Since I've had a couple requests for an epilogue, here it is! It's short, but hopefully sweet. :D


He peers around, making sure to exaggerate his movements comically.

More giggles, and this time he can pinpoint where it came from. He slowly creeps in that direction, but makes sure not to look at one specific spot.

"Oh my, I just cannot find the princess! Has she run away to be with an evil vizier?! Do I need to go and rescue her!?" He makes to wail as dramatically as he possibly can, and he hears his darling wife giggle from across the garden.

More giggles, then a form is launched at him. He catches it, and grins down at his pouting son. "Oh ho! It seems our evil vizier has been stopped in his tracks! Whomever was it who defeated this mighty foe!? Who was it that saved the princess?"

"I DID! I saved myself!" Another form bursts out from the same bush his son was flung from, and Aladdin laughs at the sight of his daughter, covered in mud, standing victoriously in front of him.

"I see you did! Congratulations, young princess. As you are the one who won the game, it is your turn to pick tonight's dinner! What would you have it be?"

His daughter's eyes light up in glee, and he just knows he is going to have to veto several ideas, all of them including excess amounts of sugar. In his arms, his son grumbles at the idea that his twin will get to pick their dinner again, and peers up at Aladdin sullenly.

Aladdin feels joy bubbling up in his chest, and lets himself laugh - his laughter grows as he sees a small bee buzzing about his daughter's head. He knows that is no normal bee, but decides not to call Aziz on it. If the blue being wants to cheat at a child's game, then he'd better be prepared for retribution. Abu and Hamia are always happy to mess with the Genie, so Aladdin figures he can find a way to pull a prank on the all-powerful being.

A hand settles on his back, and he turns to look at his wife. She is more beautiful than the day he met her, and every day after that she gets ever more radiant. He adores her completely, and tells her so. Jasmine beams at him, and leans in for a kiss. Their lips touch for barely a moment before their children begin complaining and exclaiming in disgust. They separate with a laugh, and Aladdin swears he has never been happier.

Tomorrow, he will swear the same thing, and every day afterward.

After all, while life will still be hard, because such is life, he has all he could ever ask for. A loving family, amazing friends, and the ability to protect and care for all of those he cares about. He doesn't need anything else.

He is content.