This story takes place in presnt time, Maui is still around and lives on the island of Honolulu. He's still a demigod but his services isn't needed as much now. No one on Earth knows who he really is and he lives a normal life.
Moana died thousands of years ago, but her family is.
"I think you would really like this model here. She's beautifully built and great for the casual sailor," Maui said, motioning to a medium size sailboat. The middle age couple smile and climb on and start looking around. Boats had come a long way in the last three thousand years, and sailing had become so easy with GPS and a steering wheel instead of an oar. He still missed the simplicity of boats he use to use.
"Do you have a boat?" the wife asked. "Yeah, mines a bit bigger because I live on it." "Oh really? What did you name it?" she asked. "The Wayfinder," he said. She had a confused look on her face. "Wayfinding was how people use to know where they were going when there wasn't maps or a compass," Maui said with a smile. "Oh cool," she laughed. "Sir, I think we'll take this one," the husband said, turning to Maui. "Of course, just follow me back to my office and we'll do all the paper work."
"Mom, I'll be fine, I know the campus now, it's my junior year," Moana said, opening the door to her dorm room. It was a single room, a fact that she was ecstatic about. "Yes, I know, I will. Mom, I'm 21, I know what I'm doing. I gotta go! I'll call you and dad later. Love you guys! Bye." Moana hung up and put her phone in her pocket. She smiled at the empty room in front of her. It felt like this room was bigger than the other ones she'd lived in that past two years. Of course, the room wasn't any bigger, it was just missing the second bed and desk. She walked further into her room and dropped her bags. She made a mental note to order a few items of furniture before heading back out to her car to grab more of her stuff.
After about two hours, Moana had unpacked and set everything up the way she wanted. She laid on her bed and pulled out her phone. She had a test from her friend, Alli, asking her she wanted to get some drinks to celebrate the beginning of another year of hell at 8. Moana agreed and looked at the clock. It was only 3pm so she decided to head to the store and buy some things she needed.
Maui cleaned off his desk before walking out to his car. He was done for the day and decided to go to the store to buy some groceries before heading home. He drove to the store and got out of his car and walked in. As he was shopping, he a girl walked by him, causing him to drop the box of pasta the was holding on the ground, causing the girl to turn around and look at him. His heart dropped. She looked exactly like Moana. The Moana look alike reached down and picked up the box of pasta on the ground and handed it to Maui. "Sir, are you alright?" she asked. She even sounded like her.
Even though it had been over three thousand years since Maui saw Moana, he would never forget her face or voice. "Um, yeah, I'm good," he said, taking the box back, "Sorry, you just look like someone that I use to know." "Oh," she laughed, "I have to say, no one has ever said that to me before." She stuck her hand out. "My name is Moana," she said. Maui's breath caught in his throat. "I'm Maui," he said, shaking her hand.
"Oh, like the island or the demigod?"
"Uh, the demigod."
"That's so cool. I took a class in Polynesian Gods and mythology last semester and loved it."
"You're in college?"
"Yeah, I'm a junior at the University of Hawaii."
"That's awesome!"
"Well, I'm gonna let you go. It was nice to meet you Maui."
"Nice you meet you too, Moana."
Moana turned back around and walked away, pushing her cart. Maui stood there in shock for a minuet. "She had be be related to Moana or be a reincarnation, that's not just a coincidence," he thought, and put the pasta in his cart and walked away.
Moana finished buying everything she needed, including a futon and checked out. She walked to her car and out everything away, but as she did, she thought about Maui. It was just a weird interaction. She really never had been told she looked like someone else before and by the look on his face, who ever it was, they were close. She felt bad for him. On the plus side, he was fairly attractive. Tall, muscular, like really muscular, only issue there is he look a bit older than her. She guessed he was about 30, but damn did he look good.
Moana drove back to campus and began to unload her car. It took a few trips and she needed to find someone to help her with the futon box but she got it done. She put everything away and looked at the clock to see it was 5:30. She also had a text from Ali, telling her it was hula night at the bar they were going to. She took a long shower and began to get ready. Moana did her light make up and put half of her hair up in a bun, allowing the bottom half to flow freely. She put on a straplesses bra and put simple lavender wrap, as well as panties and a fingertip length tan grass skirt and some simple sandals. She looked in her mirror. She knew she looked good. Moana's phone went off with a text from Ali telling her she was out front, so she grabbed her purse and headed out.
Maui's head was still spinning when he got home. "How is this even possible," he kept whispering to himself. He took off his shirt and stood in front of his bathroom mirror and looked at the tattoo of Moana on his chest. He touched it softly, making his heart ache. He shook his head and quickly changed from his slacks in to jeans and put on a t-shirt. He took out his phone and called an Uber. He needed to forget. The Uber pulled up and Maui got in. He got out at a nearby bar. He walked in and realized it was apparently hula night. Good, he could at least distract him self with drunk women who were half dressed in clothes that easy slip and reveal.
He sat at the bar and ordered a beer. Maui looked around at all the girls there, some already obviously drunk. He kept looking over the girls, drinking his beer, when he saw Moana. Her back was to him but he knew it was her. She was danceing with a drink in her hand with a blonde girl with pale skin. Maui downed the rest of his beer and stood up and walked over to them.