It was a late night at the From Dust Till Dawn. In fact only two customers were present. One was a rather tall fellow in black jacket over a white dress shirt. He has shoulder-length hair, colored silver which covers his eyes along with a black top hat. If one was to actually look under all of that they would notice silver eyes staring back at them. His black boots come up to his knees. He wears gloves and a belt, both of which are brown and have buckles. He carries two swords. One a silver blade on his back. The other a golden blade down on the back of his hip just above the tailbone.
"Hmn… maybe I should get another dust crystal while I'm here. Just in case," He said absentmindedly as he peered at the dust available for sale.
The door chime rang catching the man's attention. Five men had entered the store. The man in black ducked down below the shelves before anyone noticed him.
"Do you know how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?" the lead man in white asked the store clerk.
Just as the words left his mouth the man to his left drew a gun on the clerk.
"Please just take the money and leave," the clerk pleaded.
"Shhh shh shh. Calm down we're not here for your money," he assured the clerk. The man in white turned to his associate, "Grab the dust."
The men all started moving to gather the dust from the shop. Moving as carefully as possible the man in black tried to get closer to the leader of the group before anyone noticed him. He then noticed a girl in red with headphones over her ears.
"Damnit. She doesn't even know the store is being robbed. She's going to get herself killed at this rate."
He started moving towards the girl when the sound of a blade being drawn stopped him in his tracks.
"Alright kid put your hands where I can see them," demanded a deep voice.
The girl didn't hear him with the headphones on. "Hey! I said hands in the air." He came up and touched her shoulder knocking off her hood. "You got a death wish or something?"
The girls took off her headphones. "Yes?"
"I said put your hands in the air."
"Are you robbing me?"
Just before the man in black was going to leap out and fight the thug the girl had already sent him flying.
Another thug came up and pointed a gun at her. The girl responded by kicking him out the window. What came next surprised the man in black. The girl stood up equipped with a red scythe. Spinning the blade around she looked at the thugs.
"Okay. Get her," the man in white commanded the thugs.
With the blade of the scythe still in the ground she jumped and kicked the first thug back. As she landed she shot another thug and using the momentum of the kickback she spun and hit the other thug with her scythe.
"So the scythe is a gun too," the man in black stated as he observed the girl fight.
A thug started shooting at her but she dodged the bullets with unnatural speed and came up slamming her scythe into the thug knocking him unconscious.
With the last of the thugs down all that remained was their leader, the man in white.
"Well, Red, I think we can say it's been a very eventful evening." He then raised his cane revealing it to be a gun. "And as much as I'd love to stick around, I'm afraid this is where we part ways." He fired a flare at the girl.
Blinded the man in black couldn't see anything. Rubbing his eyes the man in black looked around and he spotted the girl climbing a ladder. "Shit at this rate that thug is going to escape." The man then sprinted after her.
After climbing up the man in black saw an airship and the man he was after on it. "Damnit! You won't get away that easily," the man in black said as he drew the silver blade on his back with his right hand.
Rushing forward he saw the man in white throw a red crystal at the girl and aim his cane at it. Reaching his left hand back to the golden blade he jumped in front of the girl just as the crystal exploded.
"Woahohohhh! Wait what!?" the man in white shouted.
The flames were being absorbed by the man in black's golden blade.
"Hmph… that's it?" the man in black asked as he aimed his silver blade at the gunship and started firing at it. What the man did not expect was for fire magic to be launched his way. The first shot was easily deflected. He then jumped back just as the ground below him erupted in fire. Aiming his silver blade at the ship again he started firing. He then noticed orange circles appear around him and the girl. Grabbing her he lunged forward just as the circles blew up. Getting up he noticed the gunship out of range and leaving.
The girl then looked at him. "You're a hunter?"
Looking at the man in black with stars in her eyes, "Can I have your autograph?"
Facepalming the man in black shook his head. "No."
"Why not?" the girl asked disheartedly.
"Well first off, I'm not a full-fledged hunter. I have yet to graduate. Second, I don't give out autographs."
"If you're not a full-fledged hunter then that means you go to Beacon Academy right?" she asked, her excitement back.
Looking at the girl he sighed. "Look, my name is Soren Starkhaven. And you are?"
Realizing she had been rude at not introducing herself she quickly replied. "Ruby Rose"
"Well Ruby would you like to become a huntress?"
"Yes yes yes a million times yes more than anything in the world!"
Sighing once again he said "I think I'm going to regret this, but… Come with me I think I can get you into Beacon."
"Wait, Really!?"
"Yeah, I saw you fight and I have to say I'm impressed. The way you used the momentum of our rifle shots in combat to aid you in not only movement but to increase the amount of force into your attacks also was impressive. Not many would think to use that to their advantage."
The smile she gave him after he said that was so big and joyful Soren almost smiled back, almost.
As the door opened Soren looked up to see a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes.
"So, Ozpin, what do you think? Can she attend?"
"Yes she will be attending the school this year. Based on what we saw tonight and who she claims taught her she will be a very good student. But enough about her. Will you be coming back to us this year?"
"Yes… Its high time I got back into the thick of things." Soren replied looking down.
"Good. Since you never completed your first year you will be retaking it."
"Yes, sir," and with that Soren left.
"This will be an interesting year indeed."