Chapter 7
Land of Waves Arc – Part 3
Kakashi sighed heavily looking at Tazuna, said person gave the reasons he did for lying about the rank of the mission. "You should have discussed this in detail with the Hokage he would have allowed your town to pay off the debt of an A-ranked mission through installments."
"I-I didn't know this was my first time dealing with any shinobi village," Tazuna stated honestly.
The silvered haired sighed again raking his fingers through his hair mentally thanking Rin and his sensei for teaching him a lot of patience after Obito was killed, he winced slightly thinking about his other two departed precious people the few he could count on one hand easily. All I have left is Naruto and Sasuke, one born from Kushina and the other born of the Uchiha clan. I cannot fail them as I did my sensei and teammates. He glanced over at Naruto who still trying to calm down from the recent battle with the Demon Brothers his only source of comfort was the rosette haired girl sitting across from the blonde. For whatever reason that girl managed to overcome whatever fantasy she had for Sasuke dropping that annoying fangirlism, became a very capable kunoichi and now is practically throwing herself at Naruto, if her body language is any indication.
"Naruto you need to control your breathing," Sakura stated gently.
"Man that was so intense Sakura-chan, I never thought things would get that way, believe it!" Naruto muttered breathlessly gasping for air.
"I know am I'm glad you didn't freeze up," like last time anyway, Sakura stated the last mentally she gently messaged his arms while her other hand kept his chin tilted to look her in the eyes knowing that presence was the only thing keeping him from going into shock, unfortunately this was having unintentional side effect on her, If Kakashi-sensei, Tazuna, and the teme weren't here we would take Naruto-chan into the bushes and make him a man, CHA! Sakura sweat-dropped listening to her inner personality perv out at her intimate touches while the thoughts were present as always she was in mission mode where she put them on the back burner until the mission was complete, right now Naruto needed his teammate to be there to help him through his first official ninja battle and its aftermath, not a thirty-three year old hormonally crazed sex deprived widow in his thirteen year old girlfriends body. "Okay Naruto I'm going to show you something that will help," she took off the suffix to get his attention as she changed her sitting position into that of a meditation sitting position. "Now sit like how I am." She watched him do exactly, "okay now close your eyes," she nods mentally as he did what he was told. "Next thing to do is focus on your breathing, take long slow breaths, it'll help slow your heart rate and ease your body to calm it down," she smiled faintly finding it highly ironic that the very meditation techniques he taught her in her previous life she was now teaching him. "How do you feel, Naruto-kun?"
Naruto smiled faintly, "Better thanks Sakura-chan."
"Good now I want to teach you something else since you're like that. And that is how to meditate which helps you gain better control of your chakra aside from the exercises we have been doing back in the village," Sakura explained. "To find your center I want you to picture your chakra as best you can." She knew deep down this exercise would pretty much put Naruto in touch with Kurama, but she needed them to build an early bridge of communication so she could use the jutsu Ino taught on the fox she needed him as ally to achieve her overall desired goal, Naruto beating the unholy hell out the Akatsuki. She hadn't expected the 3rd Hokage to catch on so quickly to her but it was an added benefit, she now had someone or someone's to help shape the upcoming events. She wanted so much to jump to her feet and ram her fist into the Uchiha's gut but in this current timeline he wasn't the cruel family murdering monster he was in her timeline yet, and she would take great pains to prevent it from ever happening. I also need to convince Karin and Fu to join the Leaf both for Naruto's sake. Fu had been incapacitated by the Zombie brothers in the previous timeline and her biju extracted causing untold amount of pain to her beloved husband when he finally saw her Edo Tenshi corpse on the battlefield, Karin had died at Sasuke's hands the moment he found out she was an Uzumaki, figuring if he couldn't have a family neither could Naruto. That Teme I hate him so much! Sakura's eyes squeezed shut for a second almost missing Naruto startled jump when he finally delved deep enough into his mediation to be pulled into his mindscape. "He's there, I better hurry," she glanced over her shoulder for a second before using a series of hands signs. "Mind Art: Soul Entry Jutsu," she whispered before gently tapping Naruto's forehead with her fingers. To anyone outside looking at them the rest of the group would think that the two individuals were meditating.
Naruto found himself utterly surprised when the longer he focused on his chakra more it seem to sharpen until finally he felt a pull, before he could stop it, he was spiraling into his mindscape until he found himself in a huge dank sewer one side had a small walkway filled with thousands of doors on the other a massive gate and in the middle of said gate was a strip of paper with the word 'seal' written on it. "So the jailor finally comes to meet that which was jailed," a deep rumbling voice stated moving close to the large cage Naruto spotted a massive head with two large red animal eyes glaring down at him and a huge row of razor sharp teeth.
"The nine-tails," Naruto whispered in awe. "W-Where are we?"
"In your mind little kit, while I reside in your gut this little area is reserved for my consciousness and yours," The hug fox elaborated before looking up squinting slightly looking at the shadows behind the blonde haired boy. "We will talk another time little kit time to go," the fox stated before the boy could shout his image disappeared from the room. "You have much courage to come into this realm knowing I will protect the kit's mind from all outside influence save my own, little vixen."
The fox however was surprised with the figure that stepped out, gone was the teenage girl he thought would appear feeling the effects of the jutsu as she entered the mindscape. Before him stood a woman dressed in the standard jonin attire but instead of a green flak jacket it was replaced with a white one with a pair of red crosses partially obscured by the long orange cloak with black flames at the bottom. The woman had long pink haired that reach passed her shoulder blades, and bright green eyes. "Not what you were expecting, Kurama?"
"I see a time-space jutsu, where you actually passed through time into the past, when did you discover his jutsu?" the fox asked.
Sakura smirked slightly, "I didn't actually I only found it," her eyes showing untold amounts of sadness and pain, "after my husband was murdered by the lousy traitorous bastard Uchiha," Her hands grasping into fist anger flashing violently into her jade pools, "he killed my Naruto, our children, you," her eyes began to water. "I was named Hokage in my husband's stead and spent three long miserable years trying to live up to his legacy when all I wanted was to see him smile, to hold him, to make love to him, and give him the huge family he was denied all his life, and that BASTARD TOOK IT ALL AWAY!" Sakura closed her eyes using the meditation techniques calming her breathing letting go of her anger; basically her irrational side was cropping up, before she focused on the fox who was looking down at her in amusement. "Well I'm here to change that future hopefully make a new one, and I like your help to do that."
"If it involves killing any Uchiha, then I'm in for that reason alone but I sense there's more," Kurama snickered softly leaning down putting his nose through the bars.
"Oh yes, there's more, but I need to give you the memories of the Kurama I knew from my time for you to completely understand what I'm trying to prevent and what I'm to accomplish," Sakura explained.
"Interesting did you and the blonde vixen become intimate at one point in the future?" the fox snicker at the rosette haired woman's facial expression which was one of outright disgust.
"Me and Ino-pig no way!" she snapped then heard the fox's snicker growling slightly. She sighed looking at the fox, "Will you agree?"
The fox snickered for a few more minutes looking down at the woman, "Fine, yes I agree if anything to get you to leave I tire of this."
Sakura smirked in the shadows as she went into another series of hand signs ending in the Yamanaka open pyramid, "Mind Art Jutsu: Time Stream Release!"
The fox reeled for a few moments as the images cascaded into its mind before slumping to the floor. "Not what I was expecting, I'm sorry about the comment earlier still it was food for thought," the fox snickered again.
"I can barely control myself around my now teenage husband and you put a lesbian fantasy on par with something the pervert would cook up into my head, do you have any idea how horny I am right now!" Sakura shouted.
The fox laughed, "Then give the kit his memories take up him into the room at the old bridge builders house and take him like a proper mate should."
"Are you out of your mind, I may have my thirty-three year old mind but both Naruto and my body are only thirteen years old," Sakura explained.
"And both shinobi, adults in the eyes of the village, but this discussion is pointless what are your plans involving the little traitor and Akatsuki," Kurama stated finally getting serious.
"We need to push everything up considerably and keep the Akatsuki reeling so that bastard Obito can't implement the war. We also need to prevent the snake bastard from giving Sasuke the curse seal," the rosette haired woman explained. "I solved at least part of it I think, I let the 3rd Hokage in on everything I'm sure he's informed Jiraiya and Tsunade-sensei by now."
"And you worried about the fact you made a terrible Hokage, you've made good decisions so far, your father-in-law, sensei, and husband would be proud," the fox stated in almost reverence and warmth.
"I didn't accept being hokage for the right reasons, Kurama," Sakura replied sadly. "Konohamaru stated he wasn't ready, Shikamaru thought it be too troublesome, and every other good candidate was dead," the rosette looked up. "I did it because I felt I needed to keep my sanity spending long hours in the home Naruto-kun and my children killed in hurt too much."
"It won't happen this time around, we'll make sure of that, little vixen," the fox's eyes flashed.
Sakura looked up nodding, "Here's what you need to do to and how you can convince Naruto to do it…"
Both Sakura and Naruto came out of their meditation roughly the same time, Naruto slightly stunned and worried while Sakura tried to keep herself from smirking at another piece of her overall plan working. "You okay Naruto-kun?" she asked.
"I don't think I'll do that again," Naruto said softly.
Sakura shook her head, "better to talk to him understand him," she said softly.
Naruto frowned, "how you know I'd get pulled into see him?"
Sakura mentally cursed at his observational skills again, Damn it I keep underestimating him just like I did the first time, if I do what Kurama suggested Naruto's childhood will be gone and I don't want to do that but if I don't I could lose him because he might not trust me or push me away and that's worse, what do I do? Sakura bit her lower lip not sure what to decide when everyone turned as three figures entered the clearing three figures Sakura hadn't thought in a million years would appear as the back-up they requested.
"Lord Jiraiya, Princess Tsunade, Shizune, what an unexpected surprise," Kakashi stated looking dumbfounded.
"Heard you needed help, three of us currently weren't doing anything figure we'd lend a hand, plus the two of us need to talk to two of your genin anyway, now as good a time as any," Jiraiya smiled his no-nonsense perverse smile before glancing in Sakura and Naruto's direction.
Sakura slumped her shoulders and lowered her head, Well shit, if they're here than I don't have a choice now damn it. I wanted to give Naruto time to at least have this mission before giving him his memories to save his friend Haku before things go south but I made too many ripples change too much too fast, the rosette haired girl paused in thinking a perverse thought from her inner entered her mind. Look on the bright side if Naruto-kun doesn't hate us after getting his memories we'll get laid, CHA! Sakura winced slightly as well as blushed then she sighed heavily causing Naruto to look at her, "I'm sorry Naruto-kun, please don't hate me for this," Sakura whispered earning a confused look from her beloved blonde as she moved her hands into the same hand signs she used for Kurama ending with the open Yamanaka pyramid, "Mind Art Jutsu: Time Stream Release!"
Author's Note: Ooh I bet people are going hate this cliffhanger a lot but tis necessary to get more people to read. Now this is an inspirational fic that I made after reading EroSlackerMicha's 'Blondes Have More Fun' and 'We Are' which I hope he continues to write on as I enjoyed that one just as much the spiritual spin off of Blondes. As for Sasuke in this fic no he won't be a prick, as much as I hate him as a character in canon I've adopted a new philosophy in regards to characters in fan fics, good writing can make a hate-able character like Sasuke or for those that hate Sakura make a character look awesome even though you hate them with a passion. So with said I'll be a little more open minded in the future reading certain fics but rest assured I still think Sasuke should be run over by a truck while having his skin removed with a dull rusty spoon.