mirajane is so pretty! I wonder how you get into a guild anyways? Make an appointment or something?" She pondered.
"Beats me since I never been in one…" He shrugged with truth. He honestly had no idea of how this land's system works whatsoever but he was slowly learning thanks to the information he has been gathering from Lucy.
"Still, the wizard's guild, Fairy Tail," She smiled. "They're just the coolest!"
"Ho~? You say you want to join the Fairy Tail guild?" A familiar voice rang out.
Popping out of the bushes was none other than Salamander. "S-Salamander!?" Lucy recognized.
"I've been looking all over for you, miss." He smirked, "I want to personally invite you to the party I'm holding on my yacht."
Enrique narrowed his eyes slightly upon this. Something clearly wasn't right. How can he tell? For one, Lucy mentioned the guy having that Charm or whatever spell it was called. Secondly, he was a smart person to realize a few lies due to his studies that his parents wanted him to do, which he didn't like doing since he cared about traveling the world to learn from the ancient past and the fossils that lie in their lands.
"Sorry, your Charm spell won't work on my anymore! That things weakness is awareness." She pointed out. "Doesn't work on people if they know you're using it."
"Heh, just as I thought. Smart and beautiful." Salamander chuckled. "No matter, the invitation still stand for you." He said, before glancing at Enrique, "He, though… isn't. I have no need for a third wheel."
"Oi." He muttered with a small frown, feeling offended. "A scumbag much?"
This felt like an arrow shot through the man. "Scumbag? Why would you say something so cruel..?"
"Like my friend said, you used this 'Charm' spell just to get popular." Enrique crossed his arms.
"Now, now. Don't get offended. I only did that to promote my material for what they'll see. But can you really blame me?" He shrugged.
"Even today shows that famous wizards are nothing more than jerks." Lucy sighed.
This, though, gained Salamander attention, "You wish to join the Fairy Tail Guild, correct? But haven't you heard of Salamander? One of Fairy Tail's great wizards?" He said to them.
"E-Eh!? You mean the Salamander of Fairy Tail!?" Lucy gasped.
"That is correct." He nodded, "Why else would I promote myself so openly?" He pointed out. "And if you wanna join, I could put in a good word for you. All I ask is to join me on my yacht tonight. Simple as that."
Lucy beamed, "Of course I will go if it means to join!"
"Lucy, are you sure about this?" Enrique asked.
"If it means I'll join Fairy Tail, then of course!" She beamed.
"Heh, very well. Then I'll see you later, Lucy dear." Salamander said before flying away with his trail of fire.
Lucy stood there in awe before blinking, "Crap! He got me with a pseudo-charm!" She groaned but sighed, "Well, at least I have a chance with getting into the Guild." She then looks at her new friend. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah just something doesn't feel right is all…" He muttered. "As a traveling archaeologist intern, we tend to learn to be careful of things and when something isn't right about the areas we excavate. Like a weak support or a possible cave collapse. So right now, it is that same feeling of something not right."
As they talk, the gem in his pocket was glowing softly and the same sound in his head finally gave its final sound.
"Hmm… Well, maybe I can try to find a way to sneak you in?" She offered, "I mean. If you don't feel safe, and they can't let you in. Then we'll have to sneak you in. The only problem is, I don't have enough money to buy you a camouflage ring…" She said, but upon turning to him she looked confused.
"Enrique? Where did you go?" She called out to him.
"Huh? What are you talking about…? Lucy, I'm right here ya know?"
"Huh? Enrique?" She blinked looking around like he wasn't there. "I… I can't see you."
"What? I'm right in front of you." He said, poking her shoulder as she yelped in response.
"E-Enrique? Uh.. take… take a look at your hands…" She pointed to them.
"My hands?" He looks at himself. The moment he did, he saw his hands were invisible, almost like it was camouflaged. "Wah!" He jumped in shock.
"That's amazing, Enrique! I didn't know you had magic!" Lucy said with awe. But she then noticed something shining in his pocket, "Hm? What's that?"
"Huh?" He blinked as the 'camouflage' stopped. Quickly reaching into his pocket, his hand felt the same gem from before, causing him to quickly get it out.
"Isn't that the gem you showed me earlier?"
"Y-Yeah but why is it glowing?"
Lucy looked at the gem, unsure of it. "I wish I could tell. I've never seen anything like it…. Maybe it's responding to you?"
"Responding to me? Look, I never did this type of stuff before at all," he explained.
"Hmm… Ah! Hold on. I think I may know someone who can help." She said, reaching for her side as she began to look through some unique keys she had.
"Are those keys…?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Come on… where are you..?" She muttered, "Aha! Got it!" She smirked holding up one key. It soon began to glow in her hand "Open! Gate of The Southern Cross!" She called out. A spell seal formed in front of her as what appeared from it was some odd creature. It had a face of a cross, but a body of an old man and seemed to be sleeping soundly.
Enrique rubs his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things again. "O… kay…" He muttered to himself. 'This just got a lot more interesting and strange at the same time.'
"Say, Old Man Crux? Can you identify this gem?" She asked the creature.
"That is his name?" The raven-haired teen asked, surprised.
"Mhm. He's very wise and can basically act like a library for many things not known in this world." She explained.
"Uh… but he's sleeping…" Enrique pointed out, gesturing to 'Crux'.
Lucy giggled softly, "No no. He's just looking up the information." She reassured.
Crux keeps 'sleeping' for a bit before his eyes widen quickly and yelled, shocking and surprising the young teen. "Ah…. That is the remnants of the Dino Gems." Crux informed.
"Dino… what?" Lucy and Enrique repeated in confusion.
Crux nodded, "Yes. Unique items were given to humans before they could even use magic. Think of them as like the first magic items. Only 5 existed. Each one holds a power and can give the user abilities they could only dream!"
"What about his then?"
"That white gem… oh, it is one of the most ancient and most valuable ones to known to existence. The White Drago Gem."
"Wait… a DRAGON GEM!?" Lucy quickly looks at the said crystal.
Crux nodded once more, "Yes. But it's not considered to be a dragon. It's just the title of the gem and user power. With it, he can camouflage himself just by standing there. And should he find the resolve to fight, he'll gain even more power. To become a warrior known as… Power Ranger."
Enrique blinked once. He blinks twice. He rubs the bridge of his nose, a sigh escaping his lips. "My mind is already too confused as it is…"
"But… why for him?" Lucy questioned.
"Ah! There's the question." Crux smiled, "You see… These were made in such a unique manner, that these items have a will of their own. As well as the spirit of the creatures that it was based on. They will choose their wielders, that's what makes them so special. You can't just pick it up and use it, but the gem will search for its user, regardless of where they're at, either in all of the time or in all of the space." He informed, pointing to him, "And with it, you have been chosen as its wielder my boy. But with this, does come to a prophecy too…"
Crux nodded, "For when the last Dino Gem is discovered, the wielder shall be brought here to fix an upcoming crisis. One that will erase this world… My boy. You have been brought here to stop this crisis and save this world of ours."
"Are you sure that is even true?" Lucy asked.
"Lucy, my dear. When have I ever been wrong with my findings?" Crux smiled at her before he vanished in front of them timing out.
She sighed, "Well right now I want to go join Fairy Tail!"
"Then… I guess we can. I'll keep watch now that I have this." Enrique said, looking at the gem. "Still... I wonder why me…"
The gem suddenly glowed before it changed into… a silver-colored bracelet with the white gem in the shape of a diamond.
"Wow! That's cool!" Lucy smiled before she hooked her arm around his, "But right now. You're gonna help me find a dress for this party."
"Eh?" He blinked before a tint of red rose up to his cheeks.
Natsu was leaning against the railing as he stares at the stars while happy stares out the ocean as he held onto the egg. "Hey, isn't that the ship Salamander's party is at?" Happy pointed.
Natsu looked at the ship from the distance but just from seeing it, he covered his mouth, the feeling of wanting to vomit. "Gonna hurl…" He said.
"Stop getting queasy just from thinking about it," Happy assured.
"Look! Isn't that Salamander's ship?" Happy looked to his left to see a group of girls who were also looking at the ship.
"I wish I had gone," Another girl said.
"Salamander?" The third girl raised an eyebrow.
"You don't know him?" The other asked. "He's the famous Fairy Tail wizard that came to town!"
Natsu and Happy though heard this, gaining an angered glare, "Huh? Fairy Tail?" He muttered. He then turned to the ship before covering his mouth, "Ugh… gonna hurl…"
Happy sweatdropped until the egg he had shaken a bit. "Huh?" The egg shook more until it hopped off his grip. Happy tried to grab it but it hopped again. "Uh… Natsu?"
Happy pointed at the hopping egg that was rolling down on the hill. "H-Hey! Our emergency food is getting away! After it!" Natsu cried out, chasing after it.
Natsu and Happy quickly chase after the hopping egg that was heading towards the ocean.
Night fell as Lucy boarded the yacht with the many other girls. She had a drink in hand as she walked around a bit. She soon glanced over as she saw the faint movements of Enrique there. She smiled softly and nodded to him. She soon saw Salamander stand there, gesturing her up to the room as she followed after him.
"So… It was Lucy right?" Salamander said, sitting on a nice couch with Lucy being in front of him. "That's a very lovely name."
"T-Thanks…" She smiled nervously.
"It'd like to toast to your beauty." He informed, pouring a glass as he handed it to her, "Now… Drink up! Savor the taste of the beverage."
She inwardly gawked as she began to keep it together, realizing he is trying to use that spell again. "I-I'm not falling for that again."
"Huh?" Salamander blinked.
"Don't play coy. I know you're trying to use sleep magic on me." Lucy said, pointing to the other ring on his finger.
"Heh, very impressive my dear. I'll admit, you're very clever." Salamander chuckled, amused.
"Don't get any ideas," She warned. "I want to join Fairy Tail, but I have no intention of being your woman."
"You're quite a handful… aren't you?" Salamander chuckled, "But I'm afraid it's too late." He said. In moments the door to the room opens up, revealing several men carrying the women that were on board into the room.
Seeing this shocked Lucy and a camouflaged Enrique. "What is this?" Lucy demanded, seeing the girls unconscious.
"You see, I only drew you in because I plan to sell you and the others as we make our trip to Bascou." He informed, "It was easy as pie to drag you in. Though… I'm disappointed. I said not to bring your little friend here too." He said, turning to his left, as he tossed the drink, revealing the faint outline of her friend "I'll admit. You using camouflage magic is interesting. I could use the bonus for my pockets."
Enrique gritted his teeth, realizing this situation. No wonder something was off, this was a trafficking group.
"You…" Lucy growled, reaching for her special Keys but Salamander used his magic to stop her, disarming her from using them, the Gate Keys landed in his hand.
"You bastards…" Enrique growled, his fists tightening.
"Gate Keys huh?" Salamander noted, "A Celestial Wizard! I haven't seen those in a long time. But, only the wizard who's contracted to these keys can use them. So they're useless to me." He said before he tossed them out the window. "Whoops, my fingers slipped."
Enrique's teeth tightened against each other, his blood boiling. "You guys leave her alone."
Salamander turned, scoffing, "As if you can do a thing." He said, snapping his fingers as fire whips fly out, striking the teen and tossing him around like a doll.
"Enrique!" Lucy called out to her friend. "You… You're using magic to take advantage of others… You're the worst wizard alive!"
The raven haired teen slowly sits up, wincing in pain as he slowly sits up. He wasn't used to scuffles like this. Sure he has defended himself at times but this? This was a whole different situation. He had to do something.
Call... forth…
Call forth what…? He was left wondering what that voice was.
Call… forth… the…
What was it!? What was it trying to tell him!?
Call forth the power of the Drago...
He slowly looks at the bracelet that was strapped to his wrist. He unconsciously placed his hand over it, a white glow forming before the gem on the bracelet reformed and grew into a small metal 'head' of a white creature almost resembling that of a Tupuxuara.
Use it well… Power Ranger… As the White Drago Ranger….
His eyes slowly widened before glancing at his friend then at the goons. Standing up albeit with some pain, he glared at the men.
"Hey, boss. The kid is getting up." A grunt pointed out, as Salamander and Lucy looked at him.
"I am not letting you harm these girls…"
"And what can you possibly do? You're outclassed." Salamander chuckled.
Enrique glanced at the armlet then at Salamander. His fingers brushed against it, the jaw opening and the eye glowing and dimming, repeating itself. He crossed his left arm, revealing the brace and the image of the 'creature' before he slowly pressed the key. The moment he did, the jaw closed and the eye glowing brightly.
As he did that, a white glow encompassed his body, before the light molded and shifted into what appeared to be armor as it soon died down, surprising the others and shocking Lucy the most.
He was wearing a white bodysuit with black triangular markings on the sides of his torso and legs while his arms were inverted of the colors, his wrists had golden bracelets. Around his waist was a golden belt with the symbol of a reptilian foot with three toes. On his feet were white boots with gold trimmings, reaching up above his shin.
Over his shoulders was a shield chest plate while the back part reaches to the middle of his back. Black edges on top of it, three on both shoulders while the edges of the chest plate have gold edges. On the side of his waist was a weapon with the head of the said creature.
Enrique raised his head at them before a golden light began to envelop his head until the light broke apart, revealing an intimidating helmet. The helmet was white with a red visor, it had a sharp jaw line around it, somewhat forming the maw of the dinosaur he represented, along with a simple fin with the eyes of the dinosaur on it, signaling his connection with the creature.
The white armored teen glanced at each person, the blood red visor showing their reflection.
"W-What in the world?!" Salamander gasped.
"Enrique? Is… that you?" Lucy called to him.
"Yeah…" He clenched his hands. "And no one hurts my friend. No one." He could feel his reflex being enhanced, his body feeling stronger than before. It was so new but it felt very amazing.
All attention went to the side, seeing a hopping egg much to their confusion but a pair of hands got hold of it. And the one holding it was none other than Natsu, "H-Hey…" He panted, looking pale. But as the boat gently rocked, his pale face turned green, "I'm gonna hurl…."
"Natsu?" Lucy and Enrique recognized.
"Hey, I didn't know you were here, Lucy, Enrique." Happy said as they saw him now flying above the hole, with two wings on him. Two freaking wings!
The egg wobbled, trying to get away from Natsu before it stopped... and cracked fully. Pieces of the shell began to fall off before it finally broke free. In Natsu's hands was a small, robotic-like Tupuxuara about the same size as Happy. It roared softly as everyone looked shocked to see the creature.
Natsu's eyes widened upon seeing the creature. So the egg he and Happy found… was… was...
"A Dragon?!" Natsu and Happy cried in unison.
"I… I thought dragons were all dead?" Lucy got out.
The white 'dragon' pecked Natsu's forehead, causing him to release it before it flew around, landing on a certain armored warrior's shoulder, screeching at the men.
"It's not a dragon… This is a dinosaur. Something from where I'm from." The armored warrior explained.
"Geh! I don't care! Get these idiots!" Salamander ordered.
"Happy, you know what to do." Natsu stood up.
"Aye!" Happy saluted before his tail wraps around Lucy's waist and actually lifts her up and begins to fly away. "Hold on tight!"
"W-Wait! What about Natsu and Enrique!"
"I can only carry one person," Happy informed.
"Shoot them down! If they reach the mainland, the council we'll know and we'll be caught!" Salamander ordered, sending a large fireball at the two in the sky.
The armored teen growled as he rushes towards Salamander but the moment he did, he suddenly felt a change in his body, it felt lighter… almost as if… he was made of light. The armored warrior suddenly appeared in front of Salamander, the man seeing his reflection in the blood red visor.
"W-What the-"
Enrique grins under his helmet as he clenched his fist "This is for hurting my friend!" He punched Salamander in the chest.
In the sky, Lucy begins to look around, "Say, Happy! Drop me in the water! I need to get my keys!" She said to Happy.
"But there's something I have to tell you." And just in time as the wings disappear. "My transformation stopped."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" She cried out as the two crashed into the waters below. While she began to swim, Happy landed on a rock.
With Natsu and Enrique, the armored teen rolled away from an attack that Salamander sent as the small dinosaur flew around his new master. He had to thank the armor for increasing his capabilities.
"Take this!" Salamander cried out, about to cast a spell before the boat soon shook violently.
Enrique held on as he glanced out the window, seeing the boat, along with Lucy and Happy, being forced by large tidal waves back to the port!
"Uh… Natsu…" Enrique called out to the teen. "You may want to hold onto something. And you better hold that stomach of yours too." But as he turned, he sees Natsu hanging over the ledge, almost ready to hurl up the food he had earlier. Whatever happened, it was rough on the boat as it soon crashed into the port.
"I'm gonna die…." He said weakly.
For Enrique, he groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing his helmet. "Damn that hurts…" he muttered. He looks at the boat and saw the damage. "Woah…" Several people have gathered around, wondering what happened. He then stood up to see Natsu on top of the ship, glaring down at Salamander, no longer feeling the motion sickness, only a need to fight.
"You… You claim to be a member of Fairy Tail?" Natsu questioned the man.
"What so?" 'Salamander' responded. "Get him damn it!" He ordered his grunts.
Natsu's glare increased as a frown formed. He grabs the red coat before tossing it aside, ready to give it his all. With each grunt that approached him, he easily swats them away like they were nothing before he glared at him, revealing his right arm having a symbol. "My name is Natsu Dragneel! I'm a Fairy Tail Wizard. And I've never seen you before!" He exclaimed.
Hearing this, Lucy's eyes widened, "Fairy Tail…!"
"T-That symbol!" One of the grunts noticed, "This is bad, he's the real deal, Bora!"
"Geh! Don't call me by my real name, you idiot!" He called out, exposed.
"Bora. As in Bora of Prominence," Happy realized, a frown forming. "I heard of him… He was a member of the Titan Nose Guild before being kicked out for bad behavior."
'Natsu is part of Fairy Tail? No wonder he looked pissed.' Enrique realized.
"Say! Enrique!" Natsu called out to him, "How about you help me teach the jerks a thing or two?"
He raised his helmet to the salmon-haired teen then at the goons. He couldn't explain why but he hasn't felt this much thrill of adventure for such a long time. Standing up, he cracked his knuckles, "As long as I teach that Bor-ing guy a lesson for hurting my friend."
Natsu chuckled upon the mocking nickname his new pal gave Bora. "I like you, Enrique. Time to kick some tail!" He grinned, smacking his fits together as flames form on his fists. "We will show you punks who you are messing with! Especially pretending to be Fairy Tail!"
"What do you two plan on doing about it!?" Bora questioned the two before he conjured a spell. "Prominence Typhoon!" A blast of fire was soon shot out. Natsu grinned, standing in front of the blast as the fire soon engulfed him, shocking Enrique and Lucy from this.
"Natsu!" Lucy called out.
Happy didn't seem fazed about it, "Wait for it."
"Gross," Natsu's voice was heard. "I know you're a fire mage, but you could at least learn tastier spells." Within the flames, they all could see Natsu's shadow as the fire soon died down before flowing into his mouth as he actually ate the fire.
Everyone except Happy gawked in total shock. Enrique was one who was shocked the most. 'He… he actually ate fire!? What the hell!? It should have killed a normal human being!?'
"Fire won't work on Natsu," Happy informed.
"Now that I have eaten, I'm all revved up!" Natsu grinned.
Enrique shook his head to keep his mind sane instead of wanting to know how it was possible. He really has to get used to this eventually. The White armored teen sighed before he decided to join in on the fight as he looks to his side. "Huh… I wonder what this is." He unsheathed it, revealing some type of small dagger-like sword with the bottom end having the shape of the dinosaur.
"Get him!" One of the grunts shouted as they all charged ahead, ready to attack the young teen, thinking they had a chance.
Enrique took notice, causing him to duck much to his Inner surprise before he blocked a punch with his sword, actually keeping his ground. Whatever metal it was made with, it sure was handy.
He leaps over the next attack before he swipes the dagger but when he did, it shot out light towards some of the thugs, sending them away from him. "Ok… now, this is a really handy dagger." He complimented his new weapon.
He then turned to see more charging at him. He then made a single step before he raced past them. Like light, he just vanished and reappeared, blocking a swift punch before he used the dagger to swipe at them. This gem and armor were giving him a huge power boost! It was amazing!
Natsu, on the other hand, slams his fists together, a symbol of a dragon appearing.
"Roar of the Fire Dragon!" He announced before he began to inhale, almost like he was gathering air but in reality, he wasn't. Putting his hands close to his face, he soon unleashed a breath of fire towards Bora and his goons. All but Bora was burnt by the flames as Bora stood above, on his own flames.
"Guh! Take this!" He shouted, sending rains of fire on the ground, as some hit Natsu as others missed, hit the ground, as some begin to make their way towards Lucy.
"Lucy!" Enrique used the armor's power as he reappeared in front of Lucy and moved her away as the attack hits the ground instead, thanks to the speed of the armor. He really has to thank the armor for helping him. Lucy blinked as she now realized she wasn't hit but she was in her friend's arms while she can see her reflection from his visor. "You alright?"
"Y-Yeah… thank you, Enrique." She thanked.
He sighed with relief as he sets her down before looking back at Natsu who once again ate the fire. "Seriously, this Flame taste as bad as the old food." Natsu huffed.
"H-How… How are you able to even do that?!" Bora demanded.
"Heh, it's my type of magic," Natsu grinned, his fists igniting in flames.
"B-Bora… that spiky salmon hair, scale-like scarf… H-He's the real Salamander!"
"What?!" Lucy gasped. "He's Salamander?"
This seem to horrify Bora, realizing he is against the real Salamander! Natsu literally leaps into the air and delivered a fiery punch, sending the criminal to the ground.
"Enrique! Finish him up! Make it a big bang!" Natsu grinned. "I wanna see your strength."
"Eh?" The White armored ranger looked at Natsu. "Me?"
"Yeah! Come on! Show me a big bang!"
The armored teen looks at Natsu for a moment then at Bora for a moment. Glancing at his dagger for a moment, he slowly raised it as he stares at the blade. Something was calling him to use more of its power and so… he chose to answer its calling. Looking at Bora, he slowly twirls the dagger slowly before increasing the pace, the blade glowing more and more.
"Time to end this then!" He declared before he swipes his blade after twirling it and when he did, dozens of arrows formed behind him…
He then pointed to Bora as the arrows soon flew at him. He tried to block and defend, but the arrows kept coming as he was unable to counter them all. They soon glowed before exploding, sending Bora into the air, defenseless and easy targeted for the final strike.
The ranger's blade suddenly extended as it glowed before he swung it, forming a glowing 'X' that was sent towards Bora. It soon struck him, sending him back into the boat before it was soon engulfed in a large explosion, leaving him and his goons unconscious and burnt.
"That's what you guys get for committing this type of crimes." He said, glancing at the dagger before putting it back.
"Uh… Enrique? I.. think you overdid it." Lucy pointed out.
"Sorry…" He lowered his head with a sigh, "Where I'm from… these type of people have done these type of crimes… believe me. No girl deserves to go through that fate."
"Hey! No need to worry" Natsu grinned, patting his back, "You did great!"
"You're not helping!" Lucy shouted as they soon heard footsteps of many troops heading their way.
"Oh crap!" Natsu panicked. He looks at Lucy but saw Enrique vanished. "He ditched us!?"
"Maybe... He had some reason?" Lucy said, only for Natsu to grab her arm.
"Ah! We have to get out of here before the military find out I did this stuff!" Natsu said as he was dragging Lucy.
"W-Wait to where!?"
"To Fairy Tail, isn't that where you wanted to go to?"
Lucy's eyes widened. To be part of Fairy Tail was her dream but… She glanced back to see the spot her new friend first disappeared. "W-Wait, Natsu."
In the bridge, footsteps were heard in the empty area but it soon faded, revealing the armored teen as the armor vanished. He panted, taking deep breaths before leaning against the railing. "What just happened anyway…" He muttered, looking at the brace on his left arm. "This… this thing actually turned me into a warrior…"
Sure he knows how to fight since his parents sent him tutors to help him learn. Just remembering left somewhat a distaste to his mouth. He never wanted to take over the family business. He was a traveler who wants to learn the world's past, the wonders of the past. The feeling he had when he fought was a small feeling of thrill. He winced, holding his side from the pain. "Dammit… that still hurts."
"Enrique?" Lucy called out to him softly, as he sees her, Natsu and Happy walk to him.
"Lucy? Natsu? How did you guys find me?"
Lucy pointed to Natsu, "He said he was able to.. 'Smell' you… So we followed him."
"I don't even wanna know how he is able to do that," Enrique sweatdropped before he sighed, "Look, I just needed some air since I am just… trying to adjust to what happened."
"Well, you can do that later. We… should get going before they catch up." Natsu pointed to the several guards racing around the port and soon heading to them.
"W-Wait, you guys want me to come along?"
"Of course!" Natsu beamed, "It's better to have more friends in Fairy Tail after all."
This surprised Enrique upon this. He never had many friends since he has been traveling with his father's employees at excavation sites. It was nice for once… He smiled, "Sure… why not?"
"Awesome!" Natsu grinned, soon grabbing both of their hands as he began to race towards the train station at near supersonic speeds, "Off we go before we get into trouble again!" He cried out.
In another location, the wizard from the alley was waiting for his results but there was no luck. He growled, using a spell to check on it, only to see that his efforts were all for naught! The Gem did find its user and brought it to this world, but he forgot to add in another spell to bring the user here! All his work was for nothing since the user could be anywhere in reality!
Suddenly, he heard his door crack for a moment. He blinked as he turns to it, now seeing the door with a large dent as if something was trying to get in.
"Who's there?"
His question was answered when the door was busted open, the intruder being a black armored-like knight with a shield and ax on its back. The armor was black as the night with glowing blue orbs on some parts of its body.
"W-Who are you?" He questioned, only for the black knight to grab ahold of him and lift him up.
"Where is it?"
"W-Where's… what?"
"The sacred Drago Gem and the Drago Egg!"
The sorcerer flinched looking away, "I-I have… no idea what you're... Talking about…"
"Its trail started here!" He pointed the ax at him. "Tell me what you did with it or I will execute you."
He flinched once more, "S-Sorry! B-But.. I used a spell… to find it's user… The Gem is gone…" The black knight tossed the man to the wall as he raised his ax. "No please!"
The black knight swung his ax but stopped, only hitting the wooden wall. The knight looks at the door for a moment, "It's here…" He pulled the ax out of the wooden wall.
"I-It's… here?"
The knight walks out of the building, ignoring the damage it made as he grabs three vials from his side and tossed them to the ground. The contents glowed before they boiled and began to form three onyx colored, humanoid reptiles with hook-like claws and a scale-like body. Their heads had slits for eyes while spikes were on their heads.
"Track down the gem, it cannot be in the wielder's hands anymore!"
The reptiles hissed in obedience before they all leap onto the roofs of the buildings, beginning their search in the night. The knight then left, vanishing into the darkness.
Morning has dawned in the town as Natsu were leading the two fellow teens to the Fairy Tail Guild. Happy was walking with them as the metal Tupuxuara was on top of Enrique's head, perched as its wings acted like arms for it to sit. Natsu tried to touch the creature but it only screeched at him.
"Geez… this dragon sure is unfriendly.." Natsu huffed. "I bet it can't even breath fire…."
"It can't," Enrique chuckled.
"Pfft… What kind of dragon doesn't breathe fire? Looks to be a weakling…" He scoffed.
The metal Tupuxuara swung its wings at Natsu, forming a miniature whirlwind that sent him into a barrel. "I did not expect that…" Enrique gaped. A Tupuxuara wasn't even able to make a whirlwind but the one on his head did.
"Ugh…. lousy dumb dragon…" He groaned, legs twitching from the fall.
"It just made a whirlwind," Happy noted as he grabbed another piece of fish but the moment he brought it out, the metal Tupuxuara snatched it and swallowed it whole, ending it with a belch. "H-Hey! That was my fish!"
The metal Tupuxuara squawked, as it soon flew over and landed on Lucy's arm, snuggling in them happily as it soon fell asleep in her embrace. "Heh, looks like it likes me too." Lucy giggled.
"It's a Tupuxuara, they eat fish," Enrique explained. "There used to be tons around 79 million years ago."
"There were more dragons like these?" Natsu said, standing back up.
"Pretty much," he shrugged. "They dominantly live by the ocean since, to them, they can gather as much fish for them to eat."
"I'm hiding my fish," Happy said.
"So, how far is the guild, Natsu?" Lucy questioned.
"Ah, we are almost there," He beamed until they soon came across the place he was leading them to. Lucy and Enrique couldn't help but be amazed by the building. The building consists of three floors and incorporated several architectonic styles that Enrique recognizes. It took the shape of a pagoda with each floor being smaller than the one below. The roofs had extremely long, arched tiles lined up with one after the other and possessing simple curved protrusions jutting upwards on the building's angles. On the highest roof topping, the summit sat a simple round dome.
"Whoa…" Enrique said in awe.
"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Happy says.
Natsu grinned, walking to the doors and smashing them wide open, "I'M HOME!" He cried out within the guild. Some of the fellow guild members greeted Natsu and Happy while Lucy and Enrique walked into the building, amazed upon the place.
"There you go making trouble again!" A guild member said to Natsu.
"You half destroyed Harge-" However the mage couldn't finish as he was kicked in the face by Natsu, sending him flying from his table.
"What!?" Lucy and Enrique gaped.
"That info about the Salamander was a lie wasn't it?!" Natsu shouted to the member he kicked.
Hearing this made the guild member shout back, "I was I supposed to know?! I just told you some rumors that have been around!"
"What did you say!?"
"You wanna go!?"
Before Lucy and Enrique knew it, the two males began to fight as tables were sent everywhere. And in near moments the whole guild began to fight with one another, causing chaos and attacks to fly everywhere.
"Did… we just join the wrong guild?" Enrique questioned. This was almost like those bar fights he saw in the movies and TV shows back home except no one here is drunk. Even Happy was sent flying in the chaos as the two just watched.
"We've actually made it to Fairy Tail," Lucy says happily.
"More like running into a large fight you see in your average day bar…" Enrique deadpanned.
"So Natsu's back?" A young man said. The two took notice of the young man who looks to be around their age with no shirt on, a necklace and the Fairy Tail mark on his right pectoral and his expression showed that of anger but the one thing that caused Lucy to yelp in shock was the fact that the young man… only has his boxers on.
"Dude put on some pants!" Enrique shouted as Lucy covers her eyes.
"AH! CRAP!" He cried out, not even realizing it.
"Seems that I wasn't the only one to notice he didn't have his clothes on," A feminine voice said. Enrique and Lucy glance at the source but the moment they did, Enrique's jaw dropped slightly as a blush rose on his cheeks.
On the stool was a woman with an ample bust, slightly tan skin with long brown hair that reaches down to the middle of her back. She was wearing a pair of capri pants with two bands hanging on each leg, a light pink belt hanging loosely around the waist and high heeled sandals. Even more was the light blue bikini top she was wearing as she held onto a barrel of wine.
"Hm? Who are you two?" She asked them, "Did Natsu drag in strangers again?"
Enrique turned away to hide his blush while Lucy just watched in disbelief upon how much she was drinking. Lucy looks back at the fighting crowd as a dust cloud was literally seen, "Is there not a single serious wizard in this place?" She whined.
"Oh? Newcomers?" The two look to see a young girl that Lucy recognizes. The young woman has long white hair with curls slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest as her body figure was similar to Lucy's. A short upward ponytail obtained by gathering and tying the hair covering her forehead. She was wearing a sleeveless, ankle-length maroon dress with a pleated skirt, the chest adorned by a large pink bow with similar colored trimmings along with wearing high-heeled shoes.
"Ah, Mirajane!" Lucy said with excitement while Enrique turned away once again. If Enrique had to admit it, the girls are very beautiful. "It's so wonderful to finally meet you!"
"Heh, it's nice to meet you two." She smiled before noticing the dinosaur, "Well, what's this cute thing?"
"A-A Tupuxuara…" Enrique stuttered slightly.
"Hmm.. odd name. But it's very cute." Mirajane smiled, handing the dinosaur some fish.
The metal reptile began to devour the fish in minutes, each one being eaten whole like it was nothing for its small size. Once satisfied it squawked in delight. Just as it was about to eat the last fish, the same spiky haired teen from before crashed down but the mortifying part was that Natsu had those boxers around his finger.
"KYAAH!" Lucy yelped as she quickly covers her eyes while Enrique had to shut his own eyes closed.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" Enrique yelled, his eyes kept shut from this.
"Damn it Natsu! Give me my shorts back!" The teen growled.
Punches were literally sent everywhere as the metal dinosaur saw its lunch squashed by their feet. If one was able to tell in its blood red eyes… it. Was. pissed.
It flew to the crowd and did the one thing it needed to do. It unleashed a whirlwind that sent tables flying, even the drinks right at the fighting crowd, each item hitting them and knocking them down to the ground. When the dust cleared… the people groaned as some were hanging upside down on some tables or pillars.
"Your pet is strong." Mirajane noted, "Though… you only just brought worse troubles now."
"E-Eh?" Enrique blinked before a chill ran down his spine, causing him to see the members all angry.
"Who did that?" Many of the members said in unison as they soon glared upon Enrique and the dino that was now perched on his head.
"U-Uh…" He slowly pointed at his dino who stared blankly at them with its red eyes.
"What in the world is going on?!" A loud, booming voice sounded off as a giant shadow began to form behind the other guild members.
"A giant!?" Lucy and Enrique yelped in fear.
Many of the members flinch in fear, some backing away or hiding…. Except for Natsu. "Hahaha! What's wrong? Scared to face me? Heh, guess I win this ma-"
Before he finished, the 'giant' stomped onto Natsu, causing Enrique and Lucy to squeak.
"Oh, you were here, Master?" Mirajane said happily.
"Wait, Master!?" Lucy repeated in disbelief.
The 'giant' looked to the two as he approached them, towering over them like they were ants before steam began to pour out from his nose. Steam began to surround him before the shadow vanished, replaced by a… dwarf?
"EEEHHHH!?" The two teens gasped in total shock.
"Please to meet you two. I'm Master Makarov." He introduced.
"As in the Guild Master of Fairy Tail!" Lucy realized.
"That is correct. Apologies, these children of mine can always be a handful." He bowed to them. The guild master then turns and jumps flips upwards towards the second floor… hitting his head against the railing and landing on his back. But still, manages to stand up and look professional as he clears his throat.
"You've gone and done it again you rascals! Look at this paperwork the council sent me!" Makarov yells as he presents a large stack of papers in his left hand. "All you fools do is make the council angry at me!" Just as he was about to blow his top off, "However…" The papers soon catch on fire. "Screw the council!" he tossed the ball of fire aside, making Natsu leap into the air to eat it.
"Listen up! Magic is an unreasonable power but is born from reason! It is not some miraculous ability, it is the combination of the spirit that flows within us." he stated. "With the spirit that flows within nature itself, incarnated into physical form!"
'Just like the gem…' Enrique muttered, glancing at the metal brace on his wrist that held the gem. Was the power that was given to him a reason? The spirit that flows within him that gave form into that armor?
"It takes a strong mind and focuses! In fact, magic is the pouring out of one's entire soul! One cannot progress in the way of magic by being mindful of the watchful eye from above! Be not afraid of those fools on the council and follow the path you believe in! That's what it means to be a Fairy Tail wizard!"
The guild members cheer happily as they all do the same Fairy Tail pose along with Makarov as they soon begin to help rebuild what was trashed. Makarov soon jumped off and landed near the bar.
"Sorry about all that. Had to do something to get them to remember their place." Makarov said, "So, what brings you, two youngsters, here?"
"I would like to join Fairy Tail! It is what I always wanted to do since I arrived here!" Lucy beamed.
"Ah, and what of you, young man?"
"H-Huh? Me?" He looks at Makarov after getting out of his train of thought. "Well... " He rubbed the back of his head, thinking about the offer. To him, the guild was a strange bunch but it seemed they all act like family… who tend to fight a lot. But he also wanted to find a way home. Lucy seemed the most excited about it and how she mentioned them sounded like it was something worth joining. And yet… should he accept the offer as well? He doesn't have a place to go to and he is already here…
He took a deep breath for a moment to relax and hold those thoughts for now. "Um… sure… I don't mind. If my friend is gonna be part of this guild then count me in," He said, pointing at his chest with a thumb.
Makarov nodded, "Very well. Mirajane can help you out with the rest." He informed them, as he flinched, looking to his cup of beer as the dinosaur began to guzzle it down as he chuckled, "What a unique creature you have there."
"Hehe, sorry about that," Enrique apologized as the dinosaur flew back to the top of his head. He chuckled as Enrique gently pets the metal Tupuxuara but for Makarov he saw the diamond-colored brace with the white gem embedded on it, causing the old man to widen his eyes slightly before regaining his composure.
"Master Makarov, you okay? You look like you saw a ghost," Mirajane noticed.
"I'm fine, Mirajane." He reassured before smiling, "Just help them with their initiation to the guild." He said as she nodded and let them follow her, once gone his smile vanished, 'To think… Someone would have found that Gem…. but if it's here then the legends of its return are true… Dark days are coming soon…' He said in his thoughts. He was told of the old stories, how 5 great warriors using the spirits of ancient creatures that once roamed before dragons. Stopping a great evil that nearly took over but at a cost… the gems were lost for centuries, years for such a long time. The possibility of being shattered into oblivion after that great battle. To think… there is a gem that finally appeared intact after so long with the Great White Tupuxuara with its new master.
He was gonna need a bigger guild home once that month arrives… and lots of fish… great.
With the three, Mirajane stamped Lucy's right hand, the Fairy Tail being a pink color. The blonde was excited, admiring her own Guild Mark, showing her proof she was part of Fairy Tail.
"With this, you're now officially a member of Fairy Tail." Mirajane smiled.
"This is so cool, I'm part of Fairy Tail now!" Lucy beamed.
Mirajane smiled as she turned to Enrique, "So, what color do you want and where do you want it?"
"Um… white. On my left hand." He answered. Mirajane smiled as she stamps the top of his left hand.
"Welcome to Fairy Tail, Enrique." She smiled at him.
"T-Thanks,Mirajane,mentioned" he said with a flustered look upon seeing her smile.
"Hehe, you're welcome. Though, you will have to find a place to stay right now. We don't have any available rooms to give to you." Mirajane informed.
Crap. He didn't think of that the moment he ended up here. Oh great… this is just great! "I forgot about that… I've been traveling and only using a tent…
"Well, I could help find us someplace to stay? I still have some Jewels for some place to stay." Lucy offered.
"Eh?" He turned to Lucy who seems to be embarrassed to make the offer. "You want to help me…?"
Lucy smiled and nodded, "It's the least I can do for you helping me out with that Bora guy."
"W-Well…" He scratched his cheek. This was surprising for him since no one else offered to help him out but Lucy was willing to help out. Thinking it would be rude to decline, he looks at her, "A-Alright. Thanks, Lucy."
Lucy smiled as the two set out first to find a place to stay. The town was crowded as they kept looking, but it was also very interesting to see the culture of this place. Maybe when he's not at the guild, he'll walk around and explore more? He was always fascinated with new places.
"You seem to enjoy the city, Enrique," Lucy noted.
"Hehehe, sorry. I'm just always fascinated with culture. I always want to know what the past was like for certain places."
Lucy giggled, mention that." She smiled, "I personally loves books…. Especially novels. I used to read them all the time in my family's library."
"Really? I didn't know you are into books." He noted. "What about your family?"
She flinched as she looks away.
"Did I say something wrong?" He asked.
"It's alright…." she said softly then smiled, "Let's keep looking."
"Uh… okay?" He wondered if it was a touchy subject for Lucy. It makes him wonder what happened for her not to talk about it?
"Say, I was wondering what inspired you to the whole archaeologist and paleontologist stuff?" Lucy asked, curious.
"Ah, well it first started when I found this as a kid," He gestured to the necklace that held the ancient, sharp tooth. "I found this when I went with my parents to their travels of excavations. It belonged to an apex predator. Since then I always wanted to learn more of the ancient past, it brought so much knowledge… I wanted to travel around the world just to show people the findings of their cultures of the past."
"Sounds like it was your dream."
A small frown formed, "If you can call it that…"
"My parents... " He huffed, "They wanted me to take over the family business but personally, I didn't want to. I wanted to travel around the world and study more of the ancient past instead of being some stupid heir to the company."
"Wait… you are from a high-class family? You don't look like one."
"These clothes are my preferred style," He explained, "But I didn't want any of that 'treated like an heir' stuff. I wanted to be normal instead of an heir. It was my choice, my decision and I am sure they are still mad about it."
Lucy frowned softly before she soon brought him into a soft hug, 'Believe me… I can relate to how you feel Enrique….' She thought to herself softly.
"Uh… Lucy? Why are you hugging me?"
She smiled letting go of him, "No reason. Just felt like you needed one."
"Okay?" He blinked in confusion before Lucy noticed a building, allowing her to be able to change the subject.
"Hey how about that place!" she suggested. She then looked at the price and smiled, "This has two rooms and is very cheap! What do you think?"
"Hmm… it's better than nothing," He smiled. "At least it is 15 minutes from the Guild."
She smiled as she soon entered the apartment, as they find the owner and rent the rooms. Along the way, they had to set up rules knowing they will be sharing the apartment and they were both opposite genders so rules were needed in their new place. They soon walk up as they reach their room, "Woah! This looks amazing!" She said happily.
"Right about that," He chuckled as he removed his white jacket and bag before he fell onto the carpet. "It has been a long while since I ever last felt carpet…" He sighed with relief. "I had to deal with dirt, rocks, ice, even mud during the excavation travels… and this is just what I need."
"Heh, guess we both need time to clean up." Lucy chuckled, "Go ahead. I need to unpack anyways."
"Thanks," He nodded before he stands back up and walks into the bathroom. He sighs as he looks at the brace on his arm. Removing it from his wrist, he places the item by the sink before taking a much needed shower. As he showers, it allowed himself to have a clear mind. He opens his eyes a bit, 'Maybe ending up here was a way to get away from all that was happening at home…' He thought. 'Maybe… maybe it isn't so bad ending up here…'
While he does miss home, he was starting to like this place. He met two good friends but for Natsu… well that guy had a fire, no pun intended. Natsu was the type of guy he can't withstand the sight, thought, or riding in a vehicle. Even knowing a dragon in the past too! Especially that… fire magic he did. To the raven-haired teen, it was crazy to witness that guy eat fire, literally.
For Lucy… well, she was a very kind and caring girl. When he told her about his status and wanted to be treated normal, Lucy seemed to understand fully to his surprise. They became friends and helped each other out. And she made him feel at ease and just…. She just…..
He then flinched as the metal dinosaur soon flopped into the water, squawking happily as it bathed in the tub. Splashing around and swimming inside it as water splashed around, hitting his face.
"Hey, I thought I locked the bathroom?" He said before noticing the window by the upper wall. "Oh… smart dino."
It squawked at him as it continued to swim as if it was waiting for him to join in the water. He chuckled as he pets the metal reptile. "Maybe being here with Fairy Tail won't be so bad after all." He smiled.
A/N: Well! That is the first chapter and the start of the new Ranger's adventure folks! I hoped you all enjoy this chapter. What will happen next for our ranger and how will he be able to handle everything in the new world? We just have to find out soon. Don't forget to check out my other stories and I will see you all in the next time! See ya and stay in the shadows! And also look forward to the season finale of my story Remnants of Desires (Kamen Rider OOO x RWBY).