Hey guys. I'm finally back from my extended absence from this story. Scroll down if you don't want to read why I haven't kept to my upload schedule. If you do, keep reading.

I last updated the story on May 13, 2017. As of writing this author's note, it is now July 25, 2017, over TWO MONTHS later, and I still haven't published another word of this story. I assure you, there are reasons for the delay, all of them valid.

First of all, when I began this story in March of 2017, I was in the third quarter of my junior year of high school, and in my state, that means they slap you in the face with a massive test at the end of the year that's 20% of your final grade. Studying for the test is a major pain in the ass, not to mention the various end-of-the-year projects and exams to study for. I was also failing two classes, one of which was an easy A and the other an Honors Chemistry class, so my mom was on my ass to bring my grades up. I passed them both, though, so don't worry!

Second of all, I am now going to be a senior in high school taking college courses. That means I have to prep for those courses, as well as practicing driving from my high school to the college twenty minutes away.

Third of all, this summer has shockingly been a massive ball of stress and writer's block. I've barely written anything since school got out because my mother decided this summer was the summer she'd clean out her craft closet. What that basically means is that she had me, and mostly me, helping her sort through almost TWELVE YEARS WORTH OF CRAFT SUPPLIES! That's not exaggeration, either, as I don't think she's gone through it since I was in kindergarten.

So, yeah, the story will no longer be on a weekly update schedule, which makes sense since this is the final chapter in the Kid-Kristen-breakup arc and most chapters after this will be short standalone chapters. I will try my best to update once a month, so just be patient, okay?

Onto the story!

Kristen glanced around the corner to see the Kishin army still battling the DWMA students. She gripped Kid's arm to keep him from running out there.

"We need a plan," she whispered, pulling him down so they were at eye level.

"There's no way we'll get them away!" Kid hissed.

"No, I have an idea. You see, the more a spell is cast on a person who can't use magic, the more of the spell they absorb. As a result, they're able to eventually perform the spell on their own."

"What does that have to do with us?!"

"The Kishin won't trust me if I look like this. So…" She concentrated and transformed back into her purple-and-black-streaked hair version. "Now they'll think I'm leading them. You'll have to play along, okay?"


Kristen tore a piece of cloth from her shirt, exposing her midriff and making Kid blush. She rolled her eyes as she tied his hands behind his back and forced him to his feet.

"Listen. The story is that I captured you and I'm going to use you to get the baby, okay?"

"Got it."

They walked out onto the battlefield and Kristen forced Kid to the ground. He let out a grunt of pain and those fighting gasped. She smirked in her 'mad' way and gazed at the Kishin.

"The son of Death has fallen," she declared. "Now all that remains is to take the child."

Soul stared at his sister in shock, shaking with rage at Medusa for twisting and warping his innocent little sister into this… this… monster.

"I will take her myself. The rest of you wait for the signal to destroy everything." She flicked her hair and the Kishin retreated. Once they were far enough away, Soul ran towards his sister, but Kid stood between them.

"Kid, she's not—" Soul began, but Kristen loosened the bonds on Kid's wrists and transformed back.

"Told you it would work," she giggled. "Kishin are dumb."

"What?" Soul said in confusion.

"I'm fine, Soul," she told him, hugging her big brother. "Kid snapped me out of it, but I can still look like a badass!"

"O…kay, then…"

"CRONA!" she called, and the tall, thin girl came out of hiding.

"A-are you okay?" Crona asked timidly.

"I'm back to normal, Crona. Now all that's left to do is destroy the witch bitch."

They headed into the school, heading along the route Kristen knew Medusa would take to get to Melody and arriving in the Death Room, just in time to see the Snake Witch herself knock everyone but Maka to the side. Holly's eyes landed on her precious baby girl.

"KRISMAS!" she shrieked. Medusa whirled around and aimed her attack at the young teen, who dodged it.

"Nice try, Mother," she oozed. "I know your attacks. You can't surprise me."

"Oh, is that so?"

Everyone began fighting her at once. Soon, however, it became apparent that Medusa would not go down easily. Kid was fighting without the Thompsons, since they were right by Melody and Maka. Kristen was right by his side.

"Kristen," he hissed.


"Let's resonate."

"We just got back together, dumbass! I don't think we can!"

"Just trust me!"

Kristen grabbed his hand and transformed into her scythe form. Their souls began resonating as Kid prepared Witch Hunter. Medusa turned—only to be sliced by the blade of Kristen's scythe. Her body was rent asunder, her screams fading as her soul was left in the air.

Everyone was openmouthed that one of the biggest threats to the DWMA was finally gone, her soul devoured by the very girl she'd brainwashed for so many months.

"So, how'd he do it?"

Kristen looked up at Liz.

"How'd who do what?" she asked, confused.

"How did Kid break the spell on you?"

"Oh! Um… heh, heh!" She blushed. "He kissed me… for real."

"Oh, I get it. Real smooth."

"I still haven't totally forgiven him for, you know, smashing my fragile little heart into a trillion tiny pieces, but it's a start."

"Kristen!" called Holly.

"Mom calls!" Kristen hopped off her chair and ran to her mother, who wrapped her in an enormous bear hug.

"Oh, my baby girl. I missed you so much!"

"Kid told me you were in the hospital."

"Yes. I'm afraid you disappearing was a bit… much… for me. Wes even cancelled his tour over it."

"And Hayden?"

"I haven't heard a word from him."

"Well, then… I have a letter to write, anyway."

Heather picked up the mail, her daughter, Sarah, on her hip. There were mostly bills or letters from the usual people, but one caught her attention. The writing on the envelope was a neat cursive, addressed to Hayden from his other daughter, Kristen. Heather brought it to her husband.

"Leave it over there," he sighed.

"It's from your other daughter."

Hayden glanced up at her in surprise and took the letter. Slitting it open, he pulled out a letter from his second-youngest.

Dear Hayden,

How are you? I hope you're well.

Well, now that that's out of the way…

So, it's been almost a year since you married Heather. That means it's been almost a year since you acknowledged the existence of me, Wes, and Soul. In that year, so much has happened, and I wanted to tell you myself.

First of all, Soul and Maka had their baby—your granddaughter, Melody. You'll probably never meet her in person, so I included some pictures. She's adorable, and, according to Maka and Professor Stein, she'll be a powerful Meister someday, too.

Something else that happened was me breaking up with my boyfriend—you know, the son of Death himself? He broke it off to avoid heartbreak down the road, but we're back together now. I know you don't approve and I honestly couldn't care less.

By the way, you know what made us get back together? I got kidnapped. By a witch. She brainwashed me into hating everyone and I couldn't break through until he helped me. Wes tried to call you, but we weren't able to reach you. Your daughter gets kidnapped and you don't even know about it until after she's been rescued. Yay for Team Hayden.

Oh, yeah. You may have noticed, Hayden, that I didn't call you 'Dad' or 'Daddy', like I used to. You're not my dad. Not anymore. You haven't been my dad in a really long time. Mom at least made effort to spend time with me. You didn't seem to care. So, yeah, you're not my dad. You're Hayden Evans, the man who just helped create me and my brothers. I really don't want anything to do with you anymore. I'm sorry, but I can't be a daughter to a man who doesn't treat me like his daughter or treat his sons equally. I can't be the daughter of a man who divorces his wife only to marry someone else less than a year later.

I hope you and Heather and the baby are happy.


Kristen Annabelle Evans.

Hayden covered his mouth and stared at the letter in shock. He ripped open the rest of the envelope and found pictures of his granddaughter. She looked like a mixture of his son's girlfriend and his son, a perfect combination of features.

It was then he realized that he'd lost most of his children. And their children, too.

Yeah… short chapter… sorry about that.

There wasn't much I could think of doing, and I'm sorry.

So long and thanks for all the fish!