Dear Slayer

I don't have any clue why you put up with an old vamp like me

I'm rude and a hothead and somehow that's what you find most charming about me

You pulled me out from under a building, fed me your blood

Saved my bloody life while Buffy mooned over Angel, stupid git

You made jokes and got me into more than a few loaded fights

Trying to get my mind off of her

Bastard took my girl and my prophesy

Yes Yes, I know it was his first but I was a million times nobler than that poof

You wallowed in my bottle as I lamented my lost love

Gutted, as she grew fat with another man's child and jetted off without a backwards glance

It took me a while to realize what my heart already knew

When I died, the second time mind you, I told her that she didn't love me

Took me a while, some time away from her, some time with you, to realize I was bang to rights

She loved the soul and I know it was my fault, did a thing that was unforgiveable in grief

I have no idea why I did it, completely against everything I have ever done or felt

But it was done

And she blamed the soulless monster for it

All was forgiven when I got my soul

Everything I did, every sacrifice I made and she wouldn't let me in

She slept with me, quite a lot actually

(Sorry Luv, trying to make a point in the end here so just curse my name thrice and continue reading)

But never let me in until I got this stupid bloody soul

But the soul didn't make the man

I'm not Angelus, I'm William the Bloody

Defiler of the Innocent, Scourge of Europe

(Damnit, sometimes I just miss those days!)

And a messed up vamp who wore his heart on his sleeve

I loved her with all my heart but all she could see was that missing piece

She never loved me

Not the way you did

Even before I gave you the time of day

I know you've really only known me truly since the soul

But I know in my un-beating heart, that you would have given me the chance she never did

I often wonder what would have happened if it would have been you in that alley

If the stars were to align and I would have met you before Buffy

We would have most likely killed the Mayor together

Turned Sunnyhell into a heaven that rained blood

And our enemies' heads would have made lovely lawn ornaments

But, maybe, just maybe we would have redeemed ourselves….

Not bloody likely, but the thought is there, inn'it.

My point being, we would have brought out the best and worse in each other

Like we do now

You may think this is a passing fling for me, even a decade on

But I am the first to admit that I am love's bitch.

I loved Dru because she took me out of obscurity

I loved Buffy because she made me feel like a man when I was a monster

I Love You because You Love Me

Dru loved the monster

Buffy loved the soul

You love me

I could be William, William the Bloody or Spike

I have a feeling that look in your eyes would never change

And even if you doubt my intentions

I don't doubt my heart

And while you sleep at night, I love to stroke that raven hair

And even now, when I see some silver strands mixed in

It makes me love you all the more

Because you chose to spend that time with me

And I know we will always fights like cats and dogs

You will call me a pain in the ass fangless vamp

I will call you the most infuriating bloody slayer that I haven't killed

But I will Love You until the end of days

I have Faith