I am incredibly sorry about the wait for this. To be honest, I lost all motivation to read or write anything Swanqueen related. I hate the direction the show went in and I felt like there was more pain than anything associated with this ship. I'm starting to get back to my old self where I only care about this relationship we as a fandom have created and taken under our wings. But it is a slow process and I haven't really been able to commit to any multi-chapter SQ fics. I will definitely be finishing this story. Probably within 3 or 4 more chapters so don't think I've abandoned it. But to anyone who is continuing to read my stories, I cannot thank you enough. And now, on with the show!

Emma crashed her lips against Regina's releasing a moan as she felt soft plump lips meet her own. Lips brushed lips as passion took over the two women. Emma could feel Regina's soft but firm body underneath her; the robe barely concealing her nudeness. Hard nipples were visible through the silk, enticing Emma to take this a step further. She let her thumb brush one of the nipples as she swept her tongue across Regina's lips. Regina immediately granted her access, meeting her tongue in a duel that left them both completely breathless.

"Eww gross," Henry said, turning away from the mirror. "Mom, I don't wanna see my moms doing that! Shut it off!" Gina giggled at the flustered Henry.

"Henry, sweetie, if I shut it off, I won't know if I need to intervene," she replied. "How about you head into the other room and I'll come find you if I need you." Henry simply shrugged his shoulders and practically ran from the room, red cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Gina watched the scene unfolding in front of her with a smile on her face.

"Emma," Regina moaned. "Emma, stop. Stop!" Emma quickly detached her lips from their spot on Regina's neck.

"Oh my god, Regina, I am so sorry!" Emma crawled off of Regina, sitting on the hardwood floor panting. Her heart was racing. That kiss was better than she could have ever imagined her first kiss with Regina being. The instant their lips had met, a fire lit inside her that she had never felt before. She couldn't stop her hands from roaming over the perfect body on the floor below her. Her skin was tingling where Regina's hands had been and she was basking in the taste of Regina's skin still on her lips.

"No Emma, I just-" Regina reached over and grabbed the hand Emma currently had resting over her racing heart. "I just didn't want to do this here on the floor. And we should probably talk. Yeah?" She was searching bright green eyes for any clue as to what the blonde might be thinking. Her own thoughts were swirling and she could barely breathe. She couldn't believe Emma had just kissed her like that and felt her up. She had hoped one day that they would get to this point but she had never imagined it actually happening.

"Uhh yeah, yeah, we should… like talk or whatever," Emma replied. She stood and extended her hands to help Regina stand up. Regina took both her hands and rose from the floor. They were standing in such close proximity that Regina could barely stop herself from going back in for another kiss. She dropped Emma's hands quickly and headed towards her study, fixing her silk robe as she walked. Emma took a moment to catch her breath, closing her eyes and shaking out her arms, before she followed Regina into the study where the woman was already pouring them both glasses of her famous cider. Emma graciously accepted the drink and sat on the opposite end of the couch from Regina.

"So I don't really know where to start, but I'd like to go first," Emma stated. Regina gave a curt nod and took a large gulp from her drink. "Ok. Well, it's never really been a secret that you're beautiful Regina. And you're my best friend. You're the person I feel the closest to and the person I go to for literally everything. You are the mother to my son and one of the most caring people I've ever met. I love you Regina. I don't know how you feel about me, but I want you to be in my life forever, and if I made you feel uncomfortable by kissing you, I am so sorry. I hope you'll forgive me." Emma dropped her eyes to her glass before nearly drinking the whole cup in one go.

"Emma, you didn't make me feel uncomfortable. I think it is fairly obvious that I find you incredibly attractive. You are my very best friend, although I do get along fairly well with your mother, much to my dismay. But you are, what is it that doctor always says? You're my person? Yes, you are my person Emma Swan. Even when we are fighting and you are being incredibly stubborn. Or when you stupidly run to the Queen when you need to talk to someone. (Gina scoffed at the scene in the mirror.) I love you too Emma. But you have a fiancé and that person is not me. Though, I truly don't understand how you could have accepted a proposal from that fraction of a man." Emma snorted and drank the rest of her cider.

"If we're being honest here, I have been looking for a way to leave him for some time now. I've actually been planning a getaway with Gina. She's been so helpful! (Gina's smiled at the mirror, her heart warming at Emma's words.) I don't love him Regina. I love you. I am in love with you." Despite her hurt at hearing that Emma had been speaking with the Queen, Regina's heart was soaring. Emma Swan had just told her that she was in love with her. It was everything Regina had ever wanted to hear from the blonde.

"So what are you going to do?" Regina lifted one eyebrow at Emma, a soft look on her face. "I want to help you in any way that I can Emma. I want to be there for you like the Queen has been."

"Well, we haven't quite gotten that far," Emma replied with a smile. Her face dropped suddenly as she thought about having to leave. "All I know is that I don't want to go home tonight Regina." The fear in her eyes was enough for Regina to set down her glass and reach for Emma's hands.

"Then stay here," she replied. "I have plenty of beds here. And you are always welcome to stay in my room if you feel safer." Her cheeks flushed as she realized she had just offered to let Emma sleep in her bed.

"I promise I won't try anything," Emma chuckled. "I don't know about you, but I am rather tired."

Emma followed Regina upstairs to her room, accepting the sleep clothes Regina offered her before stepping into the en suite herself to get changed. When she came back Emma was waiting patiently on one side of the bed.

"I left you a toothbrush and washcloth on the sink," Regina said with a smile. Her heart warmed at the sight of Emma Swan lying on her bed.

"Thank you, be right back," Emma said with a smile as she hopped off the bed and headed to the en suite. The smile on her face shocked her when she looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn't remember a time when she had looked this happy. She didn't care if there were things to be handled tomorrow. For tonight, she was allowing herself a good night of sleep, feeling safe in the arms of the woman she loved. When she left the bathroom, Regina was comfortably tucked under the blankets, her phone lighting up her face in the dim bedroom lighting.

"Henry says goodnight," she said, watching Emma as she padded across the room to the other side of the bed. "And that he loves you." Emma swung her legs under the covers and scooted over so that her bare legs were touching Regina's.

"Man, I love that kid," Emma replied. "And I love you. I wasn't lying Regina. I really do love you." She placed a quick kiss on Regina's cheek before sliding down to rest her head on an incredibly soft pillow. Regina switch off the light and sank down next to her, wrapping her arms around the blonde and kissing the top of her head.

"I love you too Emma. I have for a long time." Emma fell asleep with Regina's arms securely wrapped around her, feeling safe for the first time in a very long time.

Gina smiled as she flicked her hand, removing the scene from the mirror in front of her. Henry had fallen asleep on the couch in the other room and neither of them had any reason to intervene with the exchange between Emma and Regina. He will be pleased in the morning to know that everything went well and stayed fairly PG. She chuckled to herself. She was happy about the progress they were making, no matter how jealous she was that she was not the woman holding Emma Swan tonight. Maybe one day she will have that opportunity. For now, she was heading to sleep herself for tomorrow would be filled with planning the removal of one vile pirate from the life of her princess.