A/N: Another request from Shiranai! I enjoyed writing this and I hope you guys enjoy :)

It was a cold winter's morning in St Petersburg and the sun had risen to a beautiful point where they felt like soft glows in a cold and dark winter. Rolling in bed, Viktor turned to see his sleeping wife beside him, strands of her black hair covering her face. Chuckling, the Russian brushed away the strands of hair to reveal the soft face he fell in love with. The warm glows of the morning made it seem like this Japanese girl came directly from heaven as an angel looking after loved ones and he had managed to fall in love with her. Moving closer, he kissed her forehead and snuggled close to her, causing Yuri to stir and open her eyes to reveal beautiful deep brown eyes.

"Did I wake you krasivaya?"
"A little bit. What time is it?"
"Hm...it's around 7:30."
"7:30? Don't you have to get to Yakov before he gets mad at you again?"
"Oh don't worry about him Yuri, he's mad practically all the time like an angry snowman~
Besides, I want to spend some time with you and you are pretty warm and it is pretty cold right now."

Yuri sighed and sat up in bed, propping up the pillows (making Viktor's head fall off the cushion and onto the bed) to indicate that it may be more comfortable to sit up that to lie down for too long. Once both were leaning against the pillows, Viktor instantly snuggled his wife, keeping her close, Yuri leaning against his shoulder in a comfortable manner. They stayed like this until the door opened up to reveal a slightly-pissed now heavily disgusted Yuri Plisetski had tried to drag the 27 year old Russian out of bed but had instead saw the couple.

"Oh gosh! Sometimes you should really get your own house."
"oh good morning Yurio!~"
"Why are you calling me that this early in the morning?! Besides, Yakov called me to try and get you to the ice rink today since you're late again. Now I wish I hadn't walked in so easily..."

Barking interrupted Yuri's sentence as Makkachin ran into the room and jumped onto the bed to say good morning to the couple, the angry Russian small-bean snickering a little bit at the sight. He rolled his eyes and decided to call in sick for today to hang out with Otabek who was visiting for a little bit, considering that he saw a mushy romantic scenario that made him want to gag.

The day went on and it was now a cold winter's night, the soft lights from outside the window glowing a soft colour that matched the lights in the room that were still on. It had been a rough day for Viktor and all he wanted to do was go to bed, but the concern of his wife's safety kept him up, considering she should have been home 5 minutes ago. He was about to go look for her when he bumped his head on a swinging door, the familiar gasp of a female emitting through the hall.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Viktor! Are you ok?"
"I'm more concerned about if you're ok."
"Sorry I'm late, I was taking a bus home but it got stuck in a bit of traffic. Again, I'm so sorry!"
"It's alright dorogaya. I'll be fine."

Both went up to their room and got dressed in warm clothes before hopping into bed, Yuri still a bit panicked about hitting her husband with the door. He could see the worry in her eyes so he dragged her closer to give her a comfort snuggle. Makkachin crept into the room and hopped onto the bed to sleep with his beloved owners and rested at the foot of the bed. With the light off, the trio drifted off into a deep sleep, but Viktor patted Makka and kissed Yuri on the lips before closing his eyes to go to sleep with the warmth of an angel close to his heart.

A/N: Aw~

I don't own Yuri On Ice