This fanfic will refer to both the games and the show.
Story 1
No quotations= Narrator
Quotations= Someone's talking
"So…" the Professor Oak asked
"Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?"
Red twitched.
"Is that a joke?"
"Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?"
"What the hell do you think I am?" he gestured to himself, glaring at the professor
Said professor paid no mind to Red's annoyance.
"Are you a boy-" he continued
"I'm a boy!"
"Ok then! Now...oh. I can't seem to remember my grandson's name…" Professor Oak frowned
"Ah! You've known each other since you were babies, right? What's my grandson's name?" Professor Oak handed Red a tablet to type in a name
Red stared at the tablet, then back at Oak.
"How could you forget your own grandkid's name?" Red demanded, "Also, are you giving me legal right to change his name?"
Oak said nothing.
"Well then…"
"You!" a voice cried out
Red turned around to see his rival stomping up to him
He snickered a little before controlling himself.
"Hey...Dickhead." Red snorted
"How could you?! How could Grandpa!?" Dickhead thundered
"Why? What's wrong with the name?"
"Fuck you! Do you know what it's like introduce yourself as Dickhead? Fucking Dickhead?"
"Can't say I do."
Dickhead shook in rage, before yelling out.
"Hey, Nurse Joy…"
"The pink haired woman turned around and saw Red along with his rival.
"Hello!" she greeted, "Would you like me to heal your pokemon?"
Both of them nodded and handed her their pokeballs.
"Alright, can I have your legal I.D.? It's so I know that these pokemon actually belong to you." Nurse Joy explained
Red and Dickhead were surprised by the information.
Red laughed, holding a fist to his mouth.
Dickhead quivered in embarrassment before the two trainers handed over their pokedexes.
"Ok, so I have Red, and...Dickhead?!" Nurse Joy laughed
Dickhead sunk to the floor questioning life while Red and Nurse Joy cracked up in amusement.