Disclaimer: If I had owned Glee, its characters or the used songs I wouldn't be still living in the Netherlands and Glee wouldn't have ended.

Special thanks to all of you who are still following this story for your patience.

English still isn't my native language. For that I have jenmer61977 as my amazing beta.

A.N.: I'm starting this over because I stumbled upon some inconsistencies that I couldn't let go because they were irritating me as hell. I also changed things up a bit to make it fit better for what I have in mind later on in the story.

They're all spread out around Santana's living room with mostly empty pizza boxes on the table when their coach walks in. Picking up one of the last few slices she congratulates them on their excellent performances.

"When are we holding auditions?" She asks, swallowing the last bite. "We need to take advantage of the momentum from the memorial. I already heard some people talk to their friends about how awesome the memorial was and wanting to join."

They're silent for a while when Brittany speaks up. "How about we make it a three-part audition. We interview them first and ask them things like why they want to join now. The other glee club has been there for a year now and they haven't shown any interest in joining that one, their grades because we already agreed they need to have an average of a B which we maybe could bring down to a B minus, their connection to music and what they want to audition for. The second part is a song of their own choice by singing, dancing or play their instrument for just the team and the third part they'll get a song assigned to do in a showcase. We could give multiple auditionees the same song to perform together or we could join them. That way we can see how they perform in front of an audience and within the team. Maybe we could even sell tickets to increase our budget."

They all stare at her open mouthed. "Britt, that's genius. Where did that come from?" Coach exclaims, being the first one recovering from shock that it was Brittany who came up with the idea.

"I'm not as dumb as people think I am. I'm in AP math, Science, English and Spanish. Most people just see what they want to see." The supposedly dumbest one of the group smirks, shrugging her shoulder. "It is what Rachel once told me that she would do if given the opportunity of being in charge of auditions. It is also how coach S. handled try-outs for the Cheerios. She put up the sign in sheet on the board and invited everybody who signed up for an interview for the first round to cut those who were only there because of the protection and the power the uniform provides. The ones being seriously into gymnastics or cheering would get an invitation to try out before the squad and let the team decide which ones would be let onto the third and last round which entailed a round of cheers together with some of the team in front of the rest of the team and their families in some sort of showcase."

"Why?" Tina asks, intrigued about the process.

This time Santana answers. "Like Britt said, the first round was to see what kind of person they were and to cut those who only signed up for the protection and the power of the uniform. Yes, the uniform does provide protection from bullying and gives a feeling of power because let's face it, the Cheerios were the only winning team. But this is far from the only thing the team stands for. Every try out round coach would choose two different upperclassmen off the squad to sit in, together with the captain and second in command. The second round was to see if they could perform in front of their potential teammates, because if you can't perform before your team how do you expect to perform in front of hundreds of strangers and to see the team's growth on detecting talent. The last round was for that first reason of the second round and to see how they could work in a team. The rest of us had to be present to detect mistakes. We could give out songs that are hard to play, sing or dance to in the last round to see if they're really an addition to the team."

"I know Shelby did the same with Vocal Adrenaline." Noah adds. "Unlike Shue, who's only there for his favorites Finn and Quinn, Sue and Shelby also always made sure they knew what was going on in their squad's lives and were there whenever their students needed them. Whether they got into trouble at school or had some problems in their private life."

Thinking it over for a few minutes coach nods smiling. "I knew they were committed to their students like me but not that they knew everything about them. I like it, but I think it would be better to drop the interview and ask them a few questions before or after their audition song. I'm going to use this method for try-outs for the football team as well as try to intergrade it into the whole sports section of the school together with the rules you guys set out for the team. Let's see if we can make this school free of bullying." She looks at Puck. "Puck, can you put everything on paper so I can bring it to our next staff meeting?"

Puck looks surprised that she addresses him for the task. "Why me?"

Coach grins. "I might not know everything what's going on in your private lives, yet, but I do know how you guys are doing in school. For instance, together with Kurt and Mike you have the highest average overall. Despite common belief, you actually go to classes and do your homework and Brittany isn't the dumb cheerleader she is making everybody believe she is, instead she has an average of a B plus. Tina and Kurt are struggling in math and science, Mike and Artie with Spanish." She looks around the room as she mentioned them. "Make sure I have the audition process, which questions to ask during the interview and new set of rules on paper or email sometime this week. The signup sheet is going up the bulletin board tomorrow morning. I want you all wear your jackets." With that she is out the door, taking the last slice of pizza as she goes.

By the time all nine members arrived at school the next morning and are standing near the hallway leading up to their choir room there is already a line forming at the bulletin board with students wanting to sign up for the Trouble Tones. All while the three remaining New Directions are standing at Quinn's locker jealously looking at the growing line next to the bulletin board, patiently waiting to sign up for the new Glee club. Some come up to them asking if they can sign up even if they can't sing or dance but do play an instrument of some sort.

"I think it would be best if we remove the sheet before classes start," Santana thinks out loud.

"Why?" Artie looks confused from the Latina to the still growing line. "There is a line and it's still growing, why don't we leave it up until the end of the day?"

"I don't trust them," she jerks her head towards her former captain, "to leave it up until then. They'll do anything to gain new members now that there's only three of them left. I wouldn't put it passed them to steal our signup sheet and have those on it audition for their little club."

"You're probably right. But what's up with that line? Glee has never been popular," Kurt wonders.

"I don't know, and I don't care, as long as I get my wall of sound to crush Buttchin Timberfake, Finnocence, Jucy Caboosey and Wheezy like a bug under my foot." Santana shrugs. "Come on, let's get that sheet and bring it to coach before we're late for class." She says as she walks towards the bulletin board.

She claps her hands to get the attention. "Listen up losers. We're taking down the signup list." Holding up her finger she silences the protests coming from the line. "Shut up. We all know you don't want to sign up for that sad excuse group run by that evenly sad excuse of a Spanish teacher that doesn't even speak Spanish himself, otherwise you would have signed up last year. So, to prevent someone stealing our signup sheet since they are desperate for new members, we're taking it down." After taking the sheet down she turns to say to the crowd. "If you still want to sign up you can go to coach Beiste in person during lunch or your free period. Now get to class if you want any chance of joining The Trouble Tones."

"What's this?" Coach asks when the nine of them come into her office and Santana lays the signup sheet on her desk. "Is it full already?"

"Far from it coach," Artie answers.

"And there was still a line waiting but the remaining New Directions were loitering around in the hall, so Santana took the sheet down in case they got it into their head to steal our signup sheet to use it for their own." Kurt explains. "And we all know they accept anyone who auditions. Especially now that they have only three left."

"But while she took the sheet down, she also made it clear that anyone who still wanted could come to you personally." Dave ensures their coach.

"In that case you did the right thing," their coach hums her approval. "Now get to class." Before they exit her office she calls them back. "Did you by any chance get the questions list and audition process done?"

"We did coach," Puck replies. "I emailed all of it to you yesterday."

She nods. "That's good. How about you and Santana make me a hundred copies from each on the copier here? I'll excuse you two from homeroom and first period. The rest of you get to class, we'll see each other after school in the choir room."

Despite the fact they just started the club a few days ago it's already an unspoken agreement that they gather at Noah's and Santana's lockers, which are next to each other, and walk to their choir room all together. When they enter the room, Coach is already there sorting the papers on her desk.

"Now this is a welcoming sight to see," Kurt squeals with a smile.

Coach looks up from what she's doing confused. "What are ya talking about?"

"What Porcelain means is that it's nice to see our coach already here to start rehearsal instead of us waiting for them to show up for like ten minutes or more. Shue was always late," Noah explains.

"Ah. Well, get used to it 'cause I'm planning on being here when you guys show up. I expect you to be on time, the least I can do is the same." Coach looks at Mike who's closest to the door. "Will you please close the door? We have things to discuss we don't need anyone eavesdropping on."

"In that case, why don't we move this meeting to my house," Santana suggests. "My parents have been complaining that I've been spending a lot of my time anywhere but at home these last few weeks. My mom told me this morning she'll be making taco's tonight and made sure to remind me to bring at least Noah and his mom and sister. I'm sure she won't mind if I brought you all with me. They have been telling me they want to be involved more."

"My dad too," After hearing Santana's and Dave's parents wanting to contribute more to their kid's activities the others except Kurt for obvious reasons admit that their parents also wouldn't mind getting more involved too.

"We'll have a meeting with them about that later on." Coach smiles. "Right now, we have auditions to discuss. Let's head to Lopez's house."

"Santi, is that you honey?" Her mother calls from her office near the entrance as they enter the house.

"Yes mami," the girl calls back, looking at the clock in the hallway confused. She motions Noah to take the others to the living room while she turns towards her mother's home office.

"Shouldn't you be at work?" Santana asks her mother upon entering said office. With her mother working as a named partner at the law firm the Berry men started since moving from Miami to Lima when Santana was about seven years old, she was now interim managing partner as well as handling all the clients the Berry men left behind in the wake of their death. This meant that Santana had barely seen her mother over the last couple of weeks with her being out the door before dawn and coming back really late at night and her dad in charge of getting the kids still living at home out the door before school and getting them fed and to bed at night. Santana has one older brother and sister who are already in college and two younger twin brothers.

"Yes I should," Maribel confirmed. "But considering I haven't seen either my kids or my husband in weeks and I basically demanded my teenage daughter to be at home for dinner for a change the least I could do is be at home as well." You see, that's the beauty of all their parents. Rachel's, Noah's, Brittany's, Tina's and in the past Dave's, none of them would ask or demand something from their kids they weren't or couldn't be willing to do themselves.

"Plus, I have to prepare for a meeting to hear what the heirs want to do with the firm and Rachel's other assets she left to them. At home I won't be disturbed every five minutes by paralegals who apparently can't do anything on their own anymore since Hiram and Leroy died." Her mother sighs stressed and tired.

"Wait, you're having a meeting with the heirs of the Berries and Rachel's estate? When?" Santana's eyes widen.

"Yes, I have to fly out to Texas sometime next week. I've been meaning to talk to you about that," her mother answers rummaging through the papers on her desk. Finally finding what she was looking for she looks up to her daughter. "Have you ever heard Rachel or her parents talk about family living in Texas?" She looks at the paper in her hand and continues without looking up. "A Salma Ackerman, Sonia Ackerman and their daughter Rebecca Ackerman? I've been one of Shelby and Sue's best friends, but I never heard them speak about any family living in Texas. Neither have Hiram or Leroy."

'Shit, she has been working so much I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet. She doesn't know Shelby, Sue and Rachel are still alive. Shit, shit, shit. What do I tell her?' Santana's panicking in her head. Knowing how her parents, as well as Noah's and Rachel's, feel about lying about important stuff. Still feeling the spanking they got the last time they lied to their parents.

"Uhm yeah, uhm," she stutters. 'Shit, think Santa, change the subject. THINK' "Can we talk about that later? I hope you don't mind but I brought Noah and the rest of our new glee club with me because we have some things to discuss and I kind of told them you wouldn't mind if they all stayed for dinner."

"You did what now?" Her mother jumps up thinking she won't have enough food for so many people. "Santana, you know how busy I am at the moment. I don't have time to cook for an entire army."

'Jackpot, mission change the subject complete.' The younger Latina smirks to herself. "I didn't know that now did I? You and papi were the ones complaining that I haven't been home much lately and demanded I'd be home for dinner tonight and bring Noah, Deb and Sarah. Relax mami. Sit and continue with what you were working on," she says out loud. "I'll call Deborah to see if she can get more food for dinner, Noah texted her on the way here to come over for dinner. He and I will take care of cooking dinner." She turns to leave her mother's office patting herself on the back for the diversion.

"Don't do your victory dance just yet young lady. Come back here. I was the master at diversions and still am," hearing her mother speak Santana shakes her head disappointed in herself 'Shit, too soon Santi, too soon' "You didn't answer my question about those relatives of Rachel from Texas."

"I know I didn't mami. Can we please talk about that later?" She pleads. "It's kind of a long story and neither of us have time for that right now. You have work to do and we have things to discuss for our new glee club."

At her mother's consent she leaves the office sending out a text to Emily, asking her to come over later that night to tell her parents the truth about Shelby, Sue and Rachel.

You know the drill, reviews are the fuel to my imagination.