So, I was considering just making a Lost Episode Creepypasta. Yet it appears a few other people beat me to Arthur.
Plus I had a lack of ideas for it. Just felt like it would be just a senseless "gore-fest"
Then I decided, "Gore needs a purpose,"
Besides, I really like movies like these. Saw "Belko Experiment" the other day. Plus I used to own the "Battle Royale" graphic manga series. Didn't care much for "Hunger Games" though. Life isn't much fun without guns. Am I right?
Anyway I'm going to see how this idea plays out. Let me apologize in advance for killing a ton of your childhoods XD
Finally, I'm open for suggestions on whatever you'd like to see in this
Okay Let's have some fun
The increasing sounds of screaming and confusion soon awoke Arthur
Only for the aardvark realizing quickly something was seriously messed up
Like the others around him, he was sitting at a desk. A desk that was stuck to the floor. Also on said desks, his hand's were encased in some form of handcuffs. Which were stuck to the table as well.
He looked around at where he was and with who. It was a classroom, yet it didn't look like Mr. Ratburns at all. Hell it probably wasn't the same school
"Where are we!?" Francine cried
"How'd we get here?" George said
"The aliens have abducted us!" Buster said freaking out
Yes most of Mr. Nigel Ratburn's class was here, along with a few other students from Lakewood Elementary (cause honestly we'd be looking at just 11 kids to compete otherwise). The only thing they all had in common, besides being stuck to desks, was they were wearing metal collars around their necks
Suddenly a blaring sound was heard and a voice over an intercom began to speak
"Greetings children," a mysterious male voice said
"Who is this?!" Muffy barked "I'll have you know my daddy is..."
"BOOM!" a sudden explosion filled the room as fellow classmate, Jenna's head was abruptly brown clean off her body. The grey cats blood and brains splattering those around the now dead little girl
Everyone began screaming in utter terror
"SILENCE!" the voice cried out again "First, as you all can see. None of you are in a state to be making demands at us. Also, don't expect any form of help to be coming. None of you family or friends have the slightest idea where you are right now. Not that it really matters, only one of you will leave this place alive,"
A hard silence filled the room, as the fear filled all those in the classroom
"Today you'll all be competing in our little...contest"
The children began to mumble amongst one another
"The game is very simple. You live, or you die. Also, as has just been demonstrated thanks to Ms. Muffy Crosswire's blabbering. Those collars around your necks are rigged with explosives. If you attempt to remove or tamper with the devise...Well, do I really need to explain it? Escape isn't an option either, we're currently on an uninhabited island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. I'm honestly impressed we had no trouble in transporting any of you, gosh the drug was super effective. Anyway back to the rules. In 30 second intervals we'll be freeing you from your desks. Walk out into the hallway and grab one of the many duffel bags provided. Only grab one, we won't hesitate to detonate any cheaters. Then leave the building. Within the bags will be food, a map, water, and a weapon with which you'll...Compete with. Also, we hate to be bored. Thus if all of you decide to ban together, and 24 hours go by without any kills. BOOM! All dead, no winner. Finally, I'm sure you're wondering who we are, and why we're doing this to innocent children? To answer that question I'll simply say this. I am God, my followers are my angels of death. I require nothing you simple mortals have. You only exist to follow my will or be lost forever in darkness. So will you accept my will? Or will you throw your lives away and become nothing but worm shit?"
The class remained quiet
"Let the game begin," the godly voice proclaimed "First combatant: Binky Barnes"
As soon as his name was said, the bulking, held back, 3rd graders handcuff opened. For being a "Tough Customer" and partial time bully. The biggest kid in the room couldn't help but cry as he left the room
Muffy was also crying, since technically her and her big mouth had just killed Jenna
The Battle Royal, had just started!
Who'll live? Who'll die? Who'll get a good weapon?
All will be answered l8ter XD