Wy-Six sat gazing in awe, he couldn't comprehend what was more incredible, all of the interesting objects in this hidden space, the poofed gems presented before him, or the fact that Oh-Zero spoke an entire sentence.

Nevertheless he did have questions, but he couldn't quite understand just how a couple of odd looking leaves would provide the answers to them.

"But.. Oh-Zero these aren't Gems." Wy-Six said skeptically, "Gems are big like us, these are small."

The mysterious zooman shook his head in dismissal of his skepticism, "Gems are not like us. They look like us, but these... these are what they truly are."

Wy-Six gave the man a disgruntled facial expression in reaction to the statement, and Oh-Zero only gave him an optimistic half-smirk in return, moreover, he watched as the old zooman gathered the stones and crawled out his crisscrossed position over to one of the makeshift chest looking boxes.

"I have much to tell you about the untrue world in which we live." He said upon returning. "Meet me here at resting time and we will find the answers you and I seek."

Holly was in the uppermost level of the zoo now pacing about the observation deck. Above through the indestructible transparent dome was a breathtaking view of the gas giant that the station orbited; a Blue Diamond claimed planet, as well as the reddish-orange bulbous surveillance eye that orbited the zoo itself. It had been a few hours since Blue had finished her mourning, leaving the atmosphere to retain the dullness that it had before she and Yellow arrived.

"Everything is fine, Yellow doesn't know, Blue doesn't know, therefore everything can go back to normal." Holly reassured herself, trying to relieve the edge of the unfathomable events that had recently transpired.

She now stepped out of the elevator that lead from the deck, and made her way down a corridor which had door at the end that opened automatically upon her entering it. This was the entrance to her room, it had a cyan interior with various gem related objects organized about. She dusted off a rack of assorted gem destabilizers before taking a seat on her thrown-like chair.

Upon doing so a panel display had opened and the agate had begun to uninterestingly tinker with the various symbols that flashed on and across the screen, minutes later a transmission had abruptly interrupted this activity.

An immediate feeling of dread had engulfed Holly upon viewing who was sending the transmission. It was her manager.

'Oh no,' she thought, 'what could she possibly want?'

Holly then immediately answered the transmission whilst instantly snapping in to a diamond salute.

"Holly Blue Agate 5NX facet 42 at your leisure." She said sternly.

"At ease." The high ranking gem responded, prompting her to end the salute. "How did the Diamond visitation go? We're there any problems? Did they have any complaints?" The manager questioned in a near interrogative tone.

"Everything went well no issues to report." Holly responded, trying to sound as professional as she possibly could, tyring her best to prevent any nervousness from seeping through the façade.

"Good," the manager replied, now less intimidating, "hard to imagine that place was actually a very popular attraction."

"Aristocratic gems of all courts from vast colonies would come there just to see the interesting humans of earth." She continued, now looking up in reminiscence. "Then one day a moissanite along with her pearl had seemingly vanished, of course this was a time when Pink Diamond allowed gems inside the enclosure to observe. After that unfortunate occurence only gems with proper authorization are allowed inside now, it only takes one careless gem to ruin it for the rest of us I suppose."

"Indeed, my liege." Holly affirmed.

"How about those amethyst? Have they been giving you any trouble as of recent?"

Holly had to be very careful when approaching this question. An irresolute answer could prompt the strict manager to replace them with a new set of amethyst, which would surely give them a chance to rat out everything that recently transpired.

"No, no trouble at all." She said with deceptive confidence.

"Are you sure? I'm starting to question their competence. Seeing as how a team of them were sent inside the enclosure to find and recover those missing gems," she said now looking over to read another screen, "and according to this report all had returned empty handed, all but one."

Any sign of nervousness would arise immediate suspicion, but this statement made Holly's faux demeanor reach a point of criticality.

"Nevertheless, that was a very long time ago wasn't it? I've confidence that you've straightened them out since then."

"Absolutely, my liege." Holly responded in relief.

"Good. Now agate, were those missing gems ever recovered?" The manager questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm afraid not, future search efforts were ceased because Pink Diamond feared for the safety of the humans." She replied. "Unfortunately Pink Diamond's untimely demise only further complicated the situation here, access to this outpost was completely restricted, only the Diamonds can come and go freely now."

"I'm aware." Her manager replied somewhat satisfied at the answer she received. "Tsk, tsk, tsk truly a shame maybe one day the Diamonds will allow its reopening to general courts at large."

'As if.' Holly thought, then proceeded to speak. "Of course this restriction wasn't enforced because of the missing gem debacle. As you may know the, um.. second incident can be attributed to that, my liege."

"Indeed so, Well agate I'll leave you to it," she concluded whilst interacting with a different panel, "I'll be in touch."

Holly found that extremely hard to believe seeing as how she only contacts her on the rarest, of absolute rarest of occasions, likewise, she gave one last salute ending the transmission.