This is an au where Francis lives. Heavy Frary, but most all of the characters will be included. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Reign, if I did, Francis would still be alive.

Mary looked down at her sleeping husband as she dressed. She didn't want to wake him but she knew that they should head back to the carriage to continue their way to Paris. Once she finished dressing, she gently leaned down and kissed him on the lips. Francis stirred. He awoke to Mary gazing lovingly at him. He smiled at the vision in front of him that he could say was only for him. Francis raised up to catch her in another kiss, and another, and another.

"Francis," Mary laughed and laid her hand on his chest, giving him a little resistance to his intent. "As much as I enjoy this, I really think we should get going. I am quite excited to reach Paris."

Francis laid back in defeat. His hand came up and caressed her face. "If you insist. But I would be happy to just stay here for a week. No one to bother us and our only needs are to eat and make love."

"That sounds lovely," Mary's hand came up to rest on his. "I do enjoy the warmth of a bed during night however. I do promise to make this trip memorable, and who knows, maybe when we return your mother will successfully test my chamber pot again."

"That, my dear, would be the loveliest thing in the world." Francis swiftly sat up and switched positions with Mary, pinning her to the blanket they lay on. Mary cried out with delight. Francis held Mary's arms above her head and leaned down to passionately kiss her. "But who says we can't try once more before we leave?"

Mary laughed. "I do!" She exclaimed. "I am already dressed and don't care to have to put on and tie my corset again." Francis pouted but Mary ignored him. "Maybe if you are good, we can have a little fun in the carriage like you very much like to have."

Francis perked up, "I like the sound of that." He quickly stood up and started dressing before Mary had time to even react to his agreement. "Well why are you just lying there? We have a long carriage ride ahead of us if we want to get to Paris."

Mary didn't get up, instead she just smiled and giggled at her husband.

"Fine," Francis said, only in his undershirt and trousers. "If you won't get up, I guess I'll have to make you." He crouched down and place one arm under her knees and the other around her shoulders, then he stood up and brought her with him.

"Francis!" Mary cried with laughter, "I can walk you know."

"But this way is so much more enjoyable," Francis grinned at her, his blue eyes boring into her hazel ones.

"You need to finish dress though my love," Mary stroked his face.

Francis sighed, "Why do you give such sound arguments?"

"Because it's my job to give you good advice, I am your Queen after all," Mary planted a kiss on his lips before he let her down. "Now, you finish dressing and I will grab these blankets."

Mary picked up the blanket that covered them and began folding it. She set it down once it was folded and grabbed the next. It wasn't until she started folding the second one that she realized that Francis hadn't moved. Instead, he just stood there, staring at her.

"What is it now?" Mary asked slightly annoyed with one hand on her hip, the other holding the blanket.

"Nothing," Francis responded with a smile, "I just hope you know how utterly and completely in love with you I am."

Mary's annoyance went out like a light, in its place came a bright smile. Francis quickly closed the gap between the two to steal one last passionate kiss before he finished dressing. It didn't take long before the pair were walking back to their carriage and guards, hand in hand.

Francis nodded at his coachman as he handed Mary into the carriage. He followed Mary and the coachman shut the door behind him. He settled next to Mary, his arm snaking around her waist and her head finding the crook of his neck. No words were spoken as the carriage continued on its way to Paris. The royal couple just sat in peace, basking in the feeling of one another, not knowing that the day could have had a very different outcome if they had decided to stay longer. Instead, both King and Queen were in perfect health and happy to enjoy a peaceful carriage ride to Paris with their bodies flush against one another, happy and in love.

"Francis?" Mary spoke to her husband, putting her earrings in. Francis said nothing, he only looked up from tying his shirt and caught her eye, signaling that she had his attention. "What do you have planned that requires us to leave our room and dress so nice?"

"Would you have rather just stayed here all night and well into the morning?" Francis replied, purposefully not answering the question she posed.

"Well, yes, I would like that very much, but I am curious as to what you have planned."

"All I can tell you is that we will be dinning with some important noblemen that reside here in Paris, and then something that I've been wanting to do since the day you came back to Court."

Mary stared at him, questioningly. "What have you wanted to do since the day I returned to Court?"

"That, my dear, is a secret that you shall find out when the time comes."

Mary rolled her eyes, knowing he wouldn't give up any more details to their plans for the evening. She was a little annoyed at not knowing, but at the same time intrigued and excited for the surprise he had planned. She finished putting on her jewelry in silence, knowing that she'd have to get through a dinner where she was the Queen, instead of just Mary before she learned of the surprise he had in store for her.

Francis studied Mary as she finished getting ready. He watched the emotions play out on her face and couldn't help but smile. He thought he'd never get more moments like the one he experienced in their temporary chambers. The little moments that only husband and wife experienced with each other. As Mary flatten her gown and looked herself once more in the mirror, Francis approached her. His hands glided around her waist to come together on her stomach. He slowly placed his open mouth on her neck, sending shivers down her spine. A soft moan escaped Mary's lips and her eyes slid shut as Francis continued his ministration.

"Francis," she breathed. "Francis- as- as enjoyable as this is," another moan escaped her lips, "we have a dinner to, um, to attend to."

Francis smiled against her neck, "But this is so much better."

Mary turned around in his arms, her own hands coming up to his chest. "I agree, but there is a table full of nobles waiting to dine with us. We are the King and Queen of France; they will notice if we aren't there."

Francis threw his head back in defeat with an exasperated groan. "I know, I know," he lifted his head back to meet her amused gaze. "I just wish we could skip the dinner and go back to being what we have been these past few days, just a boy and girl."

"Well, I don't think we are children anymore," Mary joked. "I think we both have proved that you are most definitely a man, and I am most definitely a woman."

Francis gave a small laugh, "I quite agree." He gave her one last kiss before letting her go in favor of offering an arm to guide her out of their room.

The royals entered the dining room to find all their guest present and waiting for them. They all stood, waiting for first the Queen, then the King to sit before they all took their places as well. The conversation was light, the noble men and women talking of families and polite topics, no politics were breeched with the noblewomen present. It wasn't until after dinner, where the noble women gathered to continue their talks of dresses and children and the men to discuss politics with their King and Queen.

"Your majesties," a nobleman spoke up as soon as their wives had left their presence. "There have been whispers here in Paris. Whispers about a potential assassination attempt on the Queen's life."

Francis abruptly lowered the goblet of wine he had been drinking and Mary grasped his arm tightly. There always was a looming threat of death for royals, especially when Mary's cousin wanted her dead, but it was different to hear of those threats coming into reality.

"What more information do you have?" Francis spoke, his hand sliding into Mary's.

"All we have heard is that Elizabeth is throwing more money at assassins in France to get close to the Queen and kill her. We don't know exactly who these assassins are nor when they will strike." Francis and Mary both stayed silent, processing the information. "We do know however, that they are unaware of the presence of the King and Queen in Paris."

"Well then," Mary started, not really sure where she was going with her sentence. "We are only here until the end of the week. When we return to Court we'll have to assign more guards and be extra careful."

"Yes, and we will find out more when we return," Francis agreed. "I want you all to keep your ears open to see if there will be attempts while we are in Paris. There is no doubt that these people that Elizabeth has paid will get word of our presence here." The lords nodded in understanding. "I will speak with my guards and take their advice into account."

After a moment of silence, Mary spoke up again, "Are there any more pressing matters to discuss?" The lords shook their heads to convey there was nothing else.

"Very well," Francis concluded, not wanting to stay with the noblemen any longer than he had to. "My wife and I have much to discuss, we shall retire for the night."

A murmur of "your majesties" were accompanied with each man bowing to their King and Queen as the two left the room. Mary and Francis gave a polite smile to men before Francis escorted Mary out of the room.

"Francis," Mary began worriedly once they left the room.

"There is no current dangerous threat so I suggest we wait until morning to deal with it," Francis quickly interrupted, turning to face his wife. His hands cupped her face, effectively forcing her to look him in the eye and easing her worry. "For now, I don't want you to think about it. We will fully deal with it when we get back to Court where the backstabbing and lying and meant to take place," they both laughed. "Besides, I have a lovely surprise for you and I'm sure you are curious as to what it is."

Mary smiled, her hand stroking one of his. "Thank you," she whispered. "You're too good for me."

"Nonsense," Francis exclaimed, grabbing her hand that had been stroking his and standing up straight. "We love each other and we have two countries that depend on us, so I think we are perfect for each other. Now come, the surprise awaits."

Mary laughed and followed him out, not caring where they were going, as long as they were together. Francis lead her outside where the sun was setting and casting a golden glow over the city. They took a short walk to the Louvre, with guards following them but keeping their distance. A table with wine and strawberries sat in the open. There was a cellist playing soft music and a servant there to take care of any other needs they may have.

"Being royal does sometimes have its perks," Francis whispered as he watched Mary's mesmerized face at the beautiful little scene he had set.

"Yes, it really does," Mary replied quietly, still in a little shock of the romantic setting he had chosen.

"I figured, after I miraculously came back from the dead," Francis pulled out the chair for Mary so she could take a seat, "that we should take this opportunity and live a little. Not be too caught up in the politics."

"I agree," Mary replied as Francis poured them each a goblet of wine. "It is nice not having to talk about what's best for our countries every waking moment of the day."

"To us," Francis raised his goblet in a toast. "We are King and Queen of two nations, but we also a husband and wife and should relish in the fact that we found love in this bleak world."

"To us," Mary gave a small, admiring smile.

Husband and wife drank their wine, savoring the quiet moment they had together. The sun slowly sunk into the horizon. The golden and pink sky was replaced by a deep blue that had freckles of light upon it. By the time the sun was gone, the goblets had been emptied and the couple sat, just listening to the melody the cellist created. Mary felt like she could fall asleep in the peaceful setting. Her husband, however, startled her when he abruptly stood up and walked around the table to offer her his hand.

"May I have this dance?" Francis asked, slightly bowing to show respect.

Mary giggled, "Yes, you most definitely may."

She took his hand and they slowly started swaying together, bodies fitting into the other like pieces in a puzzle. Mary's head was tucked into Francis's neck, just breathing in his distinct scent she had gotten to know well over the years. Her hands were on his neck, softly playing with the hair on the back of his head. Francis's hands rested on the small of her back, one of his thumbs gently rubbing circles on her back.

"I told you I wanted to dance under the stars at the Louvre," Francis spoke softly.

Mary craned her head back to look him in the eyes. "That's what all of this was about?" She gestured to the table and cellist. Francis nodded. "So does this mean we are going to do all the things on that list of yours?"

"Well, not right away. We still do have to rule over two countries, but eventually we'll check off all the items off the list."

"Hmm," Mary rested her head back against his shoulder, "I like the sound of that." Mary took a deep breath in, relaxing into his embrace as they continued to sway. "Can I know what's next on the list?"

"What's next?" Francis asked, going through his list, deciding what to tell her. "Next is having a baby with you."

"That sounds lovely," Mary hummed, eyes closed and a smile on her face. She thought of a boy with Francis's hair and her eyes, a child that was part him and part her. "A baby to take care of and watch grow up where we grew up."

"And eventually play with his or her cousins and brothers and sisters."

"And then we'll leave Scotland and France to our children and just enjoy being just husband and wife."

"Yes, one day," Francis replied, wistfully.