Jadej.j: Another fic done by Wingzero and I.

Wingzero: ^-^ Yup. We hope you enjoy this fic set in ancient Egypt.

DS: Why should they? You're writing it.

Wingzero: *thwacks DS with her frying pan of death* My yami doesn't know when to keep her big mouth shut.

DS: @_@ Medic.

Jadej.j: ...... We do not whatsoever own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Destinies Intertwined: When Light Meets Dark

Fate has a strange way of bringing the most unlikely people together, when they least expect it. A lonely pharaoh will meet an orphan. Together, they will balance each other's lives. A healer will befriend a notorious thief. Their relationship will blossom through trials. A high priest will finally find his match in a street kid. They will discover they have more in common than they know. An outsider will become friends with a strange group.

Yugi wandered around his grandfather's shop, fixing this or cleaning that. He wanted to help in any way that he can.

"Yugi, can you get some food for tonight dinner." The old man smiled at his grandson.

"Sure thing grandpa," Yugi said as he approached his elder. "What do you need?"

"Some fruit and vegetables." He gave Yugi some money.

"Okay," Yugi took the money and hurried out the store. He wanted to purchase the produce before it became dark. The little tri-color haired boy heard rumors of bandits and slavers roaming the streets at night. He absolutely didn't want to be caught by either of them.

Jou was walking down the street. He was nursing a black eye. Dame his father. Why did the old man drink too much?

Yugi practically ran all the way to the market place, where he hastily selected the vegetables and fruit, which his grandfather liked. Occasionally, he would glance over his shoulder to see if someone was watching him. 'I must be imagining things.' He went searching for the last item.

Jou picked up some cook food. He didn't like the feel he was getting tonight. His head hurt and he had double vision.

Yugi finally found what he was looking for. He passed a blonde who was picking up some ready made food. Suddenly, a hand grabbed him, causing him to drop his bags. He yelled at the top of his lungs for help, which he silently prayed for.

Jou dropped his meal and turn to see who shout out for help. He saw the small boy and a man who had that boy by the waist. "Hey let go of him." He jumped the pair.

The attacker had flung Yugi as he prepared to combat this blonde. He didn't know why this boy would be interfering. 'Maybe we can add him to our collection.' With a quick motion, the two started to fight.

Jou looked at the small boy. "RUN!!!" Jou then tried to slam his fist into the man's stomach.

Yugi unfortunately had the wind knocked out of him. He tried to regain his breath. While the younger boy was occupied, the attacker managed to block Jou's punch and tried to pin the blonde down.

Jou bit down on the man's arm. "RUN...By RA...RUN!!!" He shouted again at the small boy.

The attacker screamed and threw his weight against the blonde. Yugi glanced up and nodded his head before disappearing to get help.

Jou's head was spinning. 'Dame I'm going to get it now.' His lungs screamed for air.

Unfortunately, the attacker had an accomplice lurking somewhere. The accomplice had seen Yugi run away from his partner and instantly grabbed the boy. He then hauled Yugi, who was kicking and screaming, back to where the first attacker had been. The first attacker pinned Jou to a nearby wall.

Jou's honey eyes rolled back. "Anubis will have your souls..." He then blacked out.

"What should we do with them boss?" His accomplice asked.

"We'll head towards the capital and see if we can sell them there," the man said. "Surely, there might be an official who would want them or even royalty." With that the two left the small city and headed towards their camp. They had restrained both of their captives along with their other slaves.

Jou coughed and shook his blond hair head. "Ah..."

Yugi noticed his rescuer was awake or at least the blonde attempted to rescue him. "Are you okay?"

"My head hurts more?" Honey eyes blinked. "Did you run?" He coughed again.

Yugi glanced down. "I did run, but............. I got caught by someone else, but thank you for trying to rescue me. My name is Yugi by the way."

"Jonouchi..." He raised his hand and touched his face. "Well my old man will not care about me any ways..."

"I'm sorry," Yugi apologized. "My grandpa must be worried sick about me." He absent mindedly started to pick on his bindings.

"It must be nice to have some worry about you. By the way just call me Jou."

"Okay, I wonder what they're going to do with us," Yugi said thoughtfully.

Jou sighed and his head dropped. "Yugi...we are about to become slaves..."

Amethyst eyes started to become watery. "Slaves?" He didn't want to become someone's property after hearing several horror stories from his friends.

Jou slowly nodded. "Ya slaves...if we are lucky we stick together..." He rubbed Yugi's shoulder.

Yugi couldn't take it anymore. He started crying his heart out. "I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die." A friend of his told him that one time a slave of a very rich and powerful official had crossed the line. That slave was immediately executed but not before he was tortured.

"Do you think any one want to become a slave...." Jou pulled Yugi into his arms. "Don't worry Yugi I look after you." He rock the small boy.

Teary violet eyes looked up. "You will?" He leaned into Jou's caring embrace.

"I promise." He patted Yugi's head. "Don't worry you seem to young...to be..." Jou didn't want to say what was on his mind right at that moment. "Any ways when we are being sold we tell them we need to be together..."

"Thank you," Yugi said gratefully. "I guess it won't be that bad as long as we have each other." He sighed as he looked over at the other slaves, who were currently sleeping. Then he cutely yawned.

"Night Yugi." He patted Yugi's head again.

Yugi leaned closer towards Jou, because strange as he sounds he felt safe around this older boy. He closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

Jou let out another breath. 'Poor kid...he has no idea what these monsters want...' He yawned and fell a sleep.

The next morning Yugi was abruptly picked up and thrown into the back of the wagon, where he yelped very loudly as he hit the wood.

Jou was thrown in after Yugi. "Anubis will have your souls..." He cursed out.

Yugi squirmed his way to Jou as best as he could, considering the bonds. "Jou?"

"Still alive and kicking Yugi." Jou moved towards Yugi. "You okay?"

"A little banged up but I'm okay," Yugi said before being thrown backwards as the slavers had started their journey. "Ow!"

Jou quickly took hold of Yugi. He uses his body as a shield. "It's going to be a bumpy ride."

"Okay," Yugi said.

For the next few days, the slavers drove the wagons to the capital city. They gave the slaves barely enough food and water. Since they didn't want any of their merchandise to die, they were allowed to ride in the wagons, but if they caused any trouble, they were immediately punished.

Jou and Yugi talked about their lives and families. They soon became best of friends and leaned to trust each other. Jou protected Yugi from the larger slaves, who took an interest in him. To Yugi, the blonde was like an older brother, someone he can depend on.

Yugi glanced out of the wagon to find the pharaoh's palace. "Wow, Jou look at this."

"Well it seems we going to be sold the best around. That the pharaoh's home." Jou had been to the capital once in his life.

Yugi was busy taking in the sight. "The pharaoh. I wonder what he's like, though I heard he was a cold man."

"Don't know Yugi. I was just a little guy when I was here last." Jou stood up as the wagon stopped.

"Oh okay," Yugi's eyes scanned the area, when suddenly he was yanked by rough hands. He yelped very loudly.

"Stop that we come along quietly..." Jou glared at the man.

The man ignored the blonde as he roughly yanked the whimpering boy towards the slave auction area. Yugi pleaded for the man to let go of his death grip, but he could care less.

Jou quickly followed. He then kicked the man in the leg. "Come on Yugi let's go. We stick together. Let's hope we get bought by the same master." Jou pull Yugi into the auction area.

Yugi looked at Jou thankfully. He rubbed his arm gingerly as they walked towards the area. The man growled at them and unleashed some colorful words, before heading after them to make sure they don't escape.

In the meantime, Seto was having a hard time with the stubborn pharaoh. "Pharaoh, I know how you don't like this, but tradition dictates that you have a slave."

Yami crossed his arms. "Why? Slaves are just trouble." He turned his head just to see Yugi and Jou come into the slave area. He looked at Yugi, who was so much like him. "Then on the other hand...." Yami walked towards Jou and Yugi.

Jou looked around and gripped Yugi's shoulder. "Yugi? Do you have an older brother?" He saw Yami coming towards them. The similarly was uncanny.

"I'm an only child," Yugi said as he glanced over at an older version of him. He suddenly became nervous and moved closer to Jou.

Seto placed a hand on Yami's shoulder and whispered, "Your highness, you shouldn't run off without your guards. There are people after your blood. Besides, you're scaring the little guy." 'Though I don't mind taking a slave for myself especially that blonde one.'

Jou growled at the pair. He didn't like the way Yugi's look alike was looking at Yugi. His honey eyes look over at the other that was beside him. Blue eyes seemed to burn into his soul. "Can I help you?"

Yami blinked at the blonde; then looked at the small boy. "Hello. What's your name?"

Yugi hid behind Jou. "Can we please go?" He whispered to the blonde. His hands clutched onto Jou's hands as if he was a life line.

Seto couldn't keep his eyes off of the blonde.

Jou looked at Yugi then back at the pair. He shook his blond hair. "We got to go...bye." Jou slowly inched away from the strangers.

"Don't go...please little one what's your name?" Yami bent down to look into those soft violet eyes.

Scared out of his mind, Yugi ran all the way to where the other slaves were. He didn't even bother looking back, though in his frightened state he completely forgot about Jou.

Jou's eye twitched. "If you..." He huffed and went after his friend.

Yami sighed. "I want that slave Seto...do you want the other?" His crimson eyes looked up at his high priest.

A faint blush crept over Seto's cheeks, but he forced it away. "You know me all too well, your highness." The rest of Yami's guards gathered around him as they temporarily lost track of him. "It seems the rest of your guards have finally found you for once."

Yami sighed once again. "Seto, I leave it up to you to buy those two. I don't want to scare the small one more that he is." The pharaoh glared at his guards. "And this will not help either."

"Yugi? Yugi? It's alright he gone." Jou looked around for his friend.

"As you wish, your highness," Seto bowed and walked over to where the rest of the bidders were standing.

Yugi waved his small hand to the blonde. He was standing with the other slaves.

Jou came over to Yugi. "You okay? That was strange that person look a lot like you." He rubbed Yugi's head.

"I know," Yugi said shaking. "Who was that guy? He gives me the creeps."

"No idea Yugi. That other one was looking at me strangely too." Jou took Yugi's hand. "You are okay?"

"I'm okay for now," Yugi sighed as he glanced up at the auction stage. A female slave was being sold to some rich merchant. "I wonder who's going to buy us."

"I don't know but we both go up on stage okay. That way we should stay together." Jou smiled at Yugi.

As soon as Yugi opened his mouth, that same man who had earlier handled Yugi and received a kick from Jou roughly seized Yugi from behind before dragging the poor kid off to the auction stage. Yugi whimpered in pain as he was being forcefully led. His violet eyes looked at Jou pleadingly.

"Anubis will take ya soul..." Jou kicked the man again and picked up Yugi. They walked up on stage. Jou stuck out his tongue at the man.

That same man muttered a mouthful of colorful words, but at least he was going to get paid.

Yami cursed as he waited for Seto to buy the slaves. He didn't want to scare the small boy, but he did want him to be his slave.

The auctioneer started the bidding at a high price, considering there were two of them. Several merchants, captains, and foreigners all made bids, causing the price to go higher until Seto made a very high bid, in which he won, because no one dared to outbid the high priest.

Yugi poked Jou and whispered, "It's that guy from earlier."

"Nuts...I think we just got bought by him." Jou glare at dark hair teen. "That means...the other one can't be far away...oh Yugi I don't know what to do..." Jou grip Yugi's small hand. "Just stick close to me." He and Yugi walk over to the High Priest, who was giving the money to the seller. "I take it your proud of your self now..." He glared into those blue eyes.

Seto gave a sharp cuff to Jou. "You will learn your place, slave." He emphasized his last word. The high priest wanted the blonde, but he dared not show it in public. Besides, he would have to get rid of that blonde's attitude first.

Jou growled at man. "May I know my Master's name?" The word master was spoken with venom. Jou gripped Yugi's hand tightly.

Yugi hid behind Jou as Seto's ice cold eyes looked at both of them.

"You will address me as Master," Seto informed the blonde. "But if you must know, I'm Seto."

Jou patted Yugi's head. "Yes Master, Seto...I'm Jounouchi...but people just call me Jou." He looked down at Yugi.

Seeing as Yugi didn't look like he was going to talk soon and that Yami was probably growing more impatient by the second, Seto decided that they should head over. "Let's go." He motioned for the two to follow him.

"No turning back now." Jou patted Yugi's head again. "Better go with him." He followed Seto.

Yugi held onto Jou tightly. He didn't trust his look alike or Seto. They both had fine clothing, indicating they were from rich families or they were royalty.

Jou squeezed Yugi's hand. "So Master where are we going?" Honey eyes glared at Seto.

"We're going to see his highness," Seto said a little on the cold side as they approached Yami's guards.

Yugi began to tremble nervously as they walked closer and he could see his look alike.

Jou stopped. "Highness???" The color from his face dropped.

Seto turned around. "Yes, his highness. Now hurry up. He doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Jou growled. "Why you..." The blond slowly followed Seto.

Seto motioned for the guards to move, which they did immediately not wanting to face the high priest's wrath. He walked up to the pharaoh with the two slaves in tow and bowed before taking his place next to Yami. Yugi instantly hid behind Jou.

Jou growled again. "So what's going to happen to us?" He kept Yugi behind him.

The high priest narrowed his eyes before whispering into Yami's ear. "The blonde one seems to be protecting your look alike. He doesn't respect authority. What would you like to do?"

Yami look at Seto. "Well first let's get them back to the palace. Once we have then there we can tell them the rules." Crimson eyes looked into blue.

"Of course," Seto acknowledged. "Would you like to make a few more purchases or shall we take our leave?"

"I have all I want." Yami smiled at Yugi. "And I know you got what you wanted...." He smirked at Seto. "Let's take our leave." Yami turn to head home.

Seto motioned for the guards and their two new slaves to follow. A couple of the guards watched over the new slaves as they headed towards the palace.

"Jou?" Yugi whispered very frightened.

"I know Yugi...I'm scare too." The blonde shivered.

Yami wasn't sure what to do about the strange bond between the blond and his look alike.

"Something seems to be troubling you?" Seto whispered in Yami's ear. He glanced over at the two slaves and could only guess.

"I don't want the little one to be afraid of me." Yami sighed. "Seto I don't know what to do?"

"I'm not sure, but I think you have to gain his trust," Seto shrugged. "As to doing it, I don't know."

"Well why not let them stay together tonight. I know you want the blonde badly but don't you want his trust as well?" Yami asked Seto.

"Yes, they seem rather close and they do trust each other deeply," Seto said. "Where do you propose we should keep them?"

"The room between ours, of course." The palace gate came into view.

Jou squeezed Yugi's hand. "Come on Yugi. Ya don't want your master mad at you." He smiled at Yugi.

"No I don't," Yugi moved a bit faster as the pharaoh and high priest reached the gate.

The guards at the gates allowed the group into the court yards. They gave the pharaoh and the high priest a bow, in respect to royalty. The group walked into the palace where the others greeted them.

Jou looked around. "At least it's a nice home." He looked at Seto. "So what now...Master." Honey eyes glare into blue eyes.

Seto motioned for his little brother to come forward. "Mokuba will show you where you can get cleaned and where you are going to stay."

Yugi looked over to the black haired kid. 'He seems friendly enough.'

"Hello there." The small black hair boy came over to the group.

"Hi," Yugi greeted shyly as he came out from behind Jou. Seto had gone to his duties as they were behind, as they had to get Yami a slave.

"Mokuba I want you to put these two in the room between mine and your brother's." Yami looked at the small look alike one more time.

"Sure thing, Yami." Mokuba smiled. "Please come this way." Jou looked at Yugi's look alike.

"Okay Mokuba lead the way." The small boy walked down a hallway. Jou pulled Yugi gently to follow the boy.

"Who's your brother?" Yugi asked the black haired boy as they walked down the hallway.

"Seto? He's the High Priest." Soon they came to three door ways. "The middle one is where both you will be staying." Mokuba opened the door. "Here you go."

Yugi took a peek inside the room. The room had two beds with two small dressers and one large closet. Off to the side, there was one small bathroom. Basically, this room had a simple design. "Wow, this room is much larger than mine." He then sighed remembering his grandfather that he left back at home.

"Both you should clean up. I'll make sure you both get new clothes and I'll see if I can find the healer." He looked at Jou's black eye.

"Oh." Jou touched his face. "Okay Mokuba."

"Sure thing," Yugi wandered into the room. He walked into the bathroom where he looked around. "Jou, do you want to go first?" He called from the bathroom.

"No go ahead Yugi. If I get in the tub I'll be there for hours." Jou sat down on the bed. There was a knock on the door. "Come."

A white hair teen came into the room. "I'm Ryou. Mokuba told me there was someone that needed my help."

Jou blushed. "Ya. I'm the one."

"Okay," Yugi said as he closed the door to the bathroom and peeled off his dirt covered clothes. He then climbed into the bath tub, which had already been filled with warm water. 'I wonder what the pharaoh wants. Is he even nice?' His thoughts floated towards his look alike. 'I don't even know his name.'

"My what happen to you?" Ryou came over to Jou.

"What happen to me is in the past. So you are the healer?"

Ryou nodded. "Yes." He placed his hand on Jou's face. Jou felt warm when Ryou touch him. When Ryou's hand left Jou's face the bruise was gone. "Any thing else." Jou flush.

"Ya but don't tell any one..." Ryou nodded his head again. "Don't worry I will say nothing."

Jou turned and dropped his skirt. "He hit me all over..." He then healed Jou's body. "There you go." Jou put his skirt back on. "Thanks."

Once Yugi had finished taking a bath, he stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. "Your turn."

"Yugi this is Ryou. He's the healer around here." Jou walked past Yugi. "Thanks again Ryou."

The white hair teen smiled. "Your welcome. Hello there." Soft brown eyes looked at Yugi.

"Hi," Yugi greeted the healer shyly.

"Hello. Jou need my help. Do you need any thing?"

Yugi was wearing only a towel. He pointed to the red marks on his arms and the bruise on his back. "Please?" He asked politely

Jou let out a breath. It felt great that his body didn't hurt any more. Still a nice warm bath was great. The blond sank into the warm water. He look over at the pouch he had. He wonder what would happen if any one found out he had a deck.

Ryou smiled. "Of course, little one." He touched Yugi's arm and then his back. His hand glowed. "Is that better?"

"Thank you," Yugi offered a small smile. Moving his arm around, he didn't feel any pain like before. He thought for a second. "How's life here?"

"It's good. Any other questions?" A knock on the door sounded. Ryou turned to the door.

Yugi looked at the door nervously. "Who is it?" He managed to squeak.

"It's Mokuba. I have some new clothes for you and Jou."

The small tri-color haired boy sighed with relief. He had thought it was his look alike. He padded over towards the door and opened it.

Jou sighed and sat back in the tub. A flash came from his pouch and a small black dragon flew over to its master.