
Sorry for being inactive for… *checks history* Two years….. God I'm a horrible person. If you guys are reading any of my old stories, stop. Please, I don't ship them anymore and my writing was so horrid. Ugh *cringes* Anywho ONWARDS MY FANCIES

What did she do wrong? She didn't make friends, she kept a low profile, She paid only using cash, she didn't have a good job that left evidence. She did everything right! Lucy Heartfillia thought over every second of living in her current city. What had she done? All she wanted was to have friends, and to live a normal free life where she could be happy and smile again. She threw her very few personals she owned into two bags and ran out of her little apartment she had rented for the two months she lived there. She was going to miss the crazy old man next door, the woman with her kid across from her. And most of all the warm bed. She stopped at the door and glanced back. The place she called home was now empty and lonely. Just like her. The door slammed and as she stumbled down stairs she was in tears, shaking knowing what ever she did, it had messed her up. Again.

"Shit." She stood on the street waiting for a taxi looking around with wild eyes. Where would she go now? The yellow flash of the short awaited savior rounded the counter. Her hand flew out calling out for it, seeing it turn her way she sighed and opened the door flinging her belongings inside as she took one last glance around. Clear. Her legs hit the seat, surprised that it was warm she placed her hand on the leather with confusion.

"Where to?" A deep voiced asked with a tone of Impatience.

"Um." she glanced up at the mans reflection in the rearview mirror. The dark blue empty eyes bore into hers with a painful past full of bloodshed and loss. There was a scar on his forehead above his left eye mostly covered by prominent spiky black coloured hair. Her stomach flopped as the cab suddenly grey very hot and her mind went blank and dizzy. Taking deep slow breaths she cleared her throat. Where was near enough to the train station, but where she could lose who was after her?

"The pub."She said and looked out the window seeing a figure in alleyway next to her old apartment complex. She couldn't see who it was due to the car pulling away but she didn't want to turn to look in case she looked suspicious. What had happened to the real cab driver? The thump in the back answered that question as they turned a corner. Her eyes widened and her body stiffened. Soft well groomed hands grabbed for her smaller bag and held it to her chest. What had she done to deserve this? Worried brown eyes looked out and saw the purple glowing sign that said "Lincoln City Pub"

"How much will that be?" she asked with a small voice making sure he didn't know she knew.

"Past 10 is free for ladies." she felt the soothing voice. If in a different situation she might have found it comforting and relaxing. Looking at the radio on the car she saw it was only 9:30. Not wanting to wait any longer she mumbled a thanks and ushered out of the car into the bustling Pub. There were many people in the building making it easy to disappear. The only thing that made her stand out was the fact that she was in a sweatshirt and Jeans nothing bar worthy. She stuck to the wall and snuck out the back quickly looking around for any moving shadows. Seeing nothing she took off sprinting. Up two, left one, up one. Not too far from the train station last train usually is at 9:50 if she kept running she would make it and able to buy a ticket and board before they saw her.

With the train station in sight, and a tight pain in her side the sound of the horn blaring for its last passengers, was sound of music to the out of breath woman. With a burst of speed and adrenaline she pounded up the steps and to the clerk who looked scared from seeing the sweaty woman demand a ticket. Relieved she was given the ticket she pushed open the gates and into the large train. Almost all the seats were empty giving her a relaxed sigh as she slid into the green felted seats. Her tired brown eyes looked outside the window to reveal a young woman with long scarlet hair and brown eyes. Her slender but muscular body stood next to the now shirtless man from her taxi. Usually the two let her go due to the fun they had on the chase so lucy knew she was safe for the moment. A small smile appeared on her face as she waved goodbye as the train pulled off. Safe. it was a nice word for the moment. After her Mother died when lucy was younger her father grew distant as he had become money hungry and wanted nothing to do with her. When lucy turned 16 she ran away and her father left her alone for a year until he was given a deal that if he married her off into a family he would make a new money partner who would make him a lot of money. Then came the letters begging, her bribing her. After that came the threats. After that, came the bounty hunters. They had never hurt her too much, she had always slipped away. Where to now? Wherever the end of the train line takes her.

"Ma'am, the train has stopped for the night, you need to get off." Lucy woke up to a woman putting her hand gently on the blonde's shoulder to wake her up. She flinched but relaxed when realizing there was not ultimate danger. Thanking the woman she walked off the train and saw a sign that said Magnolia. Seeing almost no one there she assumed it was late at night and she had been on the train for a while.

"Far enough for now. " She mumbled and walked down the empty street dragging her few things with her. She was tired and wanted a shower then a bed. Knowing most hotels are probably closed at this time she saw a little cafe with the lights on. It was empty but there were workers inside. The door rang with a bell making the few workers their raise their head to see who was there at this hour. There was a woman with Blue hair who was a petite teenage girl of a slender build. Her shoulder length hair was bright blue with a yellow headband holding some bangs back. She gave lucy a bright smile and said she would be right with her. Lucy nodded and sat at a small table and watched another woman walk in who looked beautiful. She also looked like a petite young woman with short white hair and blue eyes also walks in and takes over the blue haired woman's job of cleaning the tables.

'What may I get you?" Lucy looks up and see's that the blue woman was there in front of her with a notepad in her hands.

"Just a smoothie thank you, Strawberry." She mumbled with a short smile that was returned gracefully and with a nod the beautiful woman had left.

After Lucy had finished her smoothie and her small talk with the two girls that she later learned that their names were Levy and Lisanna. She had found out that Lisanna's brother owns a motel and would let her stay for as long as she needed. So following the given directions she stood in front of a small little pink building with a sign that said "Manly hotel." Lucy had to read that twice to check she was reading before going in. what she first saw was a huge man sitting on a stool writing something down.

"Hello, I would like a room. Lisanna sent me here." The man perked up at the sound of his sister's name.

'Lisanna? Yes of course rooms are manly." he replied quickly before setting the few things up for a room for her and handing her a key.

"Um, thanks." She said slowly and took the key and her few things to head up to floor two room 3. That man was weird, he was very large but not in an unfit way, it was more muscle than anything. He had tan coloured skin, and height that had him towering over her even while sitting down. His long white hair was kept styled upward in long wavy spikes, his dark eyes a look of pure friendliness and he had a stitched scar running down his right side of his face over his eye.

When she got to her hallway and found her door, she unlocked it with the ease that she had gotten over the years of living at motels. The room looked like any other with a single bed, a nightstand, a desk, a tv and a bathroom with a shower toilet and sink.

"Home sweet home." She mumbled and threw her things down taking out a pencil and paper. Once done she stretched and closed the curtains leading outside. She stopped her movement when something caught her eye.


When was the last time she played in the rain, or even had fun? Oh right, she knew when.

She closed the curtains and turned off the lights to sleep. She would look for a temporary job tomorrow.

Dear Mother,

Father send more after me, when is this going to stop? I don't want to be married off, I don't want to be stuck inside as a trophy wife with three kids and no life. I want to go out and adventure. You would understand that any day. I miss you mother, I'm sure Dad does too. He was never like this when you were here. I still remember your soft touch when I was hurt, or when you would tell me the same story every night before bed because it was my favourite.

I'm staying at this little town named Magnolia, in a cute little place named 'Manly hotel". The man who owns it is a huge guy with a sister named Lisanna. She is so pretty Mom, She has white hair and a great smile. I meet another girl named Levy too. She has bright blue hair and she's so sweet and funny. They were at a little Cafe working.

I'm not sure how long I will stay here, Probably not too long seeing as they found me pretty quickly last time. I still miss him mom, I loved him and it hurts just to remember what happened and that I caused it. I will never forgive dad for doing what he did to the man I loved.

Goodnight momma, I love you.

-Lucy Heartfiilia

Sorrryyyyyyyyyyyy, I know it wasn't the best. sorry for my mistakes. not the best at editing~ I havn't written anything in soooo longg. But I hope you enjoyed it somewhat. Good day my Fancies!