The Dragon of Peace (Updated)

Hey there, readers. As you noticed I again made another revision and it will also be my last time I do this, IF the story does not go well than it does not. Tough luck for me.

Author notes will appear from now on at the bottom describing certain things or occurrences.

Please take note: I am not an English-speaking person and mistakes will often appear including my grammar and sentences that will confuse you, make a WTF face or make you cringe, BUT I will try my best at keeping it a wonderful story line. So please bear with me.

Updates will be random and no set date of each release.

WARNING: Know that the protagonists I have in this story 'ID and Lamia' will be Godlike/Transcended with many powerful abilities. So, if you come to dislike them steamrolling over their enemies… not my problem. I put a warning saying they will be 'Godlike'

Covid19: I wish u all to please stay healthy and be safe in these grim times. For our world we once knew is not the same.

Now without further ado enjoy.

Disclaimer: ID The Greatest Fusion Fantasy and High school DxD are not mine. If they were, I would've already finished the story of ID.

[Updated 2020-05-31]

"Speech" Talking


"Spells being used or attacks,"

"Dragons, Lamia (Weapon form), or beasts talking,"


There was a great void. A void filled with stars with an endless Galaxy with different planets in the far-off distances. Planets and the galaxy's connected to different dimensions by only a single line of different size rotating hollow gears turning in opposite directions. This void that can allow someone to travel across different places, its name:

"Dimensional Crux,".

The Dimensional Crux can allow one to change one's Fate, Destiny, Time or encounters and can even allow one to change other people's life/s. But to having such a dangerous place to stand and exist needs one powerful and strong enough to guard this place's safety from unwanted individuals who want to use it for their own glee and satisfaction.

A being so powerful and strong that nothing in existence can defeat it or oppose it. And only one such being can cross this void, The Grey Dragon (aka) Greydrone. For they asked him to be the protector of this dangerous void and not allow anyone to use it. Accept him within reason. And right now his protégé along with his most trusted companion is now traveling through this place.

"Lamia! Where the hell are we?!" Called a youthful man in that looked like a teenager.

He had long black hair tied in a ponytail that reached just above his ankle. What held he's hair in place was a hair ornament (not just any hair ornament, but we'll get to that later)

He had a thin build and fair features. He's appearance is close to that of a woman so he's often mistaken for a woman (trust me he's a man, even though he's body looks like that of a model).

"I think we're in the Dimensional Crux, ID-Nim." answered a girl's voice.

The now named 'ID' had an exasperated look "What?! *Face Palm* Not again. Why do these things keep on happening to me?!" Holding his head with both hands in frustration, then got a frown. "Wait, a Dimensional Crux?"

Now to explain how ID entered this place; While after the fight with the so-called 'god' at 'Ground Zero' ID's bracelet (that appears when it wants to) made a destabilizing effect on his ability when he tried to bring yin and yang together. Now you can expect how that ended up. It created a dimensional void that sucked ID into a vortex.

So now here he is with he's trusted companion Lamia (a transcended sword) traveling in the Dimensional Crux.

Lamia is an ancient sword created by Greydrone, The Grey Dragon (AN: to those who does not know Greydrone please refer to the story that's listed on the disclaimer), and the God's. She chose ID as her Master, while Greydrone hadn't been able to use her. Her spirit takes the form of a woman with gray hair that reaches just below her lower back and she also has a pink lace in her hair just on the head. She wears a pink Chinese dress with slits that stretches from the bottom to the top just next to the thigh. And she has a well-developed body.

"Hai. I was once told of this place by Greydrone-Nim, he had used this place to travel different dimensions and that he was also its protector." Explained Lamia.

ID let out a sigh. "All right, I'll look that up later in Greydrones memory when I have the chance. Honestly, I thought these things were not that important, but it would seem I was negligent on these matters that are indeed to be a priority to know. So, got any idea where we're heading?" he asked while they traveled in this place void of any sound.

Lamia shook her head with a frown adoring her face. "Sorry ID-Nim. But I'm afraid I do not have any idea where we are heading to." She replied, feeling ashamed.

"Oh, that's just great." He grumbled. "Not your fault Lamia don't berate yourself over it… Mmm?" At the far end as they floated through the endless tunnel a light appeared at the end.

Lamia looked what caught ID's attention "Looks like we're about to exit the Dimensional Crux and it doesn't feel like the continent of Gressen."

He widened his eyes. 'Is it possible that I'm heading back to my homeland?' ID thought. "Well, to what unknown world we are heading to we better be ready for a rough landing." He remembered the last time he landed on Gressen he had close company with the ground.

They readied themselves for what's waiting on the other side as they approached the light.

Dimensional Gap

Two figures; one childish girl with raven overlong hair dressed in a Lolita dress (Ophis The Infinite Dragon) and the other a big Red Dragon (Great Red) were busy staring down each other having another heated clash.

Right when they were about to move for another attack, both stilled on the spot. Feeling a chill running down their spines, making the hair on every part of their bodies stand up (Well on Ophis since she's in human form but you get my drift)

Both are familiar about this certain beings Aura, even if it was just for a second, they knew who it belonged to 'Oh Kami. He's back, Uncle Grey has returned.' Thought Ophis with fear.

Great Red's face filled with dread and looked white with fear. He whimpered, WHIMPERED Great Red never whimpers… Only when HE's here scolding him.

Ophis looked up at Great Red, she could see the color draining from his Draconian face.

Their one Uncle who adopted them since they were young.

Their one Uncle who raised them with care.

The Grey Dragon, Protector and Guardian of the Dimensional Crux; Greydrone has returned.

They both looked around them, seeing the destruction they caused. Great Red sobbed.

Ophis held her behind. And for the first time since anyone who knew Ophis, who always had a stoic look with no emotions on her face, for once she had a cringed look.

O/GR "We're fucked." Were their words of dread.

Planet: Earth. Country: Japan.

Location: Outskirts of Kuoh Town, Forest

Time: 22:30 PM

Just on the outskirts of the Town in the small clearing of the forest a dimension void opened, distorting space with a spiral as it slightly grew. At that moment, once it stopped expanding, two figures came crash landing on the ground creating dust and a crater.

With its job done, the Vortex closed itself up and completely sealing any chance of opening until once ordered from its Guardian.

ID and Lamia groaned from the impact. "Ow, damn that hurts." Groaned ID as he helped himself up.

"No kidding." Moaned Lamia holding her bicep.

Both of them froze. 'Did Lamia just say she felt pain?!/Did I just complain about pain?!'

The both of them thought at the same time. ID whipped his head so fast he might have sprained it and true to his disbelief Lamia was standing there as an actual person and not in her ethereal form.

Lamia looked herself over. Yep. She's standing there with an actual body and feeling herself over to make sure it's not a dream. She gave a megawatt smile and squealed with delight, jumping up and down with joy. She ran and jumped onto ID with great excitement.

"ID-Nim, ID-Nim! It 'real! I've finally got an actual body". She exclaimed with excitement.

A smile graced ID's face and hugged her back "Yes, it's real Lamia I can feel that you definitely have an actual body, I can even feel your body heat." He's thrilled for her, being stuck in a form that doesn't allow you to touch, smell and feel must have been very difficult for her.

After a short while they released each other's embrace. They scanned the area where they were, noticing it was a crater they are standing in.

"This is not Gressen Content and definitely not my homeland, The Three Kingdoms." Concluded ID in his observation from his surroundings.

Lamia gave a nod. "Yes. The land or more correctly the Planet and its residence differs completely from them. I sense many individuals not of the same kind. Wait,"

She turned to ID. "ID-Nim look through Greydrone-Nim's memory, I think we may have our answer."

ID closed his eyes. "Mmm…" After a short while "According to what I sifted through we're on Earth, in the country of Japan and where we are is that, we are just outside the Town of Kuoh. And the presences we're feeling across the planet and the town is that of; Angels, Fallen-Angels, Devils and… Dragons?" That last one surprised ID. Looks like there are Dragons here as well, but in a different plane. "Somewhere in between a gap?"

"Dimensional Gap." Lamia corrected. "Almost like the Dimensional Crux, but different it's a separate place between worlds. The Dimensional Gap is the gap that exists between the three worlds (Earth, Heaven, and the Underworld) and is considered a void world. It is the birthplace of Ophis, the Infinite Dragon God, and Great Red, the True Dragon. Nothing can survive within the Dimensional Gap without magical protection. Anyone without such protection dies within a matter of seconds after being exposed to the "nothingness" within the Gap." She finished her explanation.

"Wow, that's quite a dangerous place." ID blinked. "Wait why does those two names 'Ophis' and 'Great Red' sound familiar?" ID tilted his head bit.

Lamia gave a sly smile. "Why you're their 'Uncle'."

Silence was the only answer, ID gave a blank look at Lamia. ID blinked a few times as he's brain rebooted. He chuckled, "Sorry I thought I heard you say something about me being an uncle." Wiggling his finger in his ear. He must have heard that wrong. But the smile was still there on her face as she shook her head.

"You're serious?" He asked.

She was having fun at his reaction. "Nope." Popping the 'P' at the end.

ID Facepalmed as he dragged his hand down his face

Lamia giggled at ID's expense. ID grew a tick mark. "You're pulling my leg, aren't you?" he crossed his arms while pouting.

Lamia smiled. "Well Technically, Greydrone-Nim raised them as his own children since the time they were of young age and as the years went by they came to like him as an 'Uncle'. Well, that is of what I remember Greydrone-Nim told me of the story when I was still with him inside that cave you found us in."

"Mmmm, I see." Nodded ID. "So, I guess I will meet them soon?"

Lamia put her finger on her chin, "Mm most likely. When we passed the dimensional gap, I sensed them so they most likely felt our presence."

ID raised an eyebrow but shrugged. "Well, we'll meet them when the time comes. Let get out of this crater, I feel we may have gotten the attention of the supernatural in the town." As they were about to move out of the crater, a note floated in front of them. He grabbed it before it fell to the ground. "What's this? A Note?"

"Looks like it."

He read the note. "Apparently an address is written that's in the town." ID said.

"Do you think maybe Greydrone Nim wrote the note?" Lamia questioned. They don't know anyone from this dimension, so that's the only logical reason.

ID shrugged. "Likely." He agreed while also turning the note over, finding a small map detailing where to go.

"Well, let's go find out. I'm curious what Greydrone Nim left for us. And I'm also hiding our presence, masking that of an ordinary human." They both climbed out of the crater to and made their way towards the address.

"Yeah. Don't want to bring the attention to us that soon."

A few minutes later at the written Address

ID's eyebrow twitched. "Lamia… Are you sure this is the correct address?" ID asked with a scrunched brow.

"Hai. This is what the address told to according to the map, this is the place." She looked at the house and map, sure that this was the correct address. In front of them was a 'House' well… not actually a house. It looked more like a mansion. It looked Victorian and had three floors with windows. The front yard was very spacious and had a luxurious garden and with a fountain in the middle. (Like the one of Nerine's in Shuffle including the wall and gate).

ID just gave a sigh. "Well, let's go look inside." He walked forward and placed his hand on the gate when a clicking sound came from the gate, unlocked and opened itself with no sound.

"Ok..." He did not expect that to happen. They kept on walking through the opened steel gate, just as they passed the two walls holding the gate they felt a strange feeling. "What the...?" ID blinked, confused. As he felt something link to them as if taking ownership.

Lamia questioned. "A barrier of some sort?" She looked into the evening sky seeing as that there is something surrounding the house.

"Mmm..." ID mused. "Must be a barrier keeping intruders out and hiding anything supernatural from leaking out. But once it verified our presence it somehow connected to us." He said after thinking about what barrier it must have been, they'll look into that later, but right now he just wants to sleep. After that fight he had, he didn't get any rest.

"Most likely." Lamia coming to the same conclusion.

The gate closed behind them as they kept on moving toward the front door of the mansion. They approached the porch of the double mahogany doors that had tinted glass and wood on them. "Well here we are. But still I wasn't expecting such an enormous house, correction meant mansion." He corrected himself.

"At least it we got a place we can stay at." She said inspecting the structure of the place.



They turned their heads to the sound that came from the doors. "It would appear that once we're close to the Mansion, the doors unlock automatically once we're in proximity." Lamia voiced their thoughts.

ID just put a hand on his head and sighed, "Is it just me or was Greydrone to lazy to open doors normally?"

"Probably? He did sleep a lot from what I know." Said Lamia as she opened the doors.

They walked in to the mansion, closing the door behind them. Once the door closed the lights of the house went on automatically. "Yep, definitely going to get used to it." He sweat dropped.

They looked at the interior of the front hall. It was big inside; in the middle was the Lounge area with a set of seating arranged and with a round glass table in the middle. On the left was a set of stairs leading up to the second floor. The floors have 'Elf Verdon Grey Laminated Flooring'. (Sorry for the poor explanation of the interior, but all I can say is that it's a rich person's mansion) Lamia and ID had no words about how the interior looked like of the front hall and sitting room. They've seen nothing like it before.

They both got out of there stupor when two people appeared in a flash of light. Blinking their eyes to get rid of the spots. Two maids were standing in front of them.

The one on the right; She had short light black hair that reached just below her shoulders. Her eyes are red and she had a smile on her face. She has a modest built body, her height was 152cm and the most intriguing features about her was that her ears were long and pointy. She wears a maid uniform (Sage from shuffle).

The girl on the left next to the first maid; She also where'd the maid's uniform. Her hair was overlong and purple, it reached just at the top of her bottom. Her eyes had the same red color. She also has a fair-built body, she was slightly taller just by 2 cm and had pointy ears. (Nerine from Shuffle)

Lamia's eye twitched. 'I'm getting a foreboding feeling for the future.'

The first maid spoke. "Good evening, Master and Lady." She gave a bow like that of a servant. "My name is Sage and I'll be your head maid from now on. The one next to me is Nerine my daughter," who also gave a bow "and she'll also be in service as a maid to the mansion. Our previous Master had ordered us to look after you. We both will take care of your personal needs; such as keeping the mansion clean, doing the laundry, the food and any other services. We look forward to being under you care from today" She finished.

ID was gaping at the two elves 'Maids? Really, Greydrone?! Did u have to consider maids for us?'

'Could it be that Greydrone Nim planned this? Well anyway, they will come in handy to have since this mansion is too big for two people to clean alone.' That was Lamia's thoughts.

Seeing as ID could not respond. "Evening Sage, Nerine, it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lamia and this is my Master, Friend and Companion Ye Chun Wa. May I ask, who has assigned you to look after us? I Mean it's the first time that we have ever come here and we don't know anybody from around here." She asked just to clarify.

Sage gave a nod. "Yes, Lady Lamia. Lord Greydrone our previous master ordered us that one day that Lady Lamia and her Companion would show up. He asked us to be in your care and services once you showed up."

ID who got out of his stunned state and Lamia gave a not at her confirmation. "So…" ID began "You two were in the service of Greydrone-Nim?"

The maids gave a nod, "Yes. Lord Chun Wa." ID felt weird being called 'Lord'

"Um can we drop the Lord stuff? I'm not used to being called Lord or Master." He rubbed the back of his head. "You can call me ID at least, Sage-San."

Lamia giggled at ID's expanse. He gave her a fake glare.

"I'm sorry ID-Sama but as our Master we can't call you by your first name without proper honorifics." There was a slight twitch at the end of her lips, barely seen.

ID let out a defeated sigh. 'Well at least she dropped the 'Lord' title.' He thought.

Lamia gained a tint of a smile on her lips. "How long have you known Greydrone-Nim? Cause I sense that you're not only an Elf, but you also have the aura of a devil." She said out of curiosity.

ID raised an eyebrow. He sensed a black energy from them but listened. "Yes, Lamia-Sama. We are High Elf's and Devils. It was before the Great War between the three Factions that Master Greydrone saved us from our previous master before him." Sage got a small distant and hurtful look.

Nerine stepped in for her mother. "Our previous master (before Lord Greydrone) who was from the Old-Satan Faction was cruel and very abusive towards he's 'servants' and he was worse to me and my mother since we are elf's." Nerine said the servant word in distaste.

ID felt anger building up inside. "We're sorry for asking such a personal question Nerine-San. We didn't know that you two had such a terrible past." But showed he felt sorry for them on the outside.

Nerine just shook her head. "There is nothing to apologize for ID-Sama. You didn't know about us and you may ask us, since you only wanted to know who we are." There was a soft smile on her face.

"How did Greydrone-Nim save you, Nerine-San?" ID asked in a gentle voice.

Sage continued. "The day when me and my daughter had enough of our previous master's cruelty, we escaped from he's home and went into hiding deep in the underworld to get away from him. But we didn't get very far till he found us," ID was about to say something but held his tongue "BUT luck was on our side or more like Hope. It was at that moment before our previous master could do something to us that Lord Greydrone showed up and saved us." Sage and Nerine looked at each other.

"To think Lord Greydrone the strongest and most powerful being in existence who was also a Dragon saved us, saved someone like 'Us' Devils from harm. We still wonder to this day if it was destiny or fate that kept us alive today." Both mother and daughter had joyful smiles on their faces.

Lamia who was quiet the entire time could not take it anymore. She rushed to them and brought the two in for a hug. She had a smile on her face and you could also see tears coming from her eyes.

ID just looked at the scene before him. He made up he's mind. "Sage, Nerine." They both turned their heads from Lamia's shoulder with tears in their eyes. "From today on and in the future, I promise on my name and life, that we will look after and protect you like Family, and NEVER abuse you in any way."

Both girl's eyes grew wide. There previous master (Not Greydrone the 'Devil One') hasn't once promised them something like that before, he never treated them like family.

"I as well, for I am ID's sword and Companion also promise to protect anyone in our family from any and all dangers." Lamia promised.

That broke the damn. The two girls cried. "Thank you! ID-Sama, Lamia-Sama for accepting us as Family and being so generous. We will serve you both proudly. Thank you!" She said through sobs. Truly it must have been fate that brought them to these two.

Light shown from the four of them. Forming the contract between Master and Servant.

After a few minutes of comforting's all went to their respectful rooms for a well nights' rest. The maids showed ID and Lamia to their rooms. The master bedroom goes to ID and the room next to him goes to Lamia.

If you know Lamia she would have asked to stay in the same room as ID but tonight was not on her mind. What she wants to do first is to go to bed like any standard person and fall asleep on a comfy bed. When she was in her ethereal form, she couldn't touch any solid objects, but now she has the chance to finally feel like a normal person. So, she followed Nerine as the maid showed her to her room.

Sage showed ID to his room. "And this is ID-Sama's room." As Sage opened the door and let ID in.

Once ID entered his room, he was shocked once again to see the sheer size of the room. On the right side of the room was one Oversized bed, it was 10 x 12 FT in size. The mattress was Air-Pedic with 5 sets of pillows at the headrest. At the foot of the bed was a red flat seat.

The middle of the ceiling had an oval-shaped structure. In the middle of the shape was a well-shaped drawing. The same design was on the floor.

The windows had brown drape curtains held on a hook on each side. Right next to the windows was a set of furniture with a table in the middle.

"If ID-Sama needs anything else just press the 'call' button on the table next to the bed. Either me or Nerine will come." Sage gave a bow and closed the door behind her.

Left alone in the room, ID finally snapped out of his shock. "Damn. Greydrone really didn't hold back on the decorating of the mansion." Feeling too tired to even go for a shower ID just made a beeline to the bed not wasting the chance for a good night's rest.

Before he could even plop down, he saw a note 'please read' written on the note on the middle of the bed. Picking up the note ID got a foreboding feeling from it. "...Something about this going to make me regret opening it." Sucking it up, he opened the note. He's face went cherry red when he reached the end.

He Immediately tore the note to shreds. He silently wondered if Greydrone-Nim was a closet pervert. Having done that, he plopped down unto the bed. Succumbing to consciousness ID went into deep sleep.

What did the note say?

'To Yeh Chun-Hwa

Welcome to your new home. I would like you and Lamia to do me a favor. Please watch over Nerine and Sage for me in my absence. Those two have had a strenuous life in their past. And I would also like that when you get the chance to go to visit my two wayward kids in the Dimensional Gap. Or as I know Ophis, she'll likely come to you. I have had a feeling that those two have had many fights and bickering in my absence and most likely caused a lot of chaos.

Also, you might have noticed the many rooms in the Mansion and wandering why there are so many?

Well, the rooms are for when you found many lovers here in this world. Polygamy is not a rare thing between the Factions, so I made a lot of rooms for them to stay in. And the enormous bed? That's for extra 'activities'. If you have more questions, just ask Sage she'll gladly explain.

Have an enjoyable time.

. The Grey Dragon


The following day the sun's early morning rays came through the window. On the bed, ID was sleeping comfy if not for the blasted to rays hit his eyes. "Ugh. Damn you sun for waking me up. Maybe I should blow it up?" ID got up grumbling because of the sun.

Not a second later, the door opened in his room. "Morning ID-Sama. I see your already awake." Sage said cheerfully, heading to the curtains.

"Morning Sage, you're up early and cheerful." Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes greeted Sage. He didn't feel an ounce of tiredness, he felt relaxed. Maybe it was the bed he was sleeping on?

"Hai ID-Sama. It's my forte at being cheerful and full of energy." She gave a bright smile. "Now ID-Sama, if you would please get ready, we will finish breakfast within an hour. I have already had your clothes prepared for you. It is located in your dresser." Sage walked to the door, gave a bow and closed it.

35 min later

After finishing up in the bathroom and working on his hair (He's a guy, yes. So, he's supposed to be faster than that, but keep in mind that he has overlong hair.) He's clothing are: black shoes with dark blue denim. He's button-up shirt was white and had his hair tied up into a ponytail with the hair ornament holding it in place.

With him done, he went on his way to the dining room. "These clothes sure are more comfortable than the ones in Gressen." He looked himself over as he made his way downstairs.

Once he reached the door leading to the dining room, he opened it. The room was spacious enough for many people. The walls were white and decorated in unique types of fancy things. In the middle of the room was the dining table with 12 chairs, one seat on the opposite side of the table. On the left and right side of the table was five sets of chairs lined up.

He noticed that Lamia was not here yet. "Must still be busy in her room." ID made his way to the one seat at the point of the dining table.

"Hai. Nerine is assisting Lamia-Sama now in her room." ID almost jumped out of his seat by the sudden voice coming from his right.

"Geez, don't scare me like that, Sage!" ID exclaimed. 'I didn't even sense her! She's good at hiding her presence.' He thought. Sage only tilted her head to the left with an innocent look.

sigh "Never mind." He just waved his hand. 'Though come to think of it, it may come in handy later.' "What are we having for breakfast?"

"Hai. Today it will be a western style breakfast served with toast and a few side dishes." She explained.

He wondered how the Western styled breakfast looked like 'Have to research on this world's cultures and all that. I get the feeling that Greydrones' memories is a lot outdated with the current century'. "Thank you, Sage." He pardoned her.

With a bow, she left to get breakfast ready. After she left, the door to the dining room opened. ID gained a slight blush on his face when he saw Lamia walking in with Nerine following close behind, but it was what Lamia was wearing.

She had a black skirt on that just reached above her knees. A white long-sleeved shirt with frills running in the middle and at her neck also had a red ribbon tied to it. Her hair was still loose and was nicely combed and was behind her back this time running freely.

ID never imagined her to be this gorgeous. If you looked closely, you could see that there was a tinge of pink on Lamia's face.

'Nerine was right, the change of clothes really stunned ID-Nim.' Lamia had to giggle on the inside, glad she caught ID's eyes. But yet at the same time she was embarrassed. She has worn nothing except the pink Chinese dress. 'I can't wait to experience things I couldn't do before'

Shaking his head. "You look nice Lamia, the clothing suits you. Not that I didn't mind your other dress, but wearing something else sure made some changes."

Lamia chuckled, "Thank you for the compliment, ID-Nim."

Sage and Nerine stepped in to the dining room. "The breakfast is ready, love birds." Teased Sage. Both of them blushed up a storm and stuttering. They haven't even realized that Nerine disappeared into the kitchen.

Having gotten out of her blushing state, Lamia went to sit next to ID on his left. After the maids put the trays of food down on the table. Sage and Nerine moved to the back of the room with their hands crossed in front of them.

ID and Lamia looked at one another, wondering why the two were standing at the back. "Um... Why are you two standing over there? Aren't you going to sit with us?"

The maids got a surprised look. "We wouldn't dare ID-Sama. We don't have the right to sit with the masters of the house. It would be inappropriate." Nerine waved her hands in exasperation.

"Nerine, we're family, aren't we?" Lamia asked.

"Hai, you both are our first masters that have treated us like we're truly a family. Well, Lord Greydrone treated us like family but we did not join him at the table."

A warm smile spread on Lamia's face. "Then you may sit with us Sage, Nerine. Family eat together at the table and that's what we are. Family." ID gave a nod of agreement.

The maids didn't know what to say. Never had they thought the masters they serve now would ask them to sit and dine with them. Truly it was fated to have them serve masters like these two. 'Thank you, Lord Greydrone, for this chance you have given us.'

After having convinced the two, all of them sat at the table and had a conversation like a family. Once done, they have cleaned the table; they were served with a delicate cup of coffee. "What are Lamia-Sama and ID-Sama's plans for the day?"

Putting his cup down. "I was thinking of heading into town to explore the surroundings. We need to know the layout so we don't get lost and all." Lamia agreed with ID.

"I agree with ID-Nim. We're feeling multiple presences in the town. Some of them are not Devils. And we also need to get updated on what's happening in the supernatural world. And the human one." Lamia gave her idea.

ID Nods "True. By the animosity, I'm sensing from the Two Factions, Devils and Fallen, they appear to be not on acceptable terms. Something must have happened between the Factions, because they differ from the memories we know of from what Greydrone-Nim last remembered before he left."

Sage raised her hand. "Yes. Me and Nerine can fill you in on what has happened during the Millennia of Lord Greydrone's absence. We have been gathering as much intel as best we can of the Three factions while in hiding, though it may not be much." Said Sage feeling downcast.

Lamia gave a gentle smile. "There is no need to feel so down Sage. You and Nerine tried your best at getting what you can without getting discovered."

The Maids gave relieved face. So, the four of them went to the Living room, and the maids went into a detail of what they gained of the three factions.

Full explanations, snacks and restroom visits later.

ID was sitting there on the sofa rubbing a headache and Lamia trying to comfort him but had a not so happy face.

Nerine brought them some fresh tea that can help their masters relax and relief them of their pain and stress. "Thank you, Nerine." He gave her his thanks but you can hear the tiredness in his voice.

Taking a sip from the offered tea, he can already feel the effects of relieving him. "To think me and Lamia just returned from a war we brought to a stop in another dimension, but ended up in this dimension that's hanging on a thin wire truce close to another war if just one Faction makes the wrong move. No peace for the wicked, I suppose."

"Sorry." The maids gave an apology.

ID waved it off with a chuckle. "Nah. Not the two of yours fault. The Old Satan and Heaven's yes, but the two of you no."

The maids felt grateful. "So how are we going to gather more intel on the Factions? From the looks of things, we got one Faction in the Devils territory that are not supposed to be in. And it just screams 'Fishy' to me."

ID leaned back on the comfy sofa, thinking of something. Sage and Nerine Glanced at each other as if voicing their thoughts. "We may have a way for you to gain that missing info." Said Sage.

The two travelers looked towards the raven-haired maid. "Why not pose as students at Kuoh Academy? There you might gain more info on the Factions and what they are up to. From what we know, two of the three Leader Satans sisters are here attending the Academy; Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri."

They thought about the idea and it's an excellent one. "That is an excellent idea and it will also help gain more knowledge of human race. And it's also my first-time attending school so it might be fun even if it's only for a short while that we have some peace it will help us rest." He said to the girls. He hasn't gone to school before since his big sister didn't let him go, so why not take the chance?

Lamia was excited. Another thing she will experience for the first time. "Well, than since we got that idea and that we're planning on exploring the town it will also give us the chance to get the papers." ID said as he stood up.

"I can help get the papers since you need the company of an adult to first enter the school and to register." Sage raised her hand. "I have a valid civilian ID that shows I'm from this area and the family I serve at."

ID nods. "OK, let's brainstorm." The group came together to plan their strategy.

A few minutes later. "So this is how it goes. Me and Lamia will enroll at Kuoh Academy as class 3 students while Sage and Nerine will act as our bodyguards and maid of the Natsume family. Reason to that is that the Natsume Family are a prestigious Martial Artists known across the globe and I'm soon to inherit the position as head of said family after graduation." He confirmed.

"Hai!" The girls agreed.

"Sage, I'm going to have to ask that u explain to me more about this 'Natsume' family later, please. I was not aware that Greydrone left behind such a legacy."

The maid agreed to explain later to ID and Lamia about the responsibilities that they will soon follow once they graduate.

"All right. Let's get ready before we depart for the school." The group dispersed.

A while later

Everyone was standing at the front hall. Lamia and ID still had the same casual clothes on, while the two maids gotten casual clothes to put on while also placing an illusion on themselves to hide their pointy ears. With them ready, they departed for the Academy.

While they made their way to the academy. The group drew a lot of attention, men and woman alike were coming to a halt in their tracks to look at the eye candy in front of them. Some girls kept on walking and walked into each other while one man walked into a lamppost. Some older women even younger had lust in their eyes. (Cue shiver)

They just ignored the populace and kept on walking, ignoring the stares they got. After a few more incidents (well, the public actually) they arrived at their destination.

ID whistled, "Wow, this school sure is impressive. It looks as if it's made for the wealthy." It intrigued him at the Victorian look of the school.

"And it looks like school is still in session, which means all the staff are here." Nerine said as she looked into the courtyard. There were no students in sight.

Without wasting more time, they stepped into the school's premises. "ID-Nim, keep in mind that even though I'm hiding our presence to the fullest it doesn't mean we're entirely hidden."

"I know Lamia. Those of Mahou class and higher can still feel our presence if we are close to them, so they at least won't know the full extent of our hidden powers." Lamia smiled that ID-Nim still remembers. "Also, Lamia, you forgot during the meeting that you don't call me 'Nim' while we're here in school."

She brought her hand to her lips. "Oops." She giggled, "Force of habit. Sorry ID-Nii."

They entered the building and reached the front desk where we woman was busy typing on the PC. "Morning miss. My name is Sage and I'm here to enroll my young Master Ye Chun-Wha-Sama and his cousin Lamia Natsume-Sama into the school." Sage greeted the lady.

The woman looked up and looked at the one who greeted her. "Ah yes, a good Morning to you as well Sage-San." She looked to her right. Her face got a blush when she met the adolescent boy or girl'?' With black hair, 'My word! Where did he-she come out off? A Masterpiece Painting?!' Her gaze fell to the silvered hair girl. She had to try her best to prevent her jaw from dropping to the ground? 'What the hell are they giving these kids to look so HOT?!'

Regaining herself still with a slight dust of pink on her face, she looked back at Sage. "H-Here are papers. Please fill them in, once done you can hand back to me and I'll give it to the principal."

After filling in the necessary things on the papers and handing it back. The lady looked it over. "Everything seems in order; I'll have the paperwork sent to the principal and have him give his approval."

Sage bowed. "Thank you, miss. When will they be able to attend? And where do they get their uniforms?" Sage questioned.

"Ah yes. Tomorrow will be fine. If you two would please follow me so we can get your measurements." She asked the two teenagers.

The two followed her to a room. Most likely the nurse's office. The desk lady returned.

"They will be back shortly. You two can have a seat so long." The maids bowed and went to their designated seats.

+- 30 minutes later the two returned with raised eyebrows. "That was weird." ID said fixing he's shirt. Lamia agreed.

When they were doing the measurements, the nurses' face turned red when she took Lamia's measurement. But once she went to take ID's she could see a red streak coming from the nurse's nose.

"She was weird." Lamia said.

The two walked towards the maids." Done?" She asked.

"Yep, here are our uniforms." They showed the new Academy uniforms. That done they went back home.

back at the school desk

"That was one handsome boy who looked like a prince and one stunning girl, she almost looked like a goddess." she finally voiced her thoughts. "You're not the only one Sera." Came the voice from the office door.

"Those two will be popular in school, especially the boy." The nurse said, holding a red-stained napkin. "I had almost fainted when I took those two's measures."

"You're saying..." The nurse nods

"The schools 'Prince' and 'The Two Great Ladies will have a tough competition." She removed the napkin.

They both laughed. "Well now, this year would seem it will be interesting." Sera smiled as she looked at the disappearing figures as they left the school.

"Couldn't agree more."

Back to the group. They went to the market district to get a few things for the mansion. Instead of just a simple shopping, it became a shopping spree. They had to put the groceries in a pocket dimension.

"Most of the bags are for you girls." Complained ID, he didn't see the need for so many things.

Nerine giggled "Well since we're girls we need many personal things."

"Yeah, you men have it easy than us so stop complaining ID-Nim." Lamia interjected.

"Hai Hai." He just drawled. No use fighting a losing battle.

Ryuujin Mansion

Nerine closed the door. "I'll go make us lunch, Nerine help ID-Sama and Lamia-Sama take their uniforms to their rooms." Sage walked towards the kitchen with Nerine taking the uniforms from the space pocket. "Hai Kaa-San."

"Thank you, Nerine." ID gave he's thanks.

"Your welcome ID-Sama." She walked off with the floating parcels.

ID walked towards the lounge and sat down on the expansive sofas. Lamia joining him.

"ID-Nim, are you still worried about your friends you left behind at Gressen." She needed to ask if he was still worried about leaving his friends behind.

ID gained a distant look. "To tell the truth, Lamia, I still do. It will take me a while to know I won't see them again." Lamia felt sorry for him. "But as long as I know they are safe, and peace is secured than worst of my worries are gone."

Lamia kept quiet without asking anymore. Once ID decided he will stay on it. But at least she knows that ID came to terms with this ordeal.

Not long after Sage and Nerine brought their lunch, it was a lot of sandwiches with ice cream on the side and pudding for later. They talked so they all could get to know each other more. Till it was time for them to head back to bed.

Finally, done. All right, I went over this AGAIN, fixing grammar errors along the way. As quoted this will be the last time I revise this chapter. It will stay as is.