The waters here were such a clear blue that Charlotte could see the pure white sand for miles. She sighed, smiling in contentment with the cool breeze wafting over her sun-warmed skin. The baby kicked in her belly just as she felt Charles' arms slide around her from behind. His hands rested over their active child and Charlotte felt him smile into the base of her neck. She growled playfully, "You can smile because the little devil isn't trying to kick his way out of you!" Charles inhaled deeply, drawing in the scent of her, "It's a girl and I smile because this past year has been better than I could have hoped."

Charlotte relaxed back into his embrace, enjoying the moment of tenderness he was showing. The moments were rare, but all the more precious to her and she could tell Charles would love this baby the same. He didn't speak words of love to her hardly ever, but his love was in the small things he would do such as holding her hair when morning sickness had made sailing miserable or purchasing a cradle that fit perfectly beside their bed in the cabin. She placed her hands over his as the baby kicked once more and delighted in the feeling of their child they had created.

They were sailing back into Nassau after more than a month at sea and despite her protests, Charlotte was glad to be back as she fast approached the birth of her first child. Charles was adamant they have a midwife in attendance and secretly Charlotte was relieved although she only showed Charles her confidence. She didn't want to worry him anymore than he already was and so she kept her fears to herself. She had not had any close women to talk to her about the birthing experience. Her nanny had taught her sex resulted in babies, but the subject of babies had really been glossed over. Now, she was terrified. Thrilled and excited but terrified.


The first labor pain began around mid-afternoon and wasn't anything like what had been described to her by the midwife. It was light, almost like a muscle cramp around her lower abdomen that subsided quickly. Charlotte leaned against the railing of the ship and took a deep breath thinking she had just pulled a muscle. Rubbing her extended belly she straightened and continued on about her duties. As the afternoon continued into early evening, the cramping continued getting longer and stronger. Charlotte said nothing to Charles, waiting instead for her water to break.

As they sat in their cabin sharing the evening meal, Charles caught her grimacing as a wave of pain rippled across her abdomen. "Is it the baby," he asked, relaxed back in his chair but missing nothing. Charlotte let out a breath as the contraction eased and rubbed her belly, "My water hasn't broken so I don't think so. They could just be false contractions." Charles nodded his head, but said, "We should send for the midwife just in case." Charlotte shook her head, "No, don't bother her. She said my water would break when the time came." Charles conceded, but continued to watch her, his green eyes looking her over from head to toe and back again. Charlotte pushed back her half-eaten plate and laid down in their bed. The contractions seemed to ease for a while, when she was on her side, but soon came back harder and stronger than before.

A low moan bubbled out of her despite her attempts to be silent. Charles rose from where he had been curled against her back and went to the cabin door. Without asking her, he sent the nearest man running for the midwife then returned to the bed just as another contraction gripped Charlotte. Gritting her teeth, she hissed out at him, "Don't touch me," just as he started to rub her back. She wasn't trying to be cruel, but when she was in pain, any pain, she didn't like being touched. Luckily Charles already knew this about her and stepped off the platform to get her a glass of water.

It was hours before the midwife appeared and by that time Charlotte was in agony as the contractions rolled one into the other not letting her breathe. Charles fanned her as she had been "burning up" in her words, and cursed the slowness of the midwife. When she arrived, she lost no time in stripping Charlotte and examining her. Charlotte grimaced in pain at the examination, but waited with baited breath to hear the results. She had been praying to whoever was listening that this was truly labor and not some horrible joke that was only a fraction of the real thing. She wouldn't survive if it got any worse.

The midwife looked up at her and smiled, "Push whenever you are ready dear." Charlotte stared at her in shock until the next contraction gripped her guts and she could do nothing else but push. Her body took over on its own as if waiting to be told to do what it was built for. Rolling to her hands and knees, Charlotte put in the hardest work she had ever done for the next forty five minutes until finally, the baby was pushed into the world, water bag intact.

The midwife stared in awe at the miracle as did Charlotte and Charles, until she popped the bag and a little girl was revealed. The baby took a moment to realize her world had just changed, but then quickly screamed at being abruptly cold. The midwife smiled and quickly began to rub and dry the baby before laying the tiny infant on her mothers' bare chest. "Your little girl is a mermaid," the midwife said as she began helping Charlotte finish the birthing experience. Charles, who had been softly stroking the little girls tiny ear, looked at the midwife and asked, "What do you mean?"

As the midwife continued cleaning she explained, "Being born in water like that is rare. More than rare and is considered a blessing from the god of the sea. They are called mermaids and she will have a gift related to the sea." Charles smiled down at the tiny figure who had already latched on to her mothers' breast in search of food and thought the title of mermaid fitting. He watched as Charlotte held her close, smiling in such a tender way at their daughter that he felt something shift in his own chest.

"What do you think of the name Meribella," he asked, placing his hand on top of this daughters' head. Charlotte looked up at him and smiled, "Beautiful star of the sea? I think it's perfect, Charles." Instead of speaking, Charles bent his head kissing Charlotte deeply. He watched Meri finish her first dinner then carefully lifted the infant into his own arms, folding her in a blanket Charlotte had made for her. Charlotte smiled sleepily at the two most important people in her life and waved Charles out the door. The midwife helped Charlotte to clean up and changed the bed before putting the new mother back to sleep.

As the midwife left the cabin, she saw the captain showing off the new addition to the crew, to Jack and Anne. Motioning to him, she let him know he could return to his cabin when he was ready. Charles nodded his head and left Anne and Jack to return to Charlotte. He hadn't been gone long, but he felt pulled to her side. Quietly entering the cabin, he walked to the crib next to Charlotte and placed Meribella inside before climbing in bed with his wife. Pulling her close, he closed his eyes and dreamed of the life awaiting Meri. He knew her adventures would rival his own and he smiled in the dark, grateful that Charlotte was such a good shot with a musket.


I want to thank all of my readers, reviewers, and followers. You have no idea how grateful I am to you all. I am so happy that you liked my story and I hope that you have enjoyed this epilogue about our favorite couple! If you are looking for a new read, I have started a new story Destiny about Gannicus from Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, another story that needed an HEA instead of what it got from the screen writers lol. Anyway, Thank you again SO MUCH! You guys are the best!