Doe For President

Folc4evernaday | Rated: M | Chapter 8

Tempus shook his head as he stared at the wall of his 4x4 cell. Superman had outsmarted him once more. He knew he would be ready the next time. He had outsmarted Superman before, and he would do it again. He just needed time.

A time window appeared in his cell. "Well, Andrus, this is a surprise."

"Walk in or be dragged through; it makes no difference to me," CK stated in full Superman persona.

"Is there a third choice?" Tempus asked.

CK rolled his eyes and grabbed Tempus by the arm, pushing him towards the window.

"Thank you, Superman," Andrus replied. "This time he will be brought to justice."

"Oh, Andrus don't be so smug," Tempus complained as the window disappeared once more.

Lois lay in bed with Clark, contemplating the roller coaster of emotions they had experienced over the past few days. "Do you think he'll find her?"

Who?" Clark asked as he nuzzled her ear.

"Lois. His Lois. Do you think Mr. Wells will find her?"

"I'm sure he'll do his best. I mean, I hope for CK's sake; he can find her. I can't imagine how it must be to live a life like that. No one to love." He placed a kiss on her collarbone and began inching his way downward.

They had made love three times already, but they seemed unable to satisfy their appetite for one another.

"It must be so lonely," she murmured as she felt Clark nuzzling her breasts. "Oh, God, Clark…"

He smiled against her chest. He loved distracting her like this. "What?" He looked up innocently before capturing her left mound with his mouth.

Lois moaned in pleasure as she felt his mouth cover her left mound, suckling the nipple aggressively. "Oh, God, Clark….yes…right there." She began fisting his hair in her hands. Her mouth began to dry up as she gasped for air. His ministrations were driving her mad. She felt his hand cup her right breast, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her.

"Right here?" he asked as he nipped at her from one erect bud to the other. "Or right here?" he asked, teasing each nipple with the flicker of his tongue. He felt her legs tighten around his waist. They were still joined from their earlier bout of lovemaking. She had been unwilling to release him from her embrace after they had reached completion.

Lois moaned in pleasure as she felt his tongue graze against her breasts. "Oh, Clark…" She tightened her legs around him once more. She felt him twitch within her. His arousal was growing within her. His hands moved up and down the back of her thighs as he continued to caress her body with his tongue. He was slowly inching his way up and down her breast and neckline. He was driving her mad. She grabbed his head in between her hands and pulled him up to her level. "Right here," she whispered before pulling him down for a soul-shattering kiss.

He moaned in approval as the kiss deepened. His arousal grew with each kiss, demanding attention. He moved his hand to caress her face as he allowed himself to be pulled deeper inside of her. "I love you so much," he whispered as he began to move inside of her.

"Oh, yes…." She moaned as she felt him begin to move. The feeling of his rigid hardness rubbing against her inner muscles elicited a moan of approval from her as she lazily ran her hands through his hair. The tightness within her belly began to build with each kiss as their passion for one another began to build as well. The pace of their lovemaking increased.

Her inner muscles clenched around his member as he entered her time and time again. A moan of approval elicited from his lips with each thrust. She fisted his hair forcefully as she felt the waves of pleasure course through her body. She tightened her legs around him as she gave into the orgasm that was overtaking her.

He fought to maintain control as he felt her inner muscles convulsing around him. He smiled down at her as he continued to pump into her. "Yes, Clark….Oh, God…baby, yes…." She murmured against his mouth as she felt him continue to move within her. He rested his forehead against hers, taking shallow breaths as he fought for the control, he needed to continue their lovemaking. He wanted this to last for her.

The feeling of being one with her never changed; he never grew tired of it. The gentle warmth that surrounded his member, the moans of pleasure from Lois…it was all so surreal. He had to remind himself daily that this was no dream. He was married to the woman of his dreams, and she really was carrying his child.

She moaned in pleasure as she felt his length sheathed within her once more. He began to move at a more rapid pace, rocking his hips against hers. She never got over how completely and perfectly Clark filled her. "Oh, Clark…" she murmured.

Her hips met his as the tension within her belly began to build once more. The rhythm of give and take they had begun had turned into a frenzy of passion as he continued to guide himself in and out of her. The moans of pleasure echoed throughout the room as the passion between them began to overtake them. She clenched her inner muscles around his member with each thrust. "God, Lois…" he hissed between his teeth.

She felt him throbbing within her; he sought her out hungrily. He drove into her repeatedly, eliciting moans of ecstasy from her with each thrust. Her ankles lay crossed around his waist, hanging loosely against his backside. She craved his touch eagerly as her hands roamed aimlessly over his body; feeling his hard chiseled muscles against her skin. She felt his muscles tense with each thrust. She knew he was fighting to maintain control. "Yes, baby…please…faster" she moaned as she felt the vibration of his member moving within her.

He continued stroking himself within her, each time bringing them closer and closer to the point of ecstasy. He felt her breasts pounding against his chest as he moved faster and faster within her. He sheathed himself within her, his heart was hammering against his chest. He was unsure of how much longer he could hold out. Then he felt her body tense up as her inner muscles began to convulse around him once more. She arched her back as she came up from the mattress, giving into yet another wave of pleasure. "Clark….Oh, God, baby, yes…" she moaned as she gave into the throes of ecstasy that had overtaken her body.

He lost a losing battle as he felt her convulsing muscles surround his member. He continued to sheath himself inside her as his own waves of ecstasy overtook him. He began to pump his seed within her, crying out her name. He felt his arms turn to jelly as he slowly fell on top of her. They lay in the aftermath of their lovemaking, marveling at the sounds that echoed within their own heads. "Mmm. I could get used to this."

"Oh, yeah," Lois agreed as she struggled to catch her breath.

"Making love all night….I could definitely get used to this."

"Mmm…it seems to definitely help with the nausea," Lois commented. "Do you think it was just morning sickness or something else with the pregnancy?"

"I don't know. We'll find out at your next appointment."

"I'm sorry I flipped out on you earlier, Clark. I just felt like you were trying to cut me out of the story."

"I would never cut you out of a story, Lois. I know how much your career means to you."

"I'd give it all up you know. If I had to, I mean—I would give it up in a heartbeat if I had to."

Clark placed a finger on her lips, stopping her from saying more. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there, Lois. For now, I want you to just promise you'll be careful."

"I am just really scared, Clark." She cried, "I want our baby to be healthy. When I was falling off that building all I could think about was everything I wasn't going to get to do with him…We have so much we have to do to prepare…"

"Everything will get taken care of. We'll take it a day at a time. We'll get through this just like we always have…together." Clark replied, kissing her once more. She moaned in approval as they continued their earlier activities well into the night.

Dr. Weston sat in her office analyzing the paperwork once more before her. Mrs. Kent had had an abnormal amount of undue stress placed on her when the blood had been drawn. Maybe that was what was causing these results?

She would have to make a call she never liked making, but she had to know…

If this was what she thought it was then the Kents would need to be prepared.

"I believe she's ready, sir," Dr. Martinelli said, motioning Mr. Smith to follow him into his lab.

"You followed the program?" Mr. Smith asked.

"Yes, she's been programmed to follow your commands as entered into the system. Once we finish the voice pattern, all systems will be a go," Dr. Martinelli reassured.

Mr. Smith watched as Dr. Martinelli turned on the light switch over a long table with a drape over it. A long humming noise erupted from the table, and the drape fell to the floor, revealing the cold gaze of a young woman with short blonde hair, dressed in black, staring back at him.

"Vixen," he breathed.

Lois paced the waiting room cautiously as Clark watched her amused. Dr. Weston had called them first thing in the morning and asked that they come in immediately to go over her test results from the blood drawn after the fiasco with Tempus. She knew something was wrong. She could feel it. Doctors didn't tell you to come in immediately if it wasn't something big…

"I really hate doctor's offices. Did I ever tell you that? I hate hospitals too. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's the smell. Maybe it's all the nurses or the doctors? I don't know. I just don't like them. I never did." Lois rambled.

Clark smiled. "I wouldn't know. The only doctor I've ever seen was Dr. Klein."

Lois continued pacing, "Did you ever notice what horrible reading material they have in these waiting rooms?"


"The reading material." She sat down next to him and picked up the magazine on the table in front of them. "This copy of Metro Woman is like two years old. What's the point in reading this if it's outdated?" She leaned forward in her seat, rubbing her temples to help calm her nerves down.

"I…I wouldn't know. I don't read fashion magazines, Lois." He pushed a strand of hair out of her face and tipped her chin to look at him. "It's going to be fine, honey, just relax."

Lois visibly relaxed a bit and leaned into his embrace. "I am just so scared, Clark. What if there's something wrong with the baby?"

"We won't know until we see Dr. Weston."

"What is taking her so long?" Lois groaned in aggravation.

"I don't know." Clark held her tightly. He was as nervous as Lois was if not more, but he was trying to hide it.

"Lois Lane Kent?" the nurse called.

"That's us," Lois said, gathering her things with Clark right behind her. She cast a sideways glance at him before stepping through the door. This was it.

"Pregnancy Induced Hypertension," Dr. Weston said as she handed Lois and Clark a brochure. "Also known as preeclampsia. It occurs most often in young women with a first pregnancy. It is more common in twin pregnancies, in women with chronic hypertension, preexisting diabetes, and in women who had preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy. I'm not going to lie. It's dangerous."

"How dangerous?" Clark asked as he gently squeezed Lois' hand in his.

"Worst-case scenario it could kill you." Lois inhaled deeply and covered her mouth in shock. She tried to swallow the tears that were forming. Dr. Weston continued. "Only about five percent of women with this condition died from this disease. If treated properly both mother and child go on to live healthy normal lives."

"How do you know that's what I have? I mean, maybe you misdiagnosed me or the samples you were testing got mixed up with someone else?"

"I've had your blood work checked four times just to be sure," Dr. Weston shook her head, "I'm sorry."

"So, what are our options?" Clark asked grimly.

"Well, you have to watch your stress. Your blood pressure in particular. You have to watch what you're eating and make sure your cholesterol, sugar, and blood pressure are at a normal level. It's still early enough in the pregnancy that this could clear up on its own, but if it worsens it could push you into preterm labor. It is a disease that attacks your blood pressure, so staying away from stressful situations is the best way to keep both you and your child safe."

Lois wiped her eyes gently. "So, what are we to expect?"

"Anytime a situation becomes too stressful for you to handle, your body will go into a state of shock. Your blood pressure has already risen to its max by the preeclampsia, so any added stress will only complicate things."

"Doctor, what symptoms can we expect?" Clark asked, slightly annoyed that the doctor was avoiding the question.

"You could pass out, or if it's a more severe case you could have a seizure. It depends on how extreme your case is. We won't know until you're further along how severe your preeclampsia is. I'm really sorry."

Clark nodded sadly at the doctor. "Thank you, Doctor."

"Now, there is a list of doctors on the back of that pamphlet that specializes in preeclampsia treatment. You should call one of them and get into see a doctor as soon as possible."

The couple just nodded blankly. The news was still settling in, and neither knew what to do.

"I called Perry and told him we were going to be working from home for the rest of the day." Clark sat on the couch next to Lois. "What are you watching?"

Lois just pointed at the television. The LNN newscaster was reporting on the events over the last few days. "No, I am not having nor have I ever had an illicit affair with Lois Lane." The image of CK as Superman was on the screen with images of Clark and Lois.

Clark took the remote and clicked the television off. "Enough of that," he said, turning to Lois. "We need to talk, Lois."

"I know," Lois said quietly. "I think I may have to take a leave of absence." She got up from the couch and began pulling items out of the refrigerator.

"What?" He followed her into the kitchen, unsure of what she was doing or where this talk of a leave of absence had come from.

"Come on, Clark, I get more stress from my job than anything else. It makes sense." Lois began pouring water into a pot and placed various items into the water before turning the stove on.

"No, you don't have to take a leave of absence, Lois. Maybe just cut back a little. Less jumping off buildings…" At Lois' stern look, he caught himself. "Sorry. Just trying to lighten the mood a bit,"

"What am I supposed to do? I have to avoid stress." Lois sighed, exasperated.

"I know that, but I think you may be jumping the gun here, Lois. We haven't even spoken with any of these doctors yet. Let's talk to one of these specialists then make a decision. Until then, I do agree you should take it easy. No investigating without me. No breaking and entering. No undercover work."

"Now where is the fun in all of that?" Lois asked sarcastically.

Clark laughed. "I know this is going to be hard, Lois." He looked at the pot she was stirring. "Honey, what is that supposed to be?"

"Dinner?" she replied matter-of-factly. "It'll be worth it, though." Lois sighed, leaning back against him. He encircled her waist, pulling her close to him. "Once this baby comes things are going to have to change anyway. I just hope I'm able to carry him to term." Clark kissed her head lightly and held her.

"Lois, you are the most stubborn woman I have ever met. If you're determined to do something you'll do it."

Lois smiled back at him, "Only you could turn an insult into a compliment like that."

"Well, us romantic spacemen have a reputation to keep up," he whispered, scooping her up and turning off the stove.

"That was supposed to be dinner." She argued.

"We're going out." He said with a grin. The sound of laughter could be heard in the sky along with a sonic boom.

Perry White hung up his phone. Something was up. He had heard the despair in Clark's voice when he had called. There was something he wasn't saying and whatever it was, it was big.

The End

Stay Tuned for the conclusion in "Collateral Damage," the final segment in the "What the Hey" Series.