It was snowing in Paris.
The Agreste Mansion was lit and luminous, with candles in every window, garlands and wreaths on every door, and a glow of life not seen in many years.
"There, you're perfect," said Alya, tucking a final pearl-tipped bobby pin into Marinette's glossy hair.
"Oh, Al, thank you," said Marinette, smiling at her reflection. She ran her fingertips down her gown, her heart fluttering with excitement.
A small knock came on the door, and it cracked open.
"Special delivery, Marinette!"
"You can come in, Bonnie," she laughed.
"Oh, no! I won't look yet! I'll wait! But here, this is for you!" Bonnie's hand waved a package, which Alya fetched.
"I'll give you a minute, girl. Gotta get a good seat." Alya winked. She gave her best friend a final squeeze before leaving.
Marinette pulled a familiar black octagonal box from the package, and her heart leapt. She opened it with trembling fingers.
A tiny, tearful demigoddess burst from the box in a bloom of light to nuzzle Marinette's cheek.
"TIKKI!" "Marinette!"
Marinette's eyes sparkled with tears. "Oh, Tikki, can you believe it? Everything has just come out so perfectly."
"I believe it, Marinette. I've always believed in you."
They looked at each other, and memories rained down around them.
"Oh, tell me about your dress!" Tikki exclaimed. "Did you make it?!"
"Isn't it so beautiful?"
Marinette grinned and stood up to show the full gown. Her voice got soft as she looked at herself again in the mirror, fingers delicately touching the hand crafted flower petals and gossamer thin butterflies that cascaded down the bodice and out onto the skirt.
Her voice was soft. "Gabriel made it for Emilie, for their wedding day. I altered the neckline a little bit, but the spirit of the dress is the same. He- he sewed every flower himself."
She sighed at her reflection again. "This is the way I want to remember him, and her. When their love was...lovely."
"I think it's a wonderful tribute, Marinette." Tikki sniffed a tiny kwami sniff. "It is this thoughtfulness that made you the greatest Ladybug of all."
Before Marinette could respond, a tiny black cat whizzed through the wall and did a loop-de-loop around her.
"Oooh, Pigtails, looking good!" drawled Plagg.
Marinette laughed. "I guess Adrien got a special delivery, too."
"You better try some sweet talk, Sugarcube," Plagg said lazily, scoping the vanity for snacks. "Adrien is being a big wet softy and I can't take it anymore. Wouldn't want him to be all puffy in the photos."
Tikki gave a long suffering sigh and phased through the walls to see Adrien.
Plagg zoomed closer. "So, are we gonna mess with him?"
Marinette smiled wickedly. "Yes. But you have to leave."
"You're no fun at all."
"Have you ever had cave-aged cheddar, Plagg?" the bride-to-be mused as she rooted around on the vanity for her phone. "There's some extra in the kitchen."
A quick smack hit her cheek. "This is what makes you the greatest Ladybug of all time."
Marinette chuckled to herself, and opened her texts.
Adrien's phone buzzed from his dressing table. He wiped his eyes and accepted a final cheek nuzzle from Tikki before picking it up.
It was a text from Marinette.
Almost Wife 3: we're getting married in 2 minutes!
Adrien grinned, as his phone buzzed again.
Almost Wife 3: I'm so excited i forgot my panties!
that's all, folks!
merry xxxmas to everyone. thank you so much for reading!
xoxo moonbaby