As the opium and e-cig vapor wafted around the mahjong parlor, dim lights cast dubious shadows around the tables. At Hanyuu's Den for Aspiring Evil Deities, there was always a game being played, for there is no lack of hubris or ambition across all planes of existence.
"...and by the power vested in me as the Prime Minister of Thailand, I hereby transfer all rights, privileges, and responsibilities inherent in that title to you, Cameron Campbell of Camp Campbell," recited Professor Ozpin in a disinterested fashion. I don't think I have checked up on the Thai people in a couple of years. I wonder how they have been doing in my absence.
"YES! I own even more Asians now!" boomed Cameron Campbell of Camp Campbell. "That's not... I mean... I mean, never mind, yes, you own Asians now," sighed Ozpin. "Although, I am curious as to how you managed to win against three experienced players in mahjong when you seem to be under the impression that you are playing Texas Hold 'em Poker."
"Indeed," Salem's voice seemed to carry across the entire room, even though she sat adjacent to Campbell and Ozpin at their table. "It would seem that you possess talents that could take you far. Perhaps we could even form a business partnership-" Salem was cut off as Cameron Campbell of Camp Campbell interrupted her. "Sorry Sally," he began. "It is Salem" muttered Salem. "Whatever," he continued, "Point is, I don't partner up with somebody unless I can visualize them strapped upside down to a wall while wearing a furry suit. In a dungeon," he added. "Frankly, you don't look healthy enough to even start considering any of those things. You really ought to try more fried food. Get some rose in those white cheeks of yours!" he said as he decked her in the shoulder while chortling.
Ozpin stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Speaking of whites and roses, I am reminded that I have two students who vaguely resemble that description. If I remember right, you also run a sort of school?"
Cameron Campbell of Camp Cambell swelled with self importance. "A summer camp, actually. Cameron Campbell's Camp Campbell is THE PLACE to send your kids for the summer when you just don't want to deal with them. Or when you don't care what happens to them!" He chortled again as Salem continued to glare murderously in his direction. Meta, the fourth player, skulked off, as he had nothing to add to the conversation.
"I see...well why don't we do an exchange? The two students I spoke of earlier, Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee, for two of your camp counselors." Cameron Campbell of Camp Campbell raised an eyebrow at Professor Ozpin's proposition. "And why would you suggest this?" Cameron Campbell of Camp Campbell asked.
"Because..." Ozpin reclined and took a long, slow sip of coffee. "I suppose I don't give a fuck about my students."
"Excuse me-" Salem was unused to being ignored this long. "EXCELLENT!" Cameron Campbell of Camp Campbell exploded in laughter. "I'll send Davy and Gretchen over to Remnant right away. You can just drop Whitney and Rosanne off whenever you like. See you soon, Professor!" A mysterious rope ladder appeared outside the parlor, taking Cameron Campbell of Camp Campbell on a helicopter ride to Thailand, while two government agents in suits and sunglasses shot at him with out hitting him once.
"So, what will you do without your small, gentle soul Ozpin?" sneered Salem. Ozpin lightly started. "Oh, you were still here? I'll just continue what I've been doing, and worst case scenario, I'll get inside a little boy named Oscar." Salem blanched, which was no mean feat for her.
"I meant in a completely spiritual way." Salem scooted a bit further away. "You know what? It doesn't matter. Just know that whatever you plan, plot, or devise, I am far enough ahead of you to be completely indifferent to your existence. Like I said, I suppose I simply do not give a fuck."
While I enjoyed writing this, I simply made this to backdrop the exchange story that I plan to take out of this. I am not a fan of making multidimensional gateways for multiple characters, so this setting is basically just a McGuffin to start the story.
Hanyuu's Den for Aspiring Evil Deities was chosen as the name for the setting. I drew it from Ryukishi07's visual novel/manga/anime franchise Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. It is a fascinating take on alternative realities done right, showing all the horrible shit that goes wrong. If you don't have time to check out the entire anime, be sure to check out the Abridged One-Shot Faulerro did on YouTube. It is about half an hour, but it really captures the horror of the original while bringing in appropriate amounts of humor.
Professor Ozpin is a dick. He never tells anybody anything, and it is his own damn fault he died. Everything bad that happens to him personally, he deserves.
Salem, presented the way she is up through the end of Season 4, feels like a laughable character to me. For all the respect and fear her stooges have for her, it seems like she is at least as powerful as a maiden, maybe even two. After all, she allowed Cinder to go be the Fall maiden, presuming that she would come back full power. Salem doesn't seem like she would tolerate a stronger underling, so she must have been stronger than the Fall Maiden. But Cinder, as the new, inexperienced fall maiden, was able to kill Ozpin. Why the middleman Salem? What are you sitting on in the wastelands that requires you remain where you are?
Cameron Campbell of Camp Campbell is a baller. Nothing else to it.
Meta, or Agent Maine from Red vs Blue, will not be showing up again. RIP Meta plotline.
I intend to focus on Ruby and Weiss' experience as exchange counselors. I might devote a chapter to David and Gwen's experience as substitutes on team RWBY, but don't count on it. I have no ideas for it beyond David taking everybody camping, and Blake and Gwen reading butt stuff together.
I am going to rate this M for future language (this is going to take place at Camp Camp, after all).