It was the second time today that Laxus was hearing this and he was just about getting sick of it. He had left them alone for two minutes in his office, how was he supposed to know that they would do this.
Two Hours Earlier
"Are you absolutely sure that you can watch them, I mean I can call Freed if you want me to, he's just training," Mira says apprehensively as she rocks her two children slowly.
It was news to the guild to find out that Mira was pregnant with her second child soon after the birth of Yuri, the only ones knowing being Haven and Freed. She had been using illusion spells on herself so that she could be able to continue modeling for Sorcerers Weekly so they could have another source of income for the new baby. It came as a shock to them all though to find out that Mira was having twins, suddenly making her glad that she was getting the extra income.
The girls were planning to have a girls night out and couldn't bring the kids with them, leaving him to take care of Yuri, Haven, Bella, and Blair, much to both Lucy and Mira's reluctance.
"Mira..go, I know how to watch a child, Lucy's made sure of that," he says with a shake of his head as he holds his arms out, letting Mira reluctantly place the children in her arm.
Mira bites her lip in slight nervousness. "Well, they all already ate, Haven, is up in your office. If the twins get too far away from each other they'll get fussy so just keep them near and..hmm..there's gotta be something else.."
Laxus sighs in annoyance. He wasn't exactly looking forward to watching all of them all night, let alone dealing with all of Mira's orders. Luckily Lucy came just in time, placing a comforting hand on Mira's shoulder and escorting the worried woman away slowly.
"Laxus will take care of the kids just fine Mira, trust me. He's been with Yuri plenty of times and has proved himself to be completely capable.
Mira nods in reluctance, kissing each of her children of their foreheads before walking towards the door, shooting him a reluctant glance before Lucy drags her away.
Laxus shakes his head as he heads up the stairs to his office, ignoring the snickers he got from the other men about being on babysitting duty.
He kicks the door open with his foot moving to walk in and place the kids down before his legs are met with a set of grabby hands.
Yuri looks up at his father expectantly, eyes shining with curiosity as he takes a few more tentative steps, only to trip slightly over his own tiny feet.
Yuri had been an early walker, his curious nature leading him to take his steps fairly quickly, the only problem now was his balance. He would try to walk around on his own as long as he could occasionally grab something but since that wasn't always available he tended to like to be carried.
"Can't right now kid, no free hands," Laxus says as he looks down at his babbling son who quickly got over the loss and waddled over to Haven who was working her Dark Écriture: Wings which she was currently using to entertain the small boy.
"Haven, think you can do me a favor?" Laxus asks hopefully.
"Depends on what it is and what I get for it," she says with a smirk that definitely resembled Cana when she was making a bet. Laxus would have to talk to the drunkard about corrupting children.
"You'll get me telling your mother that you were an angel and not the spawn of satan towards me," he says with a raised eyebrows as he sits down carefully, Bella and Blaire now asleep in his arms.
A chill runs down Haven's spine. No one was immune to her mother's anger, not even her.
"What do you need?" she asks quickly, now wanting to think what her mom would do if she thought she was misbehaving. 9 years old was just a bit too soon to die.
Laxus stifles back a chuckle before looking at the stack of paperwork.
"Well after everything that happened I never got the chance to do all of this. I need to know if you can watch them while I get this done."
Haven's jaw drops at the request. "You expect me to be able to watch all of them, you're crazy!"
"And so is your mom when she's mad at you. Come on, all you have to do is make sure Yuri doesn't run off and keep Bella and Blaire asleep, it won't be that hard," he says with a shrug as he pulls out a pen from one of the drawers of his desk and begins to work, obviously not leaving any room for debate on the situation.
Haven sighed, picking up Blaire and Bella and sitting them on the couch next to her, watching Yuri careful.
An hour had passed and the paperwork was slowly dwindling down, though so was his tolerance with it all.
"Hey Laxus, can I go get some lunch, Bella and Blaire are asleep and Yuri should be fine with just you here," she says as she stands up carefully as not to disturb her sisters.
Laxus grunts sleepily in agreement, the hour he spent staring at boring words finally taking its toll on him.
With that Haven left, leaving Laxus to the silence of the room. He crosses his arms over the stacks of paper on his desk, placing his head on them carefully as to not disturb the papers before closing his eyes. 'I'll be fine if I close my eyes from a minute, it won't be long till Haven comes back, she's just getting some food from the kitchen.' And with that thought, he fell asleep.
Laxus woke up to a loud scream followed by a rough slap to the head. Laxus jumped up quickly, scanning the room for danger before remembering what he was supposed to be doing. His eyes quickly locking onto Lucy who was seemingly irate.
"W..Lucy? Why are you here?" he asks groggily as he rubs the sleep from his eyes.
"WHY AM I HERE?! MIRA REALIZED SHE FORGOT TO LEAVE DIAPERS SO I WENT TO DROP THEM OFF BUT I COME BACK TO FIND THIS!" she screams at the top of her lungs before returning to the scene behind him.
Laxus blood runs cold at the sight of his son. Yuri was sitting in the corner with Blaire. His small hands wrapped around the guild mark stamp as he pressed it to the back of Blaire's neck, pulling it away and leaving a bright purple mark at the bottom of her hairline. Yuri looks up to his parents for approval, his gummy grin shining for all the world to see as he drops the stamp and claps his hands excitedly.
As Yuri sits up the black guild mark on his chest stands out like an unwanted bruise.
"Holy shit..." Laxus mumbles before lunging towards the floor and grabbing the stamp, keeping it out of their grabby reach before they could continue marking themselves for life.
"HOLY SHIT?! ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY IS HOLY SHIT?!" Lucy screeches as she moves to pick up Yuri and Blaire, checking the marks and rubbing them slightly, seeing if they would come off.
"Laxus take them off...right now.." Lucy growls lowly.
"I can't! They've got to announce that they're leaving the guild and then I'd have to do the ceremony!" he says as he looks around quickly before freezing.
"Wheres the other one.." he asks quietly, scanning the room once more.
"What do you mean the other o...oh no...Laxus where's Bella, please tell me you know where she is..."
Laxus freezes before running to the door and slamming it open.
"HAVEN! GET UP HERE!" He screams, waiting impatiently for a few seconds before Haven comes bounding up the stairs with Bella in her arms.
"Thank god you have her.." he mumbles.
"Uh...why does Yuri have a guild mark?" Haven asks curiously as she peers into the room.
"Becuase my husband's an idiot that's why!" Lucy growls.
"Don't tell me...oh no way..my mom's gonna kill you.." Haven says with a laugh.
Laxus's sweat drops at this before he glares daggers at Haven.
"You cannot tell her!" he growls out.
"Too late," she says in a singsong tone as her body slowly turns into runes and she teleports away.
Damn that Freed should have never taught that kid magic.
Not more than 30 seconds later Mira was in the room, holding her daughter's hand as she quickly walks to Lucy who quickly passed off Blaire to Laxus who was cowering behind her.
"Lucy..why did Haven drag me here?" she asks nervously, an uneasy feeling settling in her stomach.
"Oh, Mira! I'm so sorry, Laxus is such an idiot and left the kids alone for a minute and his drawers were unlocked and..oh I'm so sorry!"
"Lucy what happened?!.." she asks nervously, squeezing Haven's hand in nervousness, unable to understand what could have happened to her children.
Lucy hung her head before moving to the side, exposing Laxus who now had a guild marked Blaire in his arms.
And that is the end of that. This epilogue will also be the beginning of the new story I will be starting based on the guild members children and the trouble they get into along the way. I'm thinking about starting with Yuri at about 12 so that all the characters I have planned will already be born but if you think I should start with him younger please leave your own thoughts.
See ya next time guys