Mum's Letter
Harry; SeverusxLily mentioning
Rated T
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters from the franchise. That honor belongs to JK Rowling
Mum's Letter
Part 3
Where am I? What am I doing here? Everything is so dark here, kind of like when I'm dreaming. Wait, am I dreaming right now?
Who said that? Looking around, I noticed a little sliver of light in the distance. I took a hesitant step towards it, only to stop and wonder if that light I was seeing was the light tunnel people see when they die.
"Come this way, Harry. There is nothing to be afraid of."
I suddenly recognized that voice. It was mum! Bursting into a sprint I ran towards the light, watching as it grew bigger and bigger until it was blinding. Jumping through I landed on my feet somewhat gracefully, noticing I was wearing a blue t-shirt-, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes. I wasn't wearing my glasses, but I was used to that whenever I was aware in my own subconscious. But I wasn't here in…wear was I?
Taking in my surroundings, I recognized this setting to be the place where my mother and Professor Snape played when they were children. There was the big tree (willow, I think) and the lake. But I then remembered I rushed here to find my mother. Looking around I called out, "Mum! Mum, where are you?"
"I'm here, my love," mum's voice came from the tree. Turning I saw her come out from behind the tree with a smile on her face. Her red hair was cascading down her back in waves with a silver headband holding back her hair from her face. She was wearing a white sundress that flowed from the waist down with short laced sleeves with white ballet flats adorning her feet. Mum looked to be no more than twenty-one, like when she died, but even so she looked beautiful. With a loving smile on her face she said, "Hello, Harry."
"Mum," I said in awe. Even after always getting some sort of glimpse of her over the years, I was still in awe of seeing her in front of me, real or not. I reached out my hand to touch her, only to retract it. I wasn't sure if I would be able to touch her, just like all the other times I tried and could not.
Mum seemed to understand why I was hesitant to touch her and she reached out and placed her hand on my shoulder. It felt so real, so solid. Reaching up I placed my hand on hers, only to be surprised that I could actually feel her. Tears weld up in my eyes and I couldn't stop them from spilling over. My mother wrapped her arms around me in a hug and I sobbed into her shoulder, completely overwhelmed at finally being able to touch the woman who birthed me.
I finally stopped crying about five or ten minutes later, I'm not sure. All I know is that I eventually stopped. When I pulled away she wiped my tears and kissed my forehead before saying, "Congratulations, sweetheart. You made it. Not only in the war, but here to see us. We have been waiting to see you."
Confused I asked, "'We'?"
Just then the sound of a throat being cleared was heard. Turning around I saw none other than Professor Snape standing and looking at us with a smile on his usually stoic face, looking as young as my mother looked. He too was dressed in white; white slacks, a white t-shirt with an unbuttoned white button-up, and white shoes on his own feet. His black hair was tied back by a white ribbon and his pale skin didn't look as pale as usual. But the thing that really caught my attention was his black eyes and how they shone brightly while looking over mum and me.
Suddenly feeling nervous I said, "H-Hello, Professor."
I honestly didn't know what to say. I just found out this man was my real father and after everything that's happened, I wasn't sure what to do in his presence, especially with my mother present.
Snape stepped forward and reached out towards me. I flinched a little when he placed his hand upon my head, but was surprised when he rubbed my head affectionately. Looking up into his softly smiling face, I was surprised when he said, "I am proud of you, son."
"Really?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Of course I am. I always have been. And I'm sorry of how I treated you over the years, Harrison. I wish we had more time to get to know each other. Even if you are finding a hard time accepting me as your real father, I wish we could have been on better terms. But don't forget that your mother and I are looking over you from here and will be waiting for your return, in either your dreams or when it becomes your time to pass on." He placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze before saying, "We love you, son."
Another hand was placed on my other shoulder and mum said, "Yes, we love you dearly; never forget that."
Feeling overwhelmed once again I began to cry as I was filled with so much love. They both hugged me close and I held them just as tightly, savoring this moment in case I woke up early. Sniffling I said, "I love you guys, and I too wish we could have been on better terms."
Pulling away they both smiled at me before wrapping arms around each other. I had to admit that even they looked good together. Snape, my father, suddenly smirked and said, "Just so you know, no one is going to believe they are looking at Harry Potter anymore. And long hair is rather befitting of you, and it is tame for once."
"Sev," mum said while lightly hitting the man his chest. Snape chuckled and kissed my mother on her forehead, surprising me with the display of affection.
Mum turned back to me and said, "We will look forward to your return, Harry. Until then, keep your head up in this new chapter of your life."
I was about to say something, only to suddenly be pulled away from my parents. I reached out to grab them, only to be continuously dragged away until I could no longer see them in front of me.
My eyes snapped open and I looked around my room, sighing as I realized that I had just woken up from a dream. But it was so vivid, so real, almost like I was really there. I went to sit up only to groan and hiss in pain. My whole body was sore, very sore. Throwing my sheets off of me I grabbed my glasses and placed them over my eyes before walking over to the mirror that was standing in the corner. And as soon as I saw myself, I let out a surprised yelp.
Looking back at me was, well me. But it didn't look like the me I was used to seeing. The person looking back at me taller than I ever knew myself to be, black hair sleek and falling just a bit past my shoulders, and my normally soft features were sharper and I had to admit I looked a bit like my real father, Severus Snape. The only think that proved I was still the son of Lily Evans was my eyes and nose. I touched my face and kept staring at myself, not believing that this was my true appearance, but also in awe about it. Well, mum's letter did say that the Glamour Charms she placed on me would disappear some time after I accepted my inheritance.
Still in a bit of shock, I couldn't help but be alright with this. I actually looked like my own father and not the man thought to be my father. I then wondered how James Potter didn't wonder how deep my mother's and Snape's friendship ran, but then again he and everyone were against them from the beginning and tried to separate them before they did so on their own. It didn't matter, I guess. I knew the truth about my parents' relationship and it would remain confidential with me.
A knock from the front door brought me out of my musings and I left to go and answer it. Opening the door I saw Hermione standing on the other side of the door. I momentarily forgot that I would look different to my best friend as soon as she saw me. Hermione's brown eyes widened in surprise and she looked at me in confusion before saying uncertainly, "Harry?"
"Hey, Hermione," I said in response, nervous about how she would suddenly perceive me.
Hermione looked over me for a moment before saying, "You're…tall."
I couldn't help but laugh as I invited her inside. We walked to the kitchen where I made us both a cup of tea and listened to my friend's endless questions about my sudden change in appearance and how it happened. Placing a cup of tea in front of her I said, "I will tell you, but you cannot tell anyone else about it. I want to be the one to do so."
"I won't tell Harry, promise. Now tell me why you look like Professor Snape," Hermione said.
After taking a sip of tea I fell into my story of how I went to accept my inheritance at Gringotts and found out about my real name. I then told her about the letter in my mother's vault, momentarily leaving to go and retrieve it and allowed her to read the piece of paper. A few minutes later Hermione looked up from the letter and looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"Oh Harry," she said softly. "I can't believe that Lily would carry this secret and hide it from everyone, especially the one person who deserved to know."
"But you understand why she couldn't do that, Hermione," I replied.
"But still! I don't think I could ever be brave enough to do what your mother did."
"She's one of the bravest witches to ever grace Wizarding Britain. I wish I had gotten to know her. Not only her, but Severus as well. I've accepted he's my father and that he loved and still loves my mother, but I'm still wrapping my head around it. And, and I know this may sound strange, especially after considering our history, but I actually hold a bit of…of love for him. You know, like how you love your own dad. That doesn't sound weird, does it?"
Hermione shook her head with a smile on her face before answering, "Of course not. I mean, you found out he didn't really hate you, just who you looked like. Then you find out he was actually protecting you for all of these years as a way to honor your mother. He actually cared about you in a way no one would understand, and I'm sure he would have loved you if only he knew you were his son and not James Potter's. And now you know that your life, as far as your parentage goes, is a lie. It's a lot to take in, but don't doubt your feelings, Harry."
I smiled and thanked her before telling her about the dream I had, about how I saw both mum and Severus in their favorite spot as kids and how they looked no more than in their early twenties. I even told her everything that Severus had said to me, that he was proud of me and that they both loved me. If Hermione's tears hadn't fallen before, they looked to be on the verge of it now.
Reaching over I took her hand and gave it a squeeze before saying, "Thanks for being understanding and listening, Hermione."
She smiled and said while squeezing my hand in return, "Of course, Harry. It was better me than Ron."
"Yes, how is that going, anyway? You know, now that you two are dating."
"Oh, that. We actually called it quits."
"Really? I thought you two were going strong now that your feelings were out in the open."
"Yes, I did too. But it didn't take me long to realize that we aren't really suited for each other. Ron wasn't too happy, but I needed to listen to my heart. Mrs. Weasley isn't too happy about it and lets me know it every chance she gets. I'm wondering if I should just move out and find a place of my own."
"Well, you can stay here for the time being until you do, if you want to."
"Are you sure? What about Ginny being over?"
"Ginny and I aren't getting back together. I ran into her at Gringotts and told her that. She was upset and I expect Howlers and angry visits, but I'm standing my ground. Besides, we've lived together in close quarters for months before."
Hermione smiled and made sure I was positive about her living at Grimmauld Place with me before agreeing, saying she would return to the Burrow and pack her things before returning. I walked her to the door and gave her a hug, once again thanking her for not judging me about my appearance and what I found out. After telling me it was what a true friend would do, she said, "Just so you know Harry, I'm sure that if Professor Snape were alive, he would accept you as his son just the same as he has in his death."
I smiled and replied, "I think he would, too."
Telling her I would see her later, I watched as she Disapparated away before closing the door. I decided to start cleaning the living room up a bit while I waited for Hermione's return. And all the while, I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I thought of what my parents said. They said that they would be looking over me until we met again in a different life. And I would keep that and their love with me until that time came.
I then realized I didn't thank mum for her letter in my dream, but I'm sure she knew how I felt. Even so, I still said out loud softly, "Thanks mum."
A twinkling sound was heard and I turned to see a white lily appear on the mantle of the fireplace. Walking over to it I noticed that it had black tips on its petals. I then noticed the black feather lying next to the flower with a white tip. Picking them both up I smiled and caressed them softly before placing them back on the mantle, watching how the setting sun's rays landed on them, making them seem to sparkle. Smiling wider I continued to clean, knowing that my parents Lily Evans and Severus Snape were with me and always would be.
Author's Note: This is the end of Mum's Letter. I hope everyone enjoyed this short story. I would also like to give a quick thanks to kalilje for always reading and reviewing my stories and her words of encouragement. Once again I hoped everyone enjoyed this story. XOXO, SehunsBae37.