Always and forever

Beckett could feel pain blossoming in her abdomen. She reached for her gun, trying to focus on her target. Caleb Brown. Her vision was going blurry, and she was losing feeling in her legs. She tried desperately to cling on. But she was fighting a hopeless battle. She fell, landing in a pool of blood on the floor. Castle was a few feet away, blood seeping from his shirt. Caleb walked towards the 2 of them, smiling in triumph.

"Did you really think you could defeat LokSat?" Beckett was now barely hearing him, her entire world going black. The last thing she knew was Caleb's laugh.

Castle could feel a burning pain in his torso. For a moment, he didn't remember what happened. Then everything hit him like a punch in the gut. He and Beckett had defeated LokSat, and he thought everything had ended. He was ready to leave that not entirely pleasant chapter of his life behind. Then, he'd realized Caleb shouldn't have been found, and had promptly been shot down by LokSat's right hand man. Then… he remembered another round of shots and… Beckett!

"Beckett!" he called out, instinctively.

"I'm sorry, but she can't hear you. In fact, you won't see her for a long time." Castle tried to move, but realized he was tied down. He blinked, trying to focus on his surroundings. He was in what looked like a hospital room. White was the only color he could see. He was lying in a bed, handcuffed to the steel railings.

"What's going on?" he asked. "Where's Beckett?" He yanked at the steel cuffs, knowing it was no use. The steel reinforced door opened, revealing a silhouette. Castle's room was mostly dark, and the hallway outside was light so he couldn't see the person entering. However, he instantly recognized the voice.

"You've been quite the pest . You and your cop wife." Castle kept his eyes fixed on Caleb, even when light flooded his room. He screwed up his eyes, but still kept them fixed on Caleb. Hate filled his thoughts.

"I swear, if you hurt Beckett," Castle warned.

"You'll what? Kill me? I don't think so." Caleb smiled again, although it never reached his eyes.

"What do you want from us?" Castle demanded. Caleb laughed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"You've put me in quite a pinch . If you and your wife go missing, guess who your partners will accuse? Eventually, they'll find out that LokSat is still alive and well." Castle glared at him, breathing heavily.

"So you won't kill us." Castle felt a small pang of relief, now that he knew Beckett was okay.

"No I won't kill you. But I need to dispose of you. So I will keep you here. And to make sure you don't escape, I have a deal. It's really quite simple Rick. You behave and be a good boy, and your wife doesn't get hurt."

"You have no idea what Beckett's capable of," Castle spat back. "You can't hurt her." Caleb smiled, which made goose bumps appear on Castle's arms.

"You'd be surprised at what I can accomplish. Sometimes, emotional trauma is worse than physical abuse. I know how to use that for my advantage." Castle felt chills go up his body. Caleb wouldn't hurt Beckett. He would destroy her.

"Okay. Fine, I won't try to escape. But that doesn't change the fact that we'll be noticed if we go missing. Ryan and Esposito will still suspect you."

"Oh I know," Caleb said. "I'm going to stage a little accident for you two. I'm going to let you go . But I'm keeping Captain Beckett here with me. If you sound an alarm, I will torture her. You will cover for me."

"So what are you planning on doing? Keeping Beckett for long enough to stage an accident for the two of us?"

"Something like that," Caleb responded. He smiled at Castle, casually fingering the gun on his waist.

"Take some time to think about it Castle. I'll come back for an answer in the morning."

Beckett opened her eyes slowly. Her entire body was pounding in pain, in particular her middle. There was an agonizing ache there, that practically disabled her. She slowly moved her head, even this simple action causing her much pain. After a few moments, she began to become aware of her surroundings. She was in a small, dimly lit room. From her limited vision, she saw what looked like a hospital room.

"Castle?" she called out.

"I'm sorry Kate. But he can't hear you. In fact, he's just a couple rooms down. But unfortunately for you, he might as well be on the moon." Beckett squinted to see a figure standing in the doorway.

"What do you want Caleb?" she demanded.

"It took Castle quite a bit longer to ask me that. Are you sure he deserves you?" Beckett tried to move her arms, but found them handcuffed to her bed.

"What did you do to him?" Beckett asked, already feeling grief consume her. If anything happened to him…

"Don't worry. Castle is fine. And he's struck a deal with me."

"Castle would never make a deal with you," Beckett spat. "He knows he can't trust you." Caleb tutted sadly.

"I'm afraid he didn't have any other choice. He just had to trust that I would keep my word." Beckett knew that Castle would sacrifice anything to keep his family safe. She was beginning to believe that he would do something like this.

"What did you make him do?" she ground out.

"All in due time Kate. For now, I want to talk to you." Beckett turned away, hating the sound of his voice.

"If you don't behave I'll kill Castle." That got Beckett's attention.

"If you hurt him, I swear I will find a way to put a bullet through your skull," Beckett hissed.

"I don't want to kill him. He could be very useful to me. The plan is simple. He's going to skew the investigation into LokSat while I keep you here with me."

"There is no LokSat," Beckett said. "We captured him. It's over Caleb." Caleb cokced his head to the side.

"If the leader of a wolf pack dies, does the pack scatter?"

"It does if the pack is filled with cowards," Beckett said, glaring at him.

"NO. It gets a new leader. LokSat is not a person. It's a job. And it's been filled once again. In fact, you know the new LokSat. Beckett, you can either call me Caleb, or LokSat."

This is my first Castle fanfic. Please tell me what you think in the comments. But please don't be insulting. Those will not be tolerated.